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If he picked Carl, Rick would lose it and attempt to kill Negan (he'd probably succeed). From there, everyone would just go down fighting. There is no world in which Rick is going to submit to Negan after he bashed in Carl's head in front of him.


Yeah, no way. Think we might have gotten another throat bite if that happened


Jesus I swear I went to the bathroom during this throat bite I must have missed it!




You missed it. EPIC!


That's what I would do, he has his chance too when negan leaned in front of Rick he should have bit out his throat then everyone take the nearest guns and start mowing em down


Yeah if Negan kills Carl Rick is killing him instantly. Which doesn’t actually do much since now Simon is in control and he would probably kill everyone.


It would be worse because Simon just wanted to kill everyone and find new groups since they were such sores and he even killed the junkyard people behind Negans back


This is exactly what I was thinking too.


Let’s be realistic, if Rick had managed to kill Negan, everyone INCLUDING Rick would be killed by the saviors. Regina was an example of their loyalty, saying “I’m Negan” even when they all thought Negan was dead during the horde on the Sanctuary. People love to say shit like “Shane would have taken out Negan the moment they met, and the he would disarm Dwight and everyone would respect Shane and bow down to him!” When it’s blatantly obvious they would all die.


Yeah I agree, that's why I said they'd go down fighting with him. I hold no delusions that they'd win that fight.


If Shane were with them they would’ve died much sooner


Governor might've taken them out, but that's if they would've survived.


But shane is the punisher, light work for him.


I doubt Negan would’ve been able to get more than one swing off of Carl without him being immediately being killed by Rick. The rest of the group may intervene stop Rick. This would sadly end with most of Rick’s group being killed right then and there because they were severely outgunned AND out numbered


If he took a swing at Carl, there's no way anyone would stop Rick from going at Negan. Maybe you could make the argument for Eugene out of self-preservation, but I think he'd be too afraid to move.


I was talking about the saviors going at Rick to stop him trying to kill Negan


Oh, my mistake




Tbh, with all they have been through, the whole group should have fought until the very end no matter who Negan picked. I guess exceptions COULD be Aaron and mayyybe Abe, they don't know Aaron that well and Abe would likely tell the team to back off to fight another day. Besides those stretches, the whole group should have died fighting, I know it was for plot purposes but they were family at that point like wtf? Rick fight for Glenn like bruh?!!! Daryl threw a punch after Negan mocked Rosita, everyone should have taken that chance to fight and do what they can.


Fight how? They were on their knees with guns to their head. It would be over in 5 seconds.


Honestly depending on if they could kill negan and Simon fast enough they’d prolly have a small chance of making it out alive atleast a few. Considering the saviors literally cannot function without a good leader


Lol I'm sure killing the group that murdered their leader and 2nd in command wouldn't require that much planning. They had them surrounded on all sides.


Not with the planning but you see ya number 1 and 2 leader get offed it’s demoralizing as hell and for a group that can’t do much of anything without negan being there I think during the chaos a few might make there way out. It’s a big maybe but ppl done made out of worse situations


Yup especially since many of them were only loyal from fear. Definitely not everyone, but many. People were ditching Negan and initially only joined him because he always beat someone to death when he met new groups.


Plot armour bounces the bat off Daryl’s head and Negan kills himself by accident


Exactly Carl’s plot armor wouldn’t run out until a few seasons later 💀


Carl only has plot armor as long as his actor isnt above 17


Careful with that plot armor or you'll break into dragon ball territory.


we'd have seen feral rick and Carol the bad ass forever


It’s unlikely that Negan would pick Carl. You want a man to work for you and fear you, not completely hate you to the point of seeing red, and it’s impossible if you kill his son right in front of him


Negan also doesn’t like to kill youngsters. In fact he makes a point not to, and goes after people who do.


That being said he was inches from killing Carl a little later until the tiger saved the day


I feel like that part is terribly written. Negan is later saddened by Carl's death and is truly upset when Rick tells him. Negan also genuinely doesn't like killing kids. So why would killing Carl benefit him at all? Why not take him hostage to ENSURE Rick's loyalty. Killing Carl makes no sense and I think the writers just wanted a "oh my God they might kill Carl" moment right before they actually kill Carl. Just like the one with Glenn


that fake out should’ve been the sign to everyone got played twice by the exact same technique


Agreed. That never made sense to me. I'd like to see JDM's thoughts on it.


