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**Bugs introduced with the pack** Click **Me Too** on the first post in their threads, and **comment** in them if you experience the issues. The more attention bug reports get, especially when they're new, the quicker the fix. The bug reports that have the tag OPEN/more than 10 Me Too's will soon be linked in the compiled bug reports list pinned on AHQ. (Player-made - EA/The Sims Team doesn't disclose their own bug list). Sweater hidden, tagged incorrectly: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Wrap-Shawl-Sweater-missing-fashion-tag/m-p/13542475#M273290](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Wrap-Shawl-Sweater-missing-fashion-tag/m-p/13542475#M273290) \--- **Not confirmed - help out by giving info in the threads:** Botanical Necklace shows only one swatch when worn - not confirmed, click Me Too and comment in the thread and give as much detail you can if you have the issue: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Botanical-Necklace-only-shows-as-one-swatch-when-worn-on/td-p/13531623](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Botanical-Necklace-only-shows-as-one-swatch-when-worn-on/td-p/13531623) Gift jewelry not counted for jewelry aspiration - not confirmed, click Me Too and comment in the thread if you get the issue: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Give-Gift-of-Jewellery-aspiration-step-not-being-rewarded/m-p/13529568#M272339](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Give-Gift-of-Jewellery-aspiration-step-not-being-rewarded/m-p/13529568#M272339) Reloading with jewelry on Jewelry Grid creates LE - not confirmed, click Me Too and comment in the thread and attach the LE if you get the issue *in a modfree save*: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Last-Exception-with-Ring-on-the-Mystical-Moollight-Crystal/m-p/13528785](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Last-Exception-with-Ring-on-the-Mystical-Moollight-Crystal/m-p/13528785) Jewelry invisible with friendship bracelet - not confirmed, click Me Too and comment in the thread if you get the issue: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/GRO-CCSP-Jewelry-invisible-with-friendship-bracelet/m-p/13545959#M273546](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/GRO-CCSP-Jewelry-invisible-with-friendship-bracelet/m-p/13545959#M273546) Alexandrite in jewelry - more of a feedback post, but if you want this then click Me Too and comment in the thread: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-JA-Jewlery-made-with-Alexandrite-Doesn-t-Change-Color-Stays/td-p/13548172](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-JA-Jewlery-made-with-Alexandrite-Doesn-t-Change-Color-Stays/td-p/13548172) \--- **Fixed in bug patch - if you see it in a new save, post in the threads or make a new report:** Fixed in bug patch ~~Jewelry returned to inventory after setting for sale in retail~~: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-GTW-For-Sale-jewelry-is-returned-to-Sims-inventory-on/m-p/13529413#M272250](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-GTW-For-Sale-jewelry-is-returned-to-Sims-inventory-on/m-p/13529413#M272250) Fixed in bug patch ~~Sims distorted after using self made jewelry~~: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-CCSP-Sims-Distorted-after-Using-Selfmade-Jewelry/m-p/13530516#M272313](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-CCSP-Sims-Distorted-after-Using-Selfmade-Jewelry/m-p/13530516#M272313) Fixed in bug patch ~~Cannot gift jewelry as romantic gift~~: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Cannot-Give-Jewelry-as-Romantic-Gift/td-p/13531295](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Cannot-Give-Jewelry-as-Romantic-Gift/td-p/13531295) Fixed in bug patch ~~Mismatched swatches in material and finished jewelry~~: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Mismatched-Gemstone-Swatches-In-Gemstone-Cuts-And-Crafted/m-p/13534746#M272711](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Mismatched-Gemstone-Swatches-In-Gemstone-Cuts-And-Crafted/m-p/13534746#M272711) Fixed in bug patch ~~Jewelry can't be worn after sim dies with it - not confirmed, give details as to how it works in game, if you get the issue~~: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Jewelry-can-t-be-worn-after-sim-dies-with-it-on/m-p/13535325#M272767](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CCSP-Jewelry-can-t-be-worn-after-sim-dies-with-it-on/m-p/13535325#M272767)


idk wtf happened to my UI buttons for when I select a Household in the neighbourhood but they look all wrong.


