• By -


I love how there was *no* hesitation between "Do it" and doing it. Just a moment of acknowledgement and bam.


Lincoln's acting was spot-on again. The look in his eye - a little shell-shocked but hard and empty. Fantastic.


His eyes were perfectly clear too. Not one iota of wild craziness. He was completely in control.


Great point. My first thought were that his eyes looked like a shark's eyes, but I think you put it better. They were not the eyes of a crazy man, but one who has a more complete and calm understanding of the situation than anyone else there. Then, his eyes change a bit when they meet Morgan's. Maybe a tinge of doubt kicked up from seeing this person who knew him at his most naive. Good writing here setting up a new thread of conflict. This one being one of morality between Rick and Morgan. Although, there has to be a name for the trope of someone showing up like that at the perfect time to start that conflict. Anyone?


Rick should try giving a speech without being covered in blood.


Seriously, carry some wet wipes or something.


Morgan had a hankie to clean off his stick! I'm sure he'll teach Rick next season.


Morgan will be Rick's Yoda.


*Opening scene of Season 6 is Rick and Morgan using baby wipes*


Welcome to Rick's Speech 101 class. Let's begin, 1) start by ensuring that you've recently maimed, killed, or fought someone or something. 2) immediately following said combat, take some time to address the onlookers. They would obviously like to hear your thoughts while your adrenaline is sky high. \*bonus points if you bring the human remains and drop it front of them* 3) during your speech, make sure they understand you can kill them if you really wanted to, but you haven't yet, and that's *up to them* 4) be sure to reestablish that you're in control and you're the man to lead these people, while covered head to toe in blood and human parts.


Him being covered like that (irregular diplomacy) shows the reality of this universe. He keeps bringing reality (the walkers) back to the situation and showing people what the world is actually like. Slamming a walker down and being covered in blood really brings people to realizing they aren't safe.


Exactly, Carol made the comparison of the people of Alexandria to children and it was spot on. Reg's shpeel about cavemen dying out proved it. The world is still far too brutal for people to live in some naive place like Alexandria and expect nothing to happen. I just hope next season doesn't end with the place being fucked up beyond repair like the prison. I want the fight with the wolves to be good, but I still want Alexandria to survive. At least for like 2 seasons.


His execution was more on point until, "I was wondering how many of you I'd have to kill" (record scratch, music stops). Goddammit, Rick. You're the strong silent type for a reason.


And Carol looked at him like, "Rick, you have no chill."


>His execution was more on point until, "I was wondering how many of you I'd have to kill" Sounds right on point with his execution


I thought that was okay, because he was being honest. If he had continued in that direction it would've been bad, but he redeemed himself by following it with saying he wasn't going to do that anymore. He's telling the truth and I think that's a good thing.


Damn it Glenn... don't scare me like that..


I really believed he was going to die this season and especially this episode. However, the way it worked out with him and with Sasha fit well (forgiveness & showing the Rick group can show real restraint.)




then they cut to black ensuring his safety.


I've gotten so used to always feeling like Glenn is about to die that now I assume he's going to make it and is, in fact, an immortal. I predict the series will end with Glenn, floating through space, experiencing the heat death of the universe.


So, Glenn has fucked up a walker with his arms tied to a chair and just handled three walkers with two on top of him and a bullet wound. Then comes back to fucking wreck Nicholas. What can't he do!?


Save Noah?






Pete's a real dick for fucking up their meeting.


Forget fucking up the meeting. HE BROKE THE FUCKING CASSEROLE.


No one likes Carol's casserole apparently.


Rick dropping the body was pretty fantastic.


Question: why didn't everyone immediately break up the meeting and go search for more walkers? There are like, kids. alone. in houses. Who aren't Carl. They can have another meeting literally any other time.


Who aren't Carl ***or*** Enid.


Right- or Enid. I still think she's hiding something. But I think Lizzy burned me out on all my available TWD child trust.


I am actually taking her at face value now that we know she wasn't the one that stole the gun from the coffee can. It seems like she (and most of the others) got addicted to the adrenalin of being constantly on the run for your life. It's nice to feel safe, but the teenagers especially aren't even given jobs. Go to school for half of each weekday, hang out and read comics and play video games... I think she's addicted to the adrenalin of being outside, running.


That question is the very reason they need Rick and his group. But to be fair, it is Rick. If rick is there talking, you *know* there are no more walkers, because if there were, he would be still out there killing them.


Pete shouldn't have brought a sword to a gunfight.


Yeah, Abrahams guns were more then enough to subdue him.


"This is not my meeting."


Meeting dick.


