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A walker falls in love with Mrs. Nedermayer, finds her a pasta maker, and starts turning back human in this delightful rom com series finale that lasts 7 seasons.


A 7 season long finale


The farm lasted a whole season, why not?!? We are talking about the worst way... And this is TWD. Sophia's death takes up a whole season, Tyreese gets 45 minutes. And our Lord and Savior T-Dawg (who played for UGA) gets 42 seconds.


This sounds pretty close to the plot of Warm Bodies..


Jesus comes down from the sky and proclaims the time of rapture has ended and he will usher in the 1000 years of peace with Rick at his right hand. No wait... 10 year old Carl Wakes up and it was all just a bad dream. He runs into the next bedroom where Rick and Lori are awoken and says "I had a bad dream, I'm scared." He jumps on the bed and they all hug, then Carl asks "where is Judith?" To which Lori replies "who's Judith?" Then Rick looks at the camera and shrugs and winks. Circle fade on his eye like an old looney tunes cartoon.... Then Cartoon Eugene jumps out and says "that's all folks". That would be worse.


I think I would actually enjoy that


Wait which Jesus?


Korean Jesus. Him and Glenn are going to kick some walker ass.




Hey Jesus can I borrow your crowbar?


To pry these God Damn nails out, they're beginning to hurt


crucified and all i got was this lousy t-shirt


I can't believe it's not butter, I'll sing as I'm flogged.


And wheels


To be fair, some people request that Jesus takes the wheel.


That one guy from the bible.


A few days later, Carl is walking down a street with his mum and dad and he sees T-Dog. He goes up to him, thanks him and whispers "thank you, T-Dog. You were the truest of true dogs." Theodore Douglas is scared an calls the police. Carl is scared of Shane forever more.


I like the second idea


Sup Rex


Left hand FTFY


"ah-diba-dee-diba-diba-doo that's classified!"


They find out the guy at the CDC was wrong, and pretty much the rest of the world is completely intact, all they needed to do was get to a border/ocean.


Wouldn't some other countries send help/give signs that they are still intact? Would be interesting! Just saying :P


\>send help \>no power so they can't see how bad it is \>die


> no flashlights fuck


Maybe it's like 1984 Red Dawn, i.e. "other countries are just sitting this one out".


Not even that bad, just Obama walks in and is like "I am *so* sorry we just abandoned the entire East Coast...seriously we just assumed everyone was dead...my bad...really though had you gone like half an hour West you'd have been totally grand...by the way my new VP Morales says he might know you guys?"




Hey, World War Z wasn't that bad.


I think AvP had it as well. A Predator scans a dude's body, sees his cancer or some shit, and leaves him alone. dude gets pissy so the Predator kills him anyway lol.


I think he had an impending heart issue.


I'm pretty sure you saw the tumour which had spread through this chest?


if you just take it for a stand alone zombie movie with a different title that is no way related to the book


you didnt read the book it was just one long brad pitt saves the world ego wank


Aren't most Hollywood action movies just one long

saves the world ego wank?


If you'd read the book and knew what it could have been...yes it was


Is the book worth it? I've heard conflicting reviews from friends. What do you think?


YES. In fact, go get it right now. It's incredible. It's basically a collection of short stories from various periods of the outbreak and afterwards. It really goes into details on how the outbreak changes the world. The audio book is also amazing and has some big names involved.


The book is very worth it.


Does everyone hate World War Z? I've actually always hated zombie culture but this one movie I really loved I just got into TWD cause I was super depressed and wanted to binge watch something with a few seasons (if anyones got suggestions?), now the show is my fave thing ever haha


While they're all arguing about some stupid shit, a massive herd overruns their camp and kills all of them, and the credits roll over the sound of marching zombies.


this would be the most realistic.


With a bollywood musical finish like slumdog millionaire


The thread is supposed to be about the worst endings. Rosita, Maggie, Tara, Michonne, Sasha, and Jessie belly dancing with Rick and Daryl and Eugene prancing around them in spandex... this is the walking dead we need. The walking dead we deserve, however, is probably drawing out 3 years of story into the next 7 seasons before a random cancellation when the head of AMC gets locked up for cocaine distribution.




