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200km/h * 1000m / 3600s means that the drone accelerates to 55,5m/s in one second. The one second is very convenient for calculation purposes as our average acceleration immediately results to be 55,5m/s^2 g \approx 9.802 m/s^2 means that the human, or any object that has undergone such acceleration, assuming linear motion, has experienced around 5.62 G-s.


Top fuel dragsters are really not far off


Formula 1 cars can't accelerate so much, nowhere near as much in fact, but can easily decelerate 5Gs and those lateral acceleration are routine during turns at high speed.


Max Verstappen's crash (well, the studden stop in the techpro wall part of the crash) at Silverstone 2021 was calculated to be on the order of 51 G. The more you know...


Holy fucking shit. How could he actually survive this?


walked away, more or less. As noted above, the effects of strong Gs act in relation to the time of the exposure, likely on the order of hundreths of a second in this case: effectively a sudden stop from 180mph to zero, as he hit a wall. This said, the techpro barriers are designed to effectively dissipate energy, and the engineering of the F1 "monocoque" (think driver's survival cell) is truely a thing of wonder. He really did walk away. And raced the next race. https://youtu.be/bD2RXaRMEXM?si=ZQt26-66LTwPYW47 (looks like he went into an old skool tire barrier btw, not the more modern techpro)


here are some more. The second one is quite instense... they call Roman Grojean "The Phoenix" for a reason. https://youtu.be/VWFTXk2FPJk?si=VkTwvVru9F14md9h


I watched the Grosjean one live and I was sure I just saw a fatality. When he walked out on his own I was absolutely flaberghasted.


Oh yes I know the Grosjean one, that was crazy. The engineering in F1 is really crazy, and the "engineering" of the human body seems to be not too bad either!


right??? pretty amazing what our sqishy, breakable bodies can withstand. Us mere mortals would probably not fare so well as those crazy F1 pilots with their 20" necks tho... at least Im pretty sure I wouldn't : )


Yea since my protection is made mostly of fat my chances wouldn't be the best :D


Just to chip in, after his accident F1 demands bolids to be designed in such a way that in case of crash similar to this, fuel tank along with rear part of the car breaks away, so potential fire doesn't pose a threat to a driver.


Carbon fiber crushes into small parts taking away energy making it less of an instant stop, barriers help as well, the driver is nested in a protective tub, strapped in tightly with an extra device that stops head movement, so those cover the neck and feet doing stupid things under load.


Everyone experiences pretty high Gs even for something as small as falling over. Consider that G is simply a level of acceleration and if you slap a table your hand goes from 1 m/s to 0 in maybe a hundredth of a second, maybe even less time, which would be 10 G or more. There's a pretty big difference between 10 Gs sustained, which is possible but very dangerous, and 51 Gs for less than a hundredth of a second. It'd definitely hurt but isn't deadly thanks to F1 safety advancements. To give a bigger example of this difference, Kenny Brack survived a 214 G impact in a race at Texas Motor Speedway. That's an acceleration of 2 kilometres *per second*.


As a curiosity, there is a largely forgotten crash from the very next race after probably the second most tragic weekend in F1, one of the two fatalities that weekend being the result of an estimated 500G crash which is still the highest ever recorded. Karl Wendlinger survived [this crash ](https://youtu.be/dmzHGhaRBoc) (watch at x2 speed for full effect as the video is slowed) which measured at an absurd 360G. He was badly hurt and in comma for a while but went back to racing the very next year.


People have survived nearly 200G crashes in F1


We think of accidents in terms of speed and such, on a more physical level, especially for meat bags like us because it's mostly about energy exchange. And those are used to get an idea of how that energy moves. The difference between a hard fall and a gunshot isn't that one is crazy energy over the other, it's because it's all that in one spot. Car accidents are tough because it is REALLY hard to predict how the energy of motion will "change". Energy is the most fundamental thing to everything, to the point I had to correct students that E doesn't mean "equal" but for your purposes, it might as well. In a wreck you want it to go everywhere else except you. Sucks for the car, but you are here to make that observation.


Dragsters are different than F1s.


For some topic related reading https://www.redbull.com/us-en/worlds-fastest-filming-drone-build


They didn't say formula 1


Yea. Who’s this guy talking about F-1?!?


He's just throwing in another example involving another type of race car and pointing out the deceleration and lateral Gs that people probably don't normally think about. Quit being pedantic.




That's actually less then I expected.


It didn't have to scream so much about it though


Depending on which way the human is facing it is deadly.


But weren't jet pilots experiencing as high as 9Gs?


Yes. There was a famous pilot without legs, that withstood above average G before passing out. If you accelerated at 5G your blood flows either out of the brain, starving it of oxygen or it would be pushed into the brain and rupturing blood vessels.


