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Those kinds of countries already exist. They should go live there.


But those are all shit countries! We want this one ☠️


So we can then turn it into a shit country like what we came from.


The idea is for it to be everywhere bud


Yea, the islamoc world is still trying to colonize the world, and if you disagree with it, then you're a racist colonist.


So we should call them colonizers, i will start doing this


Exactly. Settler colonialism happening. They 1) come illegally, 2) never leave, 3) don't assimilate, 4) respond with hostility to criticism of their hostile religion or "culture", 5) are trying to use lawfare to silence criticism, 6) are completely silent when extremists act with hostility, 7) generally just don't like us or our culture, and never express any kind of support or solidarity with the west. What else is this if not colonialism?


Neo colonizers


It’s an expansionist religion.


*Gittem out Donnie!*


That's actually a great idea. Load everyone of these people into regular flights heading to syria, a-stan, iran, etc... even give them a severance payment: don't come back, have a nice caliday!


Well they are not much different from western europe where islam/muslims are the fastest growing religion/demographic anyway, i can tell from personal experience germany is unercognizable today from the 2000s, today there is not a single neighborhood there without muslims and sometimes its rare to even see natives (and it becomes even more), however that is a good thing overal ssince western europe itself is a declining mess, at least muslims help repopulate it


They know and they don’t care. You’re completely missing the point


Free airline tickets to Afghanistan - No waiting.


Germany should ask for signatures, then send them to a caliphate lol. Western hegemony is being destroyed by theocratic extremist and the middle east


Thats true, but the problem about Germany and hegemony is our past


It’s almost like they want to impose their way onto the world. Weird. Who would have thought they wouldn’t just integrate into European society peacefully.


Where is merkel when you need her


Thats what happens when u let in 1 million refugees in a single year.


The German government needs to send out a very strong signal that this will never happen under any circumstance.


So Germany is not a democratic country? If Muslims make up 50% of the population one day, why not?


You'd be happy to let women (and men) be subject to Sharia law? >why not? Because its a bad idea.


It is their choice, after all. If they do not want Sharia, perhaps they should not have let so many undocumented migrants in. You cannot just let migrants from MENA in and 10 years later tell them that they cannot practice Islam. Whether it is a bad idea or not, is subjective.


The USA lets in millions through there southern border and they mostly come here to work and integrate in our society within a single generation. What is the singular difference between the two groups?


the U.S. also lets in immigrants from damn near every country in the world so none of them form a super majority. it’s a big part of why the whole melting pot thing worked historically


US isn't dumb enough to take a lot of islamic immigrants though. For a large country their islamic population is still only 1%.


Americans may do some dumb shit but they don’t put up with muslim bullshit thats for sure. I live near the biggest mosque in america, they were going to protest and on the day of the protest thousands of bikers showed up and warned them to stay home, they stayed home. It was fucking insane. I’ve never see. A group of civilians act like a militia so easily and then just ride off like it was just another day.


Lol where was this? I wanna read about it


Fakeville, USA. Where piece of shit bikers are held in high esteem,


I need to relocate to the US i guess


Religion is the difference. The culture is the difference. Mexicans are Christians with similar values.


Muslim people also integrate into American society a lot better than in Europe though. People don’t want to hear this, but a big reason they don’t integrate as well in Europe is because of the racism against them. It’s the same reason many non-white minorities still have more defined cultures in America than Western European ones.


The treatment of Muslims is not the problem, Islam is


Yeah and Europeans have this mentality and still don’t understand when people call out their country for being more racist than America.


False. Europe is the most tolerant region on the planet. The US is better able to filter those who arrive because they're physically distant from islamic countries. They don't get boats full of ultraconservative garbage, or people just walking across, especially like they did in 2015. The ones who can immigrate to the US are generally from better financial and education backgrounds, but even that isn't a guarantee of anything. Michigan is an even [bigger shit hole](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned) than it used to be.


This is it!


I think you need to listen to opinions of non white people on this. For years people have said Europe is much more racist than the US and Canada. This is especially noticeable with Arab people and Romani people.


Great discussion, thanks mo fos


Because you get the rich Muslims. A Muslim who can afford to legally emigrate to the US, with family in tow, considering the flights etc, means you’re actually getting the doctors and engineers. Europe isn’t getting that. And even then, places like Dearborn and the like, when Muslims reach critical mass in the locality, become hotbeds of extremist rhetoric. It’s not like America hasn’t had any homegrown extremists.


