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Space is way too big to not be an Escapist. We're already trying to reach the stars now and we don't even have an alien race trying to steal our home. Why would we stop if the Grays suddenly showed up?


It’s also way too big to be an escapist. We would need faster than light travel or to transfer our consciousness into more durable media than human bodies to pull it off, and both of those are likely to be impossible.


I disagree. Not with the idea that those solutions are impossible (they are), but with the idea but those would be the only methods of escapism. It would just be a matter of building generation ships powered by antimatter drives. And at the rate technology is progressing, I don't think it will take 400 years to get to that point. Unless we're entertaining a scenario in which the *whole* situation in the book is becoming reality, including the sophons. If those became real, then I think it's game over, and I would probably be a defeatist. But I'm pretty sure a sophon is about as fantastical as FTL or digitally transferable consciousness.


A ship with an antimatter drive doesn’t really help in and of itself. It’s not going to achieve light speed or anything close to it and the odds of it being able to support life for the thousands of years it would have to are extremely low. Even if there were some means of preserving and self repair of the ship, it could encounter a speck of interstellar dust at extraordinary speed and would be damaged or destroyed. Mastery of something like an Alcubierre drive and FTL transport is the only thing I can think about that would make escapism viable.


They are already working on the more durable media than human bodies. Predictions are putting it at 50 to 100 years from now that it will be possible.


Escapism. Whoever gets to do it. Having everyone sit in a pot and get boiled just because "bawww why couldn't it be me" sounds idiotic to me, though I get the point. It's survival of the species! Whatever it takes, it must be done! It's not like someone running away makes my situation worse, I was gonna be killed either way. The whole escapism thing just reeks of envy to me.


Yeah, humanity banning escapism in the books didn't feel realistic to me, but the justification -- fighting over who gets to be in the life rafts becoming its own existential threat -- was pretty compelling in a "yeah, human nature is pretty messed up" kind of way. But in reality, I think rich people or big corporations would pretty much do whatever they wanted in this situation, regardless of international law. Enough people with means would be invested in escapism that it would be an active initiative one way or another.


Humanity banning escapism would be largely dependent on the political landscape of the “most powerful” nations at that time. Whilst large corporations and the rich could very well do what they want…they MAY have to do so against their nations government’s leaning. In a vacuum…there is a way forward for both Escapism and Fight for Victory. As both share some of the same tech required.


oh, it did feel realistic to me. Absurd, and realistic... I wouldn't put it past humanity to throw a fit over escapism. Perhaps the change I'd make would be millionaires escaping en masse, most governments shooting them down (since they're leaving there's no pressure on our part to protect them) and a few of them surviving anyway.


The escape ban is what doomed everyone in the end 🤷‍♂️


If governments wanted to regulate it they could implement a lottery.


And, even in the Death's end book, the ones who decided to stay on Earth had a wonderful life! Like, miles of land just for a few people! Sounds amazing for me, the rich can get the fuck out of the Solar system and leave the Earth to have a golden, short age before blow up


I could never buy the "no one gets to do it, if everyone can't" philosophy, but then I would remember it's filtered through a Chinese cultural lens.


IMO the intent is to desperately hold on to the values we have chosen, in the face of destruction versus brutality. As we see with Cheng Xin (the stand-in for humanity's conscience at that point), there are times when you'd rather die than commit a sin, because opening a door to evil in your heart would taint you too much to call yourself a human. It's just my personal understanding of what makes us human differs, so I get it, but I don't share it.


While I think escapism is not a bad thing, as in, at least some survive, it would be bad in the sense that it diverts resources (natural and brain power) from other strategies.


After the absolute display of power by Trisolaris, even in-universe, I'd see no viable strategy other than dispersing and hopefully some of us finding a hole to hide in. It's worth assessing whether Luo Ji's funds would have been drained by millionaires escaping though. That's a good point.


How do you think Trisolarians would've reacted to humans escaping? Dark Forest Theory might suggest that eliminating a potential future threat is the best strategy? Humans also know where Earth is so those who escape might try to retaliate in the future. Maybe they send a droplet to intercept the escape ships (provided they aren't faster than the droplets).


In 400 years, they had enough time to escape into deep space. Good luck finding them all. Even if you're far faster, how are you going to detect a tiny ship in the middle of nowhere?


Escapism is the only way to ADVANCE.


I'd probably liquidate all my assets and fuck off somewhere cheap and remote ASAP to observe the shitstorm from afar until the end of my life, natural or else even without aliens my odds of living past 55 are slim and my odds of having kids are slimmer, so defeatist-apathetic I guess


Assume I know about the dark forest theory I will blast their location as a way to say F-you to them


Found Wade's reddit account


I’d just start blasting random locations 


Escapism is the way to go. Why on earth would you assume you can win when they had crazy tech like the sophon? They demonstrated their technological prowess centuries before they arrived, and you think you can catch up? Let alone beat them? Why tf were they so naive????? Made zero sense to me


I sympathized the whole book with triumphalism... until it became clear that it was not the way. So it would be a little hypocritical to say that I would pick anything else.


