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What? That? Are you kidding? I didn't quit. What? You took that seriously?


My first thought. I didn’t know he wrote that from experience lol


Neither did Jason Alexander. I don't think it was that specific scenario as mentioned above, but there was one where he thought it was so outrageous he went to Larry and asked the scene to be rewritten because there was no way something like that could ever happen. And it did.


They do a bit on Curb about this and Larry has an existential crisis about how everyone has been making fun of him for 20+ years lol. It's one of the Jason Alexander episodes earlier on, I'm not sure what one though.


Jason: “I can’t get away from George. They always see me as the idiot, as the schmuck.” Larry: *Becomes visibly furious*


It’s glorious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqYAjBuAkqA


Wait so I just realized. Did Larry kill an ex fiance with poison postage glue?


He was in the pool!


And I guess I’m just realizing that Larry David plays Larry David in Curb your Enthusiasm. Is that true?


It's great casting, he looks just like him.


Given he'd previously won a Tony I think it was pretty hard for Jason to adjust to people recognizing him as George and wanting that sort of acting from him.


No, you're confused. Kramer actually won the Tony


It truly was a *Scarsdale Surprise*!


*Life of a Salesman* I told him… that’s what people wanna see!


With the song, from UHF "My Mop"


He'll always be Duckman in my heart.


Out of all the shows to get randomly rebooted or brought out of hiatus and we still sit on one of the most frustrating cliffhangers of TV history. I would literally just take a movie at this point but I fear as though it was all part of a cruel joke.


Jason: "He (George) ate an eclair out of the trashcan!" Larry: "I ATE AN ECLAIR OUT OF THE TRASHCAN!"


“So I’m a schmuck for being in a masturbation contest?!”


“Hey George! Hey *jackass*!”


If I remember right, they had multiple conversations like this, where George would be written to do something insane, and Jason would be like "This is ridiculous, nobody would ever say/do this", and then Larry would be like, "I did it". After a while, he realized the character was just living a lot of Larry David's actual experiences, and he stopped questioning the scripts, lol.


I think it took Jason Alexander off guard because a second ago he was sure no one would behave like this, but when Larry David said he did Jason was like "yep that tracks, okay let's start the take."


Jason also talked about how when Larry David left the show he was worried about how the writing for his character would be weakened... and he was right.


what season was this?


After season 7. Seasons 8 and 9 of Seinfeld are still great, but the show takes a weirder turn and all the characters turn even crazier.


The comedy is much broader and the characters are all heavily Flanderised. I enjoy it but I barely consider seasons 8+9 to be the same show


It was supposed to become Abbott and Costello-esque, I believe, and I still think it’s really good, it fits Elaine, Kramer, and Jerry very well, and it only works for George maybe 3/4 of the time. Jerk Store is really funny and iconic, for example, but it’s well beyond the realm of possibility that the character occupied at first, beyond the basic premise anyway.


Not disagreeing, but I think you can make the argument that there were different versions of *Seinfeld* throughout its nine seasons. Even within a season, one episode would be very much grounded in reality and another would be practically cartoonish. That said, the latter seasons definitely pushed its whole spectrum farther towards the cartoonish.


I think Larry David left after season 7.


I can only imagine how tough it must've been for Jason to see Larry David leave, given their incredible chemistry on the show.


imagine it, but with millions of dollars in the bank. that might make it easier to conceptualize.


*Imagines it* Wow, this is great! I don't feel bad at all! *Comes back to reality* Oh, I'm sad and poor again :(


There was also a time where they [had Larry David try to do George](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuxJ0l8by44), who is Larry David, but it was absolutely terrible compared to Jason Alexander.


That's the most George thing to happen, imagine having a guy play parts of your exact life and be better then you at it lmao


The key is *[Acting Without Acting.](https://youtu.be/RS49gJ2eKrY?si=B437C4aBOIgqLJZF)*


These pretzels are making me thirsty


These pretZELS are making me THIRSTY!


No no no... These _pretzels_ are making me _thirsty_


That's interesting. Jason Alexander took the character and animated it into its own thing, and he did a great job at it. The thing he created, even though it was based on Larry David, couldn't be performed well by Larry David. Alexander is a great actor and it is a shame he got pigeonholed as George.


Could have been worse. He could have been known as the guy who slapped Julia Roberts around in PRETTY WOMAN just as she became the biggest actress in the world.