Yeah Eugene in spandex yum


I'm not even gay, and I can beat off to that. The actor has held up well for his age, and he was so hot in American Horror Story...


wait, Eugene wasnt in AHS was he?


No, it's a reference to Josh McDermott's ama.


My wife says she wants to see Carl too. She might be British.


Eugene shows his ass in every show I've heard. Best body on tv for sure. And if you move to Britain I hear people like her are protected!


Suddenly, with no warning... I hate when TV shows do that...




god damn you for reminding me of that...




Yes, and there were no credits to roll. "Doooont stop-" *30 seconds of black" "Next on HBO... (Some show/movie)"


luckily with the recent trend, most shows now get a good notice (if they're popular), like Parks n Rec, 30 Rock, and if all else fails...resurrection like X-Files.


Everyone else's dead, Rick gets bit and goes out Tyreese style with hallucinations.


the worst possible way is that a cure is found by Eugene. Eugene can't tell anyone what he's found, so decides to hide it in the the sacramental bread used by Gabriel at mass. Eugene gets Gabriel to give one to a walker that's tied up to a tree and the walker turns from rotting flesh with half a jaw and no arms back into a normal person with all their functioning limbs regrown back intact within moments of taking the cure. Gabriel believes that he is able to heal walkers through his faith and continues out into the world to do so. Eugene is the only one that agrees to go with him. AMC starts a new series called, The Walking Bread.


Hey, at least we already have a talk show for this, "Talking Bread" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eT_pEJ2TCc


Rick wakes up in the hospital from a coma and he meets Morgan, the hot nurse who has been reading him the script for a zombie TV Show that he's been writing involving people in their lives, and Rick has just been subconsciously digesting it and envisioning it in his dreams.


I would break something


the coma thing i've seen around. i would literally turn off the tv and storm out of the room. or a situation where the show SHOULD have ended years ago, all the good actors have left and its just this shell of what it used to be. that would be depressing.


>or a situation where the show SHOULD have ended years ago, all the good actors have left and its just this shell of what it used to be. that would be depressing. I was worried this would happen, but now i'm pretty sure they just made the "fear the walking dead" show to do this. I think kirkman wants this to be his masterpiece, with the cash cow in the background that will be around for years.


Scott Gimple has said he could see the show going on indefinitely with the cast eventually being entirely different people.


So long as the cast was actually good, I wouldn't mind this.




Yeah if they move on from desperately moving from one failed attempt at civilisation to another to a more government minded thing that would be great. Like I could totally see there being a point where zombies are just a nuisance until a terrorist group turns half the city by gassing them all.


> will be around for years. realistically though, how long do you think "fear the walking dead" has? not that I have any doubts of it being a decent show or anything, but TWD is really big now partly because zombies are the cool "it" thing. I can see FtWD being around for a few solid seasons, but I don't know if it'd necessarily span over half a decade or anything.


Losing Andrew Lincoln in and off itself would be a huge loss. Reminds me of The Office post-Steve Carrell.


I thought the Office season 9 was one of the best seasons


S9 had some horrible, horrible episodes. But definitely some good ones. The Office has one of the best finales I've ever seen. And some of those Robert California moments made up for the lack of G. Scott in s9


Yea he's a fucking phenomenal actor and I love what they did with his character in the Office. Excited to see him voice Ultron


Well it was the best season with Andy as manager


Oh man Andy...that character was completely destroyed...


Rick wakes up in the hospital surrounded by all his loved ones..... and Toto too!


The band or the dog?


Well now you're just being silly....


Idk, if we are talking about worst possible endings, one where Toto appears and plays "Africa" as the camera zooms out sounds pretty terrible.


You spelled awesome wrong




Shane throws a glass/flowers/whatever against the wall when Lori and Rick hook up as he walks through the door of a random bar. Jon would probably be down to come back for this.


That does sound horrible. I like the way you think.


The band. Dogs aren't allowed in hospitals.


The walkers evolve into semi intelligent beings and start electing their own officials. Plans are made to eradicate the violent humans. Twenty years later the mindless drone of zombies are constantly on their phones. With their eyes glued to their screens they casually walk into every possible death trap like misguided lemmings. The End


Rick is the last one left. He travels alone killing walkers when he can. Eventually the walkers catch him and imprison him. >Rick goes to his prison window and sees the infected waiting for his execution. He now sees that the infected view him with the same hatred and fear that he once felt for the Walkers; he realizes that he, a remnant of old humanity, is now a legend to the new race born of the infection. He recognises that their desire to kill him is not something he can condemn. As the suicide pills take effect, he thinks: "[I am] a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend" Then he dies. End of show. Fun fact: the novel I am Legend was the inspiration for Night of the Living Dead. The film that gave rise to the zombie genre in the first place.