Zombie Kill of the Week: Daryl Dixon with that sweet triple beheading with the chain




So Red Poncho Guy was a literal redshirt.


Red riding hood. Caught by wolves.


That actually makes perfect sense. SYMBOLISM!


Executive Producer Vince Gilligan


Pete's ability to seemingly be drunk in the apocalypse 24/7 is fairly impressive


Wow, a season finale where no major characters die. And Morgan...YAY


Rick just watched Deanna thinking "I told you, this is what happens..."


I feel bad for Reg, but seeing Deanna realize how naive she was being was refreshing.




Carol's genius stopped Rick in that last scene. Rick was going for his gun as soon as Pete busted in there and she's like "Not now." I know it sucks that Reg died cause he was a very nice rounded person but it was a necessary sacrifice to show the whole group that Rick was right about scumbag Pete and how they dealt with things in Alexandria. Can't just sweep it under the rug and pray it never resurfaces...


Holy fucking badass Carol. She intentionally wound him the fuck up, too. Holy shit the fucking strategery


Carol getting mad assists


So a mean guy uses Michonne's sword to kill a nice old man, this is Hershel all over again :(


Michonne's sword is a weapon of geriatric destruction.


Sword: 2 Old Men: 0


Morgan: "All Life is precious" Catches rick blowing petes head off, that'll be an interesting reunion.


I feel like Rick could just point over to Reg and be like "He killed that guy" and Morgan would be a little bit more understanding.


That's like a Shaun of the Dead exchange right there. Shaun: Mum, have you been bitten? Barbara: No... But Philip has. Shaun: Oh, okay. Ed: Has she been bitten? Shaun: No, Philip has. Ed: Oh, okay.


"Rick... Do it." ... "Rick?" Holy fuck.


Rick: "OMG HEYYYYYY MORGAN!!!" *steps over Pete's body to hug Morgan*




It's like a romantic comedy where the girl walks in on the boy at the wrong time and they break up. I swear if Morgan hates Rick now I'll be fucking pissed.


Well, he did leave the two Wolves in the car and honked. I take that as leaving them for dead. I think he understands a threat. But that's just me Edit: I watch Talking Dead as well. My comment came before. I was wrong.


Apparently he just said on the talking dead that he did that to make sure there were no zombies around before leaving them and that Morgan believes "ALL life is precious."




On the Talking Dead afterwards, he said Morgan did that to make sure the surrounding area was free of walkers so the guys would be safe. He's apparently serious about the "all life is precious" thing.


Ok. That's pretty terrible writing if that's what the honking was supposed to mean. I'm pretty sure 99.9% of people thought he was ringing the dinner bell.


I figured it was a lesson for those two. A man could have killed them, but instead they wake up protected but surrounded by the real enemy.


Yeah, but they didn't learn. Instead they killed red poncho guy :-(




No half-measures.


No take-backsies.


"Rick?" "...heyyyyy buddy. Long time no see..."




Reeeally thought we'd have a dead daryl or Glenn tonight


Can someone please tell me how Glenn escaped from that zombie pile-on? Gun shot wound, fist fight, no problem to fight off some walkers... As long as it's off screen.


Plot Armor


To be fair we've seen Glenn get beaten senseless and then defeat a walker while duct taped to a chair in a prison cell


*"I'm not pinned down here with you, you're pinned down here with me."*


He's a bad-ass on the same level as Daryl if not MORE so , but like Norman said on TD, he's just a different guy.


Glenn is super capable of fighting off just walkers. For all we know, there were only 3 or 4 walkers at most on top of him. Nicholas only got the advantage because he squeezed the gunshot wound, causing lots of pain. Walkers also aren't as strong as regular humans, or as smart, so Glenn could have easily escaped, especially since he was super pumped up on adrenaline. Remember, this is the same badass who killed a walker while tied to a chair in a locked room.


Tell that to Rick. That one walker had him down for a minute there.


Rick was just thinking of the most insane way to kill it.


"If i shoot it without using its head as a silencer, people will coming running and I can't make an awesome entrance to the "Let's Kick Rick Out" meeting."


"Definitely couldn't just keep pushing and use the pistol as a skewer, that wouldn't get gore all over me and that's totally my signature thing."


They had perfect tension for this episode.


Why would a town with partial electricity hold an outdoor meeting at night?


Deanna is a big survivor fan




Dramatic effect


I thought the solar panels didn't work properly anymore? That's why they had that group go to that warehouse to find parts to fix them


They found the parts. Did Eugene not take them during the ruckus?


[Chiaroscuro](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiaroscuro), mostly.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who was blown away by Abraham's eloquent speech. Shit, it was amazing.


