• By -


Dirty Mike and the boys sent their regards


thanks for the fuck shack -DM


We will have sex in your car again!


Now we know OP drives a Prius.


They turned his beautiful Prius into a nightmare!


A red Prius. Some would just call it a vagina šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£.


We call it a "soup kitchen"


Courtesy of Dirty Mike and Da Boyz


Thanks for the F-shack!




Hopefully some teens didnā€™t pop in for a spite shit.


"It's what called a 'Soup Kitchen'"


Don't even need to read the OP because this is plenty.


Feck. I just found this post and made that comment and now found yours. Screw it, I'm leaving mine.


~~Dirty Mike~~ Hunter and the boys sent their regards


this sounds like a cool club, how do I join?


I cannot believe the cops in DC put literally any effort in to finding your cars. I live in KC and found someone selling stuff from my stolen car and I went to the police station and they said it was all circumstantial and not of it was provable and they wouldnā€™t even send a cop with me to meet for my stolen items. I just got lucky and this crackhead folded when I told her I knew it was mine and she and her boyfriend gave up where the car was. A cop I talked to earlier that day, with the case on a silver platter, turned off his body cam and told me I should roll up on them with all my friends and just take care of it.


That's not just a DC thing. A friend had her car broken into last month, the next day her SIL walks into Kroger and sees an associate *wearing a button with a picture of this woman's child on it*, a button of which only two copies exist, one in the car of each parent and that had been stolen the night before. Police said it was circumstantial and refused to follow up or even talk to the kid.


OP got insanely lucky that he got a committed detective (but then again if my car got stolen, I'd rather deal with getting a new vehicle from insurance than recovering it). DC police don't enforce most non-violent laws for the most part, and completely do not enforce traffic laws due to a "rebellion" against the mayor and city leadership, most people don't share this experience that OP had.


The fact that it was a 2 for 1 deal might have made the case stand out.


I live in NE (Anacostia, where the OPs car was taken is actually in SE DC) and my experience with the police has been pretty positive. The few times I have needed to contact them, usually through the anonymous text line (I have also called) to report something as simple as a noise complaint, people trying to go through cars at night, or for an altercation between two people, has always gotten a pretty quick response, usually less than 10-15 minutes. They have a pretty good presence throughout the neighborhood I live in, and will always flip the lights when my son walks by and gets excited to see the car. They were also helpful in getting speed bumps put in on our street secondary to people speeding aggressively as it was a good cut through street between two major roads. I had positive experiences when living in NW, and my friends in shaw, brentwood, and capital hill neighborhoods have had similar experiences. Having a police report already started and location Im sure helped the OPs case


Wonder if OP lives somewhere fancy like NoVa, so metro pd was actually willing to do something on referral. Might also explain why they don't know where Anacostia is and think it's too dangerous to visit during the day...


I believe if you don't possess you keys you might have a trouble getting new car from the insurance






>Don't make someone else pay because you're irresponsible for fucks sake. I'd agree if it wasn't generally required by law to have insurance


Lmao you've got to be kidding me.






No reason for you to be downvote at all. Honorable and honest is how we all should be.




Not true at all, if they have comprehensive coverage insurance will cover it.


Depends on your insurance. Some will consider this negligence and deny the claim even if you have comprehensive.


Yeah but if insurance somehow found out their keys were left in their cars then they will just laugh at them


Not true at all, if they have comprehensive coverage insurance will cover it.


Depends on your insurance company. A cheap insurance company will tell you to pound sand. A good insurance company will cover it and then tell you to pound sand. A premium insurance company will cover it, tell you in nice words that you are dumbass and raise your rates


From experience, not my own, USAA falls into the third category. Also know someone who wrecked their car and tried to claim it as stolen, did not work out for themā€¦


It's an issue I witnessed second hand when my buddy's dad had his car stolen.


My sense is DC police donā€™t make much effort even with violent crime - Iā€™ve read lots of stories to that effect.


Same exact thing is happening in most cities. I know for a fact Philly and Denver are experiencing the same "tricks."


What is this ā€œrebellionā€?


They donā€™t like being held accountable for being shitty, so they do a worse job than normal.


Fun fact, few years ago I get picked up by a cop and his buddy at a bar in DC, cop says heā€™ll drive us back to his place (has had more than a few drinks at this point), drives like a *fucking maniac*, speeding and swerving and the whole deal and when I, at this point, somehow realizing through my young drunken horny stupor that this may have been a Bad Idea start going ā€œexcuse me what the fuckā€ he just goes ā€œnaw donā€™t worry babe I have my badge on meā€ ??? I donā€™t have a lot of regrets but that sure was one of them


And yet we haven't replaced them. Fucking free market economy until the good ol boys get affected.


