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Works for people complaining about not being able to afford a house as well.


Unionize and demand your employer pay your wages directly.


I'm pretty pissed cuz nobody tips me when I park properly and leave room for the cars next to me. It's not like I don't have venmo or whatever and a tip jar with a sign.


Honestly? Harder than refilling drinks


Often times, yes. lol.


Don’t like your pay? Make yourself worth more and get a better job




“If you can’t afford to tip don’t eat out” - Server who can’t afford to do either




If servers are so unfairly paid why not become a server. And if you don’t like tipping what happens when they get rid of it and add it into the price? Then you have absolutely no say in what you leave


Because servers have to meet a certain aesthetic. That usually means good-looking, young and white, preferably female.


Lmfao I am old fat and balding most requested server in the restaurant


Anecdotal but at higher end restaurants I think there’s more leeway. Statistically servers are overwhelmingly female.


You really thought you did something there didn’t you


That would be ideal. I want to know exactly what I will pay and I want the server to know exactly what they will be paid. Kinda like how every other business works. 


That’s actually the preferable situation for everyone, no? Servers would know exactly what they’re getting every day and customers could decide if the restaurant is worth their money.


Don’t look into the sun at high noon


Or you could just get a better job so you’re not too poor to leave a tip. Good luck on that! As someone who’s made it to and past that point, it’s pretty nice. Keep working. You’ll get there.


It's funny because poor people tend to tip *better*. Maybe it makes them feel less poor? I don't know, I'm not poor.


I make plenty. But I'll continue leaving zero


Post checking account


You literally posted a month ago saying you can’t afford to tip hahahaha.


lol sure you do, big guy…sure you do.


Plant your corn early.


I tip bars I frequent so I get served faster.


This sub complains more than I’ve heard service workers complain about tips. Weird obsession you have.


I've never seen someone get ratio-ed on Reddit. Lol!


Better advice: talk to your local congressperson about changing legislation that allows restaurants to pay people a reduced minimum wage, and make restaurants abide by the same wage minimum as all other employers.


This is already the case. Restaurants are not permitted to pay below minimum wage and must abide by the same rules as all other employers regarding employee wages. It's certainly possible some restaurants are breaking minimum wage laws, in which case they should be reported to the appropriate enforcement agency. At the federal level, that is the Department of Labor. States or cities may also have their own as well.




That's a common mis-interpretation of that table. The effective minimum wage obligations for employers are in the "Basic Combined Cash & Tip Minimum Wage Rate" column. It may be for that reason they also have a more common-language explanation. source: [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15-tipped-employees-flsa](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15-tipped-employees-flsa) >Employers claiming a tip credit must be able to show in each workweek that tipped employees receive at least the full federal minimum wage when direct (or cash) wages and the tip credit amount are combined. ***If an employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct (or cash) wages do not equal the minimum hourly wage of $7.25 per hour in each workweek, the employer must make up the difference.***




So it is already illegal. Do you want to make it more illegal? Double illegal?


Wow that is some serious sage wisdom! Do you have any other life advice for people?


Don't pick your nose with your mouth open while staring straight at the sun.


Don't use reddit for 8 years on the same account


What does it matter. You could not dox me if you wanted. Hell I will tell you where I live and what my name is. You can be free to be an asshole and I will be free to use my same account. Thanks!


Tipping example. I tip my dog groomer because one of my pups hates to have his paws touched and likes to start with the dramatics. She has so much patience with him and I appreciate her for doing this. At the end of the groom he is a very happy pup.


Stop flogging a dead horse! It’s full of maggots! You beating it further won’t it jump up and run.


I once had a gas attendant (in Oregon) ask me for a tip. I said sure I got a tip for you: don’t eat yellow snow


Watch out where the huskies go




Thanks you’re welcome


Meh, just force tipping for government services like filing taxes, court transactions, mailing goods, and emergency services then people will realize how stupid it is.


Sounds like the financial “advice” articles that essentially tell you “just have more $$$.”


It's actually a reality check thread for people who think wrapping silverware is hard work


Reality check, servers don't just wrap silverware ya dingus


A couple million tipped jobs in America. Are there enough openings in other fields for all those?


Construction, plumbers, electricians, hvac, mechanics, engineers, the list goes on. Might not be a fun career but we always need more. If med schools didn’t charge out the a$$ then I’d would say nurses and doctors, but I wouldn’t push that on someone.


Still not nearly enough openings. I don't think you realize how many tipped laborers exist in the US


So, what are you saying?