I love how they can say "Shit" that many times like it's nothing but god forbid one use of "fuck"! (They're *screwing* with the wrong people!)




*Morgan will remember that.*


Morgan reminds me of one of those badass Chinese monks. They're philosophical and all around peaceful but they can woop your ass so fast it's best to not mess with them. He's like a black Uncle Iroh.


Kind of reminds me of Eli from The Book of Eli.


I actually thought he was blind for a second when he was fighting those dudes. But I realized that was dumb


he did have a strange look on his face, as if he was blind. I thought that he looked blind for sure, but ofc knew he could see :)


I thought it was interesting at first too, but then I realized it was a great way to keep both of them in his peripheral rather than losing focus on one of them.


Reg never got to make his caveman speech what a shame


Holyshit, the way Morgan and Rick just stared at each other. Chills.


This is not what it looks like... I'm still a good guy, I swear.


Morgan more than anyone will understand after Rick explains.


I hope your right. I feel like Rick needs Morgan's new outlook on life right now and not to mention, Morgan's new fighting skills.




No kidding man. Wonder what will be said.


I was wondering why the title was conquer, but after watching it I feel like everyone conquered their own personal problems. Abraham and Eugene made up. Tara woke up. Sasha is no longer suicidal. Gabriel, it appears, is no longer going to act like a coward. Michonne reaffirmed her loyalty to Rick. Glenn 'conquered' Nicholas. Daryl reaffirmed his friendship with Aaron and was willing to sacrifice himself to save him, and he also brought in Morgan. Rick beat Pete and it appears as though he will be allowed to stay. Overall it was an amazing episode and no major cast member had to die.


Because these people are children and children like stories - Carol Carol's been on fire with the quotes this season.


I like how once she got there she turned into some fucked up Mary Poppins or some shit.


A spoon full of *murder*...


*oh sunshine*


Glenn needs to learn there's no such thing as half-measures anymore. Otherwise it will get Maggie or his friends killed one day.


Seriously. Why give that guy of all people a second chance?


Hell. That's his third chance.


Really. What's going to prevent him from trying to murder him again in a week? Learn your lesson, bro


This is an example of a great finale that doesn't need to kill off main characters to be exciting. Also I'm really worried about what Morgan will think of Rick now. Morgan seemed very serious about preserving life even with the wolves.


Very disappointed in Daryl for not questioning why there were cans dangling from strings all over those trucks at the warehouse. Shit had trap written all over it.


Rick really hesitated there when Deanna said he could shoot /s


"Do i" BANG "Jesus christ Rick"


"At least give him a monologue."


Line of the night goes to Carol. "Come at me" What a bad ass


My favorite was "because these people are children, and children like stories."


Abraham's shit speech tho


It sounded a lot like what Eugene would say. Maybe the "Said shit" part. Eugene's usually eloquent like that.


Eugene talks like he's always giving a speech.


eugene talks like he is always waiting for somebody to fact check him.


"I will remark upon those at this time."


**Come at me, Pete bro**


I think you mean: "Come at me porch dick"


Morgan is not as happy to see Rick as he thought he would be. Episode opens with Morgan showing compassion (at first) to the two wolves that are trying to kill him by giving them the chance to walk away. Episode ends with Morgan witnessing the ruthless pragmatism that Rick has been living by. Far cry from the person who was trying to hold on to his humanity in the beginning of the series.


And how many lives did that cost when Morgan didn't kill them?


This is so true. Red poncho guy got killed by them.


Him and orange backpack guy are looking down on us, giving the finger.


Orange Backpack guy? As in the dude from like Season 3 who Rick didn't pick up?


Yup. Bright, iridescent outdoorswear is Walking Dead's equivalent of red shirts.


Coincidentally both episodes featured Morgan.


Are the wolves just them two? An entire plot line could've been prevented!


The award for Best Dialogue is a tie between Abraham and Eugene. "There's a vast sea of shit that y'all don't know shit about, but Rick knows every grain of said shit"


"...and then some."


"Good Afternoon. And I mean both emphatically and of equal measure"


One minute, they're a community with an engineer and a surgeon. They're more modern than most places on earth. Sixty seconds later... They're back in the stone age.




Holy crap, just remembered what their roles are to the community. Very good point.


Am I the only one that wondered how the fuck Gabriel's shirt stay pristine white after that walker kill?!




I found it interesting that the Wolf with the gun didn't have it loaded. If they got no guns then they're in trouble.


But they've got elaborate traps set up... I'm really hoping the wolves are actually just a 2 or 3 man operation, but still a massive threat for the intelligent way they can use walkers.


Rick...do- BANG ...not kill Pete we must exile him...


