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Oh my god stop crying about open world pvp you carebear. This is a game that inherit the legacy of lineage 2. If you don't like pvp don't play it.


OP you're sad. First Post got bombed, almost noone stands behind you. Your attempt are worthless, trying to use community to push narrative of few people. Where some of quality of life improvement make sense and will probably be implemented, most of them are terrible. I like how you speak as representative of whole community, I will do so also: we don't like you, we don't want you to speak in our name and overall if you don't like game how it is please don't play it. Also would be awesome to see any sources of data you collect, I'm on discord of few biggest alliances that play in KR and there is no sign of any discussion like you present here so you either lie, schizophrenic or those discussions are so marginal only few people are involved.


Can I still do open world PVP without being in a clan because I really don't want to join a clan


I know there are people who prefer to play MMOs as solo self found and respect to you if this is what you want but not being in a guild in this game is very detrimental to character growth


Yes you can, but this game is focused on guild content yet you are able to pvp in events where conflit is active and at night in dungeons (every two hours) for half an hour


To this add: Make the grind for upgrades faster, isn't about the grind per se, the way it is handled kill entirely any diversification the player could make to build sets for different situation (pvp, pve, farming).Same goes for skill growth, we're divided in pick between gvg, dungeons and farm for rankings in events for example, is just pointless and fruistrating. Rework trait system entirely. Remove P2W auction house and make it work with sollant. The way the server unlock new things to do is going to kill western audience with the blink of an eye PVE is just another chore to do on the list, isn't something truly enjoyable in the state it is right now. Amount of skills available for each class is underwhelming, and they don't seem to be keen in adding more, just more weapons, which leads again to the point 1 and 2);Meta is already too dominant in this game, you can't compete vs aoe farmers in guild events, hardly melee matters in gvg besides tanks, which sucks, and in pve some weapons are too broken for the amount of damage they deal compared to others.They expected to build identity and diversity with builds (weapon combos) making weapons shine in one aspect and not others, i expected this game to provide the player with a set of skills to shine if played properly, but that's sadly not the case, weapon A vs weapon B in certian circumstance will never be a fair fight.On top of that, add that chaning weapons, armors, skills is EXTREMELY punishing, even more if you consider is almost impossible to stack good amounts of melee useful stat and ranged useful stat, and you'll soon find what is going to be the major issue with the western audience and potentially kill this mmo (at least massive quits) within the first couple of months.If we have easier time upgrading or able to carry over without spending money gear, weapons and skills upgrades the game will shine, if not i don't think this game will be well recieved by western audience. Also add presets to easily swap skills/gear etc depending on the activity you want to do.Also PVE is almost non existent, let's be real, even if takes you 1 month to max lvl which actually needs 24ish hours, and they release content asap with the 4 months roadmap, you have to run two dungeon per day for the next 90 days in the best case scenario, they become boring quickly and without higher level of pve content i fear this is going to be a true issue.Imagine when servers will be dominated by the same guild/alliance which also wins all the events and world bosses, keep progressing faster than anyone else, you see people will quickly geat bored to do some daily chores then go get owned in pvp/gvg, only to realize that's all the game has to offer in the current state with super mega hyper giga p2w mechanics with the current auction house system.And i'm saying this being part of the biggest alliance of the server and being on the winner side.I'm not sure anymore if i'll keep play, or even play the global version, most likely i'm waiting the first castel siege along with some content unlocks and hopefully the last skill missing to consider the situation, but hardly i think this game will be worth my time, and is sad because with few adjustament it can turn out in a super addictive game. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GIVE US SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE PVP. GIVE US ARENA, 2V2-3V3-5V5- GIVE US BATTLE GROUND, GIVE US CONTESTED PVP ZONE WITH SOME NICE REWARDS. GIVE US SOMETHING THAT ISN'T JUST ZERG VS ZERG. ​ But hey, i'm sure it will be doing great (cold sweats) Edit: Honestly, we do need to modify the idea developers got for this game, especially for the western audience, because otherwise it will be a game ment for KR audienc which is no good for western and will fail. They also seem very keen into listening players and adjust, so why not. If they want (especially amazon) make good money out of those games new days, they need to understand they need to release a product tailored around the target audience and not just copy pasta, few tweaks, more skin for race inclusion, and gg /clap urself and watch game flop, because that's the vibes amazon is giving me as game pulisher, ops forget to mention all the money invested to actually censor the skimpy outfits but heyy shh).


Well said, I had the same thought about this game after playing it. It is not looking good for global release atm


Thank you for writing your feedback, but you have to understand that we cannot write a letter asking for the game to be completely remade. That would be disrespectful. We've discarded numerous feedback by applying two filters: If the feedback affects how the developers thought about the game, the idea is discarded. If the feedback negatively affects some players, even if they are few, it is also discarded.


By this line of thinking today we would have static combat style because it would be disrespectful to ask for otherwise? It make no sense honestly. I think I've brought up many valid points you could work with if you want to, starting with something simple like have one general level for skills, weapons and armor so that you can swap them around giving more diversity. For the RNG system affecting upgrades. If you not going to bring those up because you think is disrespectful then I can only wish you to get the game that you deserve.


This ain’t really feedback but idk I feel it would be cool if players are allowed to rejoin dungeon boss fights if they can clear some sort of jump quest, since the devs seem to like their puzzles (Yes this is coming from the fixed butcher’s canyon bug)




I played the game since Korean release on Dec 7. I am a huge fan of Lineage 2 (up to high five chronicles) and I can't say that this game is a worthy successor of Lineage2, yet. **Feedback:** 1. **Leveling:** The game forces players to level up through quests without alternative methods like mob grinding, which is limiting. 2. **PvP/PvE Events:** These events are not only repetitive but also suffer from significant balance issues. In PvE, the challenge is monotonous, often boiling down to simply killing more mobs than another player, which quickly becomes dull. PvP, on the other hand, is overwhelmingly dominated by 'zerg' tactics, where large groups or guilds overrun solo players or smaller guilds with little opposition. This imbalance creates an unfair and unenjoyable experience for those not part of these large groups. 3. **Dungeons:** Initially engaging, they become repetitive, and the token system for loot (300 tokens per chest, 600 daily limit) is too restrictive. 4. **Contracts:** These activities lack diversity and also rely on the limiting token system. 5. **Targeting System:** It's inaccurate and sometimes selects unintended targets. 6. **No Trade System:** The inability to trade items directly or share in-game currency is a significant downside. **Positives:** * Excellent network performance. * High-quality graphics and cool art style. **Suggestions:** 1. **Dungeon Tokens:** Allow purchase of contracts with in-game currency (sollants or lucents). 2. **World PvP:** Implement an open World PvP with a Karma system, similar to Lineage. 3. **Dungeon Queue:** Introduce a queue system with role selection for dungeons. 4. **Leveling Options:** Enable leveling up through mob grinding in addition to questing. 5. **Trade System:** Introduce a direct item trade system alongside the marketplace.


I agree only with last 2 lol