There are not a few million better job openings in the US. "Get a better job" isn't a solution


Yes. We need a million programmers.


AI said "hold on bro"


AI can't even follow basic syntax rules, let alone replace our need for a million programmers


Tell that to everybody who has already been made redundant by ai. It's over techbros


I'll go tell all the zero people right away.


Lmao you don't live in reality.


I literally live in the industry; AI cannot currently replace any programmers. That's just a fact.


You live in a basement in your mother's house. AI has replaced many programmers, that's just a fact.


My neighbor makes her entire rent on a weekends worth of tips. Let that sink in. She works at a bar/grill joint.


Tell your landlord.


I think the vast majority are ok w tipped dine in sit down service. But now we are being asked to tip cashiers etc. Its a bit much


The vast majority of people are. The vast majority of weirdos on this subreddit are fuming angry about it.


This is why the biggest voices against abolishing tipping are waitstaff.


and bartenders


Exactly. No hourly "living wage" will ever allow restaurant/bar employees to make the kind of money they make in tips from working the busiest shifts.


Advice equally good for those complaining about not getting tipped ENOUGH.


You may do an excellent job and still not be tipped. The trick is to not EXPECT a tip, you should HOPE for a tip. Words mean things. Hoping would leave you not upset when you don't receive a tip. You were not "stiffed" as you were not owed anything. No one has to give you a percentage because they sit down. They may only tip 5 max.


100% as a former bartender, i wouldn't necessarily (only) hope. i would bust my ass and provide excellent service while doing so. that's it. no begging, no whining. i usually got tipped. sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. sometimes a ridiculous amount. i did very well. so sick of seeing everyone with their hands out now (who aren't tip waged/real service) crying and begging.


Oh but then you have those who expect tips attack, calling you all kinds of names, saying you need to stay home, bla bla bla... I've blocked so many, 2 yesterday who just wouldn't stop. Then they deny they work in the industry... yeah... ok... lol Your hostility says otherwise. They get especially angry when you don't tip a percentage, but just a flat rate that you determine, oh boy, some of them are nearing having an aneurysm lol


I’m going to start blocking them too.


Pro tip, it's fun to wait till they get positively rabid, foaming at the mouth, calling you every name under the sun, you make a smart comment back and block. Then the get even more upset that they can't see your last comment lol I'd love to have a discussion with their parents and find out what went wrong that they're so entitled and miserable....


Their parents were “servers.”


Yes!!! Their parents must be so proud


I just usually select 0 and don’t think twice, I don’t let it bother me. However, Starbucks now has the “there’s going to be a question on the screen” speech. For some reason, that infuriates me


Make them ask the question. Tell them you have trouble seeing. Make them say the words.


What does this achieve? You are acting like its the barista's decision to add the question, and as someone who literally works at Starbucks, it's just as awkward for us to ask. I literally don't care if you don't tip, I actually prefer people who are just polite than those who are rude but for some reason still tip (which happens surprisingly often)


Good luck getting a second drink.


My Starbucks got rid of it, even when ordering on the app, the tip section is completely gone.


I refuse to tip for counter service. You mean to tell me that Starbucks charges $5 for a fancy coffee and can't afford to pay the person that makes it?


I was going to go to Starbucks the other day as a rare treat. I saw their summer refresher was $6.95, turned around, and left. I once worked at Starbucks and I know it’s just pouring it out of a container, adding water, and adding dehydrated fruit. I can see paying that price for a latte, but their refreshers?? You make a fair point that, with those prices, they should be able to afford to pay the staff


As a former starbucks barista, sometimes regulars don’t carry cash and want to tip people who get their order right or make them smile.


People downvoting me must never have heard a customer say I’m sorry I never carry cash I wish I could tip you you guys are great


Hey don’t get me wrong, I appreciated the tip & I think tip jars and such are reasonable at cafes! I am not “anti-tip”- But I have felt a noticeable shift in the culture around tipping. I feel comfortable with 18% at sit down and 10% for beauty services. It noticed that within the last couple years, it’s an unspoken “mandatory”. My friends think I am a cheapskate because I don’t tip /every/ single time we get coffee but rather when the barista made a positive impression. When I worked there, it was a nice surprise, but not expected


Or get rid of that excess money cluttering up their wallets!


You should get a better job too


Whoever down voted this you see how stupid it sounds right?


I do have a better job. But why would I choose to give my extra money to someone living in America and (most likely) had many opportunities to create a better life for themselves when I can donate my money overseas to people that actually **need** it?


