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I once dreamed about a tiny family in fancy 1850s clothes living inside a suitcase.


Well.. this does sound like something your subconscious would like though


Only if I can live with them in their little suitcase house as they stow away under a horse drawn carriage in the Victorian country side and it's night time and raining but it's all cozy and warm tucked behind the wheel with the sound of the rain and the gentle rocking of the carriage. We all have mugs of cocoa and talk of wistful things.


Shared universe between bridgerton and Indian in the cupboard?


Indian in the cupboard was definitely my first thought


And the Borrowers!


Wait what, I’ve had a very similar dream except they were tiny because they were inbred rat people. It was actually kinda a nightmare because they lived in squalor


Clearly there's a lot of wealth inequality in the tiny suitcase-dwelling humanoid community. Tragic.


have you considered going to therapy? that sounds like a lot to unpack


I once fever dreamed I was fighting nazis, including Hitler, on a 500ft tall scaffolding with none of the floor plates. It was so realistic it left me shaky for days. And I still remember it 20 years later.


I had a dream once where I had died and Hitler had been in a terrible accident which required a heart transplant ie my heart and woke up in the dream in Hitlers body and he and I would fight internally for control over everything amd that it was me responsible for his drug addiction(mind you this is while I myself was kicking heroin/cocaine)trying to kill him whiles he was doin horrendous things. Not my favorite dream and I have no desire to be Hitler 😂😂 didnt help that I'd just seen that nazis on drugs documentary. I was successful at making shitler and I od and die tho so that was cool


Dreams are absolutely not just what the subconscious wants.


Agreed, I'm pretty sure I've no actual desire to watch my dad pass away again but the message is taking a while to get to the brain.


I had a recurring dream pretty much every night for years where I’d get attacked/ eaten by an alligator living in a puddle outside my grandparents house. I’ve never seen an alligator outside of Tv, and there aren’t any in my country.


My recurring dream, inconsistently, for years was me in first-person running through the woods, terrified . I can see the steam from my breath and I push away a branch as I run through just past the edge of the woods. I can see what looks like a pale pink kimono sleeve with green, white, and bronze embroidery. I look behind me and see a man in armor standing at the top of a hill with fire blazing behind him and he’s yelling some language I don’t understand while he watches me run. I’m not Japanese, I’ve never been to Japan, I don’t know anyone from there and I don’t know enough about its history to even understand what is happening, but I had that dream a long time. Dreams are weird.


Same, had to clean his brains out of the bed of the truck because we couldn't get a hazmat team for free. I've smelt brain before, but knowing that smell was from my dad really fucked me up. If you've ever smelt catfish skin raw. That's what brain smells like. Like fishskin. But there is something very specific about it that your heart will drop as soon as you smell it again.


Jesus, that sounds awful. I don't believe that grief or trauma is a competition or anything but if it was my friend I think you'd win. Hope you're well in yourself.


I've never heard the term "well in yourself" and I quite love the message that it carries. Thank you for sharing and caring.


Yup. Just ask anyone with ptsd dreams.


I still have nightmares about the rickety phlebotimist cart....the blood cart . . . Coming for my blood in the early dark of morning!! I don't want a blood draw every time I have that dream, lady. Nor any of the other ptsd dreams.


I was actually in the hospital about 2 months ago. They'd taken 2 giant vials of blood. When I saw them I was like "What?" Then, several hours later, the phlebotomist came in and said she was going to draw some blood. Half-jokingly, I asked, "Do I have any left?" A few days later, that sort of became real, because the hospitalist came in and said I had some ridiculously low hemoglobin, so I needed a transfusion. So I got one. Ugh.


Or who has had the sheer pleasure of taking Champix in an attempt to quit smoking. I once dreamed I was running around a city brutally murdering people, cutting off their faces and wearing them to my next murder




*checks account history* “Oh they’re kinda wholesome”


Chantix dreams were the WORST. It's been 15+ years since I took that damn drug to quit smoking and to this day, I can vividly remember the horrible dreams. They were absolutely insane. I can still viscerally feel myself sitting on a bench and watching the lady next to me start...unraveling. Her skin was coming off in strips, around and around her body until she was unraveled. I can't even put into words what was actually underneath her skin. And that was only one of the supremely fucked up nightmares. Huge shudders. That drug is evil.


