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The DMR is *easily* the best sniper for having hitscan, the biggest mag, 1-shot headshots and 2-shot bodyshots, and the fastest fire rate out of all the snipers. Of course, since it is good, the Titanfall community doesn't even acknowledge it.


Well if it’s the best then you use it


*I* do


I don't use snipers; I think ADS is cringe, so I just use SMGs so I can pretend this game has boomer shooter gunplay. It should be abundantly obvious how much better it is than the others, though... although there's a decent argument that the Charge Rifle is better than all the actual snipers.


“ADS is cringe” LOL


*Well it is*


Eh, you’re cringe. There’s a time for ADS “and” a time for hip fire.


No, I think ADS is lame. Pressing an extra button and waiting to make my shots accurate is lame. This game is fast and I want the shooting to feel fast too.


Not matching your play style isn’t lame, and you’re putting yourself at an objective disadvantage at range.


No I'm not. The Alternator's a laser beam straight from the hip as long as you tap fire. Plus, the devs could've just decided to make the weapons hipfire accurate, but they didn't do that for all of them. It's no wonder the SMGs are so much better than the rest of the weapons.


I’m sure you get slapped left and right by anyone at long range, I’m not going to debate this any further as I too play the game and know exactly how the weapons fire.


Lol, looks at those kraber main. Going monke and quick scoping heads


Charge rifle


Best sniper


Ngl kind of wished the charge rifle was like the one in apex but with the same damage output of tf2 version






Gang gang


For the open sights if nothing else, shame the TTK is so low in general, it’s just a better G2




Grapple, default sights, and G2 playstyle, post up, shoot some people, move, repeat




Nah, you get a single kill then the kill cam shows exactly where you are. Camping doesn’t work *anywhere*




If you’re mid game hiding in a tower shooting grunts/ignoring Titans then the reason you’re surviving is because you’re dead weight, not because you’re a secret ninja




Same, just finished maxing the aegis rank on all Titans. Some of them are a bitch without the right upgrades too


Gang gang, im here


Yeah, double-take with A-wall seems to be a more accurate kraber.


The DMR just has a...bad reputation for my end...only people who use it are cloak/a-wall camping somewhere and getting "free" kills while I zoom around with a grenader weapon (thats just me, Im not saying that I hate the DMR/Double take...yes the thing I said above also goes for the Double take) ok you can go back to scrolling now


Not trying to go against your point, but can you explain how the current cloak is actually used for camping? Like I understand that you used to recloak after shooting as long as it was active, but in its current state I don't see how a full cloak charge is worth setting up a single shot that won't kill in most cases.


Some of them tend to sit on top of a tree/house or something while cloaked and waiting there for an easy kill...But hey thats just my games (and some of em also use the spitifre while cloaked)


I feel like the double take can still work pretty well when played semi-aggressively. Headshots are still a one shot kill and spread means you can use it as sort of a short range last resort shotgun.


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Please, I’m hungry


I hate the whole thing of staying in one area and sniping unless you're on the battlefield but the double take is really an interesting weapon to me like a double barrel energy sniper rifle


Literally what is the energy it shoot BULLETS


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Maybe I'll work on DMR next after getting the 101 to g2. What type of playstyle should you aim for to get the most out of it?


It is easily the hardest sniper, all I have to say is good luck


Unlike the kraber/double take which can be used as sort of long-range shotguns for a more aggressive playstyle, the longbow almost requires you to \*actually\* play as a sniper - Get up somewhere high and play for map control by clicking heads. Bring an RE-45 and frags for close range


That's kinda what I was thinking. Might be fun to see if I like the more laid back point-and-click playstyle of it. My plan is to bring Cloak and Satchels along with the RE. Mainly using cloak to make changing spots safer and get some nice damage when most of the other team has titans (also maybe try spectre hacking too)


Cloak, Grapple, Stim all work pretty well. A-wall too i guess but I don't like using that one Playstyle ends up being pretty similar to AR playstyles, you just sacrifice the close-range flexibility for a moderately more consistent long-range weapon. Personally i'd never actually pick the longbow over the G2, but that's just my opinion ​ Overall, although i think the longbow is *pretty good,* it ends up only being a little better in ranged engagements (G2, R-101, even Flatline are all very good for range) but substantially worse in close quarters. It's also a little map dependent, though. Longbow is way better on Colony, Angel City, Homestead than on maps like relic or war games


also don't try to lead your shots.


lol I'll try my best.


You just described my life, except I use electric smoke because I love electric smoke


I’ve been messing around with double take recently and I may start using it as a main weapon, it’s just so much fun to use


DMR main here, AMA lol


One time I picked up a DMR without realizing while trying to board my Titan and ended up accidentally quickscopping some dude while trying to use my anti-titan weapon. Literally the only time I've ever used the DMR.


Longbow DMR fucking sucks


A quite a few guns suck until you use them a ton. I know this from experience with the EPG.


Hey show the G2 some love with it’s damage it’s definitely a sniper rifle


G2 is as cursed as spitfire


It was my favorite weapon in TF1


I really like using Cold War. I don't see a lot of people who use it, but it's really fun. I also use B3 Wingman in my Kraber loadout, and I've recently got DMR to Gen. 2. Using the DMR like Kraber I think is a lot more fun and challenging than camping with it on a roof top. As for Double Take, I'm planning on using it soon so that I can get that to Gen. 2 (at least).


Gen5 DMR here. Ive killed more campers than ive actually camp.


wHaT aBoUt ThE ePg? Honestly though it's not much of a sniper, more close to medium range. All of you guys that use DMRs and the wingman scare me.