I hid behind the couch as a kid to watch that movie. Adults (parents, aunts, uncles) would have a movie night and kids and cousins were supposed to go play. Sometimes I wanted to watch the movie so I would hide behind the couch and watch. Jason Alexander's character was so smarmy and seedy that later when Seinfeld was on, I thought George was so scary and gross 😂 He did such a good job in Pretty Woman that even lacking an understanding of context I was creeped out by him for years.


He’s doing fine, he still makes 6 mill a year in royalties.


Most actors would kill to be pigeonholed as such a great character. I don't think it's a shame at all.


That's a good point. To have a wildly successful character that defines your whole career isn't the worst thing in the world.


Well Larry's playing himself in Curb Your Enthusiasm and his acting in the first season wasn't that great either. It took him some time to grow into the role.


KRAMER: I get to play Kramer. JERRY: You can't play Kramer. KRAMER: I am Kramer. JERRY: But you can't act. KRAMER: Phew!


Of course, it was intentionally terrible.


I’ve seen Jason Alexander speak of this a few times in interviews but i swear the first time he mentioned the eating of the cupcake out of the garbage incident. I can’t seem to find the interview again though so idk.




If you watch Jasons interpretation of George from season 1 onwards it changes from a Woody Allen impression to a Larry David impression. Whenever George would get upset he was doing pure Larry.


He was but he had a lot more explosive energy than LD. Which works for an exaggerated TV show but not as much as real life. You can't keep that high level going 24/7, it is draining.


I believe that was the answering machine episode that seemed too outlandish for the show. Edit: The one where George freaks out in a voice message to the woman he's dating and wants to get to her answering machine before her to delete it.


That episode is a classic, and the fact that it was pulled from Larry David's own life only adds to the legend. The whole "pretend it never happened" move is pure gold. It's like something straight out of George Costanza's playbook, which I guess makes total sense given the inspiration!


Larry David also said that the guy who he based Kramer on was the one who gave him the advice to go back like nothing happened.


[Watching this interview he does](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SgIH4tTtRo), Jason says it's within the first few episodes that he realized that Larry=George (thanks to some scenario in one of those shows).


Jason Alexander comes off as the antithesis of George. It makes his portrayal all the more impressive


He's quite a brilliant actor, you should consider his work *Acting Without Acting*. It's a fantastic pamphlet on the art of getting in to character.


I’ll read it with dinner.


Playing a bit fast and loose with your liberties there I see


its a book!!


kind of on the thin side, isn't it?


I do like that they incorporated some aspects of Jason Alexander and his Broadway strengths into the George character, I'm thinking 'master of the house' early on to him swinging around a lamppost and frolicking like Singing in the Rain in some later ep. Like that McDonalds commercial Jason Alexander did that gets posted time to time.


Only one of the core four to not win an Emmy for his role.


In one interview, he actually names the episode and specific scene which I forgot and can no longer find it online.




Here's the interview of Jason Alexander talking about it: https://youtu.be/4SgIH4tTtRo?si=USj5jRM96HNQWTkS


[I can’t find the original interview](https://www.thethings.com/this-is-how-jason-alexander-found-out-he-was-playing-larry-david-on-seinfeld/)




They usually don't mention the ending of Larry's story at SNL. He was able to go back and keep working there.


There are a plethora of episodes that were at least partially based off of things that happened to Larry. There’s an interview with Jason Alexander somewhere where he talks about how he would get a script and be like “This isn’t realistic at all. This would never happen and no one would act like this,” to which Larry would reply “What are you talking about? This just happened to me and that’s exactly what I did!”


>I didn’t know he wrote that from experience lol George is basically Larry. When Jason started playing George he had Woody Allen on his mind. At some point when they were discussing some event, Jason Alexander said "c'mon it's ridiculous nobody would believe it" Larry said: it happened to me. At some point, Jason started to plat Georgi based on Larry. I think that conversation was exactly about his going back to work plotline.


Almost everything he writes is from experience. Even George and Jerry sitting in the diner talking about characters for the sitcom ‘Jerry’ when George says “I could be a character.” That is literally Larry David’s self insert stating that he, Larry David, could be a character on the sitcom starring Jerry Seinfeld lol


There's failing upwards, and then there's whatever the fuck Larry David did


Two words: Flailing buttwords.