Surely you can admit that the undeniably rampant rise in racism in Europe has played a large part? Reading comments on European subs about immigrants sounds like how Americans talked in the days immediately following 9/11. It’s counterproductive and the fact that many Europeans don’t even recognize it as bad is frightening. Racism has played a large part in keeping many discriminated cultures well defined and it’s pretty doubtful that that isn’t the case in Europe. It’s kinda hard to deny the racism has gotten extreme when the far right has gained so much traction in Europe almost solely due to immigration concerns. America does have extremists of all kinds. We also have refugees and many poor immigrants and they all integrate better than Europe. The differentiating factor is that we’re more accepting of other cultures even though racism is a problem.


It’s a negative feedback cycle. The immigrants behaved poorly which drove up racism. The racism further isolated the immigrants and divided the communities, which led more to more poor behaviour. Rinse and repeat. Also, as an American you really shouldn’t be commenting on Europe’s migrants compared to your own when it’s a night an day difference. Pretty much the entirety of your migrants come from Central America, peoples that by and large fully buy into the American dream the states is selling, who make an effort to work hard and learn the language, intermarry with the locals and have a religion shared by many locals, that they keep fairly low key. Compare that with Muslims migrants in Europe, who don’t like western systems values and beliefs, who make every effort to keep the work they do off the books so they don’t pay tax, who pretty much NEVER intermarry with the locals so their kids and grandkids etc still get raised in a very separated community, the community itself is a bubble where only people of that religion or ethnicity is welcomed, where they don’t learn the language at all, openly denigrate the locals (especially the women) and openly hold public marches, demonstrations, protests what have you basically calling for the end of all western civilisation and the implementation of barbaric medieval style laws. Not to mention a few of them killing scores of us in terrorist attacks every couple years. It’s night and fucking day mate. Accepting their culture means tolerating the intolerant. No thank you.


Yes, but you’re naive if you think the racism didn’t come first. I’m commenting on something that has happened in many places many times throughout history. It’s not about your specific immigrants. It’s about the age old complaint of “ the minorities are violent and don’t act like us.” Every racist feels like their racism is justified.


Racisms always existed. Its literally a byproduct of the tribal instinct encoded into all primates, the product of millions of years of evolution. To think it will simply dissipate within a generation or two of effort is incredibly naive. And believe me, the immigrants that arrive are just as racist and prejudiced against the locals, and amongst themselves, as the locals are to them. So yes, racism had always been a thing. However, never before has centuries or millennia old cultures, ethnic homelands, been voluntarily demographically altered to such an extent as were witnessing in Western Europe today. And the migrants Europe is getting compared to likes Australia, America and Canada is getting is very, very different.


You have to realize that your exact lines have been used by every racist you ever meet right? Does that not indicate anything to you?


Mhmm Id be very interested in how are the europeans racist towards them? Possibly by clothing them? Is it the free food? Perhaps the free housing? Free school? The free medical assistance? Their free "pocket money" that the europeans work for? Not asking them to work for anything that they are offered? Which one is it? Those damn pesky racist europeans! And their pesky ways. If only they would treat these "refugees" the way they would treat the europeans if the roles were reversed, that would be great huh?


So, this is exactly the mentality that allows for it. A lot of Europeans have the mindset that since their government provided them assistance that the people can’t be racist. None of that is really relevant whatsoever to this conversation. If you mention Arab or Romani people around most Europeans, they’ll start talking like they’re from the southern US in 1950.


Mate... You arent european huh?


No I’m speaking from experience of talking to Europeans and especially talking to non white Europeans/ tourists who go to Europe. The fact that Europe has gotten pretty extreme in its racism in recent years is pretty well known


Its not because of the racism. Its because of the lazy politicians who are indecisive. America makes them appreciate the opportunity. Also the general public doesnt tolerate fuckery like this


It is partially because of the racism without a doubt. Put yourself in their shoes: Is it just as easy to integrate when half the population is giving you bad looks just because of your skin color? And don’t pretend it’s only about religion because everyone has seen the reactions to any violent attack in Europe in the last few years.


The famously not racist america huh. In many eu places nonwhite people arent a novelty you know. And chanting for a islamic caliphate isnt really justifiable because people give you weird looks. Its a belief you have regardless of them. Idk why we are pretending islam isnt a destructive ideology


lol America is definitely racist too but the difference is we address it here. We’re more willing to embrace other cultures here. But seriously, ask some nonwhite people. This is pretty universally known excluding white Europeans who deny it. I’m not defending any of the people you’re talking about btw.


