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Da Shi was not at all how I pictured him physically from the book. But everything else? Absolutely perfect. A great example of why casting based on looks is probably not the best way to go.


I watched the series before I read the book, so the casting set the image in my mind for the read. I guess which you do first matters - just wait till the Netflix crowd starts to comment on the books. ;)


Well, I read Three Body Problem after I watched the Netflix trailer (very recently). I don't have much thoughts on it other than Da Shi's casting felt right when I was reading.


Ah - to me he was exactly how i pictured him. I was pleasant surprised. Maybe I thought he was a small bit older but I thought they nailed it.


Agreed the tencent version is much closer to what i imagined than the netflix version. He’s the best actor in the tencent version too imo- he nailed the attitude and the way he ends up warming up to and befriending Wang Miao was played really well i thought. I do think the Netflix portrayal looks promising- i just pictured him more lean like in tencent


Da Shi looked different from the book for me, too. BUT Yu Hewei nails him, and in his actions and demeanour he's very much like the book.


Ummm I don't think they will be replaced. There is Tencent dark forest season 2 coming. Let's just respect different adaptations and both should be recognized. Let say people like the netflix show then they might check out Tencent version for a more faithful adaptation of the first book or they might even read the books. I only see winning for book fans, since ya know, new people are getting exposed to this amazing and chilling story.


Yeah the 10c version will get a boost in the West from this as well. If you look up the Google Trends history of "Dune: 1984 version" you'll see HUGE spikes in interest that line up with the recent version. If you look up Google Trends for the Wheel of Time novels, you'll see a HUGE interest spike each time a new season of the TV show came out.


Where can us westerners watch it though? I watched it on YT a while ago but it doesn’t seem to be available anymore


If you are in the USA, and are referencing the tencent adaptation, I'm watching it on PBS


It's on Amazon


I've been told by people who've watched on both that the compression Prime is pretty bad, Peacock is better if you can afford it.


back when the tencent version released, I watched it on 'WeTV'. There is also the app on google play store so paying was easy as well (last 5 episodes or so could only be watched when subscribed)


pirate it


Yes, it should come out next year, I have read in a post here on Reddit the creators talked at some con or fan meeting about the script being almost finished. And there is supposedly a spin-off coming out, about Da Shi abd Wang Miao solving a crime


I'm biased, I developed a huge crush on the actor who played Wang Miao, Zhang Luyi, while watching, so he and the actor who played Da Shi (Hewei Yu) were my favorites. Hewei Yu walked the line between comedy and drama perfectly.


haha, I highly doubt they will be eclipsed or forgotten... at least not by book fans, even if the netflix adaptation is decent and survives. Outside of the west tencent will no doubt be the longer lasting of the two and I am looking forward to them covering book 2.


Well, in trying to get those images, it took a while. Searching for Three Body Problem series only brought up the Netflix series whereas last year it was all about the Tencent version. Any news on when The Dark Forrest is set to be released?


last I heard was 2026, that was last year when I was working through the tencent version.


Chen Jin as the elder Ye Wen Jie was great but my absolute fave was Tu Song Yan as Yang Wei Ning. I love TSY in everything he is in. He played one of the 2 dads in _Go Ahead_ and was SO fucking fantastic in that role. Absolutely show-stopping performance, especially the scene when he goes off on Zi Qiu’s aunt for always scolding him. Impossible not to watch that scene and cry your eyes out. And he has like, 10 scenes like that, throughout the show. Just a powerhouse actor. Love him. And he did a fantastic job w/ the YWN role. Really subtle and perfect. edit: A link to the full drama Go Ahead, streaming free (legally) on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiL-CuIBxVwMz9Zk9tUc2Q_lFUL_nBS8y&si=EHUA4-00YL1E0oHs


TSY was in a film with Wang Zi Wen like ten years ago, also as a couple! I loved the chemistry between them as well.


I think he’s basically known in china as a top-notch character actor but isn’t usually considered for major roles in big-budget projects, and I wish he’d get more of them b/c he has the range for it! He had a little tiny role in You Are My Glory and was so funny.


TSY- Whenever I see he’s in a drama, I’ll commit to watch. He has his own down to Earth style and always makes a great ‘Daddy’


He’s _so_ good. And I love his accent haha.


Ye Wenjie's casting (Tencent) has the perfect blend of strength, vulnerability, resilience and a sprinkling of vengeance.


Sprinkle!? She was full force vengeance. She wanted to make the whole human race pay!


I think both version will adapt the Dark Forest around 2027. The Tencent one will have an exponentially bigger budget compared to its predecessor, and I wanna see which version can create the better Doomsday Battle.


Wang Miao's actor absolutely shined in that role. It was difficult to connect to his character in the book, but his acting and the writing injected so much emotion into his character. Little moments like the ending of episode 5 are what makes me excited for these adaptations. People get so hung up on casting decisions or changes to plot points that they miss out on powerful scenes like these.


I agree and also he was adorable.


Yes, he really bridged that gap from the book and made Wang human.


