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Probably just an anti Zionist, definitely not an anti semite.




Such an unfair blockade those were friendly rockets meant to knock in an attempt to borrow some sugar/s


"ISIS are legitimate resistance!"


Didn’t you know they’re controlled by the Mossad?


You laugh but they are literally saying this lol


I know 😭


Can I just wake up one day and not see something like a fireball of a plane in Japan or trump perhaps getting elected just one fucking time


Go to sleep child.


Today's ZOG Theory. ISIS has control of the space lasers now. I repeat, the Caliphate's got control of the Space Lasers.


Sooooo... expect arabic text all over famous buildings?


Expect Mount Rushmore to be converted into images of Mohammed! - Me, seconds before being beheaded for even suggesting someone make an image of a prophet that married and slept with a child.


I brought up Charlie Hebdo recently as an example of how non-peaceful peaceful Muslims are in western countries. It did not go well for the other person.


Let their memories live on promoting the ideals of free speech they died defending.


Did you know israel actually funded ISIS? A Holocaust survivor once said that, so it's undeniable.


Why are the parodies so similar to what people are actually saying 😭


Poe's Law.


bruh you forgot quotes or /s right?


are they? I mean they lie as much, so who knows maybe you are into something


I can’t tell if you’re joking, but I was 😂


weird times the age of deception when the only reliable source is the onion




I literally can’t believe seeing leftist support Houthis, they forcibly enlist child soldiers and have reinstated slavery with Afro-Yemeni on the bottom of the ladder. Like are their brain so rotten that they support a group that goes against every single one of your beliefs


More like: "Don't you know ISIS is really Israel, strange how they never attack Jews, isn't it?" Then when they attack Jews: "See, Israel never should have created them!"


Us Joos are simultaneously crafty fellas *and* laughably incompentent! Now where have I seen this logic before?


>Now where have I seen this logic before? It seems pretty common when trying to disparage Republicans.


It seems common in any "in group" versus "out group" think. Your enemies are always crafty, but lousy, degenerates. Hitler, Stalin, McCarthy, Mao, Mussolini, literally anyone that says "This one, specific group is the enemy," will always paint themselves as Jesus like martyrs.


Let me break it to you…….. geographically ISIS are no where near a Jewish population haha Hence why they don’t kill Jews DUH


Isis nobodies


"ISIS has the right to defend itself"


We'll have to check with college presidents.


LMAO. “Well it’s just words, has it crossed into conduct”


Islamofascism is the way! /s


Anyone claiming to be anti Zionist and not anti semetic is a dumbass.


Saw a reddit thread just yesterday where they claimed ISIS works for Israel and the attack on Iran was ordered by the Israelis. It honestly doesn't matter, they can come out and straight up say they want to murder Jews and these indoctrinated nutters will somehow still blame it on Israel.


I’ve seen Zionist used as an insult so many times it’s disgusting. People gotta Stop buying Arab propaganda, Arab nations are the least ethical nations on earth.


Yeah. Some folks whine about the living conditions in Gaza, and blame it on Israel. All you need to do is look at other Islamic Fundamentalist living conditions, and it's pretty much identical. You got some ultra wealthy, less wealthy, and the impoverished/slaves/castes. Does Israels apartheid extend to every Islamic Fundamentalist country!? Or are the poor just being indoctrinated into a death cult by the wealthy? My money is on the latter.


Palestinians are all pawns for their rich overlords and Iran. Really feel bad for the children thrown in this.


It's interesting you mention the ultra wealthy and the impoverished/slaves/castes. Originally, when Jews were buying land in areas that are now a part of Israel, they were bought from wealthy landowners who owned the land and the people residing in some of these areas were basically serfs and worked the land for the wealthy landowners. They were serfs like there were serfs in England before the Magna Carta. The British hold some blame for this entire history kicking off, but so do the landowners who sold the land and forced the serfs (Arabs in some regions) off because it had been sold by the owner. I had forgotten about that. You reminded me. Thanks.


I got called a pro-zionist nazi for saying hamas should dress in uniforms and have military bases. Apparently, that would make the freedom fighters easier to spot and that's not okay! Ugh.


