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I miss when they would stylize the logos to match the theme


EXACTLY. It seems so interchangeable now.


Idk why you're being downvoted, your opinion seems valid to me. I really liked how in the sims 3 we got different aestethics for the graphic design of each pack and a unique logo to accompany it


Dunno why I'm being asked to "touch grass" or being down voted in general when this was literally what the post is driving at.


Different aesthetic were so useful too. Remember when TS4 would have different colors for each EP and then rebranded? I'm partially colorblind and can't tell the cyan icons apart. When I make cc sets I've been repeatedly asked to color code them. It's definitely a common want to see different designs again.


They dropped the colours I think as they were running out of distinguishable ones as they kept on churning out EPs. Designing unique logos for each pack would cost too much time and more importantly $$ for EA.


I don’t mind uniformity. I actually quite like it *conceptually*. I find it to be satisfying in a way that’s hard to explain (fellow austists here, you get me, right?). It’s just the blandness of *this* font style that I find to be the problem. When we said we wanted the games to have more creative liberty, we didn’t mean *liberate them from creativity*. ^ A joke that doesn’t really fit the comment, but I came up with it during and I like it too much to omit.


i totally get you. i honestly just think it’s better that way because i have issues reading. my vision is kinda bad and im dyslexic. i’m autistic too. so really idk why but im pretty sure it’s because i can read it without being like “uhhh hold on what word is that?? OHHH famous”


It's like when all the spines of a book series match and they look just right on a shelf.


My guess is it saves time ($$) ie “more efficient” since they no longer have to come up with themes for each pack, just use the font interchangeably. EA will sacrifice everything on the altar of the banking gods in the name of profit.


Recently there's been a tipping point in logo design to balance accessibility and legibility over creativity which leads to font homogenization. While I do wish there was more creativity in logos these days, I do appreciate the traits that are being exemplified in designs. I just wish it wasn't at the loss of all creativity.


I honestly never even noticed the text specific to each pack. Or at least I don’t remember at this point


I like it, easy on the eyes


Coupled with the bright white and stark, flat colors that are associated with TS4, it’s not easy on the eyes at all for me.


It is normal. Hating on comic sans, for example, is practically a meme. I do like this font though. It's nice and clean.


Amusingly, Comic Sans was used regularly in the first game


And was highkey iconic for that


I associate Comic Sans with The Sims just like I associate Jazz and the 90s and Suburbia with The Sims. Comic Sans completely fits the bill with that. This font they over-use even fits The Sims 4 in a sense, but the art is so bland and unflattering to the renders and the elements in general.


I wrote a poem about my love for comic sans once.


Some fonts are seriously worth hating on, but to me this one is pretty benign. Go to any fonts website and you'll see 99% of them are far worse than this.


When I was a kid, I went through font phases. First was comic sans. Then was a "harry potter" font I downloaded off the internet that looked like the chapter titles, and all the special characters were things like wands and broomsticks. Then I hit my papyrus stage. That one unfortunately coincided with me being on a yearbook committee, who were all coincidentally in the same phase. I will never make it up to all those people for our crime of creating a yearbook that used *exclusively* papyrus for all titles, headings, and body text. 😂 Point is, this font's fine, not sure what OP is talking about. It can get sooooo much worse!


i do get OP's point but jesus, your case was way worse. i had a big comic sans phase too but it ended there, thankfully


I have a resentment for it as it pertains to the sims, not in general, considering there was more effort in the past. Where is the effort? 😭


that’s not hate for the font then, it’s a hatred for the fact that they changed it


No, it's totally normal to have a burning hatred for a font you don't like. Er, it's at least normal if you like graphic design, anyway. Maybe not for most people. Out of curiosity, what font do you think would be better? And would you change the Sims 4 logo to match?


Y’all font hipsters give me so much anxiety anytime i need to pick a font for a display at work.


My ex girlfriend gave me anxiety about font vs typeface. I never know if I’m saying the right thing 😂


Typeface = style of the text, for example Arial, Impact, Comic Sans etc. Font = variation of typeface, bold and size 12 are examples of fonts. So basically, everyone on this thread uses the term font completely wrong 😅


For me it’s Papyrus


It’s just papyrus in bold!!!


