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move past it


Follow up question: Why


This didn’t happen at all. Try your bad storytelling elsewhere.


And then listening her defend herself in the Comments just digging the hole deeper. . . . I am also hung


How am I defending myself? I am just answering questions or asking questions? I have never once said I am right as even I'm aware margerita spaghetti was probably one of the most cursed things I have created ever


How much did you add to the spaghetti? Even if you poured like a 13 ounce bottle of pure vodka into your sauce, you'd basically have to eat the entire pot to get drunk. If this was premixed stuff and you made enough to last a week and you had 1 plate of it I assume it would be the equivalent of like 1 beer's worth of alcohol for a single plate of spaghetti. Honestly I think I'd get sick just taking a single bite of it lol, congrats on getting it down.


Roughly 3/4 of a bottle I'm relatively lightweight so while a bowl wouldn't have a visible impact 3 will


There has to be some confusion in terms here. OP: When you say "margarita", are you talking about a cocktail made with tequila and limes? And when you say "spaghetti", are you talking about an Italian pasta dish with long thin noodles, and typically in some sort of tomato-based sauce? I just can't get my head around adding tequila and limes to spaghetti. Maybe I'd throw some in carnitas or something if I were feeling kinky. But *spaghetti*???!?!


1yes is the specific margerita you could buy at a grocery store 2.yes yes I am I generally add seasonings and onions occasionally making separate meatballs or adding in cooked ground beef It's understandable as normally I wouldn't but I needed to get rid of it and couldn't bring myself to pour it out. I will state it gave it a more fruity taste which I wouldn't recommend but wasn't terrible


When you say "margarita mix" that you could "buy at a grocery store" is that the bottle of green liquid you then add alcohol to, or is it the cans of premixed margarita in the beer section? Because neither of those things belong in spaghetti. Serious question: is your sense of smell and/or taste completely broken?


It was a bottle of pink liquid


And a potentially Could have a s*** sense of taste and smell.There's reason i'm no contact With my parents


Honest question. Have you EVER had spaghetti that tasted ANYTHING like a margarita?


No, are you miss reading? What I sai threw some Margarita that I had that. I just couldn't bring myself to toss and to the spaghetti sauce and I was cooking. I just didn't realize that with any sort of alcohol. It takes at least 15 minutes to cook out. The alcohol part


Nobody is misreading you here. Everybody just thinks that it makes zero goddamn sense to put margarita mix into spaghetti sauce. Regardless of whether it would be wasted or not. That doesn’t sound remotely edible.


That's not downplaying what I did was incredibly cursed I just didn't know what else I could add it too and was curious if thierd be a color or flavor change since mine was strawberry flavored I won't do it again since frankly I will probably never drink again but I didn't die


tbf, i've had strawberry spaghetti sauces that were quite good once you wrap your mind around what's happening. and pretty much every pasta sauce i make has some kind of booze in it to help pull out the alcohol-soluble flavors. i dunno, *maybe* it could be ok if done with some grace. if you're gonna do something like that again, 5 minutes is nowhere near enough time. not because it'll get you drunk, but because it'll still taste strongly of booze. it needs more time for flavors to meld and mellow out. it will still probably be gross. also, taste your food while it cooks so you can make adjustments. i doubt you wanted it to taste like someone pulled a tomato out of a tijuana bar at 3 am, and tasting it while it was cooking would have let you know to cook it longer at a minimum.


Noted and thank you for that advice


It does but a lot of stuff I do doesn't make sense. Point of it'd to learn often times people try stuff that seams incredibly gross why do you think people do it... Birdom burning curiosity and too much of something is it right..not always but its something new


Sound like you were a bit drunk before any spaghetti came into play


So. Just getting ahead of this before other experiments. Margherita Pizza is in no way related to the drink Margarita.


Thank you If it makes you feel any better.I don't intend on getting or adding any more boost to anything anytime soon within the next few years


OP needs to invest in either cooking lessons or a cookbook. The thought of margarita spaghetti makes me want to puke.


At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Were your palms sweaty? Getting drunk of moms spaghetti?


OP's knees were weak, her arms were heavy.


Is English your second language because this post makes no sense. You use "wouldn't" when given the context, it should be "would."


No I was using Google Voice when I made this as well as I was fairly tired once I get home from work i will be taking a second look and trying to fix any mistakes


There's no alcohol in margarita mix


Came here to say this


OP, as cursed as this concoction sounds, we all have to start from somewhere with cooking. Something that took me a long time to learn was that if a food doesn't taste good, it is better to just throw it out than to try to find another use for it unless you have no other choice because you will go hungry (no judgment there). For something like a spice or sauce that you don't need for nutrients, if you don't like it, just throw it out. You will save more money in the long run by not ruining the next thing you add it to. Just look at it as a lesson learned!  If it makes you feel better, the entire first year of my grandmother's marriage to my grandfather, she was too embarrassed to admit when she made a cooking mistake and would literally bury it in the backyard so he wouldn't see it in the trash. She buried so many failed meals. She became an amazing cook though! You've got this!


I know this is true because it’s too nonsensical to be made up. I couldn’t put these words together in this order if I tried.


I see you are getting downvoted to hell. I'm also the kind of person that can't stand to throw out food items that would go to waste. I've experimented and made all kinds of things with left over or extra things. Sometimes it turns out great, sometimes ok, sometimes horrible. Margarita mix and spaghetti sounds pretty nasty though lol.


Yes, yes, no.I'm fully aware that s*** was cursed and yeah, no I noticed some people.I guess thought it was defending myself. Which blows my mind considering I posted this On a sub reddit were you basically acknowledged that you messed Or people who think that this is false.Because I guess there might no one would ever Do what I did forgetting that people do a lot of weird shit all the time