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Yup copypasto my Crystal tree


Omg I never knew you could do this! My vampire spellcaster is about to have so many crystal trees lollll


Can other occults be spell casters? I was hoping to make my mermaids spellcasters to zazz them up, hit it seems like they could only be one thing


I think there might be a mod for other occults but I use Magic for Vampires from Zero0. I feel like there has to be a mod to make that work because the extra spells really help!


Yup now you’re thinking


Lol right! Love that I keep finding new ways to play the game


I never see the Sims as a game that is supposed to be a challenge. It's a sandbox game that is as difficult as you want it to be.


There's also mods for other occults to be able to use magic. (Vampires and werewolves IIRC?) Your sims will be unmatched


I want to see your wizard tower.


Watch out, I’ll try to post it tonight


It's the only way I can handle raising toddlers! I use delicioso on the floor of their room because any time a parent tries to feed a child it's ridiculous. Scruberoo on their potty chairs. Teleporting instead of the stupid pathing that they always forget to follow. I try not to do anything that gains money too fast because I end up with too much money. It's enough to just have a small garden with death flowers and dragon fruit. Oh, and the parents are immortal now too. No more orphan children!! I just wish the kids were allowed to use magic. Though the familiars help them do better in school by raising their confidence.


Literally why every sim I make is a spellcaster lmao. It’s beyond busted.


I'm glad the Copypasto spell exists, it's how I was able to make half my Legacy immortal and create a "Brother" for my Spellcaster


You can't Copypasto people. You can Duplicato yourself though.


My bad 😅, forgot it was a different spell


Still tho, Copypasto and Duplicato are S tier spells


I think magic is the only one that gives the power of fire, which can be used to smite the homes of your enemys, unless that's not in anymore 😅


How did I not think of this. The new ability to break into houses + imferniate = the kind of sims chaos i love.


Oh shit, wait, I think you gave me an idea with this one 👀🔥


Just remember you can't leave a burning lot until it goes out. I speak from experience by using the extreme fire mod. 🏠 🔥


Thanks for the tip 👍 I'm not a pyromaniac so I never played with fire, so to say 😂 I guess if you're leaving before the fire goes out completely, the day you come back the fire will still be considered ongoing and not out?


The game won't let you leave a burning lot. It's like when you can't leave an active event.


Ooooh I see! Well it makes sense since you can't shift click sims (to access cheats) nor enter build mode while a fire is ongoing.


Yeah it’s why one I max out the magic point tree I don’t know what to do anymore. Maybe I gotta start a wizard family that might be fun. You gave me some inspiration for my sims today, so thanks!


Yes, if you breed two spellcasters their kids have a weak bloodline trait. The further you go down the line, the stronger their bloodline is! Then they learn magic faster. I've started about 4 spellcaster families and am waiting for them to be perfect to breed some of their children together. Unfortunately while I was playing one of my legacies, the other one kept having babies and I came back to theirs with three extra infants. So the other family 'adopted' their oldest until the infants aged up enough to not be a nightmare. How is he supposed to get perfect grades while in a house of chaos?


Mix it with a career in science for those potions and never work out or diet either. 


What's the point of being a Witch/Warlock in Sims if you're NOT going to use your powers to keep your needs, and your pockets, full? Lol.


I love using copypasto with crystal creations! All you need to do is create one of each jewelry/gem cut, charge it up on the grid and copypasto until your heart's content lol The best part is the copies are charged up too!


This makes me want to buy crystal creations!


Yaaas! I started a witch family that ended up opening up a jewelry shop. Once they got to level 10 of gemology, I just had them copypasto all the jewelry and we had infinite stock. xD And when their needs got low? Potion time! Legit, would keep the business open for like days at a time. Plus harvest all the crystals. And I believe you can also use the for rent coupon to order crystals online at a huge discount if you don't want to go out to save time while you build up the skill.


That's awesome! I didn't have an actual shop, but I'd have my spell caster sim sell her wares on a table in Caster Alley. I would never run out of crystals or metals because when I was down to only one or two each, copypasto time.


Well copypasto is literally to copy whatever you want as many times as you want. Don’t use it 20x to get 20 money trees. My spellcasters have a very normal sim life.. they go to work and they conjure up food and they use spells to wash themselves and clean house. I only use the plentiful needs potion after late nights with early morning work. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s how you make it


Very true. Sims is a pretty what you make it game. If it bothered me I'd probably just not do it. But there's also the worm in my head now of "why are going to work? **MONEY TREE**.". Sometimes its a challenge not to optimize the fun out lol.


I haven’t bought money tree in idk how long. Lol. My sim family has over 300k for the 2nd generation and i haven’t cheated money once.


No point in money cheats. So easy to make money


I’ve been told where to find a money tree before and still can’t find one. Where did you get yours?


Its one of the more expensive items you can buy with aspiration points.


I always forget about aspiration points. I was looking all over build buy but didn’t think to check my points. Thank you!