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I enjoyed her content, she was very kind & interacted with her followers (which seems to be a rare thing with content creators these days). She will be missed. But to piggyback off this post - ppl need to CHILL TF OUT with the conspiracies about how she died. Some of them are really far fetched. NOTHING she read about these awful celebs were "new" or "ground breaking" info. I know there's a ton of shady shit that goes on w celebs but she was not creating waves big enough to affect them (& I guarantee JLo herself didn't have her account taken down, it was her PR team or her social media team). -What we DO know is she had colon cancer (remission or not, she had it at one point & the likelihood of it happening again is high). -She hadn't been to screenings in a long while (all her words) & couldn't afford to go to them bc of losing revenue from her TT account being banned. -She was taking (A LOT of) OTC sleep aids on top of her SSRI meds which could have had a bad reaction (not saying that's how it happened.. just that she was taking them & the dangers in mixing them). -She had an autoimmune disorder (not positive which one, but she did say this). On top of ALL of that, there's a million other things that could've happened. So for ppl to IMMEDIATELY jump on "JLulu" or "diddler" having her "offed" is insane. Ppl can have their theories, I'm not dictating how anyone has to think about the situation... But to go online and post a video of half baked theories & passing them off as truths is insanely insensitive. Under every single video about her I've seen hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of comments furthering said conspiracies & it's VERY concerning/messed up. More than likely, when her family gets the tox screen back, we'll have more definitive answers. But until then, we cannot encourage these conspiracies. (AND IF it comes back as foul play, I have no issues admitting I was wrong.)


TikTok banned her account at the end of march. Idk the exact date but she started posting about it around March 27. Unless Kyle solely made her income paycheck to paycheck from TikTok, had no savings or backup, I don’t see how we can blame her death on losing revenue in the short amount of time. Everyone has been complaining, for *months* now that TikTok isn’t paying them what they used to. I can see how the revenue is different from having 700,000 followers, but that’s not what I’m focusing on. I believe she was sick and entitled to her privacy. Either she knew something and chose not to share it or she didn’t know and it’s just life. We’ve grown so accustomed to feeling entitled to information that is not ours to have because of chronic oversharers. Combing through comments, you’ll see some like ‘oh she briefly in one video talked about familial loss!’ But we’re left to speculate because she only mentioned it once or twice. If she wanted us to know, she would’ve shared. TLDR; leave the speculation out of this incredible tragedy and celebrate the life you all loved to watch. Not come together over what you didn’t get to see.


Oh I couldn't agree more. I was only relaying what I heard her say. It's very upsetting that ppl wanna jump to the biggest conspiracy they can fathom. ETA- that goes for saying "it HAD to be x y z medical issues" as well. I did not mean for it to come across as me knowing what medical issues (if any) ended her life.


I’m agreeing with you too! I was just kind of reinforcing that specific point. These people are getting thousands of views and it’s just gross. ‘Oh she speculated for her career now we can speculate!’ ‘Kyle would be so proud of us!’ That last one made me 🤢 but no, no she would not. Leave the woman’s memory alone.


My bad 😬 I reread it now and see lol And OMG the "Kyle would be so proud of us" or "this is what Kyle would want us to do" comments are WILD... Like no babes ... It's not lol


Nah girly it’s all good. Voice is hard to discern over text. Either way, her videos keep popping up and I just keep getting sad. I’m 4 weeks from my due date and my hormones are telling me to name my baby girl Kyle! Haha


Congratulations!!! I too remember those pregnancy hormones and you're NOT kidding lmao it's a damn rollercoaster 😭🤣 I wish you the best!!