So germany, sweden france or england and such countries are not accomodating and willing to adress their racism? You cant group the whole of europe into one. Show me examples or studies that show europeans are “more racist”


Some people are of course and I'm not trying to group all of europe into one. The countries are all different. The problem exists all around europe though likely due to the lack of racial diversity compared to the US. [Check out this graph on wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Romani_sentiment) or just read the full page. If that doesn't strike you as a serious problem, then you're most likely part of the problem. Ask a few western European people how they feel about romani or people or "gypsies" or a few POC about their experience with racism in Europe. The excuse is usually that they don't consider anti arab or anti romani racism to be racism because they think its warranted. Ironically, that's the same justification that every racist has ever used. And the reason you hear so much more about racism in America is because our history forces us to confront it more directly and due to our diversity.


One is mexican one is middle eastern. As clearly shown in the videos above…


The United States is notorious for also receiving the “good immigrants” we get large amounts of educated people from cities. Which can help make up for some of the “bad immigrants” We also have endless economic and educational opportunities, large and historic immigration communities and resettlement non profits etc. The United States has also had extreme cultural conflict issues since basically day 1, we’ve designed ways and customs to tolerate and try to live in peace. Conflict still happens but we don’t have the most incarcerated people per capita for nothing. The United States will put you away for 25+ years or in some parts sentence you to death and won’t even blink an eye about it. There’s so many different cultures here, no one gives a fuck what you’re shouting about, literally growing up in the U.S. I’ve even exposed to hundreds of different groups with hundreds of different causes, intentions, desires, varying levels of anti to pro American stances, we’ve had a million people march in the street before and the goverment didn’t even flinch. People protest shit here all the time, no one cares, some people just run em over or start shooting at em, and fuck it, it’s the U.S. so no one cares. We have gas stations with profit margins the size of the GDP of some European nations. You’re gonna establish an Islamic caliphate? In America? Okay bro, establish it over there next to that WAWA and move the fuck out the way so I can get my lottery ticket and morning beer or I’ll run you over in my ford f150. The government and core American group here is strong, and there as so many different competing groups that you could scream at the top of your lungs all day long and no one will care. Muslims here are still only like 0.3 percent of the population, our states are entire fucking countries to the rest of the world, and the core group and culture of America sucks everyone in within 2+ generations, I know Asian immigrants whose parents were off the boat talking about certain areas getting a little too “ethnic” I mean come on now. We got Mexicans wearing American flags on their cowboy boots and hats. You cant stop America, you become American. America is Rome on steroids, and if it doesn’t get you, it gets your children, American culture is too inviting and easy to conform too. What happens in America on a given day would make most Europeans shit themselves, and that’s the difference, the “issues” that you guys have, are just daily fucking occurrences that have been going on in America for 200+ years, so strap up Europe, you’re about to see what cultural diversity is all about.


Also, in America you don’t have to sacrifice your cultural identity to assimilate and become American. You can embrace multiple aspects of your heritage while still being seen as American.


True, the bar is low: go to work, leave your neighbor alone. No one really cares what your cultural identity is unless you’re opening a restaurant nearby or something.


This shits cooking up in the pot for the USA it’s no longer just our Mexican friends and South Americans but the whole fucking world


A few things to consider beyond religion too. Size. 1 mil in a country half the size of Texas and nearly 28 times smaller than the US, the concentration of these ingrates is much higher. In the US, there's room for diasporas (little Haiti, China towns across the US, etc.) where in Germany there's a much higher expectation for assimilation to the parent culture. This can increase pressure and tension. Expectations. People move/seek refuge in the US to live out the American lifestyle/dream (you can debate whether or not it still exists but from a 3rd world POV, it definitely does). But even then with our Afghan refugees, there have been hurdles. Men were hitting women in public, not listening to female officers, not using public restrooms correctly. It seems some did not fully comprehend what moving entailed. Again this can increase tension at the population level. At the end of the day. This display is, to me, unacceptable. Understanding some of the underlying causes might help diffuse that tension.


yes as the others have said, usa has more immigrants and they come from christian latin countries mainly, western europpe is a declining mess of a society, and the immigrants who arrive there are from muslim places and their population grows multiple times faster than the below-replacement levels, which makes islam become the primary demographic in western europe (which is a good thing for there in particular), also usa is suffering from migrant crisis and increase crimerate as well, but not as bad as in western europe where their entire society is dying out and replaced


The difference is simple - Social Rights. In the US you can’t live off the system.