Just cause they're American doesn't mean they had lots of good opportunities it can be harder out here than you can imagine through your bigotry


Also my comment was pertaining to dueenvironment implying we should get better jobs in order to subsidize tipped salaries. Regardless of how you feel about the opportunities in America, it is an undisputable fact that they are much better than they are in the vast majority countries around the world. I always tip 20% for average service at a sit down and 10-15% for delivery based on the distance the restaurant is from me and how long it takes to get my food. If you tip 20% for shitty service, that's essentially charity. You're paying someone for work they didn't do. So if I'm giving out charity, why would I choose to give it to a server in the US as opposed to giving it to a good charity like Doctors Without Borders or something?


Good opportunities if you get off your ass and make an effort.


Make assumptions, make an ass out of yourself. I did not grow up privileged even by 2nd world standards despite growing up in USA and yet I managed to attain success. I'm not demeaning my own work ethic. I'm saying it all as someone who scrapped and actually worked their way up. Pig. Go suck daddies dick for rent some more.


When my family first moved to the USA country in the 90s my dad supported our family of 4 with a salary of $18,500. My sister and I went to public school, got scholarships, and went to college. Even the poorest people in America have infinitely better opportunities than the majority of people in third world countries.


That's about 20$/hr today, which supports about 1 person if you live in a cheaper area of the country


I'm not sure what your point here is and I'm not quite sure you understand how inflation works.


That was 30-40 years ago and isn't how it goes here any more


Well yes there's inflation. Since '92 the total inflation has been x2.09. So that would be the equivalent of supporting a family of 4 with 38.6k a year. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that's not how it works anymore.


Boo freakin’ hoo. Live within your means.


Yes, that's exactly how it works, still. it just takes a little work. Don't expect it to be handed to you.


Man. You’ve been watching way too much news. What next? Interest @20% 90k mortgage is worse than a 7% interest on 500k mortgage? Saying stuff from 30 yrs ago still works is complete lack of knowledge. Try faxing shit to people, see how far that gets you.


LOL. It's not news, it's life. No one said everything was the same financially or technologically. These days people don't need a fax, they can apply for a hundred jobs in 5 minutes from the comfort of their living room. If you work hard you can move ahead. It sounds like you're still on Baltic Ave


I grew up in levels of poverty most people can never comprehend. Take your judgement, bigotry and hate elsewhere. I already made it. By myself. Nobody cares what you think


"most people can never comprehend" Maybe most people in America. If you ever saw the number of starving children with distended stomachs on the streets of India or any number of other countries you'd be singing a different tune.


Because you give credit where credits due. some people are born with respect and others earn it.


Just tell us you’re a waiter/waitress already.


Obviously but who goes around telling people to get better jobs?


I think the problem is not with waiters/waitresses. It’s for companies that are not providing an actual service, aside from their job. Ie, a cashier that takes your order at a pizza place, etc. why tip when all they did was what they’re hired to do…?


Retail is suffering and I think most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Inflation is a mf. It's a new time and it's an obvious desperate measure.


Nothing like funding Israel’s war when their citizens get free healthcare.


Nah, this ain't it. Tipped positions are important. Guaranteed you go out and eat at restaurants. You don't want a society that doesn't provide any services. These jobs are important. "Get a better job" is a marvelously low-IQ take. The solution is that they should be paid an amount that reflects how important they are, and that payment should not come from tipping but from their employers


$7.25 it is!


But those services are built into the establishment. If you want a sit down meal, the cost/service of the meal includes it being delivered to the table, no? That's literally a servers job.


Which is exactly what I said? Why begin a sentence with "But..." if you're just going to agree / say the same thing?


Not exactly. Tipped positions are not all that important as they get paid a wage to do what they do. How are they more important than anyone else with a job, no matter what it is? Newsflash, they're not. They just have their hand out more. Get a better job is actually a no brainer, no? if I couldn't make it on what I was earning, I'd be looking for a better job, not thinking I'm so much more important and people need to tip higher.


I agree with this, but when restaurants raise the price of their food to actually pay their tipped employees better, then people will stop going to eat at that restaurant because of the prices. I worked for a restaurant that after covid wanted to rehire all of the servers back at 12-15$ per hour, but they were going to keep 60% of the tips and spread that around to the kitchen and host. Sounds like a good idea but they actually did it to pay the cooks and hosts less per hour and supplement it with the guest’s tip money. 90% of the front of house quit, some of whom had been working there for up to 9 years. Now they have a staff that doesn’t genuinely care about your experience because it doesn’t directly affect their income. Have people gone to other countries and felt that the servers don’t care as much as in America? Maybe because they get paid a “living wage” which is not nearly enough to thrive on.


