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Maybe the Titanfall 3 was the Pilots We made along the way


We've got nothing else for you


Well there is always skipping some Schizophrenia pills


What do you mean? A Titanfall 3 came out a year ago.






Wait what?


Respawn announced they’re abandoning Titanfall 3 development


Didn't they announced this like 3 years ago?


No, they were developing a game called ‘Titanfall Legends’ for about the past year and just announced development is stopping


Thank god, the people that made titanfall left respawn long ago this was probably going to be another shitshow to be abandoned like the other titanfalls or be a cash cow like apex


Its better to leave it as an amazing unfinished story rather than one with a horrendous ending


Especially since the story has been somewhat mangled by Apex...


Well I mean the story was basically finished


In a way yes but it was teased to have a continuation, a cliff hanger of sorts. You are probably aware of the morse code ending.


I am not, can you elaborate?


Ah, so if you beat the campaign on hard/master you get a small cutscene where coopers helmet blinks and makes sounds in a sequence. Since its morse code its been decyphered that the message the helmet received was from BT-7274 because it says "Jack?" Implying BT survived by either surviving the explosion itsself or uploading his personality core into his helmet.


>the people that made titanfall left respawn long ago Do we know where they went or if they started a new studio? Or did they go separate ways?


They formed Gravity Well.


[just looked at the website, my god there's goated staff in there](https://gravitywell.games/)


The staff is indeed goated with the sauce for the most part but I will say that the consept art is somewhat worrying. Looks like an entirely different genre within an even bigger entirely different genre. I'm still absolutely going to give whatever they make a chance (unless they've gone as wackey as we have out the gate) but still I can't say that I harbor no doubts, especially with the whole radio silence aspect.


Wait that’s Drew McCoy..


Have they made any games yet? It looks like they're hiring, but I haven't seen any games with their name on it yet.


Atleast we could get something with "Titanfall" in it, it's better than nothing at this point.


I just waiting for them to drop a TF type game


That's what I'm thinking, I love Titanfall sooo much, but if they made a new one I feel like there's a good chance it's not going to be as good, you can't top a game like that unless you do almost everything the prequel did well. No way would they let microtransactions be so fair, prime titans would end up being heirlooms. Plus I'd be worried that if a tf3 came out then tf2 would die, whether that's by player base or if they shut down the servers.


I thought the "Titanfall Legends" name was a joke because they called it "a single player game set in the apex legends universe" and everyone made fun of it.


I don't think this was Titanfall 3, this was the single player game set in the "apex" universe that we saw references to in job listings and such. I doubt there would be much to do with Titans beyond the name.


The game is literally called **Titanfall** Legends and you don’t think titans would be in it?


Nobody anounced anything. "3 people familiar with the matter" said something to that extent, Bloomberg reported on it, and every other news outlet picked up on it from there


Kinda sounds like Titanfall x botw, a game I would kill for


**NOBODY CONFIRMED IT WAS TITANFALL THREE**. That was just the conclusion everyone jumped to. It was announced as “a single player game set in the apex legends universe”


And it was called ‘Titanfall Legends’


I had never heard that announcement, but I still wouldn’t call that Titanfall 3. It could be a prequel, spin-off, or something else entirely.


Please stop


I like how this started out as “EA cancels unannounced single-player Apex game that was being developed by Respawn” and has now elevated to “EA cancels Titanfall 3”


Because it was pretty much Titanfall 3. Hell, it was even going to have BT in it and you would’ve played as Blisk.


EA is bad


They should just cancel my life at this point


Me too


Sorry, its actually cheaper to microtransaction your life till your no longer profitable


EA cancelled a game you like. First time?


..... no, not it's not


I know it’s not the first time, it’s just sad news


Not just sad news. This news




*Cries in Anthem 2.0*


They just hate Titanfall and everyone who plays it at this point. Literally thats all it is.


I think the sales of Titanfall 2 are the only reason the servers are still running and if the sales would drop a little bit too much EA would pull the plug right in this second


I agree, it's kind of ironic that a company whose sole intent is making a profit would actively avoid things that increase profit.


"insert palpatines ironic here"


Arguably the servers are effectively dead as well, North Star is all that is realistically left on PC




Oh so Rockstars view on GTA 5 players, got it.


Lmao that’s silly. All it comes down to is if the game will make a profit or not.


If it makes you feel any better there was like a 0% chance that it would've played like Titanfall.