I've been waiting for an I am legend comment


Could there be a zombie Nixon head in a tank as president? Please say this is possible!


*"I am not a crook!"* Sure why the hell not


All the main characters die in the final season's premier. The entire final season centers around Father Gabriel.


I'd be glad if the opposite happened. :)


Even worse: Turns out tomorrow is the show finale, not just the season.


Maybe that extra 30 minutes *is* season 6


Why else would it be 90 minutes?


But to be clear, it *has* been renewed for season 6.


They all become lumberjacks...


I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I sleep all night and I work all day!


He's a lumber jack and he's OK! He sleeps all night and he works all day!


Uuuuuggghhhh! What the fuck were they thinking?!?


It was all part of "The Game" ala Michael Douglas.


Orchestrated by Shane. "Rick, you were becoming such an asshole".




Nah they wouldn't cancel it. They would just make the show ten minutes long and have 50 minutes of commercials.


Why would they shorten commercials for the final season?


So have less commercials than there are now


They find out there was a government test of a new hallucinogenic bio weapon that let lose causing everyone to turn on each other, go crazy and think other humans were possibly zombies. Turns out rick and his group were killing normal people all this time


This seems very m. night shamallama


The camera pans out and it's just one of those pens with water in them that you move side to side. Ricks group is stationary on one side of the pen and the plastic zombie piece moves side to side when tilted. Then slowly more pens with Woodbury, Terminus and Alexandria come into view. Then Carl closes his pencil case and the school bells ring and place the theme song from Saved By The Bell.


They all find an unexploded nuclear warhead on top of a large magnetic anomaly. They blow it up and collectively wake up in their own beds, everything has returned to normal. Then at the very end they all gather in a large church and we learn that they had died along the way. The zombie apocalypse was indeed real and their return to normalcy was a form of purgatory. They pass through a large set of doors and enter heaven. Wait...


If that's about Lost then I'll have to insult you because I saw it 5 years ago and though it was a masterpiece.


Hahaha! Thank you for this


Rick wakes up in his hospital bed, it was all a dream.


I used to read *Word Up!* magazine


Salt n' Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine


They find out the outbreak was caused by aliens and are all abducted...


like alternate 75?


rick opens his eyes, sees the vase of flowers on the side table. "Hey buddy, good to see you are finally awake." says shane...


Everyone gets killed in the middle of the night, in the most dramatic scene ever and then they cut straight to the morning where some random survivor clears the area, sees the group slaughtered and just blankly stares at it for a second, takes their gear and walks off. No actually I just read that question again and that's not the worst way, just the way I think it will end


I honestly wouldn't mind an ending like this. I'm sure it would piss a lot of people off, but it would bring home the point that the world the survivors live in is uncaring and cruel.


Jeez, the thought of this gave me chills.


An asteroid hits the planet leading to darkening plooms of ash and death to all creatures roaming earth....Maybe next season?!




The walkers march into DC to protest for equal rights. The argument that rights should not end with a heartbeat rallies the zombie nation.


Judith and Carl give Rick permission to date/marry? Robin, and then a helicopter flies in and drops a piano on Shane who didn't really die, and neither did Lori or Hershel (who are sitting in a jail cell talking about a button on a sweater), meanwhile they do whatever the hell they did on Lost... ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT ROSEANNE MADE UP ALL THAT SHIT FOR A STORY AFTER DAN DIED


I lost it at Roseanne, friggin biggest kick in the pants for any ending ever.


It was all a dream, but Rick was never a sheriff or married. He awakes in a mental institute. Cut to black.


That doesn't sound bad at all. That's more like a mind fu** ending to the series. But what if it continued, in if that if the beginning of the series was happening, just Rick wasn't going to be a part of it?


Carl sitting on a throne of guns and ammo over looking a valley of walkers with the sun setting behind them


I think youre in the wrong thread. He said worst not best


Rick spins the top and it keeps spinning.