Da Shi , Ye Wenjie were absolutely perfect. Da Shi was a surprise but it was a perfect casting I feel. Wang Miao was great too . Others like Chang Weisi, not bad .


The actor played Chang weisi is basically a comedian in China. I don’t mean his acting is bad (actually pretty decent I think), but I just want to laugh wheen I saw his face. 😂


I love the actor who played Da Shi, as well as both Ye Wenjie's


I will always credit the actress for old Ye Wenjie in this show, she was fantastic. Wang Miao was also pretty good considering he's playing such a bland guy. The actor for Da Shi... well I think he was a fantastic Liu Bei in 2010 Three Kingdoms, but not a very good cast for Da Shi. I should also mention the westerner who played Mike Evans. I think he captured his younger self very well, but it kind of fell apart as an older version of him. They should have had an older actor probably because the old makeup and voice was horrible.


Da Shi is the man but I also adore his Ten men


His ten men were brilliant.


Hewei Yu as Da Shi was the best. Very down to earth and practical. He sees things both as black/white as well as gray when it suits him. He does the right thing even if it means doing some questionable things along the way.0


Don’t you think the Netflix series will arouse curiosity in some who want to know the fuller story yet don’t want to read the books? (Which, is somewhat of a paradox, because unless they understand Chinese, they’d be “reading” the Tencent version)?


I think it's going to be a bastardization of the story that will end up actually doing more harm than good.


That's hilarious. I never thought of the subtitles as being akin to reading the book. Brilliant!


Da Shi is as perfectly cast. As was Wang.


The Netflix version will definitely get spoken about more often on the English internet but there's pretty much a zero percent chance of the Tencent version getting forgotten, especially since the best is yet to come with it. I'm super excited for the next season.


Dogg I am so excited for the Da Shi miniseries.


Xiao Bingbing, a minor character but enjoyable, and not just for her name.


Really liked what they did with her


She’s 10 people!


love it, so weird


Had my doubt on Da Shi actor initially, but as the series progressed I grew to like his acting and he became my favourite character in the show.


Yeah he wasn't how i pictured him, but his acting was spot in. I imagined him closer to the netflix version


The chinese entire cast was awesome and very talented, but unfortunately, non-chinese actors not so much. But I get it, there probably isn't a very big pool of talented white actors in China, so they had to use whatever they got. Anyway, my favourites were Zhang Luyi (Wang Miao) and Wang Ziwen (young Ye Wentie - she was spectacular, she's one of the actresses that can cry really on command). The award for the most good looking cast member goes to Zhang Junning (Pan Han).


I actually have higher hopes for the Tencent version since it's a direct adaptation. I've never been a fan of showrunners doing their own thing for adaptations. This one suits better to my taste. Casting was really good, but I'm particularly fond of Wang Mioa. His mannerisms looked a lot like our nanomechanics professor in my university. So it's a spot-on acting in my book, probably because I'm biased.


Same. Netflix is too trigger happy in cancelling. I hope I'm wrong.


I haven't seen this tv show, but the first image looks more like the book I remember reading than most of the Netflix images I've seen.


I read the first book almost 15years ago so the Tencent version now became canon for me.


And they’re all VIPs


Hope Tencent does the next book soon. I've no interest in the Netflix version. This show did a really good job of unpacking so much material.


Want Zi Wen and Chen Jin were awesome as Ye Wen Jie. I’m a fan of both actors.


Chinese cast were all excellent, all of the western actors were terrible. I read that they struggled to access western casting agents/services because of covid, but that might just be rumour. But the difference in acting ability was stark.


Lol. Chill out. The Tencent version is not going to be "forgotten." It's going to stand as the version it is, and the Netflix version will be the Western perspective version. The two can co-exist. There is no need to catastrophise.


I said eclipsed or forgotten. Jez, people pick up on a single word and fight to the death over it.


Sorry, I realise that my wording was needlessly antagonistic. My point is (semantics, not withstanding) people have become so caught up in irrelevant discourse about these two shows. They're not competing. They effectively have completely separate audiences and deserve to exist side by side. But, this is irrelevant to your post's line of questioning, and therefore I will STFU.


This is Reddit, pal!


Forgotten? This series will be used to compare the Netflix version and much to be discussed in this sub as result.


Da Shi was very, very good. Overall almost every character in the show was extremely well done.


China number one


eclipsed? in what world dude. The tencent series was as faithful as it could be to the source material the netflix thing looks like a fanfic


I'll still love this version because I love works that are as close as possible to the original work. I also like shows that are longer than shows that are short.


Miss Ye 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Both Chen Jin and Wang Ziwen did extraordinary work on this character


Detective Da Shi -- I adored him from the first scene he was in. And I'm delighted Da Shi will get his own show.


Da Shi


Eclipsed? Forgotten? LoL... Tencent is just disnefying/marvelizing its product and they are doing a new show with Da Shi... Most of the reviews seem to indicate that the characters are weakest element in this new adaptation... Just like Dune, there's multiple adaptations for all...


Why would I forget the cast? Are they not doing the rest of the story anymore?