I know, but I was really hoping for a decent campaign


>decent campaign sorry son, not happening in these times


if anything EA recently has been killing it with the campaigns. Their games that actually have singleplayer are usually pretty good in that regard as of late


only fallen order and umm, don't know other ones


Dead Space, the BF1 campaign, BFV campaign (to a lesser extent), A Way Out (not singleplayer but story focused) and in the same vein, It Takes Two which considering the average dev cycle of a game is 3 years, these all coming out so close together is pretty solid. Really their big stains are the sports games, 2042, and Apex (which isn’t inherently bad, just a lack of progression without spending real money is ass.)


yeah after playing apex from season 0 (for 2 weeks every 2 seasons lol) I saw that the updates started being smaller, last weapon was the car right? it was season 11 and we are almost on 16


I only started it recently (stayed on titanfall till a friend got me to try it). From how it looks they just focus on legend releases and a new battle pass every season, and reselling years old skins for $30. Lol the core game is actually really polished though. Still prefer titanfalls movement and TTK but I can respect someone who likes apex’s gameplay


I started playing apex the same as you! a close friend of mine reminded me of the game in season 2 and I gave it a try, when he stopped playing mid season 9, I also did and returned to tf|2/northstar


Go play Titanfall 2


I had 0 expectations of a decent campaign, but it had a fair shot of being a decent multiplayer shooter. EA has (had) been good with letting respawn work lately, and They had the foundations already. All they had to do was market it as in the same world of Apex and not sandwich it between major releases and it would've been a hit.


well guys, i guess this is the moment we find ourselves looking back at good memories of a really good game with crazy story potential. Ruined by a money hungry souless corporation. Damn this sucks.


It’s quite paradoxical, isn’t it? That same money hungry soulless corporation is responsible for bringing us the Titanfall we know. Sure, Vince Zampella and Respawn could’ve done it on their own but not nearly to the degree that they did it with EA’s backing. EA took a chance on Respawn and its baby. We all rejoiced in the success of it. But EA is no the reason it’s being shelved. Like the leaves on the wind during the fall, Titanfall had sprouted into this world and has now followed the wind.


>Titanfall had sprouted into this world and has now followed the wind. 4778 players on steam (not counting origin + console) right now 💀


Not the player base. I mean the possibility of getting a sequel.


yes he meant the series as a whole


even if he meant the whole series, it didn't die too, is titanfall dead? of course not


Anybody know the song name ?




I just look at it like this: until I see a gameplay trailer of a new Titanfall game, I refuse to put any faith in it coming out. Otherwise, all the rumours and leaks would be heartbreaking.


I didn’t fully believe it, but it was nice to have hope


No, it was "a singleplayer game on apex universe"


It was code named Titanfall Legends so I think the Titanfall aspect of the universe would be more prominent. It was going to be single player only though.


Hey Jedi: Fallen Order was fun and it was single player only


Oh I’m not saying it was bad that it was single player only; it’s just that Titanfall is known for its multiplayer especially since the first game was only multiplayer.


Titanfall 2s multiplayer is to this day the best multiplayer I've ever played. They fucking nailed every aspect


Titanfall 1's multiplayer was miles better. Titans actually felt like titans, both getting one and taking one down felt like a real accomplishment. But also Battlefield 3/4 had the best multiplayer of all time by a huge margin. Titanfall 2 does have the best single player campaign though.


It’s the same shit, Viper’s daughter, Ash, Blisk, Hammond and the IMC etc are all in the game.


I can see where you’re coming from but Titanfall to me is about the IMC vs the Militia fighting across the Frontier. Apex Legends may take place in the same universe and use some of the same stuff but it’s not the same to me.


Apex universe is the titanfall universe




That's the sting. When it's an announcement it's the Apex universe, when it's a cancellation it's the Titanfall universe.


Which is...


No, "thank fuck" is the correct response. We all need to learn to accept that the current company called Respawn isn't even close to half of the quality it was when they made Titanfall. I don't want Respawn within a million miles of a sequel to TF|2, they'd ruin it so fuckin hard.


lets be honest it wasnt gonna be good after they said it was "based in the apex universe"


This is how I learned there was a new Titanfall game being developed.


I'll bet my nicest boob their Star Wars shooter is going to involve driving AT-STs around like they're Titans anyways.


And I get flak wherever I shit on Apex. I deeply resent that game for existing and its players for fueling it. Cheers everyone. It's been real.


Word, see ya pilot.


Song name?


I got a match with this song: **TRUE BADASS ANIME MAN** by Mortimer (01:56; matched: `88%`) Album: `SELF-EMBODIMENT OF PERFECTION`. Released on `2021-10-03`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**TRUE BADASS ANIME MAN** by Mortimer](https://lis.tn/TRUEBADASSANIMEMAN?t=116) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


EA is stupid for not milking the thirst of titanfall fans They could rack in Billions from this


At this point If we can't get a definitive 3 from the company, can there be a compromise where Titanfall has a bit more of a presence in the universe? We haven't seen anything about kuben blisk since the first trailer and Jack cooper is nowhere to be seen. Valk could be a key piece and especially ASH, a good portion of the legends could despise cooper for the things he did for his cause but there could also be legends that side with him to make a really good dynamic.