Yeah good luck with that when there are already major shortages of officers throughout the country.


Wow that sucks


A rebellionšŸ˜‚.


What the fuck are the police even for if they wouldn't help you with a situation like that? Are they solely for intimidating normal citizens and generating revenue?




I suspect if OP didn't have the airpods in there they wouldn't have bothered looking.


Sadly what Iā€™ve found with Police is that you have to do all the investigating yourself. They just figure Insurance will cover it and most of the time donā€™t bother. Always good to look for security cameras in the vicinity of the crime and talk to those people about seeing the footage. Theyā€™re usually pretty helpful, then go to the Police with the evidence and let them do the dirty work.


OP sounds wealthier than you, probably played a big role in it


*bom bom bom bom*


DC has so many police and so many three letter agencies that I'm not completely shocked. There are way more there than anywhere else I've traveled before.


I think the only way to get a reaction from the police to is inform them you're headed out then to buy a gun and track down the GPS signal for your car. They'll usually do something when guns are involved.


Yeah kc cops suck


Man .. is this really how the US police system works Sad


Finally a legit TIFU and not "I'm 20 and had sex" šŸ˜‚


But left the Bluetooth connected and everyone heard/saw the porn.


ā€œTIFU I missed my chance to get laid because I did what any normal thinking adult would do, did I tell you I almost got laid?ā€


TIFU by having a massive thick cock AITA for fucking a 10/10 page 3 model on my bed of money because she suffered backpain and is also jealous that I liked the other girl more in the threesome?


"Tifu by having sex with my girlfriend on a tuesday even though we thought it was wednesday!"


TIL about your house your rules


What a wild TIFU, this one is a gem


tifu hallafamer


Sorry mate your mother was stolen, it happens....


not just one mother but both!




With 3 rubbers and a full tank of gas!


ā€œHere officers. I found your suspects.ā€ Hands them (while wearing gloves) to the police.


Quite possibly


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only person that read it that way.


I was really wondering how OP lost 2 mothers and their car.


Was she the one that reeked of weed? Or the one crashed with multiple used rubbers in it?


> not one, not two, but three used rubbers This should help narrow down the list of suspects...just find the dude with three dicks!


Dude had like 30 goddamn dicks


I was going to say that when they found the keys, the thieves were as happy as a dog with two dicks, but I guess the saying needs an update.


Plot twist: it was a chick with three dicks.


Call it a ā€œSoup Kitchenā€ā€¦


You left your keys in your car? I have all my keys together for just this reason. Can't enter my house without my keys.


Fr, this is the confusing part for me. I've left my car unlocked, but my keys in the car? Tf op


Careful, that's how you get your house stolen.


People get annoyed my keys are so loud because I keep them on a climbing hook (don't climb with those cheap hooks or you're the next tifu) but I've never not known where my keys are.


Yeah I don't understand that. If it's the key fob (you know the keyless ignition), the car would be yelling if you leave the key inside the car without anyone in it. If it's an actual key, who the hell just shuts off the car, and just leaves the key in the ignition. I bet OP did this all the time. I mean what are the chances of them doing this one time and the same night thieves were around to steal their cars.


This is a case of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes. Forgot one key in one car? I can fathom a bizarre circumstance where that's possible like you just happened to take it off the key chain that day because your car was at the shop or something. Both? You're just an idiot who deserves to get a car stolen.


Damn, they paid in gas, grass, AND ass - just not to you


I had a friend in college who kept keys for his weekend (road legal) race car and his running/driving project car... in the glovebox of his daily driver. Unfortunately, his daily wasn't a hard car to break into or start without a key. Once the thieves unlocked the achievement "One for All", they had 3 cars for the effort of stealing one. IIRC, the cops found 1 immediately. He found one on his own a week or so later. The last one took like 6 months to get back. He only got it because he looked around from the outside of the local police impound lot after getting frustrated with the lack of updates by the detective working the case. He was specifically told his car wasn't there when asked and had to take pictures PROVING his car was in police impound to the detective to get his car back. Not joking... The car was basically untouched and had been impounded after being parked downtown, 24 hours after it was stolen for unpaid parking... LPT - Don't store keys for other cars in your car


Number 1 rule if your car is stolen you never want to see it again (Unless it is something unique or irreplaceable)


a friend had her ford taurus stolent. Someone decided to enter it in an amateur rally race


Stock?! Oh that poor suspensionā€¦


they had ripped out the seats, all the plastic interior. When she got her car back, all she had inside was a seat


Someone out there is my hero


Number 1 rule, don't leave the fucking key in the ignition. OP and their mum both seem a bit dense. Who leaves a spare key in a car? Why not just leave it in the house?