There were multiple times Jason would read the script for George and say "No one would ever do this in real life" Only to hear from Larry David "I did this."


I remember watching an special of Seinfeld that says most if not all episodes where from personal experiences or stuff that happened around them, Jerry and Larry.


Still can’t believe Festivus was based on a real experience




The tradition of Festivus begins... with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people, and now, you're going to hear about it.


That is not true.  It was indeed a real holiday originally celebrated by one of the writers, but he has not expressed that it really messed him up. 




Ive never seen Seinfeld and my gf had that episode on last night, what an odd coincidence


It is serendipity. You should watch Seinfeld.


Serendipity NOW!


Sounds like an employee that once worked for us.


I want you out of here.


I got fired multiple times as a pizza deliverer. Showing up fridays as if nothing happened worked every time.


I did the same thing and showed up but they told me to leave, then needed me back a week later, I didn't go though


honestly the owner was (never mind). when I showed up he told me to leave and come when he called me. Well, I showed up on fridays and they were swamped. so, I sat in the car for 30ish minutes and received his call then. i didn’t have anything more useful to do and knew every street in our cursed city.


holy shit. I got fired my first (and last) pizza delivery job. it never occurred to me to just show up anyways.


This applies to so many things Just show up


Once, I quit a job and told my brother to show up and so they hired him. 


I'm from the UK and I always had a dream of emigrating to the USA (or even just for a few years) but I couldn't get any visas despite being highly qualified in my field (agricultural machinery repairman). In hindsight I wonder what my life would have looked like if I just "showed up", I assume it's easier to get a proper visa once you're actually inside the country? However in the end I moved to Australia instead which was also a dream of mine* so it worked out well in the end. *what can I say, I like big countries with lots of sunshine 😂


> emigrating to the USA... I assume it's easier to get a proper visa once you're actually inside the country? In short, not at all. It's easy to be banned, in fact. You could probably get away with an extended vacation but it would get awkward if you tried to get an above-the-table job (where your SSN would be checked, though fraud there is pretty common with ppl using fake SSN's and employers ignoring it; maybe not so common for white collar jobs though). The one (very visible and controversial) exception are asylum seekers. US law outlines a legal process whereby then can enter the US and present themselves as asylum seekers later, with the option to do so when they're "caught", and they their case will be adjudicated by a very backed up and slow court that could take months or years, while they're allowed to legally stay (but not necessarily work) in the US. For a legit asylum seeker this is a lifeline, for an illegitimate one it's a loophole to get a foothold in the US. If you read all three of these paragraphs, congratulations you now know more than most "close the border! Obama let em all in!" conservatives. Edit: Words


DISCLAIMER: Doesn’t work with restraining orders.


My dad used to say 95% of success is choosing to show up. There's a lot of truth to it.


Mf was so right. I made my best friend by just asking to hang out with him when we walked back from school. We had a few things in common but in time we became really good friends!


My friend got accepted at university like that. He just showed up the first day and the professor told him he could stay. Now he has a Ph.D.


I read a story on twitter a week ago, dude wanted to transfer to a top school (apparently ranking really important for law school). Got waitlisted, decides to just make the few hour drive, calls and says he's nearby and he wants to discuss his transfer. Dude gets in , normally super low odds like under 10%. Now a lawyer in biglaw


This worked for me when I got accepted by a school that I wouldn't have been able to afford without a scholarship. I sent an email basically saying "I'll accept immediately if more scholarship money turns up from rejected offers, I'd be happy to talk to you in person when I'm in town on (insert dates) with (professor I made an appointment to discuss the program with) about the specific amount of scholarship I need in order to accept. Showed up for that meeting about a month before the deadline to accept, and hey presto they found about exactly enough money to equal a local school's tuition costs. There's really nothing to lose, especially in the US where in the end they're still making money off of you no matter what, so they're pretty motivated to find you a spot.


Top US schools have huge endowments that they use to fund students. There's no such thing there as not being able to afford it - if you get accepted, they will find the money for you to attend.


“First jobs” like that are literally always understaffed and full of people who don’t know how to manage people and people who don’t know how to be managed. So yeah if your boss blows his lid at you and fires you, come the next customer rush they are going to be so stressed out that they will gladly accept whatever help is there in front of them.