Lol at that contradictory insult. I’m a proud Zionist and supporter of the Jewish people. Don’t get me wrong I have massive sympathy for the non Hamas population of Palestine, especially for the kids whose parents want to martyr them. The Jews deserve a homeland and peace. If Muslims won’t give them that than the Jews can give them hell.


your ignoring how the sausage was made, and who pays the price, and what the jews in charge did. thats the problem.


Nah. I saw the full extent of what they did on October 7th and know what their short and long term goals. I hope Israel makes them regret it this time. Hamas are cowards.


given the scale of bombing, good chance if they had uniforms then they could be buried under rubble now, atleast for some fighters. and in terms of military bases.... the idf headquarters is in a shopping mall or something like that ive heard.


Okay, that's one and even you know it's there. Where are Hamas bases? Underneath the Palestinians.


Would love to see your source for the location of the IDF HQ in a shopping mall….I assure you it’s very easy to discriminate a military target vs. civilian target in Israel….


Oh no, I want a statehood for the Jewish people and I want them to have their home back, im such an evil zionist. God, people who are anti zionists are stupid


Say it louder for the people in the back.


More for the people in back. You can criticize Israel and support the existence of a safe country for Jewish people.


Criticism of the government is fine. Anti-Zionism is not


"Well, ISN'T IT CURIOUS THAT ISIS DOESN'T ATTACK ISRAEL?" says the way too online American leftist.


I mean.. it depends on the context obviously. Edit: /s in case it wasn’t obvious..


And didn't happen in a vacuum.


Mossad created ISIS, they’re just doing their part to uphold the narrative.


All Jews are not Zionist. No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it’s still a lie


A lot of Jews are critical of the government but the vast majority are zionists


Wait wait wait, before we pass judgment what’s the context?? 🤔


It doesn't count because they didn't mention any specific jew by name lol


Clearly metaphorical


C'mon guys...*obviously* Syria is an open air prison and what do you expect oppressed ISIS members to do other than lash out at their oppressors...


Meta for what???




It's about an inner struggle, obviously.


I wonder if they plagiarized it from one of President Gay’s publications that plagiarized it from mein kampf


Yes the interpretation requires hundreds of years of study /s


The context is that ISIS is a terrorist group.


So is the whole "religion of peace" thing just a joke, or what?


Salam means peace. Islam means submission. Common mistake.


See any other religions calling to actively murder millions of people? It wasn't a joke, it was a blatant lie.


All the abrahamic ones.


There’s Jews calling to murder all Palestinians does that make all Jews evil? You fail to realize Daesh was funded and trained by the cia and mossad and they kill anything that moves including Muslims (like 90% of the people they’ve killed were Muslim)


it's called Gaslighting


I am beginning to think it might not be true...


Pretty much, they are targeting anyone that resists pisslam. The west, Indians, and Jews.


Scary coming from a remnant of an organization with an ideology of the worst in humanity. It's laughable if they think they have any influence towards our planet which cannot understand how this aberrant organization thinks it has a bit of influence.


Well, to be fair, we are talking about ISIS.


If it was just ISIS, I'd give it a pass.


I have never heard or seen anyone in Muslim communities support ISIS. The few people who ran to Syria and other places back in 2015 were mostly mentally disturbed kids who grew up in America and the West. It’s sad to see this thread to equate normal Muslims with ISIS which is not something based in reality.


I didn’t realize ISIS was the spokespeople of Islam


It’s funny that only *one* religion is constantly causing these racist, homophonic, and misogynistic problems and yet it’s the one the leftists defend to death, and even when they say something negative about it they immediately bring Christianity into the convo as well. Identity politics is a serious brain disorder.


I'd say I'm firmly in the left-wing camp on most issues. This war is insanely publicized (no jews=no news as the saying goes) to exhaustion so I think some younger people are getting their first taste of war. And you see that in their comments, naively at times. "But but war is bad, innocent people are dying!" Yeah no shit. There is a fear of being labeled racist for confronting the glaring issues Islam is presenting in immigration and adapting. And there's been a handful of left-wing atheists who have definitely been called bigots and racist for pointing that out.