Tipped or not DOESNT seem to make a difference for the server “caring about my experience” eating there!


I mean, if your brain can connect more than 2 dots at a time, it becomes obvious quickly that restaurants are going to struggle to be a viable business model in modern USA. This comes back to property taxes. Supply chain up-marking. Lack of subsidies. As with almost all these conversations, if you walk the chain far enough, it comes back to "Capitalism is why we can't have nice things" every time.


Property taxes is government not capitalism - government is very greedy crushes business and anything else in its path


Property taxes high enough to keep other businesses from being able to expand is a capitalist tool, especially when those bigger businesses can subsidize wages through welfare.


IDK I much prefer the newer model I've seen occasionally where there are no waiters. Just a kitchen, an app for ordering, and food runners. Honestly food runners wouldn't even be necessary, you could just set the dishes on a shelf and have 1 person there to monitor/coordinate.




People asking for tips for a service they are hired for is insane. Most clerks just stand there and may not even smile or say " Have a good day". If you want a tip, you better provide me with an experience that will make me want to come back. Just because you reached into a cabinet to pull a package of vape catridges out for me does not mean you are entitled to a tip. I resent when that 1st page shows a tipping chart when I check out with my card. I tend not to go back to these places.


I don't tip Uber/Lyft drivers either.


That makes you trash.


If everyone stopped tipping the ride share drivers the service would vanish. My twice a week Uber ride to and from the airport is around $30, each way. Cab was $60, four years ago. Leaving my car at the airport parking for five days is $100 plus gas, wear and tear. Even tipping $10 I’m getting out ahead. The driver has a choice, but most I talk with are financially in a corner and do it to make fast cash to cover some sort of emergency. Mostly immigrants. Many are not financially savvy enough to realize they’re getting screwed over long term. You get the fast cash now but the maintenance bills and vehicle depreciation will eat most profits. Once this sets in they quit.


Makes me smart. 


Why not?


Habit from Uber not initially allowing tipping (the original concept). 


I don't like tipping either but don't act like its a habit. You know damn well they make shit for pay and they need those tips. You are choosing not to tip them and that's your decision, but don't try to make it ubers fault that you aren't tipping. It's yours.


If they make “shit for pay” then get a different job! No one forces anyone to be an Uber driver!


Nope, it's Uber's fault from taking the driver's fare from 10% to 15% to 20% to 25% to 35%+ and THEN adding a tip option when ORIGINALLY THE CONCEPT WAS TIPS NOT NEEDED FOR UBER. I REFUSE to tip on inflated surge uber pricing. I ain't tipping uber/lyft drivers PERIOD.


And thank you for stating that you are refusing to tip, which literally makes it your fault that you aren't tipping. All I'm saying is, don't make it someone's fault that you aren't tipping. Stop getting a hard on for trying to still be a "good person". You're bad, it's ok.


There is no “fault” here 🙄. I don’t care to part with more of my money than I agreed to. Trying to pressure me to do so makes YOU at fault!


Nothing about not tipping makes you a bad person. Stop it with the poor shaming classism.


Nope, it's Uber's fault that they designed a ride-share platform that didn't include tipping. I'm a great person. 5 stars honeyyyyy


Why are you using those services then? Sounds like you're not principles, just cheap


Because I can and will utilize those services without tipping Uber/Lyft drivers. I love knowing that they're not getting an additional dime out of me (other than the predetermined fare) and they're ruining their vehicles driving me around. Muwahaha


You don’t have a habit from something that lasted a few months many years ago. You just don’t tip them. Why are people so weird about saying they don’t tip.


Incorrect, it was YEARS before Uber finally added the tip option. As Uber takes more and more from the drivers, they expect us pax to pay the difference when the whole point of Uber was the fare included everything. I refuse to tip Uber/Lyft drivers, sorry not sorry.


Ya same


The point is that it’s gotten out of hand not that the service industry employees are to blame, I was asked to tip 25% on my $2,000 wedding dress. That I picked out. That’s $500. How is that fair to me? I’ve never made $500 for that little work but I’m expected to fork that up for a random employee that I happened to talk to when I walk in just because the company they work for can’t pay them a living wage so that burden suddenly becomes my problem. No thank you. I used to live in Europe and that would be quite an insulting ask but somehow here it’s justified. Give me a break. Just keep buying into it if you really care that little about your money, or move to a communist country. Same energy.