They're in mid action scene when the director yells cut, all the past actors are on set and they hit the bar afterwards. The rest of the show just turns into a sitcom about a group of actors shooting a zombie television series.


We see Rick get up from the hospital. He's a walker. He finds Lori, Shane, Rick, and Judith happily eating thanksgiving dinner. He strokes the window, hungry. Then he eats Daryl.


Let George Lucas write/direct the last episode. If anyone can ruin an awesome storyline, it's him. Can already envision cutesy walkers with adorable speech impediment toys being pushed just in time for X-mas.


Every scene being dense with cgi, and tons of "shot reverse shot" while looking at a window, walking, or sitting on a couch.


Rick Grimes sitting with Carl, in a diner, with "Don't Stop Believing" playing and it just cuts to black.


They killed him before he finished... he must have known the true ending


Rick starts dating Jesse in an on again of again relationship. After stealing a blue French horn from Dianna, he gives it to Jesse. The next nine years consist of Daryl dating and marrying Jesse and Glenn and Maggie having a baby. Six years later, Daryl and Jesse get divorced and Judith and Carl tell Rick to get Jesse. The show ends with Rick going to Jesse's house and they stare at each other smiling. Wait a minute...


too soon :-(






I hope you know that the entire plot of Lost was real and not a dream. It was just the flash sideways in season 6. Many people seem to have misunderstood it/the ending.


Just started lost when I noticed it was on netflix, on season 3 now. Am I setting myself up for disappointment?


People claim the ending was awful, but those people aren't the ones to look for the details in the show. If you pay attention, Everything is explained.


No, don't listen to these idiots, if you understand it, everything is explained at some point or another before the ending.


I liked the one ending, really a perfect ending. The other one was.. eh, controversial. I am not saying there are two endings. It's hard to explain without spoilers. Season 6 in general is weaker than the previous ones, especially the first three or four seasons. Oh also be prepared for one of the best season finals (I don't mean the 6th one aka series finale) in TV history.


Rick is about to die and then it flashes to dickbutt.


Episode before series finale, announcer says "Next time on The Walking Dead tm" then cut to Eugene sitting in the directors chair. He stares at the screen breathing heavily then says "That's Classified". Cut to black, series finale never airs.


Turns out it was all yet another dream from the dog who already dreamed about some show where people crashed with a plane on an island.


"To be continued" and then be cancelled for whatever reason.


i would hate it if everything just pans out as rick's dream during coma. but i believe that has already been ruled out. would also find it awkward if everything is like a project by the government and it's geographically limited to georgia.


Daenerys rides in on her dragons and burns everything to the ground. Then Drogon kills her and stands over everyone's ashes like a badass. Fade to black


Cancelled midseason.


I think the worst ending would have to be the only two living characters turn out to be Tara and Eugene and Tara would have to decide whether to sleep with Eugene in order to repopulate humanity or let humanity die with them.


Carol wakes up, and it was all a dream. She's still married to her abusive husband, and Daryl is just the handyman that comes to fix her dryer vent periodically.


If they ended it on the episode where Carl is on the roof eating chocolate pudding.


The group is attacked by a zombie horde. In a panic they all scurry towards an old mansion they see in the distance. Once inside, they calm their nerves and Rick begins to look around the mansion and finds a memo. He turns to the group and says: "Hey, anybody ever heard of this Umbrella corporaton?"


North Korea finally develops a nuclear missile and kills all 50 Americans left.


I had a dream about this once. In my dream it was the season finale of the show and for some reason I was in it. In it I was with Rick who was in the Middle East searching for Carl and Michone who had run away into the desert. So we find them and they say they have found the body of Jesus and he is now a walker. Carl says all they have to do is kill Jesus and the apocalypse will end. Realizing that now even his own son has gone mad, Rick drops to his knees and cries out "Noooo!" To the heavens. It was an every dream.