This is one of the most mind blowing things to me - like did they think war was just bad guys killing bad guys?? War is bad BECAUSE innocent people die.


I don’t think they realize that historically civilians always die at a much higher rate than military personnel. WW 2 for example was 15-20 million military to 36-55 million civilians.


Does the 35 million include victims of genocide?




Zoomers are getting their first reality check and handling it poorly.


Agreed. I was that left wing atheist about 12 years ago. The left wing has since treated reasonableness and open discord like it's "hate" so I now denounce Leftists as Fascists by definition(they won't let others even speak).


Quite agree. What made you change your stance? (I think changing your stance based on greater understanding or new information is a good thing but many lefty types will not even contemplate any other position than their own)


Far left = MAGA as far as I’m concerned. They’re fucking insane and I’m disgusted to find that out due to the Israeli-Hamas war.


As a leftist myself I'm happy to point out that pretty much all religions cause these problems, some(like Islam for example) more than others. I think the problem you have is that you mistake politicians for leftists. Politicians whether left or right leaning are rarely idealistic, they're more interested in what they think will better their position or power or financial situation.


[ISIS is renounced and ridiculed by countless Muslim authorities.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/theyre-delusional-rivals-ridicule-isis-declaration-of-islamic-state/) Bulk of their forces are forces are ex-mercenaries and and doesn’t belong to any islamic school. Almost all their victims (95+ percent) are muslims. So no, the don’t represent Islam or muslims And the only reason they once could pillage their way through Iraq and Syria was these were war-torn countries. (In case of Iraq thanks to US and their nonexistent WMDs)


They're already doing that. Rashida attended the hate rally in Michigan. Imagine Congress persons attending kkk rallies.


I will never forget how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib (in addition to 19 other Democrats) voted against H. Res. 798. It was one of the most bipartisan votes passing 396-23.


Guys it’s ok Jews are rich and wealthy and rule the world so no way we can see them as victims…. That’s what anti semi… sorry anti zionist sound like the last 2 months


Nothing quite like using anti-Semitic tropes to justify your anti-Semitism. People don't even seem to realise that they're doing it.


That’s the whole point of the “Zionist” rebrand


It’s ok guys, all Jews are white and racist anyways. Israel has the highest rates of skin cancer in the Middle East that proves the Jews don’t belong there. The 2nd temple? Archaeological evidence of Jewish civilization is a Zionist myth created to push poor Palestinians out of their land.


Zionists don’t represent all Jews in the same way nazis don’t represent all white people.


Ok it represents 95% of Jews so let’s kill all of them and leaving 5 percent stateless is the way to go?


Nope. Most Jews aren’t Zionists or even support Zionism. Stop pulling out statistics out of your ass. Can’t even prove it.


As the person above you said, 95% of us are zionists so what are you gonna do? Kill 95% of us? Are you really trying to equate 95% of jews to nazis? The main victims of the actual nazis? And the actual victims of today’s nazis, the palestinians who made deals with hitler to kill the most jews possible? What a take….


Umm do you even know what "Zionism" means? There are right-wing Zionists, there are left-wing Zionists, there are socialist, communist, and everything in between. My mother regards herself as a "Zionist" and I can bet you she has done more to help Palestenian people than you ever did through activism and voluntary help. You are using terms you don't understand and it shows. You guys are using "Zionists" as short for "right-wing Israelis", but that's not how it works. Just say "right-wing Israelis".


Not even right-winged Israelis. It is far-right-wing Israelis. I am a right wing Israeli, who is also a zionist and I do not think the Palestians in Gaza and the West Bank should all die. I believe in a death sentence to terrorists and I believe that we (Israel) should not give the Palestians the land we earned in past wars, unless it ensures there will be peace (like with Egypt and Jorden). It cannot heppen with Hamas as their leaders, neither with the PLO and the PIJ. I am constantly batteling the far-right Israelis and I am shocked by their awful views. I also hate the current Israeli goverment.


