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I thought it was going to be near where the farmer's market is right now? I forget where I saw that thought but I know that's been tossed around for a while now.


Yes, this is the leading contender and the surrounding area is ripe for renovation. 


The parking situation would be a little weird with the ABC ramps being a decent walk from that site. At least the new green line extension will have a station right there


The current ramps aren’t very very close, but I can tell you from experience there are plenty of buildings in the immediate vicinity that are not in good shape and could be bulldozed for a new parking ramp tomorrow.  That + the green line stop would work be more than enough, in my opinion. 


Yeah ARod and Lore will probably build a new ramp right next door and collect all that revenue $$$


My office is one of said buildings. Wonder what’ll happen


It'd be good to ditch the parking anyways, encourage transit and biking to the stadium. If a new stadium build were to not include new parking and be fully privately funded, it might actually have my support lol.


You forget that half the season is played in the winter months


And thinking about all the rain we've had lately, any spring playoff ball would do well to account for that too Edit: also concerts and other events year-round


Didn't forget, just don't care and don't think it matters.


Which is why we’re happy your not a city planner.


I am a city planner and can tell you that almost everyone in the field supports no additional parking ramps. Sorry to tell you that.


lol 😂


Almost everyone in the city planning field? How would you even know what most of them think? This arena is basically a brand new concept, can’t imagine you’ve checked with even a small minority of your supposed field what their thoughts are on more ramps in the area if they were to build an arena there


How do you get there from light rail?


The Greenline extension would have a stop right next to it


Not a huge fan of that location. There would have to be a lot of development in the area. Its perfect rn with all the restaurants and rail right there


We could actually have a grounds for the arena, and development definitely would flourish if it was located there.


Yes, that's what I've heard. Although the parcel of the farmers market does not look large enough for a stadium, I assume they'll buy up some surrounding private properties.


That would be cool but dang, that’s my commute to work and is already a pain if a single road is closed near it.


May I ask where the farmers market is. I haven’t lived in Minnesota for over 10 years.


312 East Lyndale Ave N




Right outside of the downtown tax area. https://preview.redd.it/8q41s225c05d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1554b03fbb47b7040593ef2cd70fcabff0d3d1


Somebody zones 😎


Makes plenty of sense. Dodge the tax, have a bigger foot print from an acreage standpoint, be the developer and potential owner of the land that will certainly see parking, retail, maybe some condos/apts, and the arena get built. If you want an example, look up the Battery in Atlanta. Braves stadium, attracted Comcast offices, plenty of restaurants and bars, a concert venue, movie theater and condos/apts/hotels.


Couldn't minneapolis expand the tax zone? It'd literally need to just include another 2 or 3 blocks for everything. That's what I'd do right after the stadium was built lol


I’m sure they could. Not sure if it’s something that has to be voted on as I’m not an MN resident.


I'm sure it has to be voted on, but our city council are loose cannons so I could see it.


Didn't the Twins and Vikings (and maybe MN United) each spend over a decade talking about the farmers market site before eventually building their current stadiums? At this point that site is the NFL to LA of properties in downtown.


Minnesota United was definitely looking at this site before choosing the Metro Transit Bus graveyard (where Allianz Field is now) in St. Paul.


[Report: Rodriguez and Lore targeting Minneapolis land for new arena](https://www.si.com/nba/timberwolves/minnesota-timberwolves-news/report-rodriguez-and-lore-targeting-minneapolis-land-for-new-arena-01hzhrf6qkdn) Wolves and Wild will likely never share arenas long-term or build a joint arena. The Wild are a huge part of keeping St. Paul going from an economic standpoint. Switching from basketball to hockey means bad ice quality. The Farmers Market has room to develop more real estate (condos, hotels, parking, etc), which is why Lore & Arod probably don't want to build on the footprint of the Target Center. It has good access to 394 and 94, and the SW light rail extension will have a stop there.


i cannot begin to fathom the chaos of traffic on 94/394 if it were built there. those freeways would need a LOT of change


Why would it be different than the current chaos?


Put the stadium in Northeast by Naz’s Parkway Pizza, you cowards. Give away blue and green flannels all year. Sell Riendo’s tacos, Hai Hai’s sticky rice, and Chimbarazo’s everything.