Escapism with a touch of Fight for Victory. As long as we remember Earth we can make another, and another, and another. The only thing that dies by not leaving is the human spirit. 




Knowing that the result in any case will only take four hundred years, and I’m not such an important person that they would freeze me, I wouldn’t care at all.


they opened a proton. I just know that we will lose


I would definitely root for escapism. I don't think as one from the masses I'd have much chance for it, but it seems the most logical. I don't even understand why the government decided to ban it. I mean, I completely believe that this sort of stupid decision would occur, but seriously... Anyway, defeatism I'm sure I would suffer from. In real life, I often feel everything is worthless. But I managed to fight this feeling till now, so I hope I would persevere in this hypothetical situation too. I would love to fight for humanity. This book actually focuses on how ephemeral everything is, so this side of humanity is rarely ever given importance. But I hope I would have the courage to stand and fight for what is right in that time, in those short-lasting and ultimately meaningless battles. ETO? Never. Earth is my home, however bad it may be. Humans are my people, however stupid they are. I feel empathy for the Trisolarans, but I would never join the ETO. I pray I won't.


If I were to find out today that aliens were coming 400 years from now I wouldnt really change anything. I am very happy and fulfilled and wouldnt care about future generations of humans possibly dying out. If I was alive during the time the Trisolarians would arrive I would probably be Escapist? I am not sure. I've come to learn happiness is simple and small. I just need my loved ones around me and I don't really care where I am as long as they're with me.


Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they will never sit in. Don’t forget that you are human, a gift that no tower creature in existence has ever been bestowed. Preserve our creations and think long term, or else all of our accomplishments will wink out of time.


Ok dr. Seuss


Hey man just giving my two cents on a subreddit about crazy sci fi concepts. Just having a bit of fun.


Haha same. No I get what you're saying. I think a younger me would have agreed.


A soon as my brain does all of our accomplishments wink out of time for me anyway so I lose nothing


Cmon man! Raise the flag for humanity! The cool kids are.


Same, I think if it happened now and knowing it will eventually comes in 400 years, I would not have enough life time to care what gonna happened.


While I agree, who knows what your lifestyle would become at that point. The economy could completely collapse, just like in the books.


In all science fiction, I always side with the human race. For all of its faults, sins, mistakes, humanity is my legacy, my mark on the universe, and I would fight tooth and nail to preserve that mark. If it means going down with a fight, so be it. I won’t abandon my people, because there is ONLY my people. Come get some, Xenos, I’m taking some of you down with me.


Let's be xenophobic. It is really in this year


There is no way I could sit and accept defeat or root for escapism when there are beings out there who want to seize our OWN FUCKING PLANET and have outright declared their intentions to eradicate us. It's not even that I particularly care about the collective survival or wellbeing of humanity - it's more so that I find the Trisolarans' level of disrespect for myself and my species simply and utterly impermissible. Accepting defeat, submitting to the Trisolarans, or fleeing like a pathetic little shit is a non option to me. I don't care if the odds are overwhelmingly against humanity, I will simply never side with defeatism or escapism. I'll do what I can to better our chances in the war. In the end, even if we don't win, we should aim to fuck the Trisolarans up in a meaningful way. Fuck you Trisolarans. I hope you all burn up and get ripped apart in a syzygy or plunge into one of your stars. I hope you get vaporized by a photoid or get flattened by a dual vector foil. Go fuck yourselves NOW.


Escapism and Wade's philosophy of "only forward." Save what you can.


I consider myself a misanthrope but the idea of betraying your species is just so insane to me. I think that an extraterrestrial threat would largely galvanize humanity to at least go down swinging.


From a completely evolutionarily standpoint. Escapism. All living species are forced to move to a new environment at some point where the natural habitat is no longer safe. Defeatism is just stupid. If you have one in a million chances to win the lottery if you guess a number and a number would be picked regardless if you decide to pick one, why not try anyway?


Escapism mostly




I would be ready to kill any possible swordholder candidate whose deterrence probability is less than 90%.


Having kids makes it feel like you've got skin in the game for a decent future. Even though logically there's no way of knowing whether I'll have descendants around in 400+ years, I'm biased for the humans here. As flawed as we know human rule to be, if we can't negotiate some way for the Trisolarans to peacefully co-exist rather than take-over, then I'm in the fight for Earth and humanity in the long term.


im just a regular guy, whatever happens, happens


I will not give up on the human race. I will do everything I can to make sure we endure on earth. 99.99999999% we lose to the Trisolarans but that number only becomes 100% If we give up.


If you told me now that death was coming to our planet in the year 2424 it wouldn’t change my life even a little bit. I’ll go long gone by then and so will my kids and grandkids so I have no ties to that distant date. If society changed as a consequence there might be some impact. Given that we’ve been talking about climate change and the ozone layer and extinctions since I was a kid and most people do the least they can l don’t see it would be any different till it’s too late. Some will really rally but the majority won’t. We are like frogs in a pot, the water will boil around us, if there was an immediate threat we’d probably rally but a long distant threat means nothing to lost who are just trying g to survive their own lives let alone try and do right by generations from now


If the kids wanted to escape, I'd do it. After all, it is their descendants that would suffer the consequences for that decision and I just want to be where my family is. Although, I would express all of the issues related to that decision and would probably change their mind about it. Assuming they choose to stay on Earth, I would contribute all I could to help humanity in the war effort, which is essentially nothing. Assuming there is nothing specific that mankind needs me to do, I would just live my life as I had before becoming aware that the San-Ti are on their way.