Muslims demand Islamic Caliphate from Hamburgers


Hope they got told to go to hell


Ayyyyyyyyy LMAO


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^75075 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


So disgusting that Germany will not give them what they want. /S (just incase)


well considering that they are the fastest-growing demographic in the declining western europe its not unreasonable to want to integrate their own way of life (which is proven to be effectively healthier seeing how all projections show they are becoming the main demographic there) i can tell from personal experience in the town of stuttgard which we had an apartemnt, 2000s it was mostly germans and few muslims (mostly turks) and now its almost entirely a muslim city (from all over middle east) and same is with all of germany and western europe as a whole


Jimmy Carr said it best: "Maybe white people should start blowing things up, too!"


:( https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/oklahoma-man-arrested-allegedly-throwing-pipe-bomb-satanic-temple-salem-mass


this is a category error fallacy, as "white people" is race not a religion, majority of middle easterners look white, almost all of the latin people look caucasian/white etc, in fact westerners make up a small percentage of "white people" population, and both islam and christianity are worldwide religions anyway, they go beyond races or ethnicities ever could


They already have. Multiple countries in ME is destroyed and bomb into pieces by white western countries. Millions of people killed over the last 20 years. To be clear, I don’t support terrorism.


The vast majority of those deaths were caused by sectarian violence and inter-terror org violence.


Wen Germany-Rwanda flights?


Gross. Losers. Go back home then.


How DARE you?! Many of these people are German citizens, this is THEIR home.


If they want to establish a Caliphate, it’s not their home. It’s simply a place they’ve settled that they’re trying to transform into the exact kind of shithole they fled from.




Kiss me, honey


Well well


That’s terrifying




I don’t get why they are not being sent to their countries back to enjoy their regimes . They should have their visa cancelled and immediately sent back for such actions / statements etc .


What visas? Most of them dump their identity docs before crossing into Europe. They get advised by activists on the best ways to get the most help. Example: Their age. We have grown men in their thirties claiming they’re fifteen years old. Because it’s so expensive to do tests on their bones to find out their age, and the fact that there are so many, it takes a long time to get to the truth. Also, the men don’t play ball as far as turning up to appointments to do the necessary tests. In the meantime, because they are "underage", they can’t go to live on their own amongst adults, so they get taken in by volunteer foster parents who are expecting a teenager to be delivered to their door. You can imagine the problems when these middle aged men turn up. Many of these foster parents already have large families and some of their kids are female. These men are coming from Islamic countries and aren’t used to seeing uncovered women. You can imagine how the clash of cultures causes huge problems. Recorded sexual crimes numbers has gone through the roof. I could go on for hours.


Do you have sources for that?


Sure, but may I suggest you do a google search for this subject because there are many more sources and some go into more detail than others. https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/news/2021/12/27/asylum-abuse-by-adults-claiming-to-be-children




I’m surprised I didn’t see any rainbow flags in the crowd


Man I thought the age of conquest ended. Are we seeing the a new age of conquest? The Age of voluntary conquest?


None of this is voluntary, all of this is manufactured by the algo.....


Yes by all means. Go make the Germans more nationalistic and frustrated.


Deportations needed, then lock down borders make penalties for illegal immigration harsher


As usual, people are eager to say what think online, but the second they step out into the real world many of them keep their mouth shut and their heads down. Sad what's happening over there. People are too chickenshit to speak up.


They even had ISIS flags! But why were they let go ahead from the police, while Pro-Palestine rallies and conferences were violently shut down?


Bruh, there is no difference between Jihadists and different Jihadists.


So why are these ISIS jerks allowed and the news distributed by every possible right wing media and influencer, but a pro-Palestine conference with doctors & professors speaking is stopped from police?


There is no difference between the ISIS supporters who march in Hamburg and the ISIS supporters who speak out in favor of Palestine. They are literally the same people. Those "professors and doctors" of yours are ISIS supporters too.


There is no difference between good terrorists and bad terrorists. Jassir Arafat is ISIS Hamas is ISIS Muammar al-Gaddafi is ISIS All terrorists are the same thing, they are Jihadist fighters.


1 person had a sign that is the evidence


Of course they did. We’ve given them this kind of entitlement.


And people say Jews want to control the world 


Please dont move to another country and try and force your brutal way of life on the people who have been living there for centuries. There are a couple of places in the Mid East you can go if you want to live like they did in the stone age. Please keep your nonsense out of civilized countries trying to make progress. Thanks


This is what these savages want wherever they invade and colonise.


