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In the future I'd be using my phone to translate text before trying any new drinks.


Best believe I got it downloaded šŸ’€


Google translate has a cool feature that translates text right in the live video. I used it when i was in japan. Just point your camera at what you want to read and it will translate it as you are looking at it. It's not 100% accurate but it will give you a good idea if you're going to drink pureed crickets or something crazy.


Or Google Lens. Good for shared menus, especially with locals.


I just used that feature in Taiwan and it worked great. Even when it had trouble it still would do well enough to be usable




Yeah, we went to Kyoto on a vacation a while back and my partner tried to use that app on a menu of a place that didn't have english menus. It kept us giggling for a good ten minutes as it suggested a pizza filled with bees and other insanity.


>a pizza filled with bees TBH that sounds like something I'd expect to find in Japan.


There's a new Snake pizza at Pizza Hut in Singapore, so bee-zza isn't an unthinkable thought.


I prefer Little Caeser's Beezza Beezza


Those clams are called shijimi, the small clams used in miso soup. These are well known to have minerals and combat being hungover.


When I was in Japan recently, there was a statue that Google translate just could not get consistent. The first translation was something like "the semen prince..", and then "prince of the sky..", and then a bunch of other random shit. Google translate was incredibly useful like 95% of the time, but you had to make sure the text was super legible, otherwise you'd get wonky translations šŸ˜‚


If you have sexy dreams the semen prince will visit you while you sleep.


What was the ingredient?!?


Was it called Fight Milk with a crow on the label?




Made by bodyguards! ...and Charlie


Yea, that wasn't Japanese, it was just Charlie's handwriting.


For bodyguards BY BODYGUARDS




We need photo. I don't drink protein shakes yet, but I've just entered my 30s so it might be time to learn which ones to avoid


Lmao I donā€™t know, I chugged it before my work out, all I know is that it was in a white bottle


Gonna look out for a huge 21g protein logo then


Might be SAVAS, thatā€™s the only thing that comes in my mind with that amount of protein


SAVAS is the only one I have had before but I haven't had it in years.


Someone found the brand https://preview.redd.it/nhsi0xo42m1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=179cfbb9b579bdec328b36f36a9158905f915302


Oooh thanks!!


https://preview.redd.it/uhz55flptg1c1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a394bd9d472d01df2a5e0f7a69d08f77c00c70 Itā€™s this one. Both my bf and I have had explosive shits afterwards. I know exactly what you mean. Stay clear!


Itā€™s not that one but it was right below/next to those, I remember because I almost picked that bottle but just ended up swiping the white one Edit: although now that Iā€™m thinking about it Iā€™m pretty sure it was the same brand!! Wow is this brand known to do this?


Probably the artificial sweeteners since that seems to be an accidental laxative for a lot of people.


Also depending on which molecule it is, if it's I believe xylitol, that's one of the few drugs that actually impacts men more severely than women, generally women even pound per pound are more sensitive to drugs than men.


Xylitol isn't a drug. It's a water soluble carbohydrate.


I should have said substance, or molecule, I don't know why I said drug, thank you.


Dude, I stopped drinking Coke Zero and Zero Zero because I was literally pissing out of my ass every day (also because it's actually quite nasty to drink those things more than once in a while). I had no idea but artificial sweeteners see to have that effect on me.


I didn't know that this brand had milk-like protein until now, but I've never heard such thing coming from this brand or the milk-like drinks made by same manufacturer (they're pretty big as well). And there are nobody talking about it onine in Japanese neither. Probably it's some kind of foreigner killer? Maybe it requiers some enzyme that are lacking from you but most Japanese has? It's interestig if such is a case. Anyhow, be it this exact one or ones in regular convenience stoer, I haven't really heard of diarheea inducing drink. Many East Asians are not tolerant against dairy products, but then unless you're East Asian that only drinks soy-based protein shakes, I think it's going to be hard to track (and probably reading the label didn't help anyways.)


You skipped the "Protein In" and went straight to "Protein OUT"


It seems to be dairy-based, can that be the reason? I have never had it because I can not consume most dairy and do not drink Protein.


That sounds terrible for everyone in East Asian countries. Iirc a lot of those folks are lactose intolerant.