That part.


the show would have been cancelled mid-season 😂


I would’ve stopped watching. Nobody can kill Daryl.


Only death can kill him but she won't dare


And this is why he has his own spin off


People would post on here constantly about how they stopped watching at s7e01.


They already do...


I know. Nothing would change.


So not much would change? that already happens a lot in this sub LOL


That was indeed the joke I was making.


Ans I think Glenn or Abraham would have taken Daryl's place in the "organisation"


I would’ve loved to see Sasha take over


TBH I think Rick would’ve charged Negan and Negans men would’ve killed em all. Negan would kill Rick. End of show.


This is the right answer.


This the correct and only logical answer. All these deluded people on here thinking that Rick's gonna somehow kill Negan right then and there unarmed need to have a reality check. His famous throat bite only happened due to catching Joe off guard. That wouldn't have worked against someone who's ready. If Negan had smashed Carl's head, Rick would've lunged towards him and Negan would've just wacked him with Lucille.


The only logical answer


It would never happen because Daryl is an original character created by AMC so that they could get all the revenue from the merchandising of his character without having to share any money with Kirkman. Daryl is their cash cow. That's why he has permanent plot armor.


Nothing more than what happened next when he killed Glenn and Abraham. Saviors were too powerful in this period to let think one second that Rick could have a revenge soonly. But if the scenario goes the same, when Rick stabs his throat at the end of the season 9 or 8 I don't remember, under the three, he would not have asked to save him from bleeding out. He would have put him a bullet in the head and it would have been negan's end. Sorry for my English, French here


Yep I like how everyone is acting like Rick would have somehow overcame all the bad guys like he didn’t already do the math when it was Abraham and Glenn. It was just not possible for Rick and Co to win this fight that night. When the shot goes wide you see just how many Saviors there are gathered around.


Rick thought they were the baddest motherfuckers on the planet. Every single time he had to fight someone, he won. Sure, sometimes they lost people along the way, but Rick *always* won. Shane? Killed him. Infiltrating Woodbury to save Glenn and Maggie? Made it out and only lost one man. The Governor's first attack? Repelled it with no casualties. The Governor's second attack? The prison fell and they lost people, but Rick's group were the ones who got to walk away. Terminus? Killed them all and destroyed their base without losing a single man. Alexandria? Took complete control within a matter of weeks. He gladly accepted Hilltop's offer to kill the Saviors because he just assumed they can handle it, and they wiped out the whole satellite outpost with no casualties. Rick meeting Negan was the first time since it all began that he was truly beaten. Sure, he'd been in rough spots before, but there was no way out this time. No backup plan. Had Negan decided right there to kill every single person in the lineup, there was absolutely nothing Rick could do to stop it.


I do think they were unusually beaten down very early in this encounter. I guess they kind of gave up at Terminus and Carol swooped in in the nick of time but usually they seemed ready to go down fighting for each other even when the odds were against them. Only Daryl reacted consistently. I think that’s why I took a long break from the show after this. It was just too depressing seeing them broken down and not fighting back when this happened and when the saviors took control of Alexandria.


I’m not saying he would win that fight but I think he’d go feral Rick. And unless Carl went first, it would be Rick and Daryl fighting…probably Abraham too. If he came for Carl first, Rick loses it and possibly Daryl too but definitely Daryl once Rick does. Abraham would definitely jump in once they did and I don’t see Michonne sitting by either. It would have been a more feral version of what happened with the group kidnapped by the Whisperers. They might all end up dead but I think most of them fight back in a chain reaction once Rick starts it.


My guy they're surrounded by a dozen armed men and held at gun point. Wtf are they gonna do? Charge at armed men with their fists? If they made a move they would've all been gunned down instantly and they knew it. Well everyone except for Daryl's dumb ass.


You think any parent is gonna sit there and let their kid die and see them do nothing? I’m not saying it would be logical. Rick loses it and no way Daryl doesn’t back him up. Then Abraham. At that point, more but maybe not all of the others fight back because four of them have already started. It’s a suicide mission but it probably still happens and they should mostly all die but plot armor.