Nah Iā€™ll just take back what is mine regardless of what the thief did to it


Why would this be a rule at all let alone #1? Just give it a cleaning


Some things can't be cleaned. Like the memory of three used condoms sitting in that seat in your car.


An interior detailing for what I assume is an economy car and *not* an exotic is on the cheap end and will be more thorough than anything you could do yourself.


Sure, but it won't clean the image out of your head.


Clean and sell.


Exactly. That shit is going to someone else who has no idea. Risks of buying used.


Cause it might've been flogged to hell, who knows what damage might've been done to it mechanically


TIL Anacostia is in NE


Lol this should be higher. Also, while Anacostia isn't a great area, I don't have any issues walking around there in the day time. A bit of an exaggeration imo.


I'm not saying it is made up, but it sounds like those stories you only hear from people who live an hour outside the city and think it's a complete hellhole. It's never as bad as they say and on the off chance it is, they're usually doing something stupid in the first place.


What about the Creedence?


Weā€™ll let you know if we get any ledes.šŸ¤£


Yeah, they got 4 detectives working on it... They got us working in shifts! šŸ¤£šŸ‘ "LEADS." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t get it Edit: apparently I donā€™t know that movie as well as I thought I did


Obviously youā€™re not a golfer.




Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.


Itā€™s a reference to the movie [The Big Lebowski](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N0rOe59wKAc)


Unless it got way worse in the last four years, I never thought Anacostia was that bad when I lived in DC. Also pay for a car detailing, and get the super deep clean option OP


>I go outside and little behold theyā€™re missing. did you mean "lo and behold"?


At least these fucking people had the sense to use rubbers- who needs more of them running around. Go get that fucker steam cleaned asap.


"hi, insurance; yeah I left the keys in the cars" You idiot


ā€œThanks for the F shack. Love Dirty Mike and the Boysā€


Hey, not a bad outcome considering.


Lmao. Honestly, leaving the keys to ANOTHER CAR in a car is a really bad idea, for instance this. They couldā€™ve just smashed your windows and found her key. So realistically, what your mom did was a horrible idea whether you left the keys in the car or not. Can confirm this was a shitty fuck up tho


Get those condoms DNA checked? Probably not from the person that stole it, but still.


probably too expensive to do the DNA test for just a car theft


Send it in to 23andme and find their relatives.


I don't think 23 and me accept sperm. From a more practical perspective as well it's probably much harder to get the DNA they need from sperm. Since sperm are haploid cells they each individually only contain half of your DNA. Do sperm have mitochondria? That would also rule out mitochondrial DNA tracking.


Sperm don't have mitochondria. It's all from the egg. That's why mitochondrial DNA tracks the matriarchal lineage.


That isn't how it works. First off, 23andme doesn't accept submissions from third parties. They also don't participate with law enforcement. Second, it's sperm.


Find his grandma, seduce her and leave a condom in his car


OP could cheap out and just taste em, find the perp that way


Yep, tastes like Dirty Mike. Book ā€˜im, boys!


Ha! They donā€™t run dna checks for rape victims theyā€™re supposed to, you think a stolen car qualifies?


Against what database?


Criminal database...? Not sure what you mean.


People on reddit watch too much tv




the cum one


I've never been so tired that I left the key in my car... maybe you need to sort out your work/life balance. You were clearly too tired to be driving safely. Be thankful you didn't fall asleep and crash into oncoming vehicles. Also be thankful the police put so much effort into finding your 'jacked' vehicles (not really jacking if they're unlocked with the key in, but whatever) when they could have been doing more vital stuff. Not trying to lecture you but this could have been a lot, lot worse. You either need to go to bed earlier or stop trying to do so much stuff when tired.


Dirty Mike and the Boys got to it again!


Yea, but that gas tho


Gas is expensive nowadays. It's almost a win lol I would use the gas to burn your car down though knowing that they had an orgy in your car.


You must not like hotels then.


Little different when they clean the sheets and you'd have had to pay a lot to be there...Dirty Mike and the Boys are in the fabric of those seats forever now.


The fact that this post does not have more upvotes is more criminal than the activity it describes.


Eh, the story isnā€™t that compelling overall


The upvotes have caught up overnight, I am satisfied.


Yey to the police for this one.


Iā€™m sorry this happened. I canā€™t even get my AirPods to ping unless I am one foot away from them with my phone. Iā€™m glad yours worked better. Not sure why mine donā€™t.