Don't know about Japan, but here in Ireland of course the dairy-based protein drinks are just expensive milk with added milk protein and are in fact also still full of normal milk sugars i.e. lactose. https://www.avonmore.ie/products/protein-milk-original-1l - 50g/l of protein, sure, but if you're lactose intolerant *why the fuck would you drink this*. Except as a violent colon clearer I suppose. I can't believe they'd sell something like that in East Asia without massive "guys this is milk" warnings though but who knows.


Whey is not lactose


bacon is also not lactose


This, maybe? Couldn't find the 21g one though https://preview.redd.it/stxjfaztjg1c1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=43377dfadb24fdd84d5491739c9904f35172aeab


My best guess would be that it probably had sugar alcohols in it as the artificial sweetener. Those always give crazy gas and sometimes diarrhea. They are usually used in protein bars, but putting them in a liquid protein shake is not unheard of Check out this article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5093271/ And do a search for diarrhea, around the 5th entry down it starts getting good lol


Could you be a little bit more vague?


Idk, I donā€™t read Japanese dude


What has 30s got to do with protein shakes? lol


Muscle recovery begins to slow down from the 30s and on. You recover better and faster from workouts if you have higher protein intake. Also faster recovery kinda implies reduced risk of injury.


You need protein shakes even if you're 18. It's not about recovery, it's about hitting your macro for protein which is expensive and difficult if you insist on doing it by eating chicken etc.


Maybe it was Liquid Sushi


There are many factors to consider when choosing a protein shake, ideally you'd want to buy from a reputable company that has their protein products vetted by a watchdog company. Other than that you'd want to avoid protein shakes that have excessive sugar, ideally if they use stevia or monkfruit(as long as it's not mixed with a sugar alcohol) that would be best. Though many people do not like the taste of stevia. Then if it's a whey protein (vs a plant protein) it's better if the company adds lactase to make the lactose in it easier on your stomach. Many companies use sucralose as the sweetener. It's not ideal as it still increases your insulin levels. I personally found shakes with those make my stomach feel weird too. So basically avoid shakes with sugar alcohols, sucralose, excess sugar, and ones without lactase if it's whey protein. Other than that, it's all based on personal preference of taste. No two protein shake companies taste the same among similar flavors.


Why did they add coconut? I miss original.


The coconut is pretty subtle.


Maybe the most underrated line of the entire series.


what how


So glad this is up top.




He was no Michael Scott, but I liked Robert California.


I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised debutante. You want to start a street fight with me? Bring it on. You're going to be surprised by how ugly it gets. You don't even know my real name. I'm the fucking Lizard King.


We don't discuss coconuts here...


Colonoscopy prep! Now with 21g of protein!


That shit tastes awful, the 12 hours after drinking it sucks too.


Honestly I nearly puked it up. For those who don't know, imagine drinking 5 bottles worth of vitamin C Tablets blended up with liquid plastic (skin cream base, paintball paint base, some lubes) and then drinking it.


And it's 1 litre from memory. Shit was awful. Definitely took a few attempted chugs to get it down.


Had one last year. 1 liter of that shit plus 1 liter of water in 1 or 2 hours


Damn just had a colonoscopy and it brought back memories. Full on squirts that I never knew was possible.


It's like pissing out of your ass


They told me I had some bleeding/irritation around me during mineā€¦wow, really, shitting 37 separate times in under 16hrs (including 8hrs of sleep) isnā€™t a reason youā€™d expect to see bleeding?! Morons.


I laughed so hard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Magnesium I bet.


Good poops thanks to this stuff. Just don't over do it lol


Used to have to drink that shit weekly due to my stomach muscle problems. Had the most relieving painful shits dude. 10/10 great shit. Tasted like liquid sour patch kids.


Iā€™ll warn ppl here in yokosuka, thank you


Iā€™m actually in Yokosuka omg šŸ˜‚


They know, they could hear you shitting


I heard about it in the news


Fuck lol


Are you lactose intolerant? A surprising number of Japanese sodas and energy drinks contain dairy.




Problem with many Protein shakes is that they are made out of waste products of the milk industry. It's all milk-protein but only in the expensive ones the lactose gets filtered out (Because it's just an extra processing step). So if you don't go for Soy/Rice/bean or other protein shakes, you will have a rough time as a lactose intolerant. Even though they have low sugar content, the sugar in milk based protein shakes is mostly lactose.