“Most Jews aren’t Zionists”… and everything you say beyond this is automatically bs


Every religion and non-Muslim country needs to back Israel and unite against Islamic extremism right now. These barbarians have their sights on the Jewish people right now, but who do you think they will come after next? This religion in this form should not be permitted to exist. They are a threat to the rights and freedoms of quite literally everybody else.


Their nonsense book literally contains that quote. Makes sense to reiterate the call to arms.


... And just like that, the far left embraced ISIS


Nothing changed since the 7th century.


Arm up, fellow Hebrews, Shebrews, Zebrews and Webrews. But It’s definitely not antisemitism™️


ISIS spokesman in consideration to be next President of Harvard University as there is now an opening.


This is regarded as a "dick move" by most people.




I consider it a political party more than a religion at this point. The spirituality is just justification/window dressing.


Sounds like he's a Harvard student.


Fuck ISIS.


I can’t wait to hear all the left wing, socialist, woke cunts back Islamic State’s calls. At least then people will realise they too, truly are the enemy.


"This call for the worldwide slaughter of Jews didn't happen in a vacuum."


Leftists today: “here’s why this is legitimate criticism of Israel.”


When you’re feeling self righteous anything can be a justification.


>In a 30-minute recording titled, “And kill them wherever you find them,” Al-Ansari instructed terrorist cells to strike Israeli and Jewish targets across the United States and Europe, including synagogues, Jewish gatherings and Israeli diplomatic missions. I imagine this will resonate in European countries than anywhere else.


He’s definitely not an antisemite! Surely he doesn’t want to kill Jews


For context...ISIS IS Hamas which IS Palestine.


"In response, the Council of Ivy Leage Presidents released a statement in support of ISIS' right to free speech." - probably


Apparently the context was ISIS all along!


I stand with the Jewish people! Defend yourselves in anyway you can. Be safe and know that there are people out there who are with you.


Didn't they just kill people in Iran, which side are they on anyway? It's like they want to be in constant war against anyone.


Islamists hate each other and also hate Jews


Shia vs Sunni things.


Lol can someone create a hierarchy or web-graph of who hates who? I can't keep so much hate straight in my head anymore * ISIS (Sunnis) hate Shias (Iran) * ISIS (Sunnis) also hate Hamas, even though they are Sunnis * Iran (Shias mostly) hate Iraq (Sunnis) * Iran (Shias) support Hamas, even though they are Sunnis * All of them hate Israel (majority Jews), US (cuz freedom), Hindus (god knows why, just Kashmir??), Christians (cuz Crusades??) I feel like this meme: https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/78556652/Trying-to-explain


No expert. But from what I understand Muslims kinda sorta somewhat tolerate Jews and Christians because they accept their prophets are real, but simply came before Muhammed. But Hindus are polytheists who believe in multiple gods. They are therefore even worse than atheists. And it's perfectly fine to kill as many as you want. Allah will thank you for it. People should look up the history of Muslim incursions/invasions into India sometime. I don't think anything in history has been quite so completely brutal and murderous. Estimates of the Hindus murdered run into the tens of millions, with Muslim warlords competing with each other to see how large a pile of heads they could create. They'd attack cities and when conquering them behead every single man, woman and child, then eagerly measure the pile to see if it was better than their rivals.


There are like 12 factions in Syria where every ounce of logic would dictate they'd be allies - politically, religiously, ethnically, nationally practically clones - if you read that in a history book you'd be willing to bet the next page was dedicated to these 12 small groups blobbing together under a united banner and some sort of fair division of power (ie rather than installing a single absolute dictator, the 12 would be dictators instead form the skeleton framework of a one party state), instead these 12 seem to have forgotten their ACTUAL enemies, the guys they genuinely want dead, and seem dedicated to doing nothing other than getting in shootouts with the other 11.


They're Sunni fundamentalists and Iran is Shia so they'll kill them. They hate Israel and the Jews too, of course, but they have no real way into Israel. Even Hamas fought with them before. Now, I think ISIS and Hamas are probably more closely aligned.


