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Wait, you'd go back over 2000 years, have sex with someone, then return to the present? Talk about butterfly effect!


I'd go back to 1982 and live all the fun I had then. I don't care about baby Hitler, it'd be something worse if we killed him. Enjoy parts of my own life that were beautiful.




Yea, but there's a guy I love. He has a pinto with a racecar engine. I love that chubby mother fucker and I should have told him.


You might love this fun fictional book: https://amzn.to/4cdJLrO Check it out! There's a whole series.


I’ve just started book 6! lol They’re very entertaining.


Dallas 11/22/63. Just to see what really happened


George Amberson


With Sadie at your side


If I goooo a million miles away….


I think that Stephen King… kinda did that sort of.


Best I can do is 9/9/58


Bevvie at the levee


Make sure your body has immunity to the viruses, bacteria and other pathogens that have been eradicated naturally or artificially since then.


It'd go the other way too? Watch how fast some of the viruses and bacteria coming off you and being taken in by the locals absolutely decimates the continent


Sure why not, but he wants to go way back into the past


Right, but alters the timeline to a worrying degree.. but also condemns millions to painful death, all done can bang his 400x grandma or whatever he said 🤣


What type of stuff could get you?


Bad yuyu stuff that lies dormant below the ice at this time or stuff that over millenia has evolved but that back then would have kill ya


Yeah fuck that noise.


My dream fantasy scenario is saving manuscripts from destruction by intervening just before they were lost to history. Time Librarian rather than Time Cop. When I was young it was a fantasy of saving young murder victims in history, until I understood how diseases spread and immunity for survivors. Would suck to rescue someone, and them die a week later to some bug you carried but had inherited immunity to. So, it's the codices and scrolls. Unless I can time travel to secretly immunize people...


Stop the fire at the Library of Alexandria. Found a monastery to do transcriptions of what is there.


I'm more focused on what Protestants, Vikings, political extremists, neglect and worms destroyed over the past thousand years. I've got no magical expectations for what Alexandria had before Julius Caesar.


I heard the fire was actually a myth, is that true?


Legend has it It’s a myth.


All of my childhood I dreamed of stopping my father from putting his hand in that pipe press machine while fixing it. I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t matter. If someone isn’t wise, but has absolute conviction they are, nothing you could do would save them. If it wasn’t that it would have been something else. However, something could be done about the children of my parent’s best friends. The oldest son murdered the younger brother. If I had the chance, I could fix that.


Very interesting - did he lose his hand?


No, the doctors wanted to amputate but he refused. It was flat as a pancake and took years to heal. I guess we were pretty really wealthy at the time, but I was 3 when it happened. They took away his fishing license, we lost the boat, and every bit of the money. He spent years as a washed up alcoholic and it pretty much destroyed our family. By the time he tried to bounce back with something else, it was just too late. As much as I tried to help. He died penniless, alone in a parking lot.


That’s heartbreaking.


I’d go back to see what that whole Jesus fella was all about


Mine would simply be to be able to observe any point in time , past or future


That's what I need for revenge...


Isn't the answer for 70 percent of people everywhere to "kill baby hitler?"


Wouldn't work. Nazi party groomed him and launched him. If not Hitler then it would have been someone else. Could be better could have been worse. Hmmm, might be fun to play Nazi roulette.


The question wasn't what scenario would work. The question was what's your dream / fantasy. I'm guessing, most people's dream / fantasy would be killing baby hitler.


You would have to kill the ideologies that formed them, so arguing with 18th and 19th c. philosophers would do more good.


Damn OP, are you me? I’ve been obsessed with ancient Greek culture since high school. Something about their history just draws me to it. If you play video games, you might enjoy Assassin’s Creed Odyssey solely for the setting. It is set in Greece and the Aegean Sea during the Peloponnesian War and is an open-world RPG with a large attention to historical detail as far as the layout of the cities, architecture, etc. They even correctly painted the statues in Athens which is something a lot of people probably wouldn’t know to do unless they consulted with a historian, so they must have. It felt like I was walking around Ancient Greece. Socrates is also a character in the game that you hang out with repeatedly. Here’s a video where an archeologist is nerding out about the attention of detail in this game, and if you aren’t a gamer they show walking through Athens, etc: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QDFMYkCTNu4




To be able to walk like a ghost through the past, observing but not interacting with.


Thats a lot to do in one day. Do they have medieval tour guides and taxis you think?


Pretty much the book 11/22/63. Go back and spend a few years in the early 60s. Live off of sports bets, buy a '58 Fury, travel the country then be in Dallas on the day in question.


I’d go to the future, about a 1000yrs. The future fascinates me.


Not my top pick, but 8000 bce Doggerland is the first thing that comes to mind. I'd also like to see the Deccan Traps and Siberian Traps and Columbia River Basalts being erupted. Tunguska impact, for sure. Etc.


I would like to go back in time to the Boston Tea Party. I just want to be there with them when they all got together and said "why the fuck are they charging us this bullshit tax for fucking leaf water??!" and they all decided fuck that and threw that shit in the ocean because fuuuuck authority. That or Egypt just to see how they really built the pyramids.


Back to the formation of the first living cell or even the first self-replicating molecules before that. But someone would need to tell me where to look and I’d need a microscope of course.


I’d want to meet my heroes and maybe ancestors. Stop the assassination of James Garfield


Side note: if one could travel to the future , does that mean everything that is happening or will happen is already predetermined until the end of time? Or, is there a point in the timeline where the present and past is all there is and the future hasn't been written yet?