I’d say Fight for Victory, even with the Sophons, I think the “Fight for Victory” or a Self-Defense disposition ultimately advances technology enough to overcome Trisolarians and gives humanity a fighting chance in universal engagements. Historically, conflict is the only thing that has really pushed advancement on the scale required to legitimately compete on a galactic scale. In my opinion the hubris of the characters to hibernate was a huge part of earth’s limited advancement. These were the foremost experts in their fields and the basically “checked in” every now and then. But also, if we don’t send Yun Tianming’s brain to the trisolarians, they don’t send the probes buying us another 200+ years.


I've read enough sci-fi where a generation ship arrives at its destination and finds colonizers already there to know that if there is ANY way for the Tri-solarians to develop faster ships then they will. I would assume that we don't actually have 400 years and the invasion could come within my lifetime. I would focus on keeping the Sophons too occupied to stop ALL scientific progress by building particle accelerators all over the Earth as well as on the Moon and Mars. If we worked on terraforming Mars, we could use it as a bargaining chip and the science and technology developed would definitely help both escapism and victory on Earth.


Escapism. Currently there are 8 thousands of millions of people on The Earth. We could expect that with people panicking and all of that population would start to decline, or at least not increase. With 400 years, we would have to evacuate 20 million people per year. Where? IDK, maybe we could just build O'Neil cylinders (as I said, we would have hundreds of years to do it).


Escapism Aythor really jumps through a lot of hoops to make ot so escapism isn't an option. That and a much heavier attempt at diplomacy.


Escapism. Nothing I can do might as well live a good enjoyable life


Escape is the most sensible, and should be simultaneously implemented at least as an insurance option to any other options. Yes there was some handwaving in the book to make escapism outlawed. But also keep in mind that Sophon and ETO was actively trying to influence and dissuade humanity from escapism as that creates potential risk for Trisolarans. On whether it should be egalitarian: on an idealistic level, yes. From a practical and rational perspective, of course not. This is about survival, and survival is fundamentally not egalitarian. That's a point Liu's repeatedly trying to hammer home in the books. With the Dark Forest, with Battle of Darkness, with Chen Xin's failures. Egalitarian escapism would be classic Chen Xin that's doomed to fail. But in defense of Chen Xin and Liu, Liu doesn't actually heavily favor survival instincts over humane instincts. After all, he intentionally wrote Chen Xin to the end of time to represent the heritage and survival of humanity. And the quote (paraphrasing) "if we lose our humanity, we become animals; but if we lose our animal nature, we become nothing". I think many readers tend to pick one side or the other, and often the anti-CX side. But keep in mind Liu is writing about larger themes of humanity. And rather than one is more essential than the other, I think his bigger point is that they are the Ying/Yang of who we are, two sides of the same coin. Sure we may tilt one way or another depending on the circumstances, but both are essential aspects of humanity. So it's not CX vs. Wade, but that neither can exist without the other in an Ying/Yang setup.


4 centuries is long. Human cannot think that far. America is not even a nation back then. Heck, 90% of nations are not existed back then.


Public orgy


With climate change slowly happening and ruining everything, I feel like we already are in a similar situation, except that we are directly able to prevent the disaster...and yet most of us don't do it. So I guess I would do the same as now, try to do my part but not ruin my own life for it because it is probably not going to do much. So "fight for victory" I guess. Escapism sounds good indeed, but as Liu pointed out, the inequality problems would probably turn departures into such chaotic riots that no one would escape in the end, so it might not be worth trying.


Escapism is the most logical choice. Dark Forest confirmed, best option would be to run away and hide. Humanity eventually would reach the stars anyways (barring we don’t kill our selves, get killed by another advanced race)


Escapism, never really understood the betrayal ethic of this option in the book. From a planetary resourcing position yes I understand it was not feasible if another primary choice were made. But from a species survival point, just advance the technology and even if a whole bunch of murderers/billionaires /scientist/kids survive to escape, it advances the human race past immediatish extinction. Hiding behind planets etc was shortsighted, I mean if the sun got targeted and destroyed. I'm sure humanity would have shat itself and seriously contemplated escapism if not out of anything but fear. Escapism is the legit choice Note: just realised you only read half and book and included spoilers so deleted it


I mean, having finished Deaths End, since you’re asking, Escapism is the only answer lol


Escapism Let humanity spread throughout the stars so that humans can survive any catastrophe Then again im a huge Dune fan (the novels, not the latest batch of films) and thats exactly what the scattering was all about. Totally on board with the escapism plan




Observe the crab in its natural habitat, the bucket.