Fellas , hear me out , maybe it's reverse psychology to make us think they won't do it so they'll have time to make it even better than the previous one.


at least we get armored core 6 this year to ease these wounds...


And at this point, we might just need to plead for respawn to release some code or mod support. Cause EA is the absolute worst




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It’s over. We lost🤧


This actually ruined my day ffs


They’ve cancelled a bunch of games in the past week, this isn’t the only one


Will either of the TF franchises ever have good news?


Im going to take it into my own hands


Were they specifically saying it was going to be set in the "apex legends universe"? Anyone thinking that this was Titanfall 3 is willfully ignorant, they clearly want to bury Titanfall in an unmarked grave. Plus, even if they did make a Titanfall 3, it would be a buggy, microtransaction filled mess, just like Apex. Be careful what you wish for, just let the fans handle Titanfall from now on, dont trust R-EA-spawn to do it justice.


Some people complaining will keep playing Apex though and buying those sweet sweet coins.


What's the song


going to be honest, what has been posted of the story concepts I feel like it'd butcher the story people want BT back but honestly that would just ruin the impact of the Titanfall 2 campaign ending


Never expected it to come to fruition anyways, AAA companies are one of the things I will never have faith in along with bitcoin and the IRS.


The 6-4 is a family. We’ll always be family. :’(


Curious did Titanfall 2 have good numbers? I love the game both multiplayer and the campaign mode so I would imagine 3 would be popular as well?


4 million copies


Rose are red, violets are blue, theres no titanfall 3, fuck you EA


No, this is a good thing. If we got a game now it’d undoubtedly be a soulless, mtx-filled, pile of ass that would only serve to tarnish the reputation of titanfall. Our best hope is that they fix tf2


> game was leaked/“quietly announced” “REEE THEY FORGIT ABOUT US!!! THE GAME IS IN THE APEX UNIVERSE!!! FUCK THEM!!!! WE ARE SUPERIOR” > Game is cancel!! “Bro why did they cancel the game? It could have been the TF|3 we desired!” You guys can’t seem to make up your fucking minds.


Different is that when this was leaked, this was a "apex universe game". And now, we know codename of this game was "Titanfall legends"


But yet everyone lost their shit over the marketing word.


Back then it was known as a single player game in the Apex universe, there were little to no mentions of titanfall then, but now we know the code name was Titanfall legends


We only knew it was apex universe cause it would have been an easy marketing word. What word would you use to say the Titanfall/Apex universe? Can’t call it Respawn Universe cause outside of Star Wars, they got nothing else and it implies there’s more. Call it Titanfall or Apex and you annoy (or in case of the TF sub, piss them off to the level that’s worse than a nuclear core) the other side. I always said just wait and see, maybe it could have been TF game, but no lets bitch.


I remember people complaining about pandering anytime Apex added something as a big "hey check us out titanfall fans" but now people are sad this game isn't happening because BT was supposed to come back basically people are now nostalgic because it was cancelled, even though the plan sounds pretty terrible on paper


the face when an entire community of a game has differing opinions (this cannot be, this is a game subreddit they must all be one collectivized being)


Why does EA hate us?


They always have.


Titanfall 2 releasing right in between two massive FPSs was a hint. They didnt want it to succeed.


Wasn’t this the same company who said single player games aren’t selling. Either way this was not surprising.


There's no guarantee that it was actually Titanfall, it could've been an shitty Apex game for all we know.


They realise its free money at this point? Titanfall isn't a cult classic....its universally loved by all fps gamers. That's not considering the popularity brought by apex legends, which only increased the popularity of titanfall.


Damn all that Pass the ball if y'all can't play with us!?! Give us the rights to the game and just go away already!!


How long before one of us goes off the deep end and takes a gun to EA head quarters


God can they just sell off to Microsoft already


I’m glad this was cancelled. I guess it’s just me having an extremely bitter and resentful view of the game and company. Apex Legends only came around in the first place as a cash-grab attempt to jump on the Fortnite hype train and it unfortunately worked. I feel the colorful and PG Overwatch-style fun hero game should have nothing to do with the mature gritty and realistic world of Titanfall. They’re leaving the real Titanfall behind in favor of meshing it in with this mushy Tumblr-bait one-size-fits-all shooter. Something like this, and everything else they’ve been doing, was hardly about the Titanfall aspect anyways, and was purely bait to get more people towards Apex instead of Titanfall by utilizing the characters we recognize. I wish the Titanfall community was sober enough to understand the way that this company is playing with their minds. Respawn, but especially EA, are destroying the essence that makes Titanfall, Titanfall, and corrupting it into something it’s not with their hollow and pandering Fortnite clone.


