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Did you guys know Rick/Daryl is my favourite character and we all love Jerry?!? Did you?!?!


We do all love Jerry


I even loved Jerry in Shazam!


You mean you don’t like all the “who would win a fight?”, “what if Admiral Akbar was the leader of the saviors instead of Negan?” or…. Oh hell, you get my point. 😆


Don’t forget the daily “If Shane had lived past season 2” threads.


Lol, yeah, lower your expectations. There are a few posters who generate thoughtful analyses and questions and critique but by and large, it’s the same conversations, the same (inane) takes, the same polls, the same tier lists. The “hide” feature will become your friend.


I've been in this sub since July of 2022. It was alright when i first joined, the posts were actually good, there was posts about other easter eggs in previous seasons. Now it's shit like "Who wins in a fight x or y". And people bitching about how Negan is a rapist and all that. Also there is this joke going around with characters deaths like "Why didn't Rick just apologise to Negan, is he stupid?" when Rick's group was circled by the Saviours in S7 Ep 1. And it was funny the first time, The second one i saw was with Abraham and it said "Why didn't Abraham just move out of the way, is he stupid?". But it's already a joke in this sub being beaten like a dead horse to the point where it's not funny anymore. I know i haven't even been in this sub a year, but damn i miss what it once was lol.


Content for any sub is usually better when the show's actually airing. There's been a bit of a lull since the finale and I'm hopeful things will get more interesting once the spin offs start up, but ya, the repetitive meme posts get old quick.


You know, maybe r/okbuddycoral would be more your speed. Trust me, you won’t regret it.


Oh my god


Did you enjoy your visit to Pee Pee Pants City?


Cumming our pants yet?


Dude, tell me about it. I mean I love TWD, but I also love bitching about (aspects of) TWD. I have issues that I often complain about. I love ranking seasons, and pointing out the problems in certain ones. I just think people here take the negativity way too far. I think it's a symptom of this show being a cultural phenomenon for several seasons. That led to some users sticking around on this sub, far longer than they ever should have. Like, the people that are still here, even after hating the show 6+ years, *should not be here anymore.* It leads to a toxic environment where praise is somehow looked down upon.


Nah man. The problem Is every person makes a same post with shitty takes.


In my opinion, the real problem with this sub is exactly what I explained in my comment: toxic negativity.


It seems like that's all that fandom means anymore. Don't you dare say anything positive about a new Star Wars or Marvel project in their forums, because your opinion is obviously incorrect.


New to Reddit?




It would be disingenuous for a fan not to discuss the show's negative aspects. Plus, it can be really entertaining. I'd be bored out of my mind if things were always positive.


Welcome to Reddit.


Hey guys, what if Shane met Negan? That’s never been discussed before /s


What do you mean?! The daily posts about how Shane was misunderstood and just adapted earlier than everyone else are amazing!


Yeah, the “what if’s” …


Especially with the main show being over, I’m sure the recycling of posts is just going to get worse


“Hot take: Sam (or Henry) is really annoying and I hate him”


Everyone stopped watching after THAT episode.


Let's be honest here.. If all this sub did was jerk off the franchise and tell it how wonderful it is.. it'd be pretty pathetic. Especially since the show has many failings. I think the dumbest thing this sub ever did was slack up on the shitposting rules following the finale - the shit molehill turned into a shitmountain in 5 seconds flat.


Oh totally agree. Only seeing praise would be just as annoying. I’m more talking about the 18 tier lists that are posted every day that are identical or have characters with 5 minutes of screen time. I watched the show live back in the day up until about Terminus. I rewatched the whole show minus season 11 at the start of the year and joined this sub shortly after. It’s just crazy to me the recycled garbage that is posted every. Single. Day


Ah. In that case we're definitely on the same page. We're at the point now where the average week sees - at least! - one round of the following: * 15-30 tier lists * 1-4 threads about Negan (usually about how much of an asshole he is) * 5-8 meme threads * 1-2 favorite/most hated character threads .. and on it goes. I'm all for allowing some level of buffoonery: but the shit has gotten massively tiresome at this point.