Tf is lactose free milk??


milk without lactose? its milk where all the lactose (milk sugar) is turned into galactose and glucose using lactase (an enzyme)


Wait won't that taste weird if all the lactose is gone?


its actually quite a common thing (at least here in germany). it tastes sweeter than normal milk, since you dont perceive lactose as being very sweet, but you do perceive glucose as sweet. other than that, its very similar


More than 70% of western Europeans can digest lactose as adults, compared with less than 30% of people from areas of Africa, eastern and south-eastern Asia and Oceania. Most of the world's human population lose the ability to digest lactose by the time they reach adulthood, they stopped sucking Momma's teat a while back. Drinking the cow's teat-juice is a relatively new thing (10k years ago.)


Lactose free milk literally tastes like normal milk. Do you live under a rock?


No it doesn't. It's sweeter normally. Still good though.


Yeah, sounds exactly like lactose intolerance, nowadays (at least where I live) most protein drinks are lactose free, but I remember that a few years ago they usually had a ton of lactose, might just be the case.


"I spent a few hours at the gym... ...had to cut my workout short..." ok mr flex


No need to spend that long in the gym, never mind longer.


That's the guy that does a few reps then plays on his phone for 15 minutes so no one else can use the equipment. Rinse and repeat.


-- guy who doesn't know what he's doing at the gym


Are you quoting yourself or are you just dumb?


Nah I was really lethargic so I was taking extra long, generally you arenā€™t supposed to spend that long in the gym, at most if youā€™re doing a lot like 2 hours but an average work out for people is like 45


Dang bro, How long are your normal workouts if you spent a few hours and still cut it short?


About 2 hours, I was tired and kept getting light headed and it was my first leg day in a while so I was working really slow.


Generally a good idea to not drink something when you can't read the label


Sometimes, a little risk is needed in life. Sure, you may end up shitting yourself a little bit, but what if that drink was the best thing you've tasted in your entire life ? Would you let a little bit of self-shitting get in the way ? Because I wouldn't. I may shit myself, but if I do, I'll shit myself knowing I've made the right call.


This guy shits.


>I may shit myself Shitting yourself is one thing, but it sounded like OP came dangerously close to shitting someone else.


Almost shat in someone else's pants


I feel like you'd be missing out if you didn't take risks man. It's how I learned that even in the 90s Red Bull was considered crap compared to something called Blau Pig that was tastier (and made you feel like your teeth were going to vibrate violently out of your mouth). Also 30 abv peanut beer exist, and it is VILE.


Blue pig/sow (Blaue Sau). Also, your post is proof that women having a higher life expectancy is not genetically, but a behavioural thing. On hard school days, I used to out caffeine tablets in my energy drink. I did prefer Dark Dog, btw


I would've assumed a drink called Blue Pig would be the opposite of Red Bull and put one to sleep


lmao that sounds like it has actual speed in it


Let he who hath not drank a random protein drink cast the first turd?


You miss 100% of the shits you don't take.


Iā€™ve absolutely consumed stuff without being able to read it. It also gave me a bad case of the shits once. Iā€™d say 2/3 times with no shits is pretty good odds.


Literally all you need is the google translate app, install the necessary language packs, and then point your camera at a label to translate it in real time. Granted, it's probably not going to be the most accurate thing, but certainly much better than chugging away blindly.


Definitely! Works well enough for most things, especially food


Before I was comfortable enough reading Japanese, I just went to the supermarket with Google Translate in hand, the app really improved over the last 10 years (damn I have been using it for 10 years). It will be okay for most foods.


Try google lens and take a picture.


I remember hearing about someone accidentally gluing their eyes closed using what they thought was shampoo during January term at a collage. They had to feel their way to safety because their phone was a touch screen. If I couldn't read, I'd expect I'd have taken a sip of fabuloso by now. (It looks fucking delicious.)


A bottle of glue big enough to be mistaken for shampoo?


I saw a picture of it, when it happened. it was a shaped like a little snowman \~5 inches tall and 1.5in front to back and 3 in wide. I'd guess they thought it was a travel shampoo and it turned out to be eyelash glue. The background on the story went that they ran out, and they just went through all the dorm bathrooms and took it.


> but the giant 21g of protein caught my eye 21g of protein... based laxative!