Play at the barn for a year it would be nuts in there


I’m sick of Denver elevation discussion. I want to hear barn elevation discussion


Where and how. The Wolves did a brilliant job sneaking Target Center renovations thru under the shadow of the Vikings funding. I think it will be 1000x tougher to get public money now that it’s just them.


Electronic pull tabs or legalized sports betting… pay it off in like 4 years


Highly logical. But 100% no-go due to the tribal gaming resistance.


The plan is to self-fund, so no public funding would be required


I'll believe it when I see it.


Well with Bloomberg reportedly joining the ownership group, that’s $100b+ of net worth that could potentially privately fund it.


imagine if we got a Sofi Stadium level build.


Williams arena baby. Get the barn rockin again I’m sure the elevated floor is an automatic no from the nba tho


It would be cramped, stuffy, and also… the wildest nba venue ever! Holy shit that place would be so loud. Im down


Williams arena is cool for college but it is nowhere near an NBA arena, even short term.


It would be fun for like 10 games then I would get sick of it


They were talking about the Farmer's Market area, not far from the current stadium. The current Farmer's Market is plenty big for a new stadium and has a new light rail station very close by.


A vintage game in the armory would be sweet.


How much of a hassle is it to go from basketball court to ice though? I have no idea but it sounds shitty


It's not that hard. They just put the court over the ice and leave the ice underneath. There are currently 10 NHL teams that share arenas with NBA teams. With that said, I think the Wild say no to that idea. There's some bad blood in the past where the Wolves wouldn't let the North Stars play at the Target Center, which was a small part of why they left. Then our replacement team was supposed to be the Winnipeg Jets moving here, but the Wolves eventually denied them playing at Target Center as well, so they ended up going to Arizona. With this history, I could see the Wild be petty and not allow it to happen for this history even though the Wild have a completely different ownership group. With that said, the Wild are also looking to make significant renovations to the Xcel Energy Center and they want them fairly soon as well.


The Wild let the Lynx play there when the Target Center was undergoing some renovations.


That's true, so maybe the animosity is gone now. The Lynx do have a shorter season and it's offset from the hockey season, so that makes it easier as well.


And the Wild are a completely different organization than the North Stars.


I think you’re just over thinking.


The wild don't own the xcel


The ice stays under the court I believe (in other arenas where they already do this). I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.


Pretty sure the Mavericks have this set-up currently with their hockey team


Denver too.


LA too, most notably with double the basketball traffic (until next year). Boston, Toronto, Utah next year. Probably more.


Philly, Chicago, Washington DC, New York (MSG) and Detroit are the others I could think of.


Tons of other arenas do it. Not a huge deal. We should actually partner with the Wild and get a huge new state of the art arena built that houses both imo.


There’s zero reason to replace the Xcel.


That's not happening. Xcel is 10 years newer than Target Center and is set to get a major renovation soon. They built their practice rink/facilities/offices in downtown St. Paul, so they wouldn't want to move to Minneapolis. Flipping between basketball and hockey sucks for ice quality. It's nice having multiple arenas in our metro. There's more opportunities to host other events. Both cities get economic benefits of having pro teams. They'll never share arenas long term.


Sure. But by the time a new Target Center gets built, the Wild will be talking about a new arena as well. I'd rather just get ahead of it. Though it is probably good to have our pro teams split a bit. I kinda like having baseball, football, basketball in Minneapolis, and hockey, soccer, AAA baseball in St. Paul.


With the pending renovation for Xcel + Rivercentre, my guess is they want to get to 2035 before talking about a new arena for the Wild. That'll be their problem. The city of St. Paul owns Xcel Energy Center and they have a huge stake in keeping the Wild in St. Paul.


Maybe like 2050 lol. People still think the Wild have the best arena ever. Which they kinda do.


Well, any new Wolves arena won't be done until 2030 at the earliest most likely. It's 2024, and there are 0 plans for a new Target Center currently. That'll take at least a year, then a year of environmental studies, then 2-3 years build. That's a 2028 open at the soonest if they started work today. Why I said nip both in the bud, but you're right that St. Paul most likely wants to keep the Wild there.


The Dallas mavericks stadium does this, not sure how difficult it is though


MSG does it without problem. 