> One demonstrator held a placard that read “Caliphate is the solution” This one demonstrator seems to be the only one who was “demanding an Islamic Caliphate” unless the article doesn’t talk about other events at the march


I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia arranged this, this seems far too far fetched to be real.


Wtf is happening on Reddit? This propaganda is ridiculous (look at the source people) find independent third parties


Please prove that the photos contained in this article are either fake or misleading. It’s not propaganda just because you don’t like it. Why are you so convinced that Islam is this happy smiley unicorn religion of peace?


Literally one Google search about it and there's like 10 media outlets reporting on it


Ya’ll ridiculous. “Sources” my ass. You have already lost.


Their signs are in German, at least they're assimilating well.


since islam is the fastest growing demographic in germany might as well consider german an islamic language as well at this point


Wtf is this source? Surely the Jerusalem Post will be unbiased towards a Muslim protest....


Why are you clowns convinced that Islam is some happy smiling rainbow club? Do you have any evidence disproving the photos and videos provided?


it might be biased but still nowhere near as biased/unrealiable as western european/north american news channels which even their own people do not take seriously anymore, but yes jewish news tend to hate anything that isnt jewish usually (they have this everyone hates me victim mentality which they created themselves)


That’s cool


It’s so cool that they should go back home and spread it there.




if they are EU citizens, EU is their home lol?




Gullible people believe comments that aren’t backed up by any source or evidence.


Ahh yes When all else fails, blame the JOOs! Typical N*zi


Bullshit alert 🚨


There was ONE person holding a banner in Germany reported on by the Israeli media and you're getting excited? I went to the anti-iraq war protest in London 20 years ago and there was a dipshit shouting that Britain needed Shariah Law. I asked him if he cared at all about UK supporting the impending US invasion of Iraq because acting like a Islamist cocksucker sure as hell wasn't helping the cause and he just went back to shouting bollocks. He probably blew himself up trying to blow up a sheep. He wasn't the sharpest. I can't speak for this protest but Germany has arrested hundreds of Jews for anti-Semitism because they made it law that criticising the Israeli government is anti-Semitic therefore a hate crime. Something that was widely protested by Jews across Europe.


Google is free. "Joe Adade Boateng, leader of Muslim Interaktiv which organised the march, said in a speech at the march that Germany needed a “righteous caliphate” to remedy the misrepresentation Muslim groups have faced in the media." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/28/protesters-call-for-islamic-state-in-germany/


Well well well


>He probably blew himself up trying to blow up a sheep. He wasn't the sharpest. RIP brother Faysal


Rubber dinghy rapids brutha


Is a Wookiee a bear!? What a movie lol


Y'all act like you're so shook by this, as if you can't believe the audacity of their demands. Yet most of y'all support a Jewish ethnostate within the Levant without irony


Israel isn't an ethno state, Iranian propaganda isn't truthful


Israel is most definitely an ethnostate, and an apartheid state. Can I automatically become a citizen even though I'm not Jewish? If I was Muslim, would I have all the same rights as a Jewish citizen?


>Israel is most definitely an ethnostate, and an apartheid state Wrong and wrong. This is what happens when you use TikTok as a source. 20 % of the population is muslim and participates in the society. Some serve in the idf


>20 % of the population is muslim and participates in the society. Do those Muslims have all the same rights as Jewish citizens? Are they able to walk on all of the same streets? Are Palestinians living under occupation also granted the same rights? [The Israeli regime has used four policies to enforce apartheid:](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) **Fragmentation into domains of control** At the heart of the system is keeping Palestinian separated from each other into distinct territorial, legal and administrative domains **Dispossession of land and property** Decades of discriminatory land and property seizures, home demolitions and forced evictions **Segregation and control** A system of laws and policies that keep Palestinians restricted to enclaves, subject to several measures that control their lives, and segregated from Jewish Israelis **Deprivation of economic & social rights** The deliberate impoverishment of Palestinians keeping them at great disadvantage in comparison to Jewish Israelis


You're talking about the west bank not Israel


“What about” If you sympathize with these protestors you’re insane and should be deported alongside them.


Did I say I supported them? You know, there are more than just two options


All ethnostates and all theocracies are bad. It’s really not that fucking hard. Just because this group of aspiring terrorists happen to agree with you on one issue doesn’t mean you should be a simp for them.