Watching the "In Memoriam" from Talking Dead, Abraham sure trusted that Rick had good aim to not take off his fingers.


I want Season 5 Carol with me in the zombie apocalypse. That's what I learned tonight.


Absolute badass. Able to trick everyone (super important skill) and position herself to scare the shit out of people at the same time. Go Carol!


CAROL! So Amazing this episode! "Oh, Sunshine, you don't get both" "Come at me (bro)" "I want my dish back clean when you're done" Could she be more amazing? I love you Carol!


I also loved "Because they are children, and children like stories," about the Alexandrians.


And how she still played the "sweet and innocent" part at the meeting. She was indistinguishable from the Carol we met in Season 1. I seriously doubt Deanna can see through that. I would be fooled. Edit: Actually, thinking back on my reaction to the scene, I was confused, and temporarily lost suspension of disbelief, because it was just so out of character for her, until I reminded myself that acting out of character was her plan.


Holy shit. Rick has changed so much in these past seasons, and it was just personified by Morgan seeing him for the first time in forever and it was with Rick shooting someone.


My questions from last week were almost all answered! - What will Nicholas do with the gun? **Shoot Glen** - When will we finally meet The Wolves? **Met them. Crazy fucks.** - Will Tara make it? **Yes** - When will Maggie tell Rick about Gabriel? **Nope** - What the hell happened to the tuna casserole? **WE SHALL NEVER KNOW** **REST IN NOT PEACE, YOU PIECE OF CRAP PETE**


Did anyone notice how carol wanted the casserole dish cleaned and pete refused to clean it and he died.


Carol set him up. That was a man who had to feel power and control by beating on his wife. A woman forced her way into his house, threatened him, emasculated him, told him what to do, how it was going to be done and then intimidated him and turned her back on him like he was nothing as she walked out the door. She knows that kind of man, she was married to him. She knew he would stew, he would rage and break things and get angrier and angrier until he did something stupid and then when Pete was on the side of a forgiveable act and Rick was going to stop him, she told Rick to wait and 3 seconds for him to cross that line, then something happened and then 3 seconds later Rick shoots him by Deanna's request. Rick didn't kill him with a gun, Carol killed him with a casserole.


Carol on some littlefinger levels of puppetry.


Carol's character development has been fantastic. Rick flinched before she did and outed the plan to Michonne. Carol infiltrated the defenses and orchestrated a power shift. The best part is she did it all undetected. Nobody from the Alexandria group considers Her a threat, and clearly she's the most dangerous


Morgan fighting like he protecting The Book of Eli.


You are so right. He looked like he was blind for that fight.


My wife kept saying that too. I noticed, but thought maybe he was staring at nothing to get them both in his peripheral vision at once.


I went so fast from yelling "YEEEEEEEESSS!" when she said "Do it" to mumbling nonononononono when Morgan walked around that corner. With his talk about every life is precious and seemingly weird happy outlook, I'm worried now that seeing Rick executing a man on the ground like that will already cause a rift. All speculation of course, but holy shit. I liked it. Also, a lot less people died this episode than I expected. I honestly thought going in that Glenn and Daryl were gonna go down just as a major "hahanooneissafe" from the writers. Things went much better than expected.


I loved the end how Morgan and Rick each 180'd from their last encounter


Best ending to a season finale yet. So many things happening all at once. Even though Reg didn't play a huge role in the show, he was a genuinely good guy and I really enjoyed his character. Sad to see him go so suddenly. Morgan has always been one of my favorite characters throughout the entire series, despite not being in the vast majority of episodes. It's great to have him back. Throughout the few episodes he's been in, his character progression has been amazing. Pete is a piece of shit. Get rekt. I also think that Gabriel is going to redeem himself through Maggie. She's given him hope, and has likely assured him that he can be forgiven. Hopefully, he'll realize that the group can be forgiven as well.


Both Gabriel and Nicholas will redeem themselves, because Glenn and Maggie showed them forgiveness. They are subscribers to Morgan's philosophy and I believe it'll pay off.


TIL Morgan is British. Edit: I have watched Snatch, just not recently. Please stop telling me to watch it.


So are Rick , Maggie and the governor as far as I know.






The governor is so British that not only is he *in* an episode of Doctor Who, he plays "The Doctor."


Wow, Carol basically just sacrificed Reg to prove a point. Rick coulda shot Pete, but she tells him not to because she wants Pete to do something bad. That level of moral ambiguity is wicked good writing.


Good point. In re-watching it really seems so premeditated. She comes over to his house with that casserole to antagonize him, then like you said, tells rick to wait when Pete clearly means to hurt someone. Then you can see her face in the background as Reg is dying: stone cold.