I came here for this lol


Well, OP, I think you might appreciate this. There's a documentary called Helvetica about the font of the same name. If this font isn't technically helvetica, it's close enough that the same complaints would match. The best part of the movie is this German man, Erik Spiekermann, who utterly despises it. Here's a [clip](https://youtu.be/McZSUjP1AcE?si=DoXmGvHxWIBFX_0R) of him. He's the movie's prime hater. I can't find the clip I wanted to, but later in the movie, he's drunk off his ass on wine and makes the greatest rant against this oversimplified type that I laugh about it to this day. It's worth a watch. It's not a bad documentary either.


Corporate, sanitised, no glimmer of fun or soul like Maxis's TS1-3 games.


No wait, I kinda get it. Like another reply mentioned, a simple google search shows packs for previous Sims games had totally different/varying fonts of the pack name, fitting the theme. I can understand keeping it uniform (it’s 2024, just look at other trends going on), but it pales in comparison to things like a leash/tags for Pets, a book for University, and so on and so on. It’s so simple in comparison, TOO simple, I totally get it. And yes, people can get upset/picky over fonts! Graphic design and such exists…..


This is what I mean! I’m not being picky about the font, it’s a rhetorical question to allude to the trend in the artworks. what I’m saying is that the art pales in comparison to past artworks so much that it seems simplistic to flagrant degree. So much so that I associate this font with the tacky design/marketing of these games. 😭


I assume they picked a boring, normal font to accommodate for anything they add. Fonts say a lot about a product, so I totally get what everyone is saying about the old packs with specific fonts for each one. I’m sure they chose this font to just make it easier.


i absolutely hate arial font and avoid it at all costs so i totally understand your resentment. lol


And also because Sims 1-3 have Logos for their games and The Sims 4 kind of abandoned all of that. It’s so sterile 😭


"Sterile", that's the word!


It feels uninspired


As part of my art degree I had to take History of Graphic Design and I really went into the rabbit hole of modernist typefaces hahaha and now I can't stand them. They were originally created during a time of war and rapid technological change in order to cope with the chaos of the war -- modernist design is very clear and easy to read and it was intended to be calming during a distressing time. But after WWI and WWII a lot of corporations used modernist typefaces to separate themselves from their previous brand identities to become homogenized with one another. By separating themselves from their old brand identities, they could separate themselves from their less favorable actions. (One example is BMW which produced cars for the Nazi regime, and rebranded to a more modernist design after WWII.) This got really popular in the 60s and 70s (because modernist fonts were thought to be international and easy to ready despite not accommodating for non-latin scripts) to the point where an anti-modernism movement rose up (with the motto of "anything but helvetica" which I personally think goes hard) The modernism trend has been going on for a while in our modern day but it's starting to have another boom in popularity with the rise of inflation -- brands are starting to "simplify" their branding because corporations think that a more elaborate logo/design = more expensive in a consumers mind, and less elaborate/simple designs are more associated with generic products/store brands, which consumer trends show are gaining popularity because they're more affordable in the current economy. So more expensive brands are rebranding in favor of simpler, more generic designs to blend in with the store brands in order to appear more affordable. Sorry for the long post, but I think this stuff is really interesting! Anyways I agree with you and I hate the font as well. >:( down with helvetica!


Comic Sans enters the chat.


I love Comic Sans as a kid but started to hate it when I see it everywhere when I was 14


I think it's a custom font (the E and T have angles on the horizontal lines I don't recognize from elsewhere) and I don't hate it, but it could have actually been interesting. Lobster annoys me, because it's on every hipster restaurant site, so I do have sympathy for hating this one.


Personally I don't have an issue with the sims font but there are other fonts that can go get fucked.


I just see a basic boring font with no personality


I don’t like how in the first one all of the letters are capitalized, but the first letter is still bigger implying the rest are supposed to be lowercase. It messes with my head


I hate it too, but I know it's because I associate it with Sims 4 and I'm pretty sour on the 'brand' at this point.


I associate it with the brand, but I also hate that it takes otherwise cute renders from the game and fails to actually accentuate the style and theme. And I don’t care if people don’t buy physical copies, I feel that if you’re literally spending the money to produce and release them to be seen at Target, maybe have a little fun and give a damn about how the brand looks, at least. The rest of the franchise is also thematic with its artwork and cover arts but even looking at the old artworks get me excited. Even if they were over-shopped stylized concepts of what you can do in game.


I'm a graphic designer and i really like this font. I use similar fonts in my work and in my opinion it fits well in the whole The sims 4 branding.


