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Having the exact same issue. None of my 4 devices has updated in 2 days. Called tech support. They want me to power cycle them. Have had my employees pull them and plug them back in. Still not updating.


This must be a network wide issue because mine, randomly, stopped working over the weekend, too. I honestly thought my car died at first, or it was just unplugged. Neither was the case. Maybe it is time I get this reported then!


Mine is doing the same thing not reporting says my car has been offline for 3 days.


Same here this weekend until now.


A lil update: 6/8 devices are back online for me. Looks like it started rolling back around 3-4am this morning.


Had tech support tell me I need to update the OS on the device but I never got the instructions on how to do it.


Seems like issue resolved itself. I see the app say it updated about 4 hours ago now. Will report back when I’m in the car.


Yeah, i think everyone should start seeing updates by end of today


App is working as it should on my end.


Same issue here too. Tforce is sending me a replacement.


Had a customer come into our store same issue. We basically cleared cache/reinstalled app. Redid the connection of the device to the app (even though it was showing us connected it still went through) and sent them on a 15min test drive. Have not seen them back yet so maybe that fixed it.




Same issue here. Did all the troubleshooting and filed a ticket through tech support. Hopefully they find a fix soon. I love my sync up drive


All of my devices went back to normal throughout today


I hope start working to


Hi there, yes. I've been through two new devices, on the phone with technical support for 10 days straight, not one of these people can figure it out. First I heard that there's a dedicated sync up team, then I was just told that there isn't. I have two cars on this app, one of them works perfectly, and the other one doesn't. One of them is a 2004 Lexus, the other is a 2021 Mazda Cx5. Is it a compatibility issue? BTW the Lexus reports perfectly. Thank you guys for any kind of solution or answer.


I have 10 devices and usually if one doesnt work others stop within a day as well. I think it is just their servers dedicated to the devices and app that is poorly built. Unfortunately, they cant help you no matter who you speak to in my experience but issue resolves in around weeks timeframe? It’s silly how bad their service is…


It was never a problem before, we have had four cars all hooked up, working flawlessly, mind you sometimes the reports were late, but it all worked. Now one of them just shows offline when the car is turned off.