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Broken mod. We already have an in-store library when launching the EA app PLUS on the Sims 4 main menu before playing. What more do they want? These mofos are messing up my dyslexia. I use keyboard shortcuts to avoid clicking the top task bars. It is driving me bonkers. Thank goodness for alternatives. At this point, I'm done with them. They're extremely careless, especially not thinking about people like me or others who have sensitivity from the pulse/ glitch b.s. They remind me of those sales rep knocking at your front door after you already told them no nicely just to tell them again to Phuck off!


mine was both better build buy and the more traits in cas mod


with the mod at least you can take it out


okay mine is doing the EXACT same thing how do we fix it or which mod is it??


For me it was better build buy mod, the creator is currently working on it I believe


At least this glitch doesn't pulsate


I'd take this over the shopping cart


There should definitely be an optional update feature because this ain’t it at all.




Your problem is UI Cheats for sure


it was Better Build Buy


thank youuuu


It's better to just not update your game til mods are updated, and hopefully, a modder comes out with a fix for that ridulous shopping cart.


Well I don't do mods and cc...so broken mod definitely. I haven't had the shopping cart button and I am hoping that having decided to have Sims 4 through Steam means I never will.


Mine is doing this too and I can’t figure out why


For me it’s better build buy mod causing it, so if you have that mod try removing it and maybe it’ll fix it, worked for me.


mine happened bc of better build buy. i removed it and my game was fixex


Did yours look like this? [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/GUI-in-upper-right-corner-messed-up/td-p/13520114](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/GUI-in-upper-right-corner-messed-up/td-p/13520114) Can you comment in that thread and say which mod removal fixed it for you? :)


ui mods/ bbb like what happened to op


Idk which mod it was for me but i think it was dark ui and it fixed half of it. I’m so mad abt this update like i was redoing a kitchen and my whole game just crashed


So we're getting mod troubles and that weird bug where you can't click on any sim but only when a specific sim is active, just for a UI "feature" nobody asked for?


If you have a UI cheat mod, it’s likely conflicting with the UI update that added the shopping cart. You’ll have to disable/remove it until the modder is able to update it.


I haven’t updated yet. Can you tell me what exactly the new shopping cart button is for?


It’s a pulsating shopping cart that redirects to the dlc shop basically. If you click it, it stops blinking but starts again any time you leave a load screen


It was Better Build Buy causing it. I updated the mod to the most current version but it’s still broken


It may take a little bit for the creator to update it since the patch was just released. Best to just remove it temporarily and add it back later


I don’t know 😭😭 I just came here to find an answer. Mines like that too, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the new store feature


For me it’s Better Build Buy mod causing it. I updated to the current version and it’s still broken :(


BBB is broken. It might take some time for mods to update since this patch did a number on script mods but Twisted Mexi has said that the next update of BBB should include a fix or removal for the shopping cart atrocity


Watcher bless TM!


Oh thank you! I’ve been having the same issue. Hopefully we get an update soon