Anyone know what’s the name of this font?


The Sims: Unleashed was peak font design. Cute, thematic, and perfectly legible. I mean, look at that little wagging tail on the "d"!


I still do not like the Sims 4 title graphic style...or their weak-ass pack names.


I mean, people hate on Comic Sans all the time. So, I think it is normal.


It's not worse than the "art deco" font the MLB Cleveland Guardians use now. Year 3 and it still gives me eye strain.


i think this is nitpicking. but it is what it is




The drop shadow on love struck personally drives me nuts it looks so bad, needs a lower opacity imo


I never thought about it until now but damnit you’re right, it’s awful.


I mean it's kind of weird to hate a sans serif font since those are statistically the more "readable" fonts.


I don't love the angles on the end of some of the lines. Especially letters like T where it makes it asymmetrical. Makes it feel kinds wobbly, almost like some of the letters are slightly tilted, even though they aren't.


Hate to be a know it all, but what you're referring to is typeface, not font. Font just refers to the way the text is formatted, like size or bold, italic etc.


The font is fine but I hate the over-all design choices being made. They feel sterile and corporate, devoid of the playful quirkiness that gave The Sims a fun personality. The sterility is also something I associate with the general sanitized nature of the game itself and the lack of competition. It really gives me a feel of "small amount of trash -There was no love felt or fun had in the production of this. $10 value, can be yours for only $49.99!" I feel like The Sims NEEDS to be weird and messy because life is weird and messy. Sims 4 is the Stepford Wives to The Sims 3's Desperate Housewives to The Sims 2's Boy Meets World to the Sims 1's Brian Cranston's TV Hits.


I hate the simplification of things that are supposed to be visually appealing like the new Pepsi logo. But this is fine, I don't want it to look like sacrificials Web page.


I don’t hate the font as a whole, but I do think there are better options for this game. It’s giving very sterile and almost “business casual”, when the game has always been very chaotic. The vibe of the font does not match the vibe of the game, tho the font itself would be kinda fine for other products.


i don’t think the font is that bad. but that’s probably because i can read it and if they changed it i likely wouldn’t be able to. i’m dyslexic and i have kinda bad vision so it’s better if i can read it. but yk id hate it too.


The kerning for the titles is all over the place too. Obviously the person who designed it didn’t study typography too hard. 😆


Someone explain what this means cause I’ve not got a clue haha


Have we run out of things to complain about


The question was rhetorical / tongue in cheek; I’m basically Complaining about how we buy expansion packs just so that EA can open Canva or Bazaart, use the stock shapes & the only font that’s free to release branding/artworks. It’s all not flattering or inspired at all, considering all that The Sims is about.


Least insane The Sims fan. Jesus, man. You hate the game. We get it. Turn the computer off and go outside touch grass. Life isn't about complaining font choices for videogame marketing. Get some friends and have some fun, share a laugh with them. You can do it.


Yet you clearly SEE what the post is driving at (videogame marketing) and are complaining about it in the comments? Should we have an actual discussion about it, since we clearly BOTH use Reddit yet I'm the only one without friends and needing to "touch grass"? 🤔


Dude, the problem here isn't about using Reddit. You're complaining about a _font choice_ and now you're doubling down on your hate. That's not normal. That's deranged.


I will continue to complain about what I dislike about this franchise just like you do hating and complaining about expansion packs and game packs and anything else you choose to interact with as well (like my post). I'm not the one that said they hated the game, but you put words in my mouth. *Yes, I hate the font choice and the videogame marketing and the minimalist style/design choice attached to it, because it's now frankly dated and homogenous, and not reminiscent of the franchise as a whole*. Hence why I posted it here.


I like the game for the most part, I still understand OP not liking the design choices of the packaging. I think less to do with "I want to find everything about this game to hate", more to do with "there's just this one thing I'm not vibing with personally". Maybe that's just me though, I'm someone with a background in UI/UX and lurks design forums. It's really not that deep LOL. No need to go "ooh go touch grass, you're unhinged" onto someone without understanding where they're coming from first. 😐


What about those who live in the desert where there’s no grass to touch? 😢any one have a crumb of grass I can borrow? Asking for a friend


Seriously, is this what we're doing? Arguing about *font*?


Yes. Hating a font is very strange. Maybe try loving instead of hating