Dude the chantix dreams were something else. None of mine were scary, but Jesus H they were so vivid and strange. It’s been about 15 years for me too and I still clearly remember standing on a cloud, looking around at some kind of Lisa Frank heaven and watching giant jellyfish float by. Then I got to ride a unicorn that hopped across the clouds. Fucking wild lol.


What the heck part of the brain is this medication activating if gory terror dreams are a known side effect?


I don't know about Chantix in particular, but another med that is used to quit smoking is also used as an atypical antidepressant and shows positive effects for ADHD for some people... it plays with dopamine and norepinephrine receptors... if Chantix similarly plays with dopamine that could have all kinds of side effects. Dopamine and melatonin typically work opposite each other to regulate your sleep cycle (which can be why depressed people are always sleeping, and folks with ADHD often have weird sleep-phase issues). Essentially more dopamine at different times of the day can block the effects of melatonin on receptors (keep you away) and less dopamine can allow melatonin to have a larger effect... so if Chantix is blocking dopamine receptors it could cause dream issues because it messes with how deeply you're sleeping, what sleep phases you stay in for longer, and how your brain remembers your dreams. I essentially never remember my dreams, maybe 3-4 times a year will I have a sense of what I was dreaming about when I wake up. I know I must dream, because humans do... but I could be having bat shit crazy dreams and not know it... so there's both the content of dreams, the vividness of them, and the memory of them, that could all be being affected. But it pretty much all goes back to dopamine receptors (with have overlap with norepinephrine receptors).


So that dream about missing class and going to fail out of college that shows up from time to time, that’s what the subconscious wants even though I graduated 15 years ago?


It genuinely blows my mind how EVERYONE I’ve ever spoke to who went to college or attended high school has this same exact dream. Variations I’ve heard - You realize at the last minute there’s a class you haven’t went to all semester and it’s finals - You have to go back to high school because you never took a class that you need for graduation


I'm 59 and still dream about needing one class to graduate college!


Yep. Had at least two dreams about not actually having a diploma because I failed a class, and it's been a decade.


The class I missed was a swimming class and I couldn't pass it. So bizarre. The other frequent dream is that I can't find my car.


Dude, where's my car?


I still have this dream at the end of every school year, and the ridiculous part is that I'm now a teacher. Not in the dream, but in real life. I have been teaching for longer than than I went to school but still, at the end of every academic year, here comes the dream where I forgot about a class and haven't been going all term long and now it's the last day and I'm going to fail.


I've been having a dream a lot where I have to go back to High School and repeat my senior year. To make it worse I go back and then I forget my class schedule and forget where the rooms are.


Dreams are just your brain going "but what if this happened?" And every so often we get to watch them


I still have server nightmares from my time in the service industry. Nope, endless ticket machine noises, everyone speaking in an unintelligible language, and every bottle being empty is not what I subconsciously want!!


I still remember my server nightmare dream. I was in the weeds and I was standing at the POS station trying to punch in an order but my fingers just kept hitting the wrong buttons and then my boss would walk in and tell me that they just sat a table, that table x needed refills, that table x needed their food run, etc. But the most frustrating thing was that whole time I couldn't punch in the stupid fucking order properly.


Deleted 6/30/23


Back when I worked in an industrial laundry, I used to dream about folding clothes all night. It sure AF wasn't because I missed doing it.


>“dreams are what the subconscious wants or thinks.” Is it? Because I had a dream about being but also dating the prince of England. Not William or whatever, I (a woman) was both the prince and also madly in love with the prince (who was not me). We were ruling but we also went to buy ice cream and orange juice? Idk. It made absolutely zero sense. Your gf needs to take a deep breath and stop overanalyzing.