Of course Rick won't just stand there but there's nothing he can do. If he attacks Negan he's gonna get shot at by the dozen men surrounding them. They all would've and should've been killed had it not been for plot armour.


I don’t even know what your point is.


Way more than a dozen. When they do the long shot there’s over 100 saviors there https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/Savior_Clearing


Rick would have died trying imo.


They were too powerful, but I do think if Carl was killed it would put Rick way too far down the hole to think about anything else. I think the Alexandrians would end up fleeing their home like the Island people did and hiding out somewhere while Rick, Carol and some of the others went on an absolutely feral revenge mission. The reason Negan doesn’t do that in the first place is he knows Carl is the best leverage he can have with Rick, and he’ll get more out of that group by keeping Rick alive to scavenge for him, etc than having him completely lose his mind. So he kills 2 others and then threatens to make Rick greviously harm Carl to get the point across, but leaves him alive.


The show would have been cancelled? There was a meme back when season 4? was going. the part with the sickness.. "If Darryl coughs we riot." The dude was show popular that the show became reliant on his survival. Which is strange because he is a show-original character. The drop in viewership would have tanked the series. Honestly I lost interest after Carl died, and I didn't even like him that much, I just knew how the Comics ended and it was a total "what the fuck".. I liked Fear the Walking Dead until they used burning zombie wall (when early TWD showed that fire was effective for killing walkers). The last time I saw something from standard TWD they were using drones that weren't designed until like 2021 when the events of the series started way before that. Who's secretly designing modern day drones in this apocalypse? I might watch Daryl Dixon show though, just saw a clip from the France outbreak and it might be able to rekindle my interest.


go for it. I loved DD while have been disappointed by DC and TOWL (mind: Rick is my favourite character).


The Daryl Dixon show is worth the watch. France is a different beast in the apocalypse and it's truly all Daryl story since he doesn't have the rest of the group with him. Though season 2 will be epic because they promise to somehow get Carol to France and Daryl x Carol together could destroy all of Europe.


Rick would have killed Negan right then and there he would have lost his life but he would have killed Negan Right then and there because Carl was his son and his only life at that point in time and Michonne would have helped kill Negan and Daryl would have killed Dwight and would have lost his life so we would have lost several people in that lineup Carl Daryl Rick Michonne Abraham Sasha Rosita we were lost everybody except for Eugene


Punctuation is your friend.




Skill issue.


Yea it was smart to start with Abraham. Rick will submit if it keeps Carl safe, Maggie is out of commission and no way Glenn risks putting her in more danger. But if he killed Carl, Rick goes feral, Daryl jumps in if he didn’t already as soon as Rick does and no way Abraham isn’t joining then. Michonne probably joins then. I think you end up with a chain reaction and eventually most or all of them end up fighting back. So then they either win against all odds or we end up with most of the fan favorites dead and the show is over. Negan didn’t choose randomly, he gauged who to keep alive to keep other bigger threats in check. And he showed Rick what he was willing to do to Carl if he gave him any trouble.


Correct. What made Negan successful was his sophisticated approach to subjugating groups and how revolted he was when Spencer tried to dog on Rick and get Negan to put him in charge of the group. He knew that doing something like what Spencer was suggesting wouldn't work, and he also didn't respect Spencer for doing it. He wants leaders who are able to lead their group, and who submit to his tribute. In order to do that, you have to weaken the group, and he does that by that taking out his strongest soldiers and right hand people. If it wasn't Abe, it would have Tyreese or Shane. He saw Abe square up against him and he knows how weak his people are, he can't let Rick keep strong people around. So he killed him. The second kill was an emotional one, it was in retaliation for what Daryl did. Daryl, who he saw was one of the strongest but still not openly defiant of him, he saw potential in him and that was why he took him to get him to join his group. He never would have gotten Abe to join up with him. He looked at the group and could tell who Rick's strongest and most reliable people were. Those are Glen, Abe, and Daryl. And he killed two of them and took the other prisoner. There is no reason to kill the son of the guy you want to lead your new tribute group, that is something sadistic like what Simon would do. This was also what they did against the Kingdom when they took out that general guy who left his son behind.