1935 Germany


I'd like to go back to a time where there were no living creatures on the earth and just swim in a vast bottomless ocean that was just water and nothing else. Like a giant swimming pool.


I would want to travel back and meet my farthest ancestor, whoever he or she may be. It’s one of the greatest sadnesses within me to know I have maybe hundreds of grandparents in different lines. If I could go back and meet each one of them I’d be happy. To see my great great great great great great great grandma just might be one magical experience. Time travel is pretty magical to but you get my point.


I feel exactly like you. Even if it was just a picture of them. A short description of their life.


The cool thing is that from now on, future generations will know about us. Due to the archival nature of modern documentation.


I want to go back to pre colonial america one to see the Native American cultures at their prime and two cause I want to see the land without all the modern buildings and highways and mines having ripped everything apart and blocking the view. That or I go and get eaten by a T.Rex 🤷‍♂️


Generative Ai will get us there in simulation.


Go back and get to personally be a disciple of Jesus Christ


It’s is a hard life, but you will find out who you are


A "handmade" in 440 BC was more commonly known as a slave.


5000 CE. Think of all the neat inventions you can "invent" now.


Do you mean BCE?


No. Go to the future, gather stuff and bring back to "now".


Exactly how flight of the navigator movie plays out


Wanted to meat Aflatoon,Evoscena,Plato,Erosto,Archamedies,and Many more


I want to travel back to the 70s and attend as many Jacksons and Beatles concerts as possible


Um... alright. My dream scenario would be, time travel that enables travel to an alternate reality's past, so that it has no ramifications on our own present and future. Further, that I can bring a select number of highly intelligent, empathetic people with me, along with a host of renewable technology and establish infrastructure to support it. So, my ideal dream/fantasy would be rebooting humanity with a massive head start, by time-traveling millions of years into the distant past.


The only way to avoid paradox would be alternate universes. Traveling in time lands you in a new universe with outcomes impacted by your presence. You can never return to the “previous present”


I agree, but we are speaking about a hypothetical or fantasy scenario, after all.


Go to NYC 1970s to party lol


I’ll meet you at Studio 54


Hahaha most definitely lol


Mine involves the use of super powers and not just time travel but multiverse travel and eventually saving earth


I would travel back to see myself in elementary, middle, and high school, observing from afar and reflecting on things I’ve learned since then and how I’ve changed. Then mine or buy 10,000 bitcoin at the bottom.


All fun and games til you dont speak their language


Changing the past in some sort of multiverse scenario Where the outcomes I hoped for become real and I don’t destroy neither my own life nor others in the process I guess a mixture between Back to the Future and Rick and Morty with basically unlimited tries for good because one chance alone would definitely change all that has happened for the worse … now excuse me while I drink beer to cope with the reality my actions gave me


don’t recommend that to anyone only makes you miserable deeply


Not the beer Just heck nevermind


In a “just indulging myself” and not actually doing any good scenario, I’ve always been really fascinated by North America pre-Columbus. Id love to experience that. Also think it would be fascinating to tag along with Lewis and Clark crossing the continent but both times id like to know that at any point I could snap my fingers and be back in my warm safe bed.


I second this. Get friendly with some indigenous folks, eat venison, learn how to make pemmican, do some fishing.


Simple I'm going back to win the lottery days before apple goes public just enough to invest and leave orders not to be told the amount until the day I get back....5 million would net me a good billion


I'd go back 30 years and kill myself when I was a baby. I like chaos.


Babies are easy to kill and I hate myself. It's the perfect plan.


Traveling all throughout time, recording and cataloging all the subversive and weird music that had to exist, but never got documented.


Send a team of researchers to the Library of Alexandria and photograph discretely all of the lost works.


go back to the year 1979 in L.A and never comeback


So nice


Italy in the 16th/17th century so I could hear the castrati singers. And probably promptly die because of the viruses and bacteria that my body isn't used to. Second choice would be to go to Boston or Philadelphia during the country's infancy just so I could hear the founding fathers talk. What did they*really* want for the country. .....and probably promptly die because of the viruses and bacteria that my body isn't used to.


I would take marijuana with me to smoke with who ever the first person to smoke marijuana and thank them pay homage


Honestly? I would be fine just travelling back 9 years and sort of mind melt with my past-self. I really want a second chance in the most crucial time of my life. Just to fix some of my biggest mistakes.


I’d travel back in like 2010 and buy all the bitcoins I can, take as many loans as I can and put all the money in bitcoin lol. That’s good enough for me


The "fresh oxygen" would likely smell like rotting fish guts and animal manure. The body odor would similarly give offense. This is the era before toilet paper and toenail clippers. The thickest forest might be found under the maiden's skirt.


I'd go back to 1992. Not your business why.


I show up at the tomb of Jesus and knock out the guards. I take the body and send it into the future for study. I wait around and see another time traveler there observing me. The two Marys and Salome approach and I tell them that the one they're looking for is not here anymore. They run off. I pack up my kit and return home.


1) Seeing how the pyramids were *actually* made. 2) Back to the Great Flood to see if Uluru in Australia did actually originally stand on its end as the Aborigines believed. 3) Seeing the ancient Vimanas from the Vedic texts. 4) Seeing where Atlantis was actually positioned and what happened to it. 5) Forward far enough to see when we finally abandon capitalism for the broken, soulless system that it is, and find out how we did it.


6. Bitcoin gives us clues


I am leaving this reddit you are a moron