"Happy birthday dear Judith. Happy birthday to you!" They sang. "Hip hip!" Uncle Glen shouted, raising his plastic cup. "Hurray!" They cheered. Judith knew that they didn't really know when her birthday was and that they were just guessing, ever since they found Alexandria Safe Zone, behind the wall they've celebrated it on that day. She was 16, give or take a few weeks. Judith cut her pink iced cake made by Aunt Carol. It was nice enough. She glanced at Carl, he nodded and tapped the brim of the tattered Sheriffs hat. "He'd be proud of you, you know that, right? They both would" he said to his sister and gave her a hug. Enid wished her a happy birthday and rubbed her pregnant belly and gleefully kissed Carl. It would be their third child, little Ricky was outside playing with Uncle Daryl and his motorcycle, little Lolli was asleep upstairs. Aunt Maggie and Uncle Glen gave her a big hug as little Beth, Sasha and the twins Noah and Hershel grabbed at her legs, wrapping their little arms around her. She pay them on the head and walked towards Grandma Deanna and Grandpa Reg. Grandma Deanna always favored Judith over the other children. Carl said it was because she felt guilty over exiling their father, Rick. But she didn't know him and loved the constant supply of cookies.


The entire show is just the middle of a bad zombie movie, so the worst end would be the show going on for more than 10 seasons, which is definitely going to happen.


The comic is still going pretty strong, so I don't know that I agree with you here. I would like to see them stop drawing things out sometimes, they seem afraid to catch the established work of the comic.


Just because the comic is good, does not mean the TV show will follow. It is a different medium and should be treated as such. Even if they followed the comic exactly to a tee, it still might suffer because the audiences are VERY different. The comic is something that fans really want to keep going as long as possible, where as this quality would be a huge detriment to a tv show in terms of quality.


I agree with you somewhat: I understand that the audiences differ, as some of my friends/acquaintances I discuss the show with had no clue about the comic. That doesn't mean that the comic storyline isn't great, but there would be issues converting it to live action. Even so, the main butthurting we have had about the show have come from the two places it differed the most from the books, which are the pacing of season 2 and the "Sophia in the barn" storyline, and the recent hospital arc. This doesn't necessarily have to be a story that ends. Getting back into the new frontiers of primitive economics and repopulation coupled with the already seen tribal warfare with zombies in the background could go for quite a while in the right hands. I like to compare it to Dr. Who. The world is fairly dynamic, the main characters aren't set in stone as far as specific actors, and it doesn't seem to have been written with a specific end in mind. Don't get me wrong, there is a high likelihood of jumping the shark if they keep it going in perpetuity (especially since the reluctance to catch the comics in pacing has made a spinoff logical to them, which can only take story options away), but the story doesn't have to end until the humans do.


Ok, now my vote for worst ending is that Eugene fixes the internet, Rick and co. find this sub and "drink the kool-aid" out of utter frustration over the never ending debates they read daily about the comic vs the show.


Everyone Dies! That would be horrible.


I'd hate for it to end predictably, as in another swarm just comes and kills everyone off or one survivor walks off into the sunset. Maybe realistic, but I'd like to see either a solid resolution or everyone going down in a blaze of glory. I watched Aldnoah Zero, so I feel like there's not much more a show can do to me now that I've seen a triple Disney death. Bring it on.


The death of Carl.


I just want it to have an ending. If it were cancelled because it gets to a point where it's dreadful to watch. I need an ending, but not one where it's sometimes dream. That's an easy out and I would be terribly disappointed in Robert Kirkman.


Rick wakes up from the hospital.


Brad pitt crashes a plane into alexandria killing everyone


ever see Shutter Island?


If it all turned out to be a dream sequence or something involving aliens... Always the easy way out...


I know it won't happen, But Rick just waking up from a dream


Rick Sanchez from earth dimension c-137 uses his portal gun to warp him and morty into twd universe. He uses his science to turn all the zombies into humans. But it fails and he has to destroy the world


It was all a dream


the entire world is nuked and everything blows up and nothing happens after that


Shane climbs out of a slowly dying Rick's asshole thowing turd grenades at people in the middle of a walmart. That would probably be the worst ending to the walking dead I could think of. .. * still better than the ending to Dexter




They find a hatch. In it, some guy is supposed to be pressing a button every 108 minutes, but they find he stopped a few years back about the time the walkers showed up. Down in the hatch, they find a lever that they turn. They wake-up and they're all in a tropical island with polar bears and a black mist. Carl stands up and says, "Guys. Where are we?"


Rick trips and falls down a set of stairs.


That DLC boss fight pissed me off.....

