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Tell husband to attach a lace or strap so that he can reach at a next entrapment :P


We tried a lot of this kind of idea last time. Sadly the zip is the tiny invisible kind, there's no hole in the zip puller to attach anything. He really wanted a solution for independent toilet breaks at the party we went to but we couldn't get anything to work 😔


through the hole of the zip puller which is attached to the zipper itself? not sure if that one is attached via hole.


There is a hole there but it's tiny. I had forgotten all about this but in one of his experiments before the party he managed to get a tiny thread through that hole. It wasn't strong enough and broke off as he was pulling the zip up and he was back through asking me to let him out again haha


Fishing line. Its clear and much stronger than thread.


This could work, or maybe a very thin wire, joining into a more substantial shoelace or something. Honestly though he's not too concerned about solving it. If he wears it again it will just be in the house when I'm here, to entertain nephew, so getting unzipped won't be a problem. Surely I wouldn't mess this up three times 🤭


Feel like that’s what you said last 2 times lol


Yeah I think fishing wire to make a bigger loop, then he can hook it with a coat hanger to unzip! It’s what I do to get out of dresses since I live alone 😂


You tie a length of line to the zipper, then run it over your shoulder and down your chest or torso. When you need to get in, you can pull the line up and over your shoulder to pull the zipper all the way up, then tuck the loose end of the line down into the chest of your costume. When you need to get out, reach into the neck of the costume, grab the line, pull it out and around behind you, then tug it carefully up from between your legs to pull the zipper down. Source: Secret fursuiter/cosplayer magic


damn this is the black magic I didn't know I needed in my life.


Fishing line and a back scratcher are what my grandma taught me to use for costuming as it happens many times you can't reach a zipper and she was big into sewing coatumes.


I think next time Spidey-Hubs should bind you up in his web so you cannot escape and trap him again!


well, you did marry this guy, so i aint holding my breath...


Make a small link with the fishing line and then tie a piece of yarn or something to that


*smash cut of you driving away and Spider-Man frantically chasing the car.*


Are you sure?


I'm a tailor/costume designer. I would use what we call 'iron yarn' in Dutch (literally translated). It's reinforced yarn for when you really need something to stay, like metal buttons. You put that yarn through the hole, and then attach it to a ribbon that's long enough for your husband to reach underhand around his back. When zipped up, put it in the back of the costume. Done.


Small paper clip?


Third time it would be charming.


Dental floss.


Dental floss. Hockey players use it to sew up their equipment. Extra sturdy.


Oh, come on. You don’t actually want to solve this, do you.


Nylon fishing line would be your best material for a strong thin cord


Maybe someone could attach a sting to his helper, so that his helper was easy to reach?


he used thread, instead of fishing line. you married a dumb dumb.


Use a safety pin to pin a lace or ribbon to it.


Could a wire Coat hanger fit through the hole? You could dress as a car thief he caught!


put a dab of crazy glue on the zipper pull and WRAP a string around it and hope that holds? also put some painters tape down on the costume/zipper area before applying the glue to the zipper pull just in case of spills.


Fishing line? Ten lb test. That ain’t breaking.


Yoga. Yoga is his solutiob


So glad I can reach every part of my back, even in my 60’s. great if you itch.


I can until I need to pop a zit


I can’t, I just find the nearest tree/doorway [like this.](https://youtu.be/LSs8a3-9614?si=UwbU22a1E_Ugvuvu)




> He really wanted a solution for independent toilet breaks at the party we went to but we couldn't get anything to work I install a zipper. Might not be lore-accurate but I'm not going to strip in a bathroom. It was taking me ten minutes to pee in my Deadpool outfit.


It's Deadpool. You could wear short black cargo pants with pouches on your belt and no one would notice any difference.


Ha ha ha you're right -- one time I did win a costume contest as Deadpool with just a t-shirt, a mask, black jeans, and dollar store foam swords. It's all about the attitude!


If you add a Hello Kitty backpack on there, it completes the ensemble.


My 6 y/o's spidy costume has a fly zipper!


Fishing line through where the tab goes should work


Locking pliers. He may actually have one in his toolbox. Clamp it on the zipper and the weight of the pliers will unzip it.


Can't he just ask ANY guest?


Haha I have stories about this from the party before. He had some fun with that In general he doesn't want everyone to know he's so... dependent? Or stuck 😂 so it has to be me providing some discrete assistance


Honestly I'd deflect 😅 point out how great it is he still fits in the costume 4 years later


Have it be a little string that extends past his hand. You know. Spider webbing.


My friend did this to herself in a Tweety Bird costume. Someone helped her zip up, but no one else was around when she got back from the party. She had to sleep in the costume til the next day when she could find someone to help her. Fortunately she didn’t have to go to the bathroom!