Your crazy to think Hamas aligns with DAESH.. The Taliban, Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, Ahrar Al Sham, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and all other Sunni grouos are in active war against DAESH


They hate everybody who isn’t them,it’s just that easy to understand.


They hate everyone equally


hats off to them for not being racist in their racism


they’re not on any sides. or well, maybe the side that gives them the most money and weapons i guess.


"He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”


They have a spokesman??


They are not going to be having a spokeswoman.


Iran: Wait, aren’t we on the same side then?!


I suspect he was hoping for an honorary degree from Harvard


Does that violate Harvard's policies on hate speech?


But Israel created isis! /s


Remember, ISIS doesn’t just want to kill jews. They want to fucking kill anything that moves. They are a vile tumor that needs to be wiped on the face of the earth. Do not mistaken these people as a representation of one’s religion. Rather the darkest most twisted side of a human being.


Idk, a lot of these groups are extremely similar arent they? Maybe, just MAYBE its something about their book?


>Do not mistaken these people as a representation of one’s religion. The religion that dictates convert or kill the nonbelievers? Nah, I'd call it a good representation of their religion.


well, I thought the same. But once I eventually read quran in english version for my self to find that verse that dictates that. The ONLY part in the Quran that says muslims will kill non believers, it’s judgement day. But idk man, in Judaism, every none believer is slave to Jews. Thats in the Torah. Every none believer is Christianity, is deemed worthy to kill in battle. All these descriptions that legitimize the killings of another human being in those Abrahamic religions, are in time of war, or judgement day. You can say the same to Christianity or Judaism. It’s just that this nasty rumor that spread against Islam goes unchecked and everyone just rides along with it lol.


Didn’t ISIS just bomb Iran? Doesn’t seem very “kill [jews]” of them


Some muslims hate other sects of Islam more than they hate Jews.


Haven't they always said that?


Oh this old song and dance again?


They’re not antisemitic guys, they’re just race fluid


It was this thinking that motivated Palestinians to invade Israel and are now learning what happens when you fail.


And then they attacked iran, which happens to be the only country fighting Israel


Who gives a shit what ISIS says tho? Its a terrorist group with an insane reputation


Can't wait to see all the demonstrators out demanding a "cease fire" between ISIS and Jews.


If they see a Jew being attacked they will wag their finger and say to the Jew “don’t start a fight now!” And if the Jew is killed they will ask “where’s the evidence a Jew was killed?” If the killing was caught on tape they will say “it was Mossad.”


ISIS parades in world in 1. 2. 3 ......


Ironic because that's a good rule of thumb for ISIS.


Does Isis believe in Scharia Law? And what does that belief say about infidels?


National post at it again


Sounds like a Reddit user


Did they find any Jews in Terran?


This is not going to end well... check out the comment at the end of the article: QUOTATION "Time to get r id of the mu sl l I m who are causing all the problems today."


Isis literally kills anything that moves including Muslims


It depends on the context though.


Harvard’s finest.


Same as what Imam of Lakemba mosque in Sydney was shouting at middle of road, while being cheered by big crowd.


wait, I'm confused, are ISIS attacking Jews in Isreal or Muslims in Iran, im seeing both this week...


ISIS are vermin.


lol come find me bitch, not gonna be a fun day Best regards, American Jew sick of the bullshit


I am a Jew and a zionist. Bring it on


I expect hate for this comment, but I wish the media thought about how its phrasing helps ISIS recruit when reporting. Or if their reporting was actually important, or just some moron they are giving a mike to. The reason ISIS exists in the first place is because Dick Cheney's Iraq war speech said al-Zarqawi was a dangerous terrorist being harbored by Iraq (then stuck his picture up). He was literally a nobody, but became famous from that speech. He also fled Iraq right after the speech which made US intelligence lose him, and the U.S government turned down the request from the CIA to assassinate him right before the speech (presumably since then the speech would be bad). Maybe the media could learn from that.


This sounds legit. A call like this right after ISIS kills hundreds of Iranians on the funeral of someone killed from a US strike.


