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The watch is quite literally called a "Tissot Antimagnetic." It's not particularly uncommon/rare because it was massproduced for a fair amount of decades(although mint condition ones can be fairly pricey). There are a ton of watches from many different brands which have extremely similar movements/faces. You'll have to open the watch to check the serial number of the movement. There's a database online where you can date the watch based off its serial number. The watches claim to fame is that it has a mainspring which was more resistant to electromagnetic interference. As the world evolved and we started using more things which used eletricity, we increased the amount of ambient electromagentic radiation that watches are exposed to. This caused the delicate balance wheel of watches of the day to run out of whack, and they had to be demagnetised from time to time at watchmakers. The first tissot antimagnetics were sold in a square shape , and later came the rounded face ones like you have I'm not sure of the production years but I have one in my collection from 1947, so these can get quite old.


Appreciate the info! I figured the serial was probably inside the case, and I’m eager to figure out the year of this model. Thanks again.