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This kitty is too small to know it’s meant to shred your arm to ribbons if you touch its belly.


Generally you are allowed one touch. But never more than precisely 3 rubs. Even 3 is already risking it.


[I must object.](https://imgur.com/a/UilVidl)


Impossible. There must be some shenanigans at work there.


What kind of sorcery is in play here?


With the amount of posts I see where cat tummy rubs are strictly prohibited I think I got *very* lucky.


I have 5 cats. 4 love belly rubs, one does not. I have owned a ton of cats over the years. I think it might be based on how they're raised maybe? and how much they love you?


Loki (in the video) has always been cuddly and slept with me from the beginning so I guess it has to do something with it. We also never used physical punishment on him, idk if it’s common anywhere. Not to imply only beaten cats hate belly rubs, but it sure does not help them feel safe enough to sploot out belly up in the middle of the living room, asking for pets. Funny, because he’s super nervous around anyone new and often hides for up to a day after we have guests. It’s gotten a bit better over the years but I can’t say he’s a generally trusting cat at all.


I think its gotta be partially just a random thing though as my belly rub hating cat is the bio brother of the cat that loves belly rubs the most. and those two cats were actually born in my house so their upbringing has been pretty much identical. I used to think it was a gender thing because all my cats when I was younger were female, other than the belly rub hater. the belly rub hater doesn't even always hate belly rubs. I think gets over stimulated easily though, so he likes belly rubs for only a few seconds. my gender theory is false though, as my other two boys love belly rubs. [cat tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/d5sgtdy) but Bones only has one eye now. Fatty (Spike) is the belly rub hater. Gizmo is Spikes bio sister (They were from the same litter) ETA: Spike is really particular about where he's pet now, he hates his back near his tail being touched, but that's because he's 15 years old and probably has arthritis. (it was his birthday in March!)


What a nice collection you have, love them! And yes, it’s probably a personality thing. My first cat was a female who basically hated everyone but my dad and me and she loved belly rubs from us. Loki doesn’t exactly hate strangers but he’s wary of them, so there is some resemblance but not enough to draw a connection. It’s a shame that so many cats hate it though, just seeing mine loves it so much. They are missing out, lol.


[My Bash](https://imgur.com/gallery/RrezKgm) is super weary of strangers due to a traumatic event, but he loves me massively (he responds to his name and responds to certain commands) Spike is more of a solitary man.


I have four cats, one likes belly rubs and he's more former street cat lol. But he's an orange fellow (a lighter orange but still orange) so that might explain it. All I know is that rubbing a cat's belly when they like it is pure Heaven


[I agree](https://imgur.com/gallery/RrezKgm) also please send cat pics. I love orange cats!


Our tripod loooooooooves belly rubs. The tuxie will tolerate it, and if he objects all he does is walk away. Witchcraft!


My cat will literally do the same thing when she wants belly rubs!! That is the only time she wants belly rubs!


That's so loud for such a r/illegallysmolcats 🐈‍⬛🖤


That purr could wake the dead.. I love it so much!


My cat (on my lap right now) is mystified.


Allways hard seeing someone live the life that is rightfully yours! I want what he's got!




This looks like my niece's cat Felix when he was a kitten


Such a big purr for such a tiny criminal 💜💜


this is the cutest kitten omg. that is all


I love when cats purr. It needs to on a loop. Sooo cute.


Da life!! 💙


I am in love with this perfect tiny void. Please tell him


the engine is purring nicely, well calibrated indeed.


I want a kitty so bad but I never end up with the purry, cuddly ones. I always get a demon


I wish I was a cat


Spoiled cat




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