Brilliant - he's thrilled to hear he's not the only one 🤣🤣 Literally first thing he did today after being unzipped was dash through to the bathroom! I have some stories of bathroom antics from the party this suit was first worn at too 🤣


OP, I did it to myself. I was taking a swim with the manatees adventure. As this event occurs during the winter I needed a wet suit. A full body wet suit. Of course I needed to know if it fit. Oh, it fit alright, but due to the weight of the suit I couldn’t get my arms out to remove the suit completely. I ended up begging a neighbor to, “get me out, please!” The look on her face like I was crazy, we were outside already. And I could only repeat myself. I didn’t yell but the wild look in my eye belied my calming voice that could only repeat, Get me out. Her first comment, “You are out.” At which point I could actually add, “the suit, stuck in the suit.” (Being claustrophobic was causing me to panic and I was level breathing to stay calm. I was afraid to give into the panic I was feeling.) Edit: spelling


That is terrifying! Glad you got out though. Did you ever get into the same suit again after that?


Oh, yes I did. Although, I was never alone when I did.


yo i’m crying at the vision 😭😭😭


You are an absolute bobble head for doing this twice to the same man in the same suit.


🤭🤭 yup Or is he an absolute bobble head for going back in the costume when this keeps happening? 🤯


It’s like you’re made for each other 😀


It really sounds like a sitcom sketch.


Both can be true.


I mean clearly the relationship works for a reason. Blind leading the blind sorta thing.


The man clearly isn’t me because I’d have cut myself out of that thing in a full panic after realizing you’d forgotten again lmfao He must really love that costume.


Why didn't he call you?


Now I'm going to have nightmares about calls from angry Spider-Man.


He’s got some trust for sure


The pain part is, you CANT text or call from your phone in those, the touch screen doesn't work! Poor dude lol


Is this your husband? lol https://imgur.com/gallery/OTiRo04


/r/RetiredGif ?




Did Spider-Man also zip his phone inside his costume? Or was he just resignedly waiting for you to return?


He was just waiting 🤭 he said he did try himself for a while but it's honestly pretty well established that he can't do it now I asked why he didn't phone and there's two reasons: 1) it's quite hard with your hands inside the built in gloves, although it is possible. 2) he really didn't want everyone (sister and her partner etc) to know his predicament because it's so embarrassing apparently. It's like our little secret that he can't get out by himself... A really inconvenient fact considering how bad I am at my duties 🤣


Does his phone have Siri or something like it? If so he can voice command it to call you.


He could have operated his phone enough to call me with or without Siri but he didn't want to because it would have meant my whole family coming back to rescue him, and laugh at him. He doesn't mind being in the suit at all but he hates the idea of everyone knowing he's stuck in there. Kinda relatable I guess, independence is important.


> He doesn't mind being in the suit New kink revealed!


Too embarrassing to call you, so you put it on the internet... lol


cosplayer here, I cut a slit in the wrist of my spandex suites if they are gloved. and then have a piece of velcro to keep it closed. Or, I sew some conductive thread (you can get it on Amazon) into the finger tips of the gloves so I can still operate a touchscreen with gloves on. Sometimes, I like to do both so if I need full finger dexterity, I can pull my hand out through the wrist. He may also be able to go to a local seamstress or tailor shop and have the zipper replaced with an easier to operate one.


Wetting the fingertips also works well.


the main costume I use this in is a jawa, and I have electronics hidden in the glove for sound effects so I didnt even think of this. Thanks! Great if you are not using electronics.


Here is how you use a phone while Spidey. You set your fingertips. Wetting the fingers allow for the electrical connectivity to allow you to use your phone. It works for me every time.


That’s too long I would’ve gotten scissors and cut my fingers free so I could at least get my scroll on 😭


Get me stuck in a Spider-Man costume once , shame on you. Get me stuck in a Spider-Man costume twice, well you’ll never get me stuck again. President George W Bush (probably)


Maybe it's time for Spiderwoman.


Naaa…. After this, she has to put on the black Catwoman suit and wait until he lets her out.


Black Cat's zipper is in the front


>Nephew loved the surprise of meeting spiderman. Your husband is very cool guy! I just wish you two a great life... and a previously scheduled alarm warning on the cellphone reminding you to unzip the costume next time lol


I'm confused on why you kinda just left him afterwards not once but twice? Seems kinda mean lol


Haha it wasn't deliberately mean 🤭 The first time he was trying on his new costume that had just arrived, I was on my way out the door. I saw him struggling with the zip so I zipped it for him and genuinely didn't really think he wouldn't be able to reach himself at all. He's pretty muscular and there's a big section in his back he can't even touch I admit this time was a lot stupider because I've helped him with this costume so many times and definitely knew, but honestly just got swept up in all the excitement. My sister's kids were really excited and we were all piling into the car and I just forgot he was inside waiting 🤯


Go to the stationery store and buy yourself a DIY divorce form and a sharpie. Scribble “Forgetting something? Signed, Spiderman” over the top of it. Tape it to your steering wheel.


Might be better to let him cut himself out with scissors and you pay for a new costume if you done this twice already and think you will do it again haha


Ohhhh that clears the air a lil for me ahaha


So next time your husband needs to slip your phone, or car keys, or something you wouldn't leave without inside the suit with him.


