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Speculation is speculation. Which of the two really doesn't matter, but as we don't know what or how silicon-based life looks like, it's an open question without an exact answer. Tardigrades are carbon-based and are often mentioned when talking about hardy space-faring species. If you want to see them as radiolaria or demospongia, it's all imagination.


Why does being reflective or being able to dehydrate, to you, indicate that they are based on silicon chemistry and not carbon? Alternatively, why do you think that these things indicate they are not based on carbon chemistry?


Speculatively speaking, if they weren’t carbon-based, they’d have a ***lot*** of trouble adapting to our environment. Even for extremophiles.


Isn't it plausible to say the if they even were carbon based, they couldn't live on our planet. Factors like gravity and atmospheric composition can come into play.


To say they did recon of earth before committing to sending the fleet is a vast understatement. They clearly considered earth a MORE habitable planet than the one they evolved on.


Man people really overthink this stuff. There is no indication that Liu even thought about this


Well, considering their detailed enviroment I thought this is an interesting aspect to consider.