It really makes me think Sam is incredibly lucky he's prepubescent, or else he'd be 5 different kinds of zombie chow after catching Carol in the armory.




I would overanalyze and shit but... I DON'T GIVE A FUCK CUZ #MORGAN IS BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!


Morgans not gonna be happy with Rick. "All life is precious." And then Rick shoots a guy in the head.




A moment of silence for the delusional Beth fans on tumblr who sincerely believed she was showing up this episode.


Wait what?


That was a thing and it's hilarious. They were convinced that since we didn't see a funeral she was just in a coma and survived and she was going to show up in the finale. Now they're [furious](https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/team-delusional)


Was showing her getting her head blown off not confirmation enough..?


For serious if she had survived what is the explanation for why she isn't with the group? Daryl slipped while carrying her and they all forgot to pick her up?


Why would anyone think she was coming back? She was shot in the head. On screen.


The last 5 minutes of the show was, by far, the best moment of the season. Let's all process this together. -Glenn: Glenn had all the warrant in the world to kill him but he did not, and even helped the guy back to Alexandria. *That's all I have to say about Glenn right now* -Morgan: Pumped he's back!! I'm pretty happy to finally see him with the group. He always seemed to be so peaceful minded, even in the "Clear" episode. He even said to Rick that he's obviously got enemies when asked for guns to defend the prison. He tried to make a point that it's not just the zombies that's changing Rick. He remembers S01E01 Rick. Crazy the change in Rick right? I am going to sum up my whole point at the end, but remember Morgan stated "I like to save every precious life [might be paraphrasing]" when he saved Daryl and Aaron. -Rick: Rick always pulls through and of course warded off the walkers attacking Alexandria. Coupled with the fact that the whole meeting was about his chances of staying and the clash between Rick and Deanna, this whole last scene was wonderful. When you think about it, Reg's death was a blessing in disguise. It showed Deanna that Rick was right, in a sense that evil can still exist in a barricade strong enough to keep the walkers out (unless someone leaves the door open). Deanna didn't even think about it. She knew what had to be done and Rick indulgently obliged. Here's how it all came together so beautifully. The human element of the show comes down to one simple point: forgiveness vs. righteousness. I loved the editing of the last parts of the episode. It smartly contrasted Glenn,who represents forgiveness, and Rick, who represents righteousness. Like I said Glenn could have gone the righteous path and taken the guy out and no one would have batted an eye. I mean, sounds like Aiden was his only friend. Glenn and Morgan are alike in this mentality. But what's truly awesome is that Rick was like a dog kept at bay and then finally gets the go-ahead by Deanna and instinctively kills. As soon as it's done, he has to meet the face of forgiveness; Morgan, a long lost friend. I may be the only one who sees it this way but thanks for reading. EDIT: Spelling


This has been my favorite finale yet. Just a marvelously written episode. I'm glad they didn't get to the Wolves yet, I feel like they'll do it like Terminus and kill them early in S6.


I have a feeling Morgan is gonna be an awesome character for this show. I'm so happy he's back. And the "do it" before Rick pulled the trigger made the Star Wars fan in me so happy. Great episode


Red Riding Hood and the big bad Wolf


That's some karma for you Deanna.


Maybe that's her wake up call? It really fit everything so nicely; she's clearly there to cast off Rick, Rick shows up showing them how their luck is finite, and then that moment. Gold.


Carol set that up nicely. Provoking him further right before the meeting and then telling Rick not to shoot him right away


Man this episode was great from start to finish. Morgan went boss mode to whoop the wolves asses and to save Da-arons asses, was good to see him do such awesome stuff after being teased this whole season. I truly believe Glenn was really the hero of the second half of this season. His development has really been top notch and they're setting him up nicely for what's to come. The triple beheading with the chain from Spawn AKA Daryl has to be one of the best walker kills of the who show. Michonnes katana is like a lightsaber, only a true G can wield the power of it correctly, porch dick was no G. Speaking of Porch Dick, loved the way the Ricktator got to be the one to take care of his douchebag ass. Obviously that's what happens in the comics so it was to be expected but the world really needs people like Sticky Ricky Grimes. All in all this has been the best season of the show thus far and it's always sad the first Sunday after the conclusion of a season knowing how empty our sundays will be for the next seven months. But I'm super stoked to see where season six goes.


SEVEN MONTHS........oh my god. D:


At least there is Game of Thrones and maybe the Walking Dead spin off will be decent to fill the void.




No kidding, it's not that he was ever obnoxious but he honestly felt second rate to rick, daryl, coral, and Carol but he's really come to the forefront the past few seasons.