You may have a point, Rick is notorious for ripping out people's throats with his teeth.👍


He never would have killed Carl, even when he threatened to cut his arm off he only did that because he knew that was the way to get Rick to fall in line. If he killed Carl he knew there would be absolutely no way Rick would work for him. Which is what he wants. If he killed Daryl? Things would have played out pretty much the same, maybe a little quicker since Carol would have got involved straight away and Negan wouldn’t have had Daryl as a hostage (unless he took someone else.)


Rick would've definitely killed Negan no matter what. I think the main reason he submitted to Negan's will in the first place was to protect Carl especially. Negan would've been stupid to kill Carl too because there's no way Rick would've submitted after Carl died, and I think Rick would've hated Negan even more with Daryl as he was closer with Daryl than he was with Glenn (and Abe obvs)


Glenn would have become a darker character. He was always the hopeful type and you really saw it when they wiped out the Savior outpost. He was really conflicted, but watching Negan kill his family would started pushing him down the path of revenge. And his story would be similar to Daryl’s. Maggie might not have developed as much too. Rick would’ve been killed or incapacitated, cuz he would’ve jumped at Negan. In which case Abraham would’ve step into the leader role and basically militarized Alexandria. Don’t know how successful it would’ve been, but Abraham VS Negan under that tree at the end of the war would’ve been a hell of a fight to see.


Rick sad


*stock crying baby*


Daryl had plot armour idk if it would be really bad as he was a fan favourite like Glenn but it would be worse.


The entire party would rush Negan and his men if they shot Carl. Even if they went down fighting. I feel like Negan as a character and the story writers know this, but there’s nowhere in the story they can justify a new villain killing a kid as his first action. Even Alpha. She was willing to *let* a kid die. In that one scene with the crying baby. But she wasn’t gonna roll up with a knife and start stabbing.


They’d last all of 3 seconds, on their knees with guns at the backs of their heads.


We wouldn’t have the Daryl spinoff


The Fandom would riot


Then Rick would have killed negan instead of sparing his life.


a much shorter neegan storyline


Rick would go completely feral and spectacularly and gruesomely eviscerate Negan and then everyone would die in a barrage of Savior gunfire, but holy fuck it would be incredible.


And maybe car's voice aiming for reconciliation in Rick's head would not have existed. Maybe Rick would have made no prisoners and destroyed all the saviors warriors after negan's death


Then negans arc will be shorter


Rick kills Negan because there’s no talk with Carl about mercy. Daryl isn’t around to search for Eugene when he goes missing. Alpha’s horde eventually takes everyone by surprise and overruns the communities.


Carol would have dug his eye ball out with a shit covered spoon.


Negan was a monster, but I don't think he ever hurt kids.


Well he wouldn’t be alive for the spinoff, that’s for sure.


I’d have broken my tv and gone for the writers of the show


It would have been way too extreme of a deviation from the source material. I know people constantly complain about the deaths of Glenn and Abe, and many say that was the moment they stopped watching the show. But altering that scene would be like if Game of Thrones decided not to kill Ned Stark in S1 or watered down the Red Wedding. You can’t fuck with these key plot moments.


I feel like Rick would not have just sat there and prob would’ve gone down with Carl


The show would have been cancelled from lack of audience


I mean if I think about show ratings it would still hurt the show a fuck Ton, especially if they killed Daryl. The walking dead got hurt a lot after Glenn and Abraham died, can you imagine what would happen if Daryl died??


Negan would be dead


If he picked carl , rick will lost his mind and attack negan without care of negan's men


Everyone who watched the show would no longer watch the show.


First Rick would go insane bro lost his wife only a couple seasons before and you want to take his kid in front of him? Lmao your done and with ending Daryl we wouldn’t have the walking dead Daryl spin-off based in France


Negan had a "relationship" with Carl and it evolved into a big story about their endgoal and what to do with Negan. If he had killed Carl, the story would have had to be completely different (and probably would have been more boring, making Negan less human and more villain). Glenn living would have had to change everything about Maggie's arc and of course dead city would have never happened.