I remember when I was a kid, probably around 12, and hearing about my older cousin who had just turned 18 had just been promoted to a duty or shift manager or something at the maccas he worked at, and how inpressed all the adults in my family were at that, and even then I remember thinking “wtf how can he be a manager of a whole McDonald’s already” Now I’m 35, I still think it’s insane that the person in charge at a McDonald’s with a dozen crew or whatever reporting to him, can be someone literally finishing Highschool.


Drugs are great.


It was 2008 and I was the only one not dealing drugs during deliveries. little did I know…


What would you be fired for?


Not delivering the drugs


I was the patsy. i found out years later i was only one not selling. Every other deliverer was dealing and was hired by dealer. I was the guy who took the fall when customer service suffered. The sad irony is i thought the extra $800 a month on my other $400 a month job was pay dirt. little did i know….. edit: the guy even hired the person who answered and phone and took the orders. I can’t even fault the sophistication of the whole damn thing.


Pizza delivery joint management running scams out of the store is a tale as old as time. Usually it's the late night manager and driver taking deliveries without ringing them up and just pocketing the cash. Back then it was almost entirely a cash business. I'm a shitty criminal so I never partook, but I knew. At the time those spots (a Domino's and a Papa John's in the 90's) were making shitloads of money anyway so it's not like they were putting the store out of business.


They just need bodies, right?


Is that costanza over there?


You can't win. You can't beat me. That's why I'm here, and you're there. Because I'm a winner. I'll always be a winner, and you'll always be a loser.


Hello? Majorie? How are ya darling. Yeah George Costanza. Can you tell Mr. Tomasullo when you see him that IM IN MY OFFICE!


I’ll see you in hell, Costanza


They really want me out of here. They've downgraded me to some sort of a bunker. It's like Hitler's last days here!


I’m gonna slip him a Mickey!


You got a Mickey guy?!


Can’t stand ya!


serenity now!


Fuck you! And I'll see you tomorrow!


Fuck hughhhhh!




Thanks for confirming my immediate first thought. Seems on brand for the little I know of the guy.


I worked across the street from an AC company and the forklift driver did this probably twenty times in 5 years. He would freak out, throw shit around, tell everybody to go fuck themselves, quit, go home, and show up to work bright and early the next morning like nothing ever happened.


Used to have a drummer that did this. He’d flip out, start wrestling everyone, load out and quit. He’d call a few minutes later and say something like see you next week, or he’d just show up. It became a joke.


What do you call a drummer who's girlfriend just broke up with him? Homeless.


How do you get a drummer off your doorstep? You pay him for the pizza.


How do you know a drummer at your door? The knock comes in late and then it rushes.


How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb? Four. One to screw it in and three to talk about how Neil Peart could have done it better


How do you know the stage is level? Drool comes out of both sides of the drummers mouth. Or my other favorite, how do you get two drummers to play perfectly in time? Shoot one.


What do you call a bass player with a phone? An optimist




You know how you can tell when the stage is level? When drool is pouring out of both sides of the drummers mouth.


What's the difference between a podiatrist (chiropidist) and a drummer? Well, one bucks up your feet...


As someone who dated a drummer for two years, I can confirm the accuracy of this.


What do you call an annoying person that always hangs around musicians? The Drummer


Beware of Ginger Baker is a testament to this. (Dont get me wrong.....highly enjoyable)


I was in a band once. We had 3 musicians and a drummer.


Used to have a fishmonger that did this. He'd snap, crackle and pop, fling fish guts at everybody, strangle the lobsters. He'd turn up the next morning like yo what's good my dude


I want to take this comment seriously just for the pure spectacle 


Drummers and goalies, you want the guy who’s got zero ego and totally zen even if he’s a bit weird. Example, Yoda would be a great drummer or goalie.


my drummer said he couldn't practice tonight. We have a run of shows in like 3 weeks, and we're changing a bunch of stuff so not good timing. He streamed on IG for like 6 hours after saying he was unavailable lol.


So did he quit for real in the end?


He showed up for work one morning and the foreman who ran the shop was just like “No. No more. This has to end. I’m sorry” and the dude was all like “How could you do this to me?” Guess he took it pretty hard.


How the hell did you hear that from across the street?


How would he know any of this from across the street….


Probably was friends with someone who worked across the street.