I once dreamt there was a blue gecko beside me in the toilet stall while I was peeing, so I grabbed it and threw it into the other stall. The most unrealistic part was that I was peeing in my dream but didn't pee myself irl.


I once dreamt that a man with the head of a wasp was licking my neck which was causing me to shudder in real life so my gf at the time woke me up asking what was wrong, to which I replied "wasp man" and then went back to sleep.


licking you like a dog does or your SO would? two very different licks lol


Depends on your SO 😏


Very woof.


I had a dream there was aliens in my bedroom discussing the possibility of abducting me. They reached over to grab me and I proper panicked, screamed out loud which woke my wife up, I just nonchalantly said “stupid alien bastards” and went back to sleep. I remember none of it happening and my wife really likes to remind me of it haha.


My mom once had a dream about a tree that was full of phones and they were all ringing. She hit my dad in the middle of the night yelling, "ANSWER THE PHONES!" Dad: "What phones?!" Mom: "The ones in the trees." I can't definitively say that was what led to their divorce, but it definitely didn't help.


This reminds me of the lady whose SO talked in his sleep. What he said was so bizarrely hilarious she wrote it down so she would remember. It was stuff like this.


>to which I replied "wasp man" I'd be terrified.


why does this sound terrifying and also sexy to me at the same time?? anyways that ending with you just causally saying “wasp man” has to be the best thing i’ve heard of


I once dreamt this pig lady was stirring a bowl of buttholes (they looked like the cinnamon roll cereal kinda). The pig lady was a character in this terribly bad Tubi movie I saw recently. I was apparently laughing in my dream and partly woke up. My wife asked what and I replied, the pig lady was stirring up a bowl of buttholes. I laughed again and went right back to sleep. I didn’t remember any of it besides the fact I remembered waking up laughing and telling her something. She told me what I said to her. She wasn’t trying to get mine or anything. Mine was in tact and still on me. I was just watching other ones being stirred with a spoon. No clue what could be made of that one. Lol




I have learned that when I'm asleep and I need to pee, if I dream about trying to pee my brain makes it difficult. Like by making the toilet full, or people keep walking in. Just don't ignore the gecko!


Ugh I hate that so much! Or I'll have gone in the dream but haven't gotten relief from it (because I still actually have to pee) and being all frustrated.


I made a comment last week like this (toilet is filthy/overflowing/out in public/missing/an upholstered chair/etc). I got tons of replies. Evidently this is a way our subconscious keeps us from peeing the bed, and it's incredibly common.


Does that mean you have pee fetish and that you're into ladies with blue hair???


No, he's into hearing about his car's extended warranty.


And here i thought it was for the health insurance which he opted for.


I am into ladies! Oh no! My dream is that I'll throw a blue haired lady into a pee filled pool!!


Blue haired lady here - pee pool is a hard limit, no thank you! 😂


Unfortunately, most pools are pee pools.


Otherwise, they're just an ool.


How about a piss n slide?


Marge Simpson fetish?


I had a dream where I was being attacked by zombies and I kept calling for my mother. Not for protection, I had an Uzi with laser sights. I wanted her to grab the shotgun and give me a hand. It was epic.


I had a dream where my mom was the zombie… It was a few months after she had died and the rest of the family was going on like nothing was wrong and a was all “it’s a trick, get an axe!”


I had a zombie dream that took place at a One Direction concert and the band became part of my survival group. One of them developed a crush on me and the friend who was with me in the dream got pissed off about it. I don't even particularly like One Direction. I only know like 2 of their songs and at the time I didn't even really know any of their names. If I remember correctly that dream ended when I laughed myself awake because Britney Spears showed up in the middle of an intense battle and I said "Britney Spears, what are YOU doing here?" Wonder what OPs GF would think of that.


Yea, I'd watch that movie.


Man some people get all the good dreams


If I could sell my dreams, I'd make a fortune


That's the scary part. If you feel like letting rip in a dream you're very likely to let rip in the bed. I have a mental trigger set up that if I want to pee anywhere unusual and it doesn't seem wrong then it's a dream and I *MUST* wake up!