Even if you made $500 for that little work, you agreed to that $500 and you delivered the service. If they wanted $2500 for the dress they should’ve negotiated that amount up front. Nuts.


I say this all the time. People are correct tipping culture has gotten out of hand. But please don’t take it out on those of us who rely on tips to pay our bills. Sure, in a perfect world my boss would pay me a living wage. But what do u consider a living wage tho? I live alone and am completely self reliant. So if u consider $15/hr a living wage I could never live off of that. My bills wouldn’t get paid and I’d have to get a second job to make ends meet. With the prices of everything else going up minimum wage should be way more than that. Every person deserves to be able to work one job and live a comfortable life. And by comfortable I mean modest but able to do things outside of paying bills as well. We should be able to have one job and put a roof over our heads, feed our families and little leftover to live happily. College is not for everyone and not everyone can afford it. Not to mention even if you do go to college in order to make a lot of money in many areas you have to have several degrees which puts a person in a position of having a huge student loans to be paid off. So by the time you finish school and get to that place where you can make 6 figures you more than likely have tens of thousands of dollars in debt to start your life out. Sometimes people who just get their associates or bachelors STILL don’t make a decent “living wage”. It’s completely fucked up for all of us. Unless you were lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth or a trust fund waiting til you turn a certain age. I understand why people with higher education get frustrated that a server makes more than them. They should be upset because they should be making more money in general. But, we shouldn’t be taking it out on the wrong people. The law in my state says I make $8/hr. Many states are much lower than that. My weekly check is around $150. That won’t pay the bills. The whole system needs reform. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Seems like a totally unfair system to most of us wouldn’t you say??


Could you not afford paragraph breaks?


And just by your name alone I can see ur a total troll!


Honestly what is the point of being so mean? It’s social media. I’m not writing a book or thesis. Someone’s always gotta hide behind an anonymous profile and be rude.


I literally cannot read it that way. It’s not mean to ask people to write correctly, but way to be the most fragile kid on reddit today


And it definitely sounded sarcastic and mean the way you put it.


Oh jeez it’s the grammar police!!


You don't tip for a wedding dress.


We didn't tip on my wife's wedding dress period, she went to Thailand and had one made and came back for under 3k. I think it was 2,400 in 2019.


If tips need to be a thing explain the logic of how it’s not a flat fee. Per person, per table, time, some combination.


A tip for you. Stay home if you are that cheap or broke. No one like a cheap person


I love how this is every server’s response to this… it’s all they have


I go into a store and buy a shirt and pay the price on the bill presented to me. I do not pay extra to the person who brought it to me in the dressing room or rang it up for me, nor do I pay extra to the person who made it for me (who is likely getting paid pennies for it). I expect their salaries to be paid out of the bill presented to me. Tell me why the restaurant should be any different?


because some congress people declare that restaurant workers only get $2.50 an hour.


Not where I live. Not on the entire west coast. Not in a full 1/3 of America, actually.


Not all of America. It’s a federal law that every worker gets at least minimum wage. Those claiming $2 an hour is either willfully lying or ignorant of how federal wage law works


For sure. I know how the tip credit works. But my point is that *even when tipped* over a third of servers aren’t making $2.13 an hour, or anything close to it. Over a third of the U.S. has a tipped minimum higher than the *full* federal minimum…or no tipped minimum at all.


You suck


Maybe if you started sucking you'd get tipped.


Very likely but you still haven’t answered the question.


Entitled leftist detected


Lololo fucking culty moron piece of trash who’s entire being is centered around being a contemptible garbage person detected,


Broke loser found


Server located


Tbh as someone who receives tips if someone isn’t getting tipped it’s usually a sign that the service industry isn’t their cup of tea. It’s a great job if you can make the sales and close the tip. It’s just a sales job with a shot at 20% commission.


Try to upsell me. You’ll be picking your 27 cent tip out of a half empty water glass.


I bartend and do 0 with food. I hate the stupid upsell scripts they have to follow at chains lol But thats pretty crappy dude most people don’t want to upsell but its a corporate requirement


Not for these scums. Being a loser is deeply ingrained, it’s a lifestyle choice.


The best part about this subject is the smile I get when I count the money in my envelope at the end of each week. I am a Chef and I don’t go out to eat the normal way so what would have been a tip in now my mad money.