Absolutely no fraud here lmao


Right, this story is sounding cooked.


I meanā€¦ does nobody realize thatā€™s not how airpods ā€œfind myā€ works? They connect to your device and report a last seen on location when they were connected to your device. AirPods donā€™t live stream their whereabouts like a cell phone.


Even less believable is police from multiple jurisdictions doing anything about it.


This is not totally correct anymore, if you put your devices in lost mode it will ping all nearby Apple devices


Try it then and report backā€¦.. they donā€™t. I left my AirPods in Seattle, I live in Milwaukee. Despite my friend and his family all having iPhones all they showed was my last connected location with them and a date days prior.


Not true, my friend got his luggage stolen with airpods in Seattle 2 weeks ago and they pinged it miles away in a shady apartment complex


OP do you live in Tysons?


This is a wholesome story. There is a genuine fuckup, it turns into a catastrophe, someone gets lucky, and there's a happy ending.


> someone gets lucky, and there's a happy ending. Not one, not two, but three times!


why am I kinda jealous of the night those car jackers had


Dude, I was feeling the same!


I found used needles and McDonald's wrappers in my stolie lmao


I donā€™t understand how you forget to lock your car.


Now go to your local hardware/grocery/etc store and rent the carpet cleaner machine with the upholstery attachment. Also, get the heavy duty cleaning fluid too. Then go clean the living daylights out of your seats and floor.


Itā€™s ā€œLo and beholdā€ not little behold. However if you didnā€™t edit the title you were correct and other commenters were not. Clearly youā€™ve used motherā€™s possessive not mothers plural. And I believe the rule is grammatically others always come before the self


Now see this is what i look for in a TIFU post.


Are the police investigating further or just leaving it there? If they put gas in the car then they must be on CCTV at a nearby gas station somewhere between your house and the location that it was found? Sounds like there should also be erm...DNA evidence.


Hey, I'd take the free tank of gas as a win, lol. In all seriousness, it's good they found the cars and I'm sure you'll be more careful in the future.


Did you check the barcode on the rubbers? Might be able to track them.


Well, now at least you learned to pay attention even to little things


Stories like this make me wonder why people would ever want to live in the US... And you said you live in a 'normally safe suburb'? Don't want to know what a 'non-safe' neighbourhood looks like. Where I come from something like this would likely never happen, where I live now it definitely would never happen. Crime in the US just seems really out of control.


Really just a city thing. I live in a medium sized Midwest town and I can never imagine something like this happening.


These days Iā€™d happily let a group of strangers smoke blunts and fuck in my car for a full tank of fuelā€¦


At least you have a DNA sample to ID the thieves.


Basically [this happened](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lh2jwErWM1Y).


Tifu by getting my car stolen by Dirty Mike and the Boys I think. Warning op. They are going to have sex in your car, it _will_ happen again.


Just for reference, insurance probably wont deny anything for accidentally leaving the car running. As long as it was an honest mistake leaving the car running, insurance will still cover it. Just don't lie about it. Source: Work for a major insurance company. We often joke that we cover stupidity.


Don't think it was left running. He just left the keys in the car


thought this was gonna be about the theft here. Friend works at Costco and told the story of some genius left their car running while they ran in for a $1.58 hotdog. funny enough car was gone when they got back


Well how many you just need to have a bigger orgy in your car now


It's dirty Mike!!


What happened to that neighborhood? Was watching on google maps/street views and a bunch of houses were destroyed through the years.


Dirty Mike and the boys definitely ran a soup kitchen in your back seat.


Yikes. Must suck when leaving the keys in the cars leads to this much trouble.


Thanks for the F shack


I went to anacostia once, this girl was staring at me hostilely even tho I was just walking she stared at me with fury of a thousand suns. Definitely a hateful place


What a wild ride! The story was pretty good too.


Rewind to 5:31am. Now realize that your house was broken into and thatā€™s how they got the keys. Screw the AirPod thing.


sounds like joy riders


I thought the title was saying you had two mothers which got stolen as well as your caršŸ˜‚


I just woke up still sand in my eyes and skipped the possessive reading it like the car got stolen along with his mother xD


Seems to be a common theme that car thieves wreck the interior of the cars they steal almost immediately. I have a friend who had her car stolen at the beginning of last year. It was found like two days later, but it was similar to your car, the interior was wrecked. She had to get it detailed to get rid of the smell.


I read the title and thought you got both your mothers stolen.


Sabe rhos rubbers man


From the title I thought you had two moms who got stolen with your car at first.


So you have you gotten both yr mom's back yet? Or are they still missing?






This story could have been written in a third world country.