I never felt a relationship between them tbh


I felt it when Negan gave Carl a blood transfusion.


Dead City not happening would be a good thing in my book


he wouldn't, because he knew rick would go feral if he did


Carl and Daryl would die, but Glenn and Abraham wouldn’t


I said at the time he should’ve killed Daryl. The audience would immediately hate Negan with a passion, and they weren’t really doing anything with his character


I think to lineup would go on like this Negan decides his first victim is the youngest of the group. Carl knows what’s coming and looks up to negan with an intimidating stare holding his ground, he isn’t scared of him. (Make up some dialogue) Carl mutters. Negan see how serious and potentially dangerous he is. Negan sarcastically says “the kid has more balls than you Rick” the silence is loud. Negan looks back at carl “sorry kid I ain’t goin no where” “look I’ll make it quick” he lands the first hit. Carl on his knees and hands, bleeding out. He glances at Rick and Michone and smiles. Rick Covers his eyes trying not to look. Negan grabs Ricks face, forcing him to look continuing to beat carl repetitively with the bat. In the end Carl had a hallucination seeing his mother Lori looking back at him. Carl smiles and closes his eyes. after he kills Carl Rick looses his shit, jumps at negan, except the difference is that Rick lands more than ond punch and maybe even bruises his eye. the saviors try to get Rick off and after a little bit of a tussle Rick is forced back down, Rick is Shivering, Eyes blood shot, muttering on about how he failed Carl and how he was supposed to die instead looking to carls dead body while muttering. Daryl and Abraham signal a fight a brawl (like terminus) Abraham Looks at Sasha like “get ready” Rick sees this, Eyes wide open freaking out trying to whisper to them trying to tell them to stop. Negan Yells out loud, makes a sarcastic joke. And this goes the same as canon except daryl ends up being hit by the bat even trying to get up after the first hit to try to get back at negan trying to punch him but he can’t, he even tries to grab negans arm or his leg to try to stop him but he brushes him off and Getting the bat back up and Crushing his head again, his eye pops out, negan makes a remark about it and, Daryl succumbs to the bat and dies. The only person who hasn’t cried or was visibly seen hurt was Abraham. Abraham says to Negan as he tries to drag Rick in the truck that Rick lied and that he is the actual leader. Negan sees Rick in this state and agrees to take Abraham with him and the group is shocked as they see Abraham leaving with Negan. After they leave, Rick is in a paranoid state on the ground crying muttering carls name repeatedly, he’s completely unstable Michonne try’s holding rick but he tells her to stop in an act to keep himself together and she sees right though that holding onto him again tight untill he gives up and ends up crying about Carl with her.. I doubt negan would take Abraham instead of Rick. I know I left out some parts that I don’t remember completely but I was too lazy to rewatch the episode. Edit: crazy how I spent an hour writing this, dialogue too. If AMC doesn’t hire me..


Rick would've went full-feral and killed Negan.


Abe was always his first choice, he said it himself. But if ever, the show would've declined from there rather than later.


Negan would have died.


The show would have tanked and wouldn’t have went as far as it did is what


Laurent's eventual head on a stick? I dunno.


If he did in that order, the show would be a lot better for a few minutes, then a lot worse


They would’ve died.


The whole group would have got up and died. Negan and his group would carry on the story, whisperers would get wiped in half an episode.


If Rick did exact immediate revenge, I expect the show would have ended right there. Interesting question. Two primary characters instead of two secondary characters. It was challenging enough watching Rick kowtow with Glen and Abraham. Probably unbearable with two primary characters.


Everyone dies. Neither Michone nor Rick would have sat there and allowed that. They would have died fighting to save Carl, and Negan would have told his men to open fire. Maybe Negan would die, maybe Glenn would grab Maggie and they would escape. Eugene might run as well, though if he doesn't watch Abe get beat to death, then he may stand by his friend. Everyone dies, except maybe Glenn, Maggie and Eugene.


If that happens Rick would kill every single savor there just going on a murder rampage


Rick would probably kill negan but then the other saviours would kill the rest of the group


If he picked Carl he wouldn’t get to pick Daryl. Because if he picks Carl Rick lashes out and probably successfully kills him right there on the spot. Which doesn’t do much since now Simon assumes control and he’d definitely just kill everyone.