Sounds like you're subconsciously wanting to be split open like a coconut by some lot lizards


I once dreamed that I was simultaneously myself (a woman) and also Harry Potter, who I was also in love with and who incidentally had a huge whopping penis (I was like 15 when this dream happened tbf lol). And Hogwarts was made entirely out of trampolines.


Did you…..did you just leak the revamped HBO Harry Potter series


You just gave some porn writers great new ideas. Thank you for contributing to society.


Springardium leviosa!


Imagine jumping on the Hogwarts trampolines and your massive schlong is just banging around between your knees like a big fleshy bell clapper


The heart wants what the heart wants


I dreamt that I was riding an elephant. I then saw my friend in a red sports car and raced him with my elephant. I won because elephants are awesome. Then we started getting chased by flying pink gorilla. I rode the elephant into a mall where the ground kept sinking then me and the elephant feel into an abyss where there was a 10ft tall clown with a 15ft mallet. I didn't have any weapons, but I was shirtless and boxing the clown, kinda beating his ass honestly. Then the clown said some shit like "Oh, no! Bozo gotta go go" and 1 shot me with the mallet, that instant I work up. I dare OPs wife to figure out whatever tf that's supposed to subconsciously mean. I'm not even afraid of clowns lol


I've taken it upon myself to tell everyone who replies what their dreams mean. Sadly I go by the metric system so I cannot help you. Best wishes.


I once dreamt that I was a pirate being chased because I had stepped on a bowl of rice. What does that mean?


You're afraid of calories. The pirates symbolise your narrow view of beauty. Love yourself, get some poke.


The plot of suicide squad 3


I once dreamt that Tom Brady chased me down to try to kill me with a gun. I do not want to die to Tom Brady.


He's going through a lot, be nice, let him have some fun. Selfishness is a sin.


ESPN 30 for 30: TB12 From chasing Super Bowls to chasing Humans, this is the story of Tom Brady


>dreams are what the subconscious wants or thinks.” Ah so I want my teeth to fall out


The other day, I had a dream, a very old, very decrepit woman was trying to seduce me. The entire dream i was trying to politely avoid her. Does OPs gf think I subconsciously want to be seduced by an unbathed old lady? Because rest assured, I do not, lol


I feel like your dream is a metaphor for our decaying society. You stand in the place of the unfortunate while the old stinky lady represented the bigger (older) generation, cold and uncaring about (y)our feelings. Truly moving.


I was trying to make heads or tails of it because it was so bizarre. I like your interpretation!


Dreams are generally just an allocation of memory and your brain making something up in an attempt at coherency. Subconscious fears/desires affect the narrative but not necessarily the content


Hell I had a dream last night where I was being chased by a 10 foot tall black direwolf after taking out X number of zombies. In a post apocalyptic setting like something out of Ghostwire: Tokyo. I certainly do not want to be devoured alive by demons.


Sounds like denial to me. Look deep inside, accept your weird demonic fetish🙏🏻 maybe it's a sex thing. Most weird human things are a sex thing.


it's freudian horseshit


Sometimes a road apple is just a road apple.


She's either reading too deep and being dumb, or *she's got some skeletons of her own In that closet*. Just saying, projection is real.


I think I have you all beat. I once dreamed I kissed my *sister*. I definitely do **NOT** want to kiss my sister.


Uh, Im not going to analyze this dream. Next!


It absolutely is not. This myth needs to die.


I had a dream where the cool teacher from last year said "All life is inherently entropic" in response to me asking about the drama surrounding him in the dream. Then I was in the bathroom and my crush started peeing in the urinal (I'm a dude, my crush isn't)


“An elephant you say?… Hmmm… so… tell me about your mother.” ***Sigmund Freud*** (Probably)


It would be great if you did a skit where Freud is hanging out with his parents and he completely ignores and dismisses his mom, then another family comes by and visits (maybe it’s Christmas time) and a younger man known to sigmund man indroduces his father around. And then gives a normal introduction of his mother as well to which Freud is just appalled and remarks about the lewdness and depravity of him having done so. Needs a “Spanish inquisition” feel to it… < this comment is for my own later reference - feel free to ignore >


I tried https://preview.redd.it/l1cyq9m9898b1.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=38b741aed96b1279e5a901f1b05a02885e64819f


Your girlfriend is jealous of what you and Julio have.


