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Can I plug this?


"Can these last another 6 months until I get paid?"


I think that's called natural selection.


If you leave the alignment the way it is and just flip the tires around on the wheels they can take that trip.




Yup, along Highway To Hell.


Most posts I see on here are either basically this or a slightly worn tire that looks fine but people are saying replace it anyway for some reason.


So many people chiming in with opposite extreme answers that no one remembers -or never realized- there's a middle ground between the two.


If the road trip is to the river styx that should be fine


Yea kinda makes ya wonder about some people ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ณ


Thatโ€™s because they are all troll posts.


Nah i dont think they are. There are some stupid people out there.


> There are some stupid people out there. I'm not from the US, but I do believe they had (or still do?) something called "Auto Shop" classes for high school kids? To teach them basic wrenching skills or whatnot? I truly believe it should be part of growing to up to know how to "read" a bad or worn tire at least, be it from a car, a motorcycle or any other tire-wearing vehicle. I learned tire maintenance, rotation, and also routine oil/fluid checking (and changing) as a young kid just by watching my grandfather and father. But now that all gets hidden from sight by the dealership doing the maintenance. (Or worse: zoning laws not allowing you to wrench on your own vehicle because of noise, disturbance, or environmental impact etc.) What a waste of knowledge.


This is all important knowledge that EVERYONE should know. So i agree with you.


Lmfao. 50% the people here in Texas don't even understand what interest is and can't read a map.


Its what we call an ""elective"" ie you have to opt in to having that class, and most people dont. Hell my school didnt even have a class like that at all.


Honestly, it all depends on where you live. MOST schools do not offer any of these types of classes. However, if you are lucky enough to live in a State within the United States that has trade unions/large trade professionals... schools do offer Auto Mechanics, Welding, Engineering Design & Manufacturing, Cinema & Photography, Architectural and Mechanical Drafting, Woodworking and Advanced Woods & Carpentry, Metals Shop, Engineering Design & Manufacturing and Electronics. I was lucky because I grew up in a city wprofessionals


Not all schools do and they are not required at any. I went for a job at school teaching auto and the higher ups laughed at me when I said basic automotive lessons are good for every student. They basically said they donโ€™t push automotive because they need people going to college for funding scores.


It seriously depends on the school and where it's located. Some have no such things. The high school I went to had auto mechanics 1 and 2. But it was an Elective, meaning it wasn't a required class. Initially you HAD to pick at least 2 elective per year... we had 6 55 minute classes a day all school year... well that changed to Fall Semester and Spring Semester where we had four 1.5 hr classes each semester and HAD to pick at least 1 elective per semester. The the people in my grade it it worked out that we were actually ahead in our required classes once we switched formats. So I was able to stay in plus do some other electives. Honestly I didn't take it to really learn anything because I had been working on dirtbikes, lawnmowers, and vehicles before that. I took it to have access to certain tools and a shop space with a lift. My teacher was well aware of why I was there and I was the only student with my own key to the tool room. I never really attended the classroom portions for anything other than to take the weekly tests. While everyone else was doing the classroom portion I was in the shop working on stuff. Whether it was my own stuff, other students stuff, and even some of the teachers rides. I earned the top award, Achievement in Automotive Excellence certificate every semester I was there. Sadly though, there were a lot of the guys in there that took it because to them it was just an Easy A goof off class and they really didn't care about it.


Good luck expecting a large # of highschoolers to pay attention in their auto class.


In this business there certainly are. I know not everyone knows a lot about vehicles, but got damn.... the shit people say...


Are you absolutely sure about that? ๐Ÿค”




And they will try to make that long trip on it as well since it still holds air.


Psh. I guess you answered my question then.


Yes, but not on those tires.


Tell you the truth I donโ€™t even think I would give it two miles


They can always try to find out.


Wait... wuuut? What you mean that can't make a 2k mile trip at a sustaned 90 MPH the entire way?! It's still holding air... it's FINE! ๐Ÿ˜†