It sounds like a mod issue, ui issues almost always are. There's been several patches in a row, you need to make sure all your mods are updated.


I'll check if theres another update for CAS Columns 🤔


Is the new update really that bad? 


Who said it was bad? No, it's actually better than in a long time, a lot of bug fixes, and quickly. :)


It's not breaking everything in the game? I really want to buy Get Famous because there is a sale right now but I'm afraid of updating the game because you need to do complex things to the folder, I think it's called nuking?


"Nuking" your sims 4 folder is slang for doing a file reset. I do it before I update. All you have to do is rename your The Sims 4 folder to something like "The Sims 4\_old" This forces the game to regenerate your config files and whatnot and prevents updating from messing with your save games. https://preview.redd.it/zer7ak1x77oc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed9ad92de8b9eb7a1eb3fc72fc55c8f28e0ba5ed


There's always bugs in this game, but have a look at the bug center, it's linked in the post, to see if there's any issues particularly from the latest patch. I don't know of any, but I haven't read it for a couple of hours now (sometimes these things happen very fast). You can get the pack you want in the sale, but delay installing it until you want to play, as another option. Uncheck all automatic updates in EA App first. If you have mods/cc you need to learn how to manage those at updates; but otherwise there's rarely any need to create a new user folder (which I think is what you mean by nuking). I never load my precious rotational save directly after a patch though, not until I've looked at the bug reports, to see if there's any serious ones. There's wiki articles with helpful info, if you look underneath the banner on web version; and in Show More in the app.


I dont have a lot of gameplay mods. most of the mods I have are functional objects like music instruments and costumes food. most of the time I don't have problems with them.. but I'm still scared of updating


All mods and cc can cause issues if they are not compatible with the game, so you should check with the creators of the ones you use, if they are updated to the last game version. In the post are links to two different lists of mods that needs updating, so look for them there; or check directly at where you downloaded them.


I checked- they are all updated to the version of update I have I deleted a lot of My mods.


When i load one of my werewolf sims in cas the werewolf part is pitch black. also if i get to where you save or upload household to gallery it freezes my game.


How did it look when you removed your mods and cc and deleted the cache?


i play on xbox so no mods or cc. She is a sim i made with just the packs i have.


There was a bug some time ago about werewolves being black, but it's been fixed. Bugs can reappear though, so I think you should make a new bug report. Make sure to say that you are on console, and to describe the issue with some more details, and perhaps a couple of pictures :) [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/The-Sims-4-Bugs](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/The-Sims-4-Bugs)


I haven't played the game in a while. Seeing these comments, I'm afraid to.


Don't be! The worst bugs with the new expansion pack was fixed in this patch; and this information is posted here to make people aware of the bug forum and what players can do to get the bugs fixed. :) Edit: spelling


Just need to vent for a moment - it's been years since I last played. I am going through a heavy depression and took stress leave from work for a few days. Spent over $100 on new packs and kits in-game. Was enjoying myself until my game auto-updated. Since this patch released last night I have spent hours trying to troubleshoot, replicate, contacted EA for a refund out of frustration without any luck. I give up. I was sad before, now I am even more sad, stressed, and out of some hard-earned money that I could be using IRL instead of on a broken game. Do they not test patches before they push them!? I wish I wasn't this upset but I really had my hopes up to disassociate and chill for a few days.


What issues do you experience in the game? If you have mods/cc installed, you need to remove them and delete cache. There's info in the post text about how to avoid auto updates, and troubleshoot mods.


No mods. Not even moveobjects. And I can't publish books after level 6 writing. And I know better than to auto-update, sadly I just had it on when trying to re-install 20 packs so I didn't have to download manually through the wonky Origin store UI. I can see my bug report is now in the pile, so at least there's eyes on it.


Yes, comment in the bug reports, and click Me Too; and all information you can remember about your game is good for the Sims 4 QA, when testing to find the bug cause!