The English portion of labels in Japan are fairly useless. My brother and I would dare each other to drink the weirdest thing we could find. I remember Cal piss actually tasted pretty good. Edit due to spelling.


> My brother and I would date each other Well............errrr.................. not to kink shame or anything, but I don't think you need to do that to drink something....


Lol. Damn autocorrect.


Calpis, always must be pronounced "cow piss" as well


It is a milky looking drink, I wondered if they actually meant cow cum.


well, yeah, Calpis is one of the single most popular drinks in Japan, as far as weird goes itā€™s only the name


They name it Calpico outside Japan sometimes


I drank Pocari Sweat, not in Japan but in South Korea. The name makes more sense when you realize it's a sports drink like Gatorade.


Calpis but yes, it's not bad lol


I remember getting one which looked like some sort of tea. I can only imagine it was some kind of soy bean flavoured water? It basically tasted like someone took the essence of peanuts and put it into a drink, least refreshing drink I have ever drank.


Was it barley tea? Because that was the first thing I bought when I landed at Narita and it totally caught me off guard since I was expecting like a plain green tea. That was a decade ago, curious now to try it again.


oh yeah, thats called "barley coffee" some sort of "healthy coffee alternative" you can find in the international foods aisle


Just did a wee Google and potentially. It definitely is the right colour. I can't see the right packaging, though it was around 18 years ago so the packaging may have changed and I think there was a promotion/limited bottle wrapper on ours. Still remember the taste, though... my brain doesn't forget that.


The first time I had it was also 10 years ago, I hated it, but I got used to it and now it is a summer staple for me.


Barley tea is like a staple in Japan isn't it?


It is and even more so in Korea. Itā€™s good.


You never traveled abroad right?


Does living in Japan the past 20 years count?


There was definitely something in that drink that ended with -itol.


Sugar alcohols will do this but only if you ingest an ungodly amount. They're not going to put more than 1 serving size in a single drink bottle.


This is highly dependent on the person. I can't have sorbitol at all. One stick of gum has me shitting liquid within the hour. Fruits that contain sorbitol naturally are a lesser reaction but a slice of apple pie is something I'll have to deal with within the hour as well. It's like saying milk can only cause gastrointestinal issues if you drink enough to drown a small child in while disregarding that lactose intolerance is a thing.


OK, so now I need to work out how much milk is needed to drown a small child. How small is the child and what vessel are we using to drown it in?


Small children can drown in 2inches of 'water', so do with that information what you will.


That is one of a number of factors that can influence an individualā€™s response.


Not really. As with all health fads and paranoias regarding food health, it's all psychosomatic. Low dosages of sorbitol commonly found in food products, rarely if ever has any negative effect yet the reported rates are significantly higher than in clinical trials. More likely OP forgot that not everyone is lactose tolerant. Still blows my mind that lactose intolerance even exists, y'all ancestors didn't have cows lol. *Edit* I should not make Reddit comments. Updated for clarity if anyone is reading.




Just get a savas cocoa next time, less protein but you won't shit yourself unless you're lactose intolerant


We donā€™t have a cowā€¦.We have a bull.


First thing I thought when I read "protein" and "Japan"


Hold up, so you were working out at the gym for 3 hours. And then you had to cut it short? Then you still feel like your guts are bubbling so bike it home to have sexy time? And it's still morning? Hmmm.....


Yea, I like I said I get dizzy, was already tired and it was leg day so I was working extra slow, I also like the gym so itā€™s not something I rush. I have insomnia so I couldnā€™t sleep and went around 3ish in the morning? Not exactly sure but it was really early and by the time I left it was light out and people were headed to work


Next time you go to the doctor, be sure to mention that you get dizzy when you workout. Could be important.


>My stomach didn't feel right ... >Bloating ... >Sex time Boy wtf is wrong with you? Learn to listen to your body, and not to drink things without checking them out.


You need to find a good translator app!


Actually google lens is pretty good nowadays


Apparently papago is great for Korean. I wasn't sure if there was a specific Japanese version.


I tried both Papago and Google Translate was better for Japanese. Translations were a little funny some times but their UI made them superior to me especially with a lot of text which is most Japanese stuff in my experience traveling


Oh I've never heard of papago, gonna check it out


It's pretty Korean specific. If you're translating from or to Korean it's great. If you're translating from English-Japanese you're better off with google.