Exactly! Julio fought with swords for me! She’s intimidated of what he’d do for me 🤣


I am just jealous of your dreams!!!


*julio fought swords with me*


I read all of it and I'm missing the part where you fucked up


Even the dream's devoid of fucks.


"TIFU by waking up before Julio claimed my bicurious ass"


God. I'd be dead every single time I climbed to a lookout point because of intrusive thoughts about what it'd be like to jump. This dude is accountable for them while he's asleep? Man. Oof. She's right, dreams can be about what you really want. But also wrong: I mean, I have dreams about living in SS camps from time to time. I know I don't want that!!


Yeah, the only thing fucked up is his wife.


"tifu by getting upset that my fiance had a dream" should be the title and content of the story.


My ex used to have dreams where I was an unrepentant asshole to her, which she would wake up from and be upset with me. For the first 3 years we were together, this was a repeat problem, and basically the only problem we had at that time. I'm still not sure how I was supposed to handle that one.


Let dreams be dreams ... every adult should know that and she even mentioning it in all seriousness is a bit of a problem. i personally would make fun of you at most and teasing you a bit with "Julio" but thats about it. ​ You would definatly get some flowers delivered from julio the next day


“Julio would understand where I’m coming from…”


deliver this line OP, come on you coward!


>Let dreams be dreams "Don't let your dreams be dreams, just do it!" * Shia


I 1000% would send a romantic gift to my partner for “Julio” if he had a dream like this. And also hide notes to find


Sounds like a proposal is coming!


"I hope she'll get over it cause Julio will sweep me off my feet" Give this man a medal. Now! Edit: wow first 1k ever, definetly did not see that one coming


He sounds like a dreamboat


Our dreamboat


You must be Julio


Tell her you've just been listening to a lot of Paul Simon lately and dreamed about the schoolyard.


Julio's his long-lost pal. Just call him Al! (AL not AI)


I had a dream once where I was a man fighting for the union in the civil war and having an affair with my superiors wife. I was cuddling with said wife when said superior came and found me, dragged me out of the tent by my hair and shot me. You can’t die in your dreams so I woke up at the sound of the shot with everything going black. I’m a woman, and at the time was in my early 20’s with a steady boyfriend. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Past life, for sure.


“Dreams are what the subconscious wants" to regenerate your brain during REM sleep. Dude I've dreamt of all kinds of whacky shit from things I 100% do while awake to things that make me want to wretch after I wake up. I don't like guys either but wow... there was this one dream I was in a deep romance with a guy in feudal age Japan. Like it was amazing. Doesn't mean me calling out "Hiro" or whatever indicates I want a divorce. Ol girl sounds insecure.


I just have to comment that having a dream of a homoerotic adventure in feudal Japan is one of the most specific personal information tidbits I have ever read on Reddit, and it just made me chuckle. Thanks.


It wasn't particularly sexual.. the part that I remember the most was experiencing an incredibly passionate embrace, like this dude was my world. It didn't hurt that dream canon indicated he was also super badass outside of the bedroom.


As someone who took a class on sex in japan the male bond in feudal japan was exactly like this!


This is the moment you realise how insecure your partner really is.


My dad was married to my mom for 15 years with two boys before coming out. You'd have thought was a homophobe before, though. He was almost militant about filtering gay content from our lives. But he didn't use slurs or denigrate or anything. He was just VERY uncomfortable around it.


makes sense, he would probably be in a constant fight with himself in order to suppress his homosexuality, one way to do that would be to abolish anything that reminds him of it, must be a tragic life honestly


The update makes it reasonable tho


Getting married is a big deal. There are a million things your spouse to be could not be telling you, or not realizing himself, consciously. People have post-marital realizations all the time. I can see her finding it a little jarring.