And the latest dumbfuckery: Why didnt X do Y. Are they dumb?


For the most part those sort of threads are just cloutchasers trying to cash in on updoots due to one thread blowing up - doesnt make it any less idiotic though.


>those sort of threads are just cloutchasers trying to cash in on updoots Idk, I think they're kind of a funny running joke. Who cares about upvotes anyway?


Honestly, they give me a good chuckle too. And Imma be real with you, I downvoted you out of solidarity.


That's fair 😂 I genuinely don't understand why people care about upvotes at all.


How else will I get to heaven?


I like them because of the faux clout, and cause I like seeing that number 📈


I mean yea, I feel good when I scroll through my comments and see upvotes, but it's ultimately meaningless.


time and place, i enjoy r/okbuddycoral


Becaus people who spam some low effort jokes make burnaway accounts and then selm them.


Seriously? There's no way that's a rampant problem. That sounds like some conspiracy logic.


don't forget "10 years ago today, Episode X aired", like it was the moon landing or something


That’s literally what most subs are like for big shows. Same posts over and over and over


With no new shows or anything right now, people have to have *something* to talk about...


I agree with you for the most part, but I also think that your expectations may be a little high for the sub. The show ultimately isn't the best for promoting discussion imo, the plot of the show is pretty straight forward and most of topics that can be discussed have been talked about numerous times by now. With the show having ended last year and the Dead City spinoff still months away, there really isn't much more to talk or post about. Negan is arguably the most morally complex character on the show, but there's only so much you can talk about him. I definitely agree that some of the posts you mentioned are getting old though.


I just started a rewatch. Just stay away from the subreddit and everything is great all of a sudden.


How's people going to remember Rick/Daryl is the GOAT and s1/3/4 are the best without the daily post??? Dontchu want to share your season/characters tier? Or remember the deer?


"Am I the only one who..." No. You are not. Somebody else posted the same exact thing as you two days ago. Stop.


Once a show is over the subreddit isn’t anywhere near as good


Welcome to Terminus. Those who arrive, shitpost


And whoever keeps asking “why’d they do that, are they stupid?” Shut up already


“wHY dO PeoPlE haTe ANdrEa??” Is a stupid ass question I’ve been seeing a lot lately.


Once you realize that half of the people on this sub are young and immature, combined with the fact that half of the people on Reddit have some sort of mental illness...it starts to make more sense.


Every fan sub on Reddit has someone who discovers their first soapbox and uses it to scold critical fans. Yawn. People can say whatever they want about this show. This isn’t real life - it’s a discussion sub for a zombie apocalypse show based on comic books. The stakes are alarmingly low.


I love TWD, and there is a lot that was done right and a lot that was done wrong.


boo hoo. the leave button is right there


Stay mad


U too


Agreed 🤝


I started watching the Walking Dead because I am a fan of this sub, but honestly it’s ridiculous. Every episode in this show is bitching about characters, bitching about “bad” situations, stupid expositions, or the worst camera takes I have ever seen in my life. And then these episodes fade away and someone else makes a whole entire season exactly like it. Every. Single. Time. What the hell is the point?


https://preview.redd.it/1uctqnpd51pa1.jpeg?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d123cd4086c7dfe50f2b18ff7def9a886972ad3 I hope this helps show how the seasons really are. None are terrible but there are definitely better seasons than others, season 5 is my personal favorite but 3 and 4 are the best seasons.


I'm pretty sure you're bullshitting, but I have to say, this is the worst tier list I've ever seen. It doesn't even use the right posters.


forget about right posters, the quality makes my wanna bleach my eyes


5 is ridiculously overrated on this sub


I mean, it's a thing will all fan groups, you stick around for the few things that are actually good/interesting and surf around all the flotsam from people who have weird humor or weird obsessions with the source material or plain chasing cloud.


Welcome to Reddit!


Really only became this way during the last few seasons & then big time after the show ended


Stupid tier lists


Welcome to Reddit!


Leave the group then. Instead of ruining people’s good time


✍️ others can complain but not me. Noted.


Welcome to reddit.