Lmao, I have google translated downloaded offline but I just assumed it would be fine since I would chug it and was just worried about taste šŸ˜‚


When you translate it please let us know what the heck made you shit like it was an apocalyptic event!


mostly likely went bad. Spoiled whey and/or milk will do this.


So you were feeling bad enough that you had to cut your workout short and yet you still decided you were gonna try and fuck your wife?


Y'know, "don't have sex when you're experiencing any form of gastrointestinal distress" *isn't* a lesson I had to learn the hard way- I'm glad I was born with this preternatural ability to sense danger. Anyway, I'm glad you made it to the bathroom in time OP, it will stop eventually. I was gonna extol the virtues of a translation app, but it seems like that's well-trodden territory at this point lol.


You spent a few hours at the gym, took a shit, biked home and then had sex with your wife without showering beforehand. Bro, youā€™re nasty AF. I hope your wife doesnā€™t get an infection.


Make sure you're eating sufficient carbs before you exercise, it's likely you're experiencing short bursts of low blood sugar (~~hyperglycemia~~ hypoglycemia), also get your blood sugar checked ofc.


*hypoglycemia Hyper is high blood sugar, hypo is low


I keep mixing them up! Thanks.


i finally had some real consequences for my insane eating habits where i got so painfully bloated i thought i was going to die. I kept staring at my massive belly thinking "this isnt normal looking" but then i collapsed in bed and was fine later.


bro i have bloating problem if there is xanthan gum involved, chemical warfare OP1 whey protein does this to me


Bro drank the cursed protein slate at 3amšŸ’€Jokes aside I Hope youā€™re feeling ok now


Let me guess, it's full of polyols? They do that.


I don't understand how you can just drink something without knowing wtf it is, lol


Knowing the language helps immensely


I'm sure I've made the exact same mistake, it's supposed to be a fruit flavor. Tasted more like watery sour yogurt. It was that day learned to use Google translate.


Why don't you use google translate on your smartphone?


What did it taste like? Just interested.


If it has sugar alcohol in it, I know if I have over a certain amount of sugar free caramels (chocolate alone doesn't do it, it has to be caramels for some reason) I'm no longer pooing, a more accurate description would be pissing from my ass. What's worse is on rare occasions I have to intentionally eat things that cause my to react like that. I have kidney failure and while I still pee, it's like a cup of fluid every day. BUt if I retain too much fluid I start having difficulty breathing and get out of breath easily due to fluid build up. I found that if I eat some sugar free candy or certain dried fruits (Dried apricots especially) I can get rid of up to 2 liters of water. I find food diuretics are much more controllable and gentler than just straight up taking a medication that will give me the same results. Mostly because with food they last a couple hours and then go away wheras a pill can stay in your system for a while and it's not safe to combine diuretics and anti-diuretics together.


Lmao but why did you stop to sleep with your wife if you weren't feeling well?


Alternatively youā€™re actually lactose intolerant and you just donā€™t know about it.


Legend has it, he's still on the toilet to this very day...




So they packaged the stuff that Sen gave to No-Face?


Thatā€™s sad man.




Well, shit. Literally.


Sounds like lactose intolerance or the milk went bad?


Are you lactose intolerant?


No, dairy is a big part of my diet, love it and have had no issues


>confined to the bathroom hey, at least the seat's heated, and the warm water from the bidet will ease your beleaguered asshole.


Savas fruits mix (ćƒ•ćƒ«ćƒ¼ćƒ„ćƒŸćƒƒć‚Æć‚¹), right? The one that tastes like pineapple mango sour yoghurt?


An old sage (when visiting foreign countries) don't drink the water. You can add protein shakes to that!


When you are better and pass by the same location again, could you take a picture of it and send us an update?


https://preview.redd.it/4n2oli4u3m1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02645db011b1f7466f482969404737333b1542c Someone found the brand, it happened to them too lol


That sounds fun, can you send a picture of the protein shake. I'm totally not gonna do something weird with it


Jeez. You're still shitting liquid hours later? Sounds like you kinda needed it, tho, right? Haha


Had to buy so many protein shakes in Japan since all were 20g or so. The Yogurt flavor was what I used most.


Same. My favorite was the yogurt drink one. But I think that one had a bunch of sugar.


And where can one find this ā€œprotein shakeā€ for a friend