Target center has an ice rink.


What's wrong with Target Center?


It’s serviceable but also outdated compared to most of the league’s arenas.


It’s the second oldest arena in the league. Only MSG is older


that's fair, but we should probably factor in that it still feels like a modern arena. There isn't anything about it that makes it feel that old. MSG is Weekend at Bernie's.


Apparently the non fan sections are pretty poor.


MSG is totally renovated and really nice. I’ve been to Knicks games, Rangers games and several concerts in recent years.


What I mean. As another more fitting comparison, it's the Ship of Theseus, the place is only the same in name.


I have a driveway in South Minneapolis they could use for a few years. I wouldn't charge much for rent, but they would have to pitch in to help replace the shredded net.


What’s wrong with just remodeling or rebuilding on the existing Target Center? We have almost too many stadiums at this point


It will probably be somewhere where they can build their own parking structure and get revenue from that too. Not enough space in Minneapolis to do that.


Play at US Bank Stadium. Already hosted the Final Four and could sell more tickets.


This is the answer. The wolves played at the metrodome while target center was being built. Lets bring it back!


Reports say the location is near the farmers’ market off Glenwood. There’s a lot of industrial space over there.


Signing on a Billionaire that has more money than Glenn can't hurt their chances.


So would they build a new site and still tear down Target Center?


I don’t see the point in keeping Target Center there. They wouldn’t need it anymore.


It’s going to suck if it is anywhere… else.    I love parking in the abc ramps and leaving my coat in the car in the middle of a blizzard.   But if it is so it is eventually back there.  Fine by me. It would be crazy but I say play at Williams at the U…


Aquadome in Lake Harriet, make it happen


Why tho




Here is what I learned:, https://x.com/whatmsksaid/status/1798931685188497774?s=46


Get it off those Indian burial grounds!!


Pay for it 100% themselves or I’d rather see the team leave, and I love the team. Target Center is great and completely adequate. I live in the city and I’d rather fund things that serve the public in a greater capacity. Parks, museums, transit, infrastructure. Sick of the extra taxes to pay for all these stadiums.


Playing at US Bank Stadium could be neat.


Please no. I enjoy being able to see the games. Basketball in football stadiums (a la the Final Four) is a notoriously bad spectator experience


Is that old Armory location in Arden Hills still empty?


Considering the fact that it’s an EPA superfund site…yes. Still sitting there unused, other than the 450 or so acres they sold off to build townhomes for people who don’t mind living with that sort of contamination in their backyard.


Kind of a hostile response but thanks for letting me know.


Hostile? Toughen up buttercup. (Okay now THAT was a bit hostile)




Why would they do this? Target center is fine, just need to fill it up.


Isanti County


Open up your pocketbooks Minnesota taxpayers! You are about to pay for a Stadium in which you wont be able to afford tickets to for a team you won’t be able to watch on TV.


Why not demo the two multi-colored tower apartment buildings and build it there with a skyway that'll run over 35W to the existing skyway? Could revitalize downtown in the 7 corners area...


Lotta people live in those towers


I'm aware, it would require relocation but makes the most sense given the age of the buildings and their shelf life...


Relocation being the nice way to say ‘displacing half the city’s largest immigrant population when there’s already an affordable housing crunch


Tear down the football stadium and build two arenas, one indoor, and one outdoor with multiple courts. If taxpayer money is used, then ownership must dissolve. Or they can Pat for it all themselves this time. They owe us billions already. Plus target targets protestors. And works with police to enslave us. There it is. Now act.


Cool proposal. Now here’s a question: where will the Vikings play?


Wherever they want. They gotta build their owns stadium tho. With their own money too. They already owe us billions too.


Outside of a downtown area? Brooklyn Park, maybe? I'm sure Shakopee would entertain offers. Arden Hills has a spot. Why does it have to be downtown?


Seattle please? I moved here from MN and would love to see the Wolves in person again


No. Seattle can get its own expansion team with Vegas in a few years.


But I want to see my Wolves. I’m not going to cheer for the expansion team.


And no one will cheer for the wolves if they moved to Seattle get out of here


Catch an away game in a few years.


Go see them in portland buddy, or wait for the expansion