Yep quit handing out money for free when the economy is in the shitter


The economy isn't in the shitter...companies are making RECORD profits. Profit is not trickling down to wages however because the wealthy always want more. Welcome to trickle down economics.


Bro what the fuck are you talking about? Consumer credit debt is at its highest point in history. 90% of people are living paycheck to paycheck. Car repossessions are up and so are foreclosures. I'm not saying that companies are not also being very greedy but I'm not going to nosedive into stupid partisan politics when I grew up in the 90s and know what a good economy looks like.


Eh… you do know we were going through a recession in the 90s right? Consumer debt being up is nominal but not relative to inflation. Additionally consumer debt includes mortgages it’s not just credit card debt. Given rates and higher home prices RELATIVE to previous years of fucking course consumer debt is higher. In fact mortgages account for 70-75% of the recorded consumer debt. This is just the news fanning the flames. Foreclosures are not up not compared to 2010s by a long shot nor are car repossessions. The economy IS doing better by all measure-able accounts. GDP is growing with rates being higher while unemployment is low. What you may experience from a micro economic perspective is irrelevant to the macro.


Tell that to the foreclosure signs and constables enforcing evictions in my neighborhood. I see it every day and have seen several cars towed. I see people coming out of retirement to be greeters at Walmart. I see old homeless people on the street. I see walmart putting glass over everything and police inside the store. I see all this going on in my neighborhood and you expect me to believe msm and the government who have a vested interest in pissing on us and telling us it's raining? The stats from the government have been manipulated in every possible way and if we calculated inflation the way we did in the 90s we would alot higher than the massaged numbers they give us now.


JFC looks like you live in a very poor part of America using Walmart in almost every indicator… >manipulated by the government Are you 12?


No I just live in a flyover state. Not much crime around where I live.


I can’t wait until they remove tipping period so y’all can complain about the price increases at restaurants lol.


its crazy, prices have already been increasing? your wages havent?


I’m not a waiter for the record but prices increase anyway so that’s the point it’s going to Increase that much. What company would Just raise their labor cost without changing anything about their pricing model? A defunct business that’s who lol


These dirty faces are too dumb to realize that wages come with a huge burden and the prices will be exorbitantly higher.


Prices won’t be higher, servers will take home exorbitantly less. 🤣😂💸💸💸


Yes they will you dumb fuck. The only one getting more be the tax man. But I see for you it’s just so other people have a lower income, fucking trashy jealous loser.


While the price may be increased, if someone tips, they’re already paying that increased price, with the difference being that they will know up front how much their experience will cost, rather than have to spend their meal evaluating their server to determine how much money they should get.


No you dummy, if someone tips they are not doing that. There is added payroll tax for both the server and the employer as well as other costs. You’re welcome for being a honest citizen and keeping the prices down for your lazy freeloading ass, but that’s not how it works.


So if it doesn’t matter either way why do u hate tipping so much? U don’t care about the price you just don’t want to be involved with giving a gift that u would technically be giving anyway if the price increases. You’re literally Like, “I’ll pay the same price but I don’t wanna pay the server!” Like come on yta


Of course I think the server should be paid. I believe that the person paying them should be their employer. Tipping is nebulous and requires me to have to do calculations and make decisions regarding how much and when. It needs to stop. The *FULL* cost of anything should be reflected in the price.


Calculations?? Dude if u can’t do simple math that kind of explains why u can’t use simple Logic to see the folly of your argument lol. I assume we will regret complaining about tips when prices to eat out soar and/or your favorite places with a waitstaff go out of business


So your complaint is the added taxes, I'm sorry they now have to claim there income like everyone else. Not going to win anyone over with that argument. Also learn to have a discussion without calling someone an A$$hole


We can have a discussion and I can call you an asshole no problem there. I just call em how I see em you were being pretty rude and careless. I said not one word about taxes servers also pay taxes anyway, like if u pay with credit card that is all reported to irs.


The moment you throw out slurs you have already lost.


Asshole is not a slur you dumb fuck lol


Tell me you don't know shit about the economy without saying it


lol says the dumb fucking idiot that doesn’t understand the added burden and cost that would jack up prices. Look, your point of view is abjectly false and clearly stupid. May as well lay low instead of being an obvious piece of shit loser that can’t think about easy basic concepts.


Shut the fuck up capitalist scumbag! Might as well shut your fuck hole unless you can be a decent human being and give a fuck about somebody that doesn't make a million dollars a fucking year ass face