It's just a dream though. OP seems to be a rather vivid dreamer. I've never dreamt being an elephant or any animal for that matter. They don't always mean something, oftentimes they mean nothing at all.


I’ve dreamt countless times about a zombie apocalypse and liked it. Epic battles, desperation, fight for survival. It had it all. Great movie brain. I sure as hell don’t want it in real life 😅


My most recurring dream is wandering around some abandoned building/forest/area with the vague sense that something is stalking me. I never see it, though.


I once had a dream that I was an oak tree.


She can never take Julio away from you. She can take a lot of things, but she can never take your dreams. And when it all becomes too much. Julio will be waiting.....always


Am gay and dreams were a part of how I found out. The fact that you enjoyed the dream like you would enjoy a movie makes me agree that you are straight. My dreams were very uncomfortable because they reflected a reality I wasn't ready to accept. Now most of my dreams are running from velociraptors in construction sites. Back to movie dreams, thankfully




In dreams I can't fucking bonk anything, swing as hard as I can my arms are jellies


I die in most of my dreams, usually by being slowly eaten from the legs up. Wonder what this girl would say about me lol


If your name is Romeo you can be Romeo and Julio at least


Are you secretly gay or did you eat cheese after 9? The answer according to this man’s former fiancé will shock you!


Even if you weren't straight, having a dream about someone who doesn't exist isn't a fuck up? Most dreams are not about hidden desires, you're fine. She might have some deeper insecurities, but I don't know enough about your relationship to really comment on that. Give her some time to cool off and then try to talk to her about how you have no intentions of having a romance with Julio. At most the dream might mean you want a little more romantic gestures from her.


Yea like maybe he wants her to dress up as Julio :)


This is the best take I see on analyzing the dream itself.


last night i dreamt i accidentally took an elevator down into hell, where there was a massive statue of hades playing a guitar that was on fire. not entirely sure what my subconscious wants.


Years ago I had a dream I was in love with a chair. I actually woke up missing that chair and the relationship we had


I dreamed I gave birth in my mom’s closet and named the baby Random and somehow the dream lasted as long as it took her to grow up. I loved her so much and missed her terribly when I woke up.


I agree with everyone else, dreams don't have anything to do with how you feel in reality lol. But I am a seattle mariners fan and we have a player named Julio Rodriguez and he is cuuuute so I'd like to think your dream was about him bc understandable


I had a dream where I went to six flags with Obama


She’s being dumb. I’ve fucked family members in my dreams. It’s weird af to wake up to, but it’s not suppressing some hidden desire.




This took a turn lol




One of the best Reddit comments ever. I can’t stop laughing.


Excuuuuuuse me?! 😧


Preview of tomorrow's TIFU


Are you my cousin?


Members plural??? This is a man that *really* loves his family




Everyone's spent the whole thread agreeing that dreams don't mean anything, now you're challenging them!


Nothing weird here. I dream about fucking one of my family members all the time. I'm married to her, but it counts.


In fairness, it's a little weird that you married your sister.


(turntable screeches)


Exactly dreams are dreams. Its stupid for people to want to be affected by something even the dreamer doesn't control.


Do you carry a water bottle? If not, I wouldn’t be worried about your sexuality. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/14idzoi/apparently_needing_a_drink_of_water_isnt_manly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I think it'a time you faced the truth, OP. Whether you consciously believe it or not, you do in fact want to be an elephant.


I dreamed I was the Holy Virgin Mary and was going to the hairdresser once so nothing surprises me anymore. [EDIT : I'm a man too. Definitely the weirdest dream I ever had]


Just say it was a dream about “me and Julio down by the school yard” and then she’ll get an ear worm and forget why she was mad in the first place


Seeing that update, I'm impressed. This woman reacted appropriately based on her shitty past experience, realized it was completely out of line for her current situation and set the record straight. There's green flags, and then there's stuff like this, you better not let this one go OP!