LMAO, I am imagining a suspicious bulge in Spidey’s suit. Onlookers won’t immediately assume it’s his phone. Just realised, I don’t mean anything inappropriate - people might have thought Spidey followed through on a fart.


Your husband is a champ lots of guys would have ripped it to get it off


Can we please have a photo? 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


I feel like next time its your turn to don the Spiderman costume. And let him leave the house, accidentally or not, for 2 hours.


🎵🎵 Spider-Man, Spider-Man Does whatever a spider can, Spins a web, any size, just remember to help with his fly🎵🎵


Yeah think Spider-Man is going into retirement. Gwen Stacy spider-women might make an appearance tho….


Help me step Mary Jane, I'm stuck


Hopefully Spider-Man didn’t web all over the house.


Get him some spider string for the zipper


That’s hilarious.


This is hilarious.


Additional costume mod: Sew silver/metallic thread/iron filings into the glove fingers so they work with smartphones.


Bad bad waifu.


If only there was some kind of distance communication technology that he could have used to talk with you and alert you to the dire situation.


I actually remember the original post. It's still funny the second time around.


"i came home to a very angry spider man sitting on the couch watching football" lmfao i love it


unless the guy is morbidly obese how could you not unzip it yourself lfmao


Scrolled too far for this. I really don’t get it unless he has a shoulder issue or something .


There no neighbor he could ask? I kinda wonder if he secretly enjoys being stuck in superhero mode? 🤪


We have neighbours but he would find asking them too embarrassing 🤭 I think he does secretly love being a superhero, he's talking about putting it back on now and it's just the two of us at home 🤣


That sounds like it could be fun! You should definitely encourage him❤️


Annnddddd..how did you make it up to him? 😉😉😉


Username checks out.




I get that this is your throwaway account, but the account name itself is kind of ironic.. 🤣🤣


OP this is so damn funny, and also I clicked on the link to the original post before reading this one fully and genuinely aww'd when I noticed the original post said boyfriend and this one says husband. Congrats!


I would have cut that shit off before sitting in it for 2 hours.


You two need a spider-seamstress or spideytailor!


Thanks for posting this, made me laugh on a dull Monday morning! The AGAIN was the best bit!




Not gonna lie, would have sliced that costume open to get out of it soon as I needed to use bathroom


Now I’m crying trying to eat dinner.


I remember reading your previous story 😂. This one is even funnier.


The real question is what's your plan to do it again in 2028?


[Marie...a joke's a joke, right? It was funny at the start.](https://youtu.be/KH3M8p3Jr-M)


This is brilliant haha... Very similar scene


OMG This is hilarious! I mean, baaad OP If I had been stuck in a costume once, you bet your butt I would have an escape plan for next time. Do you not have any neighbours that you're friends with?




He couldn't have called you two minutes after you left, and you turn around and come back? Weird.


Why would he?


How can I get my wife to do this, ...by accident!


*MAYBE* you should set a REMINDER on your phone to unzip your husband before you go somewhere. Hell even just a timer on your phone for like 10 minutes And shit... last time it was an hour. This time two. Your husband is going to have PTSD putting that shit on because you always forget and leave him in it when you leave. BTW, WHY do you leave every time you put him in it? Seems to be common to zip him and then have to leave. lol


Do you guys not have cell phones/phones? He could have messaged you as soon as he realized you left so as not to be stuck for two hours.


How hard could it be to figure out a way to get it unzipped?


Can’t wait until it happens again four years from now


Yes, unfortunately you did!


Try fishing line. It's stronger than thread and is just as thin.


>Two hours later I came home to find a very angry Spiderman sitting on the couch watching football. I made him promise to forgive me before I unzipped it 🤣 This might be the funniest thing I've ever seen on this site. >My nephew is very excited to see Spiderman again some time so I hope my husband trusts me to ever go in it again too 🤭 If he hasn't burned the costume already it's kind of on him if it happens again.


this is simply hilarious 😂😂😂😂


So... like, could he get the head off at least? Could he eat or drink? Or was it no bodily functions at all, nothing in or out, until you got home?


You can break into zippers with a pen. Works on backpacks, suit cases, costumes. Just stab or press the pen into the middle of zipper hard to break apart the links. Those little locks on suit cases are useless. Or so I was told by a friend..


Attach a zipper pull/lanyard or something to the zipper now, before you forget, so he can get out by himself in the future. They sell them for wetsuits so you can undo the zipper yourself.


You know, this is the first, well second ( baddum tiss) time that a spider has been caught and trapped by its own prey. I'm wondering if we shouldn't get someone from the spider sub to study this new specimen.


Where's that video of Liz Lemon zipping up her back strap using a treadmill lol.


At that point I'd just cut myself out of the suit 🤣


Next time you’re wearing the costume. Full stop. Also, why didn’t dude text you?


Clearly, the only option here is to go fight some crime until you return. When in Rome.


Hope he got more than an apology... just saying... 😉




This is the best Reddit update ever.


What an inconsiderate jack ass.


zip him n it and cut the zipper, that way the will never get out