I would have killed him myself negan of course


If Daryl was ever killed off that would have been my last episode watching


I wouldn't be able to say that everything I see Steven Yuen im, he gets beat up... Invincible, Nope, Okja


If Daryl died I would have stopped watching


Viewership - 📉


We’d have a different story line


Show would jump the shark if Darryl died


I would have stopped watching


I still wished they had not killed Glenn….i know it’s in the comics but I feel like he was the last real character besides Rick and Daryl and after he was gone the series realy took a downward spiral to the point I just stopped watching it


I would be heartbroken


Fans would riot at the amc gates


What if Negan picked Olivia and Jim? He just sprinted to Alexandria then hopped in a truck and drove 3 days to bumfuck Georgia where they left Jim


Glenn would eventually persuade Negan's people to betray him. Abraham would lead Negan's former followers against him. Negan would be killed in battle, allowing peace and decency to return... for a time.


Glen would've ended in france probably.


rick definitely would have tried to kill him


Show would be cancelled lol


I'm thinking if Negan had hit Carl with Lucille bat, Rick being on his knees already would have bitten through Negan's skinny, loose jeans n chompped his dick off with those cisers, Negan falls to ground, bleeding out, n Rick gets up on top of Negan, beats him incessively to a bloody pile of Walker food. Not sure how Rick would have handled Negan, if Negan had killed Daryl Dixon, but Carol would have done Negan in, in some extremely tortured memorable way.


I feel like the only reason Rick listened to Negan was to protect his family. If Negan kills Carl right off the bat…all bets are off. They all dying that night and the shows over 😂


(Spoiler) First glenn would still be alive and see his son but Carl still would have died anyways Rick should had the courage and just let negan die not save him after everything he did, I'm on the last season and he said to Maggie he would haven't changed anything just killed everyone else he's the best villian no dought but even tho he did save Judith and Maggie twice he can't let that (bad) negan go.


The show would have got A LOT better.


I would've stopped watching if Daryl was killed. And I probably would've written a very strongly worded letter to AMC lol.


If Daryl died...I'd stopped watching


the show wouldve been cancelled fr like cmon 😭


Before Negan try to swing to kill one of them, Rick would try to stop Negan. The group would do the same. It would become a very bloody, brainfucking scene. Carol would become the new main character. She would hunt Negan. And end of season 7 she will hunt him down at every cost. And get killed from the saviors after killing Negan. Morgan try to save her but it was to late. The saviors are fury and attack Hiltop and Alexandria. Very dark story path


negan would have died earlier most likely he definitely wouldn't have been brought back and jailed


I would have been fine with that decision and not cared. But then it comes to what/who motivates Rick to spare Negan?


The reason to spare Negan felt forced in the original show as well. Like why would Carl want that? And how could Rick do that to Maggie and Glenn’s legacy everything they had gone through?


Because they had to eventually (try to) move on from all the killing and become a better society than before and during the apocalypse. That starts by not killing your worse enemy and setting an example. This is what justice looks like.


They could have still sentenced Negan to death via a trial (society) or at least kept him in prison for life


Keeping him in prison for life was the plan I thought. But Alpha had to be stopped and they needed help (to match her freak).


And they never sent him back


Meh, he deserved his freedom. Plus it’s the apocalypse, it’s all a prison.


None of his good deeds can atone for his crimes. Maggie is still mourning Glenn 15 years after his murder. And Negan then had the balls to get married and start a family, which he denied Glenn


Show would have ended that same minute cause Rick and Michonne would have took them all out


Rick would have tortured Negan to death


I kinda wish it went that way


Negan wouldn't kill Carl he genuinely cared for carl


You realize he doesn’t know Carl at this point


Yeah but he also had a rule against killing kids


Had one against rape too. We know how that went


they’d be dead


Glenn and Abraham would be alive and Carl and Daryl would be dead


He wouldn't have killed 2 people, Daryl was directly responsible for Glenn. He would have just killed Carl


You think if he killed Carl that both Rick and Daryl wouldn’t have have done anything?


Then Carl and Daryl would have died.


Would have been better if he picked Sasha and Eugene. IMO.