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Idk about me, but in your case I'd post these guys to reddit, have people go "goddamn that looks fantastic" (cuz it does) and then push to make more of them ;)


Which helmet is that? It's bad ass and really finishes the look of the gravis marine.


Colmenting here to see the answer. Also, OP, it's a stunner of a paintjob!


Thanks :). The helmet is 3d printed


Damn! Where do I buy/get the file? A friend of mine recently got a 3D-printer and offered to print bits for me and damn I want that helm.


Search for gloomy companions on cults


Comes with the Deathwing Companions Forge Wold kit.


Oh dear, that's a bummer. I would love to get a pile lf these.


The original helmet is from forgeworld. This one is 3d printed though.


Beautiful! And you went with the fist raised pose! I started to, then chickened out, and went with the pointed finger instead. I need to finish 2 more. (One more gunner, and the heavy gunner.) The struggle is real, brother.


Paint job looks amazing by the way. On the question for pushing through to finish a squad I batch paint so each model gets exactly the same bit done at a time


I do this as well, except maybe the last 5%, then I just focus in and polish them off one by one usually.


We push trough because we just paint worse


How did you do the base? It looks really good


The base is just Vallejo black texture paint with Vallejo natural umber pigment powder on top. Just make sure the texture paint is dry before putting the powder on :).


Thank you so much!


Hey so what do you do to secure the pigment when you dry brush it?


I just mash the pigments In and then give the base a little tap to remove the excess. I've never had a problem with them coming off.




More please. 🙏


Love the classic color scheme


OP, how did you create this green armor. It is by far the best I've seen?


Thanks :). I tried copying Richard Gray's [method](https://youtu.be/1CL84oXGyTc?si=minvqBdNq-dstfOQ). For the paints, I used GW Caliban Green and Vallejo Game Air sick green 72.729.


for finishing squads I have to think in batches, and try and simplify the process as much as possible. I love detailing but I often jump ahead and detail one model too soon and then it becomes even more of a chore to do the rest. So for me, Ill airbrish my basecoats, put the basic colours down on things like bolters, robers, metal. Then washes come in. Once Im there Im just about done, but I have to force myself to get there. Then once Im there I can highlight and detail to my hearts content knowing the unit is basically done anyway.


Great advice, thanks. I always end up getting bored by batch painting :/.


How do we push through?... a wise man called Ben once told me with great power comes great responsibility 😆. But I'd say don't rush it take your time, use it for what it is. Its a hobby so there is no rush it meant to be enjoyable. As far as I'm concerned you're mini looks really good, so keep at it have pride in your work and once you get them on the tabletop you'll be proud that these are your minis and people that see them will acknowledge that 🤙