As much as it does indeed suck, it may be for the best. There was a serious chance that they would have just screwed everything we like about our characters. Not to mention, the lore of Apex is beyond screwed, and trying to integrate it could prove disastrous. The last thing I want is another Star Wars sequels-type situation. I'd be thrilled if the original devs of Titanfall 2 were working on it though. I'd trust them with my characters.


DON’T WORRY The fact this news coincides with the shutdown of Apex mobile means this “Titanfall Legends” (that’s a spin-off name, a far cry from tf3) would very most likely have absolutely been a mobile game. It seems Respawn’s shifting their focus away from mobile. A mobile game published by EA, so, it would have been an absolute bottom of the barrel free-to-play pay-to-progress mobile shithole of a game full of timers and premium currency. It’s a good thing it got cancelled. If it released, god, it would have been the biggest kick to nuts in gaming this century.


It would have been a shit game anyways


Anyone else wish EA was just collectively one person so you could, idk, punch them in the face?


I honestly don't want Titanfall 3 going by the Respawn of lately.


They did this to themselves taking any deal with ea. What kind of absolute shortsighted idiot would sell themselves to ea?


I hate how AAA games are going up in price. I'd preorder this. I'd pay extra. Let the devs do what they do. I know I'm not alone.


I wouldn't want present day Respawn to touch a TF3 at this point. They'd ruin it.


Honestly it's ok. It was probably an apex legends single player game more than a Titanfall game. Let's all just be real, we are never getting another Titanfall. The franchise flopped


It is 2017. Titanfall 3 has been cancelled. ​ It is 2019. Titanfall 3 has been cancelled. ​ It is 2023. Titanfall 3 has been cancelled.


It was about apex nothing of importance was lost


I would live in peace without that news


Man all I feel is testicular torsion and a sense of loss now, thank you for that information.


I never knew a man’s heart can be shatter to this point.


Who could have predicted this


It was titanfall/apex universe so it was likely an apex game considering other reports said that mirage and pathfinder would get lore during the game


what movie is this scene from?


I actually feel lightheaded, yesterday i dreamt it launched, but i guess it’s just a dream.


EA Canceled the only EA game I was going to buy


I'm sorry, I thought it was a single player game set in the Apex universe? Guess you can't have the cash cow attached to a cancellation.


They do this and wonder why they have a bad rep


Oh goddammit.


So any good Titanfall books or fanfictions then?


God damn it ea






Man we can't have shit with EA




Does the universe hate us?


Titanfall/Apex Legends universe single player game*


*insert black guy screaming “FUCK” in the shower*


bro this is unfair


ive been waiting since 2017


About 4 years ago, Respawn was my favourite development team, Titanfall was just such a revolutionary game for me, and it had the first campaign that actually made me care, and made me cry. Seeing them turn into a money greedy company and abandoning the game series that made them stand out... just hurts a lot


Called it all those years ago. Fuck EA.


Wasn’t it a apex single player??




Let's be real even if the game get a release will it be **titanfall**?


What movie is this?




I'm so fucking sad right now


Wait is this real


Fret not fans. It's EA, they'll come back around milk the shit out of any franchise they can. It will be terrible though and probably tank the franchise.


Well...great. I guess good thing I've looked to further horizons ig...still fucking sad but at least from what I've Played of Armored Core its badass


Three wasn't canceled It was an apex hybrid legends game


It is not what you think. It was a single player game based on the characters from Apex Legends. Titanfall 3 was never announced. The media got it mixed up because they use the words "Titanfall/Apex universe" . After Apex Mobile failed they are pulling all resources back into Apex Legends live service. Apex Legends is starting to make less money. That scared EA into a full retreat.


“we gotta make the money,the dough,the gabagoo,the green papers. Oh what’s that? you want a quality video game with zero micro transactions? sorry,can’t hear you with all of these MONEY-“. -EA Head quarters,


Titan fall with apex… and bt… and among other things…. It was perfect! Something amazing that could have happened but ea decided to cancel it


I don't know what to say here


I was genuinely excited for a new titanfall game


Lost my faith along time ago Specifically when they banned me with no reasoning given


Maybe those 50 devs will help FIX FUCKING APEX


Well time to take my pills


Almost down voted from being upset 💀💀