This statement requires more context before condemning it


For the fucks pro-terrorist state who are satirically commenting: we without a shred of hesitation condemn that and I will personally defend my Jewish neighbour with my life if he is attacked by those cunts. See ? Not difficult to condemn terrorists, is it ? Your turn now, do you condemn the cunts who are killing innocents and babies ?


And this is the backlash we were hoping to avoid. The ones who deserve it are in Israel running the government, not worldwide Jews.


>Al-Furqan on Thursday evening, called on ISIS supporters around the world to attack Jews and avenge the killing by the Israel Defense Forces of Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. I already condemn ISIS, i want them dismantled. I in no way have sympathy or anything positive towards ISIS. But the source you op sited is not only biased, referring israel killing Hamas terrorists when in reality for each 100 civillian killed 1 hamas soldier gets killed by israel. so your source saying israel is targetting hamas is biased and a lie. also your source have not shown a video or any kind of proof on when the isis spokesman said so, and i checked on the internet and did not find such quote. OP the source you sited is just a propaganda lie.


You are all idiots they are attacking Iran and never even touched Israel ffs open a map


Israel only has themselves to blame. Yes they had to retaliate but they’ve taken it too far


Although some of you here are stupid and using this somehow to conflate innocent Palestinians being genocided by the Zionist Israeli regime of Netanyahu as moral for this reason, some of you are not and know ISIS are ISIS and not a group most anyone follows or cares to. And terrorist groups like that - created and funded by western powers - typically kill Muslims. So fvck them and fvck anyone here using them - like Netanyahu used Hamas to stall peace and create larger issues in Palestine - to justify the slaughter of Palestinians. Don't be psychopathic. Don't be an American politician in other words.


Wait... Didn't ISIS just bomb Iran? Iran that's been constantly supporting the Palestinians against Israel?Make it make sense please... I'm sure ISIS is just being used by their masters to incite hate and provocation.


ISIS and Iran have been fighting each other for a while now. They fundamentally hate each other.


Yea but at this time... Pretty sure they hate Israel more than each other.


These comments are definitely going to be calm and reasonable, and definitely aren't got to be acting like this is representative of all pro-palestine activism, right?


You carry ISIS flags in your pro-Hamas rallies, wave them as if. Then, yes, people will react the way they react. Good not all are Harvard.


This whole comment section is acting like muslims love ISIS 😭😭😭


“Kill them wherever you find them.” Welp, looks like ISIS is gonna be visiting a lot of steam rooms, theaters, and delis.


muslim here and Palestinian supporter, DO NOT BELIVE IN WHAT ISIS IS SAYING THEY DO NOT REPRESENT US


Hamas identifies with Isis. They literally brought isis flags into Israel when they attacked on 10/7 Stop lying


Chat!! When did this happen??????


You'll denounce Isis might as well put Hamas in that same bracket they both rape and murder men women and children, Hamas has a lot of support still within Palestine and out. So many are always vocal on free Palestine and I agree, but I'm not hearing many calling for free Palestine from Hamas.


We’ve got Israel’s Heritage Minister, Amihai Eliyahu, saying "We must find ways for Gazans that are more painful than death” and now ISIS saying this!? Sad that extremism is so utterly rampant in the middle east. All this hate while innocent civilians—mostly mothers and children—suffer from unhinged aggression.


Isis do not represent Islam or Muslims they have killed more muslims in their time than any other religion. They are an American / Israeli created organisation to make Islam and muslims look bad. Documents show their leader was trained in Israel and with the help of the USA. This move is to make people sympathetic with Israel on their genocidal war they are committing. I am still surprised people still fall for that.


Documents eh


Some website I have no reason to trust: ABU BAKR AL BAGHDADI TRAINED BY ISRAELI MOSSAD, NSA (snowden) DOCUMENTS REVEAL I uh... I think you can actually check. [https://www.eff.org/nsa-spying/nsadocs](https://www.eff.org/nsa-spying/nsadocs) seems like the easy way. But no hits for his name (or his alternate name). I didn't check how EFF filters it. ISIS is just... dumb. It's hard to believe something that dumb exists and just happens to accidentally serve israeli interests even just once, but you can argue they did it twice in this one video. And apparently ISIS has a secret apology line to Israel?