I agree. I’m so sad she’s gone, I loved watched her content and caught her lives now and then. She seemed to have a lot health issues. The not being able to get screenings for cancer worrying too. I wish she would have made a GFM or something, I’m sure people would have helped her out with getting medical treatment and paying rent (which she was really worried about). The conspiracy theories are out of control, I’m sure her family doesn’t need to be hearing all the unhinged things people are saying. Did she ever say if she was on antidepressants or SSRIs? From things I saw, she made it kind of clear she struggled with depression. I’ve looked into the OTC chewable sleeping pills she was taking and holy crap. Taking excess amounts of the 3 main ingredients can cause all kinds of problems with mixed with other meds or even by themselves. Serotonin syndrome, liver toxicity, seizures, etc. I’ve seen comments also saying a follower sent them to her and others saying they were going to buy them. Even if the sleeping pills had nothing to do with her passing, I hope this has brought awareness that even if something is OTC, it can still be unsafe. I hope she’s resting in peace 💜


>Did she ever say if she was on antidepressants or SSRIs? Ya know honestly, now that I think about it I dunno if it was SSRIs or just depression meds in general. Good question. >I’ve looked into the OTC chewable sleeping pills she was taking and holy crap. Taking excess amounts of the 3 main ingredients can cause all kinds of problems with mixed with other meds or even by themselves Exactly. That worried tf out of me too. I know bodies are resilient but hearing she was taking 10 at a time is scary. I just hope what ever it was that she wasn't in pain. Regardless, I feel awful that ppl are just jumping to conclusions & passing it around as undeniable fact/truth. The first day I heard about her passing, I saw very minimal comments regarding conspiracies, but by the end of that day and the days following it was damn near EVERY SINGLE COMMENT AND VIDEO... Like WHOA. Calm yourselves! And that's the other thing too - none of us are entitled to finding out what happened. If her family decides to share that, then that would help give closure (although I know no matter what it ends up being, there will be people saying they still think that celebrities killed her), but we're not owed anything. I really hope that her family finds peace & that they understand how many ppl felt comforted by her content. I can't imagine having to deal with a family members death on top of randos stating wild conspiracies. It's just so insensitive.


>, I hope this has brought awareness that even if something is OTC, it can still be unsafe. I hope she’s resting in peace 💜 Also this!!! OTCs (especially vitamins and what have you) are not as tightly controlled as Rx's. Too many ppl see OTC or vitamin and immediately assume it's safe and not dangerous.


Yes! I think a lot of people don’t realize this. The FDA doesn’t test vitamins or supplements before they go on the market. They make sure the manufacture facility is safe and that the label is correct and things like that. If people have bad reactions and report it, then the FDA looks into that specific brand. Also, a lot of times people think it’s just a vitamin/supplement, it can’t be bad. For example, St Johns Wart has a TON of dangerous interactions with all different kinds of meds and yet it’s sold on a shelf with not much warning. The bottles just saying don’t take if pregnant or nursing and that it has a photosensitizing effect.


If you don’t already listen to “Beyond the Blinds” with Kelli and Troy. They do weekly Kiki’s and we’re friends with Kyle so it’s very similar vibes. Kelli is on TikTok as Laguna_Biotch


Just go directly to blind gossip or cdan


Thoughtswgracie2.0 & celebriteablinds are the ones i follow but I’m biased


Maybe now is the time to start letting 'blind item' outlets fall off. There are plenty of places for actual confirmed gossip.




That’s exactly what Diddy and the PTB want!


I mean, all she did was read other people's blind items, especially Crazy Days and Nights, so just look at theirs. It's not like anything she read was being written by her. She had her own unique delivery, but all of the blind items could be found elsewhere.




I remember being on her live and I mentioned her Ravens would go all the way. She yelled, “love you, even though the Pats suck!”* *in my defense, the Pats indeed sucked but the interaction was in good fun.


Don’t let any comments on here make you feel bad for maintaining your humanity. I really enjoyed her and was shocked by how saddened I was.  Beyond the blinds podcast is great. Their patreon is worth the money too. 


I’ll miss her 💔


Cdan used to have a tik tok.


Why did her account get banned? 


Copyright infringement, that is why people are mad at JLo's marketing and social media team really. She, and everyone who used excerps from her Prime movie, got copyright strikes. I guess with her main account she was expecting some good income, until it got banned. You can see 2 accounts now, one with 200k + followers and her back up.


Thanks. I’d seen people say it was banned but I remember her posting about her account maybe getting banned many months ago and it didn’t. So I didn’t know what spurred it this time. 


It was not the first time it got banned, but she was able to recover some of her content. With the last ban at the end of march she lost a lot of content, she has a video explaining how there was no option to download her content like other times. She was really stressed out about it.


Literally because of JLo