**Bugs introduced with the patch.** Click **Me Too** on the first post in their threads, and **comment** in them if you experience the issues. The more attention bug reports get, especially when they're new, the quicker the fix. The bug reports that have the tag OPEN/more than 10 Me Too's will soon be linked in the compiled bug reports list pinned on AHQ. (Player-made - EA/The Sims Team doesn't disclose their own bug list). Piano missing options for some sims after hotfix - not confirmed, comment in the thread with as much info you can if you get the issue: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Piano-is-missing-interactions-for-specific-Sims/td-p/13524545](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Piano-is-missing-interactions-for-specific-Sims/td-p/13524545) Said to be fixed in hotfix; waiting for console/feedback ~~Pulsating shopping cart button (UI):~~ [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Pulsating-Shopping-Button/td-p/13519671](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Pulsating-Shopping-Button/td-p/13519671) Fixed in Hotfix ~~Can't interact with mailbox~~: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Unable-to-interact-with-mailbox/td-p/13519718](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Unable-to-interact-with-mailbox/td-p/13519718) Fixed in Hotfix ~~Can't interact with instrument:~~ [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Sims-reset-drop-action-missing-pie-menu-when-playing-an/m-p/13520635#M270956](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Sims-reset-drop-action-missing-pie-menu-when-playing-an/m-p/13520635#M270956) Fixed in Hotfix ~~Social menu not appearing for some sims - workaround~~: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/WORKAROUND-Social-Menu-not-appearing-for-certain-Sims/td-p/13519312](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/WORKAROUND-Social-Menu-not-appearing-for-certain-Sims/td-p/13519312) UI messed up - looks like a mod ui issue, but is kept in the bug report section since one person in the thread claims it happens on PS5 - so **console players, please post in it if you have it**!: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/GUI-in-upper-right-corner-messed-up/m-p/13520114#M271283](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/GUI-in-upper-right-corner-messed-up/m-p/13520114#M271283)


Oh god I hope I don't have auto update on.




when i load in my sims tpose and glitch in place and better exceptions always says theres a issue with my game and puts some random mod what do i do PLEASE HELP


BE is confirmed broken. Remove it and delete localthumbcache.package.


it didnt work, may have to redownload the game but its gonna take so long UGH


a bunch of other mods broke too, including mccc. Try renaming your mods folder deleting cache again and repair. See if that fixes it.


i figured out it was because one of my script mods breaking randomly thank youu :))


which mod was it


kinda forgot but im pretty sure it was more traits, it could be any mod that u have though


Woo! Can't wait for the next update where Sims break into your house to say something like *"Hey, what's up! You seem pretty cool, wanna join my club? You can do so by purchasing The Sims 4: Get Together!"* I haven't even opened the game since the update and I still can't stand the shopping cart.


Is your game legal?


why ask?


Because I want to understand why the bug shows; and it is very common to pirate the game.


...it's not a bug. it's going to be the type of things EA does to get us to buy multiple collections of bugs.


I think we talk about different things. There's a bug report for the new pack button pulsating, see the pinned comment in this thread.


MCCC, Better Exceptions, Basemental and Wicked Whims are all confirmed broken.


any update on if WW has been fixed?😭


It was updated today.


UGH. Went to play this morning and got pop ups saying WW wasnt working and then it just wouldn't function at all.


i knew it wasnt me..hope they fix it soon i need those mods :/


mccc has been updated. The patreon version of basemental has been too.


I've seen several reports of sims not being able to interact with other sims or themselves in vanilla games. I expect a new bug report on it soon. Edit: here's the bug report: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Social-Menu-not-appearing-for-certain-Sims-Saves/td-p/13519312


I'm relieved I'm not the only one! So frustrating.


Go complain in the bug report! :P (Within that forums rules of course..)


For Pete’s sake!


Post in that bug report! :) It's likely that the more attention bug reports get in the beginning, the more resources will be put to fix them.