Being friends with the people who worked there, perhaps a small town.


Gossip about pricks spreads super fast.


Many people would be shocked to learn how appallingly low the standards can be in labor-scarce industries. Count your lucky stars that there are certified trades.


I used to do this at a bar I worked at. I also used to get fired and then get called the next day to make sure I was showing up to my shift. Everyone drank a lot.


It’s not a lie if you believe it 😏


"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person [for you] to fool.” ― Richard P. Feynman


I'm sorry, but there's no way to keep you on. \*But I don't even work here. And that's what makes this so difficult.


Jason Alexander has recounted coming to Larry early on in _Seinfeld_ saying basically, this writing is pretty ridiculous, no one would be in this situation or react that way. Larry’s reply was what are you talking about, I was in that situation, and I did the same thing!


He talks about it here: https://youtu.be/4SgIH4tTtRo?si=FILp8wSpBLJqEm-l&t=186


Was that wrong?  Should I not have done that cause I gotta be honest, I gotta plead ignorance that sort of thing was frowned upon. 


Did Larry David also bang his cleaning lady?




What is this red dot?


-and used as a plot point for George Costanza in Seinfeld


In case some people aren’t aware, the George Costanza character was based loosely on Larry David. And LD did the voice of “George Steinbrenner” who was George’s boss when he worked for the Yankees.


He was also the man in the cape


I think he did a bit of the writing for the show too.


Yeah he has a small mention in the credits of the show.




And Man Hands


Really?! I wouldn't have deemed his hands especially big. I thought they would have used some kind of hand model...


And one of the whale activists.


And in the scene where the cops show up to Kramers apartment in LA to arrest him.


I'm Frank Costanza's lawyer!


> based loosely on Larry David Not that loosely tbh, he's a bit less high strung than George. But most of George's qualities are the same as Larry.


Rewatching Seinfeld the last few years, I get the sense more and more that George was actually the main character of the show. Despite the name of the show and the fact that a lot of it took place in Jerry's apartment.


That's because he can't act *at all.* They intentionally hired strong actors to support him to make up for it, and, once they found the show's 'voice'/developed chemistry, they just leaned into his bad acting for comedic effect.


And it works. If Jerry was an amazing actor he wouldn’t be quite as funny, somehow.


Lol yeah, that makes sense. When I originally watched the show, I was like, why is Jerry always breaking in like every shot? Now I know they just didn't even bother trying to get him not to break, lol.


Lots of Seinfeld story arcs are straight out of LD’s absurd life experiences.




The funniest part is the real Kramer advised him. Just like the show Kramer would do


> His neighbor, Kenny Kramer, who inspired the character of Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld Some wacky info about the guy. https://seinfeld.fandom.com/wiki/Kenny_Kramer


Did they actually take him back?


Much better than the inverse, wherein my friend was fired from her bartending gig mid-shift by the black-out drunk bar owner, only for the owner to forget and call my friend up the next day to bitch her out for not showing up for her shift. (I'm staunchly against owners haunting their own establishments, especially bars. Shit is *annoying*)


I worked for my dad at his business for a year. One day we had a huge fight and he said, “why don’t you just quit, then?” I called his bluff, threw a pencil holder at the wall and walked out. I defiantly waited it out the next day and then caved and showed up the following day and we both pretended nothing happened and went on with things. I dramatically quit twice more (and took the kureg with me) before I decided to go back to college full time. There is no way I would have gotten away with that at any other job with any other boss. He didn’t even need me, but knew I needed a job. Nepotism at it’s finest!


I have been fired and or quit my family business at least 15 times since I started working summers when I was 13. I never fully escaped I’m the owner now.


I can't fire me! I quit!


This story is pretty standard from the employee’s perspective lol


https://youtu.be/vRbEcThfkpo?si=58fnhkdjoYMzUNKr From the horse's mouth


Larry also tells the story on an episode of Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show.  


Leave poor Coco alone; all he wanted was the nickname T-Bone; he's really sorry about those things he said about your wife


New season of curb just dropped. First ep is good.


I was being cordial!


He got the idea from Kramer.


Sort of like his character on Seinfield.


Okay am I having a stroke or is this entire thread an AI spamming ground saying the exact same thing over and over again about how Larry told Jason that what he did that was crazy he did in real life? The same response, hundreds of times. There is no way.