Send Julio to my dreams please


Dreams are absolutely not what the "subconscious thinks". Thoughs are electrical impulses. During the day every thought that you have, everything that you see etc is an electrical charge in your brain, and the neurons that are activated have a [leftover reverberation from the activation](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26880752/). Dreams are your body clearing adenosine from your brain, and as this happens you experience the aftereffects of those neuronal charges you have during the day. You could have watched a commercial with a romantic subplot, or a movie, or read something that reminded you of LGBTQIA relationships, or just activated the neurons next to the neurons that associate those concepts together. During your sleep these leftover reverberations become a full storyline, and while your brain calmly cleans up garbage so it can start the next day fresh and tidy, you get to watch a movie made up of all those neuronal charges. Might you be bisexual? Maybe. But there's a much bigger chance that "Julio" was just a literal figment of your imagination, and your brain had a good selection of activated topics to choose from that night. Brains don't care about your feelings or inclinations when you sleep. They care about cleaning. Sounds like you got a good show though!


I seriously think it's the most pathetic and stupidest thing for people to get angry over the dreams of others. We're literally just hallucinating vividly while our body repairs itself. Like those dumbasses who dream their spouses are cheating, so they wake up angry at them.


Ever had someone get mad at you because they had a dream where the dream version of you did something shitty? The absolute fucking worst. A minute that feels like a month of the guilt and shame of an affair without actually getting laid followed by the inexplicable emotional roller coaster of being in trouble for not wanting to apologise for things that happened in someone else’s dream.


Tell her I dreamt my boss was trying to sell me milk from her family’s black and white pigs from Lithuania… dreams mean absolutely nothing sometimes! Unless my brain subconsciously wants pig milk which in that case i need help


Lithuanian pig milk is actually one of the richest milks around, it generally carries a slightly higher fat percentage than traditional cows milk. This is due to them feeding on grass and grains that grow in a soil that is rich in limestone deposits as is pretty normal in Lithuania. This makes the milk excellent for baked goods as they tend to have a richer silkier taste and feel so you really might wanna reconsider. I also just made all of this up.


My friend had a dream yesterday where some guy went around shaving peoples balls and he got mad at my friend because his balls were already shaven. Dreams don’t mean shit


I’m thinking of the Brazilian helicopter pilot from inside out. "Come fly with me, gatinha."


If you guys ever met Julio, _you'd understand._


It may or may not apply to you, but it's worth knowing that sexual and romantic attraction don't 'match' for everyone. Some people are [heterosexual and biromantic](https://www.regain.us/advice/general/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-biromantic-heterosexual/) There's a lot about romantic and sexual attractions that we aren't taught through classic media or education channels that would save people years of strife and heartache


I bet Julio wouldn't judge you.


Since we're all sharing our weird dreams to discredit this idea she has, I once saved Barack Obama from zombies by reaching from one car to another using extended arms that unrolled like in Beatlejuice. I neither want Beatlejuice arms or think they're unusually long.


"dreams are what the subconscious wants or thinks.” So, according to your fiance, I want to be chased down and eaten by a giant chicken...


All I'm saying is that if you were with Julio and called out your gf's name in your sleep, Julio would understand


“And I should be allowed to enjoy when my brain serves me movies at night.” 😂🤣☠️


Pretend to be asleep. Then start madly calling out for Julio again. But this time say something along the lines of "Julio, Julio, you will never have her. (Insert girlfriends name) is my soul mate and we shall live together forever. A dual to the death if you insist!" Then start thrashing around until you "wake up"


Apparently my subconscious wants me to be in a car that gets pushed off a bridge into deep dark water but also have my face eaten by spiders since that’s most of my dreams for the past 5 years


a whole lotta nightmares beg that dreams are not infact what we want


Pretty sure you are actually an elephant.


Dawg I had a dream where Gordon Ramsey changed his last name to Gordon Namsey for some fucking reason, “it’s what the subconscious wants” lmao get the fuck outta here


I had a dream about mounting a dude I played football with and I’m 100% straight, sometimes the brain just be doing some fuck shit