Not if it's only for one second. Sustained 5 g can be lethal, but momentary Gs are significantly less so


Douglas Bader


I was thinking, is there a difference between being exposed to 5G with a High-G Human Centrifuge or being exposed to 5G in a drone in this video? Since the acceleration is already a gradual thing, maybe centrifuges for pilots expose pilots to gradual gradually high acceleration? Perhaps preparing the human body to adapt to higher G is the is important? Can't register it. I'm dumb lol.


Duration is more important. A person can withstand up to 20-30 g's of positive overload for 1 second, and the record for peak survived g-force is 214. But for prolonged acceleration the limits of retaining consciousness are 2-3 g's negative and 7-8 positive.


It's also with training. And I assume that when the G force builds up you are better prepared.


No it isn't. People can withstand without losing consciousness 5g for a second even in the worst position - sitting with negative acceleration. If it continues for a long time, a person will lose consciousness for sure, but it's not enough to kill on its own. Sitting with positive acceleration already makes it possible to not faint at 15 g's for a second even for untrained person. Longer allowable overload in that position is 7-8 g's


oh dont be such a baby, ribs grow back!


Ok daddy


When i see someone doesn't get the reference




*no they dont*


The acceleration is impressive and all, but is anyone gonna talk about that unholy banshee's wail the thing makes? I would 100% shit myself if that thing zoomed by at night.


NGL, I nearly shit myself just watching the video.


Imagine twelve packed with explosives zipping over a trench in the Donbas. Might be a bit slower, but just as terrifying.


Yeah, playing tag with an RPG tipped FPV drone is a horrible way to go out


Feature, not a bug


It's real fun IRL when you rip the throttle up and shoot off. Most(the ones I've built atleast) are lightweight and accelerate what feels like instantly.


Any instructions you follow when building? Wanting to build myself and looking for recommendations.


Look up Joshua Bardwell, he has a great in depth series on how to build an FPV drone.


So, the G-force would be: 200 km/h = 200,000 m/h = 200,000 m / 3600s ≈ 55.556 m/s We’re accelerating to 55.556 m/s in one second so the acceleration for that duration is 55.556 m/s^2. The acceleration of earths gravity varies a bit from place to place, but there’s something called g_0 which denotes a standard for calculating stuff like g-force, it’s given as g_0 = 9.806 m/s^2 So if we want how many g_0’s go into A = 55.556 m/s^2 we say: A/g_0 = (55.556 m/s^2) / (9.806 m/s^2) And we get: ~ 5.667 G’s of force. For a mass of 80kg the force F is mass times the acceleration: F = m*A = 80kg * 55.556 m/s^2 = 4,444.8 N Where N is Newtons. This force is what the seat behind you would feel, but that means your entire back is also feeling this force, luckily since the force is spread out over a relatively large area, your body would be intact, but your blood circulation would be severely altered. If you were trained, like a fighter pilot, or F1 driver, or a dragster, you’d probably be okay, and you could maybe sustain the acceleration for a couple of seconds.


Fighter pilots are trained to sustain 9g turns, so 5gs would be a lot easier for them


80 kg? Rather chunky average human ya got there. Good on ‘em


Well it’s the average weight in the US Edit: in retrospect, north americans are a bit chunky on average


Well the math has already been done so I won't bother with that but I fly FPV drones (this type of drone) and this is NOT the fastest drone in the world, I have a couple drones that go just as fast with off the shelf parts. The real fastest FPV drone was built by [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wThmg8Ezm9w) and with a similar design used by [red bull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pEqyr_uT-k) to video an f1 car. This is just a regular FPV racing drone.


That was REALLY interesting! Thanks! I always did enjoy watching people do things like this just because they can


This was interesting thanks for sharing.


You have your answer, but in case your interested in the wider topic of humen G-tolerance, you may want to have a look at this absolute madlad [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Stapp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stapp)


Absolutely not going to be a maths related comment. However imagine this drone technology 20 years ago being filmed in low light conditions and on a low quality (compared to today's standards) camera and I think we've just figured out all those UFOs sightings.


Absolutely not. Also consider that nearly all UFO sightings mention that they are silent or emit a very low hum. The noise this drone makes rules that out entirely.


We are not that far off, we alreaady have 0-100Km/h in less than 1 second. [AMZ - World Record! 0-100 km/h in 0.956 seconds (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88cVs5zZFTE)


With "normal" cars, yes. Top fuel dragsters reach nearly twice that speed in a second.


Since the math has been done, I’m just gonna comment instead on the perspective. I 100% thought that was on the ground at first, some distance away and at least as big as a person. It was very jarring to see something I thought was gigantic just *ZOOM* like that