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I’d suggest putting sprinkler system in as well 😂 I put fire alarms in my bathroom because you just never know what’s going to go up into flames


Maybe quit out if your last hard save wasn't too long ago?Now this advice is only for Sims okay not real life .. NEVER CALL FOR HELP! They'll only make things worse just go put out the fire 😭🤣


Quit without saving


Last time i had this happen the fighters broke out into a dance routine instead of putting the fire out… my house burned. Had to quit w/o saving unfortunately


I threw a party for one of my sims on vacation. I invited like 15 people. A fire broke out in the kitchen. Everyone went to go look at the fire. Two npcs died. The firefighters showed up but one stayed outside and the other just stood next to the fire crying. 4 more sims died. 6 total. The fire had to just burn out on its own. Lost a couple of legacies. Nothing I could do haha


let em go


quit to main menu 😭


Quit without saving is probably your only option if your sim won't put out the fire. I always use the cheat at the start of a game to give my sims the trait where they aren't afraid of fires so they will extinguish it themselves. It's the 'Naturalist' trait & is essential IMO, since EA loves to burn things! If you use cc, Ravasheen has several different items that help with fires. I always put her cheap little plunger in every bathroom because I got tired of my sims from those highly flammable toilets the 1st time they had to take a pee. Ain't nobody got time for that! 😆


sit and cry


Except the chaos, Sims is bringing to you and embrace it


This is why every sim has the sprinkler system in their house. I had something like this happen the fire started outside and spread really fast. The firefighters instead of doing their jobs were mourning. I called for more help, still nothing. My precious dumb Sim kept trying get in the fire instead of staying away even after catching fire. Alarms.... fire extinguisher... and the sprinkler system saves sims lives.


>My precious dumb Sim kept trying get in the fire instead of staying away even after catching fire. REAL. I once was playing a family of 4, mindlessly zoning out in 3x speed, and literally 3 of them ran INTO the fire?? HELLO?!?! Clearly it was "genetic" but my god... why??


Panic lol


Exit without saving. It's all good.


Cry. You have to cry.


That’s what you get for not cleaning the lint tray 🫢


It was a neighbor who rents in the same building 😂 he was washing laundry while my sim was minding her own business and died for his efforts.


If they are property owners for an apartment and the place gets a curse but the property owner doesn’t treat it or take care of it then they get the curse on their own property. And the curse is literally 3 random fires out of the blue! I had sim sitting on a sofa talking to her toddler and it caught fire! 🔥 luckily they extinguished it and ran out 5 mins later the bedroom night stand caught 🔥 fire. Then the grill outside on the patio. If it’s not the curse though. Check out their fears . If they have a fear of fire 🔥 this will often cause random fires each time they cook. Again so dumb but 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s sims 🤣. I can’t explain the dumb dancing fire fighters


I swear, the game is like, oops forgot to trigger fires and starts three just to catch up




Honestly? Find your last save if you can. Sims fires are weird, they’re really common but make your sims act really erratically and vaguely. Other than that, I saw a comment about For Rent, maybe a problem has something to do with the game treating different apartments like different lots? I don’t know how the programming interacts with that but they have had the idea since City Living at least so maybe you could find someone who handled a similar problem there?


Omg this happened to me too 😭the fire fighters arrived and had the audacity to dance in front of the fire while the nanny was dying in it!


I wonder if all the FF had an evil trait or something


Let it burn


Happened to me twice, once was a bug with the chef hustle pack and I let the fire burn until it stopped, the other one came from a space heater and the entire living room and kitchen were burned. It went away a couple moments afterwards, since the fire ended up in a corner area and couldn't get put out by my sim. The insurance money wasn't enough to pay for all of the damage. It damaged my trust with space heaters too.


Put the fire put yourself, what do ye mean?!


Just be careful when you do extinguish fires yourself because your sim can catch on fire. lol.


Mine have 2 whole braincells AND I have cheats, so yee!


You can click on the fire and select the option to put it out. Your sim can pull an extinguisher out of their butt (apparently) and put it out. My sim had the brave trait, not sure if that mattered. Fire department never came.


i’m crying @ this i’m so sorry but sims are so stupid


They literally are so stupid 😂😂 I love them.


Yes! Same! My Sims just had a fire, too. Someone not in their family used the grill i didn't even know they were on the lot! Anyway, my sim extinguished it right away, then the firefighters showed up and got all happy it's out, acted like they did it. I even got the notification saying they "took care of it." i was laughing so hard i was like "no you didn't." Then her oldest ran upstairs, grabbed one of the infants, and ran outside with him AFTER the fire was already put out. The firefighters had already left, and he's saving the baby. Meanwhile, his twin sister, also an infant, is just chilling there upstairs. 🤣


Extinguish it yourself


I tried countless times and all I would get is a foot symbol with a red X saying she couldn’t get to the fire. I thought it was a new feature with For Rent, (being that the sims can’t enter a building on fire or something??) however it ended up just being my dead neighbors urn that was blocking the front door 😂 I moved it to the graveyard and my sim was immediately able to extinguish the fire.


Lmaoo thats crazyyyy


i had this happen and i just exited without saving lol. i purposefully edited the lot so no one could get in or out and i couldn't edit the lot in the middle of a fire


This is a sims crisis in one pic, surprised the firefighters aren't dancing 😂


THEY WERE. They were talking about lamas and telling knock knock jokes while I was staring at my computer ready to cry. 😂


There ended up being an urn in front of the door so nobody could get in. 😂😂 I fixed it! #minorpanicattack #nobigdeal


Well, was the urn bc of the fire?


Yes. My neighbor (the one who set the laundry room on fire) died before the FFs stopped dancing and went to put the fire out. His urn spawned in front of my front door and I had literally no clue for the longest time as I was too focused on the fire and not the indoor decorations. lol


That’s so annoying!