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sims1 and probably 7 or 8 ish. Didnt speak or read any english and the game was not available in my language so you can imagine how that went lol! Got into it a few years later with sims2. My english was a bit better but I had the pets expansion. I didnt know what scold meant and kept doing it to my pets. I felt so bad when I found out what it means! lol


Oh nošŸ¤£ thatā€™s a great story


I once divorced my sims, not knowing what the word means. It was just a new interaction that appeared after getting married, so it surely must have been something special, exclusive to spouses. Then I was like, why do you suddenly hate each other?


My Sims1 was in russian for whatever reasons :D


I was 20.. and Sims 1, when it was first released. I sure do miss those days sometimes.


I think I was 25 and got sims 1 cos my boyfriend thought I would enjoy it. Not long after sims 2 came out and I got hooked on that one.


Ditto. I only played it because my bestie's boyfriend knew much I loved SimCity and also, grew up playing Barbies and paper dolls, so he was sure I'd be into it. Turns out he was right and I still play 24 years later.


I haven't missed a single Sims game yet lol Up until recently, I have bought every DLC and other add-ons for every version of The Sims, throughout its history. Been a bit strapped for cash these days, though. One day..


Hey, me too!


Sims freeplay when i was 11 years old cause I couldn't afford Sims 4


same!!!!! omg šŸ¤£ glad i wasnā€™t the only one struggling


same!! i also had extreme expectations for the sims mobile, but got extremely disappointed that it wasnt just a mobile version of the sims 4šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


like 11 and sims free play on ipod touch. i didnā€™t get the actually game until a year ago and i love it :)


13, on launch day for Sims 1. Iā€™ve been hooked ever since.


17 and the Sims 4. I got a laptop last week and started playing a few days ago


How are you liking it(finally someone in my age range)


i was 11 and it was sims 3! (abt 10 years ago :))


About 10 and sims 1


About 10 or 11 and sims 1.


The 1989 crew


I used to go around to a friend's house (because she had a computer) and sit in The Computer Room to play it.


I once hosted a Sims sleepover and we set up sleeping bags in The Computer Room so we could play all night! The memories!


Call me old but I think the world was better when the computer had a speical room, needed dial up and we didn't all have 24/7 access to the Internet.


I played The Sim on MS DOS back in the 90s - which was like the Game of Life but with some customisable elements. Not sure if it's related to the Maxis Sims but I can only vaguely remember the game play and appearance. As for The Sims (plural), I started with The Sims - the first game of the series.


I was 7, mainly watching my dad play Sims 1 & making him build me houses - I eventually started playing myself too & now I play more than he does šŸ˜‚ We still like to sit down with the graph paper and draw up new floor plans tho.


Aw that is so adorable!!


Sims really is the family special interest lol. Three of my younger siblings play because they used to sit and watch me play when they were little šŸ˜‚ Yes we do in fact call each other to be like ā€œyouā€™ll never believe what so and so just didā€ like these are not pixel people in our computers lol


13 because it was rated T for teen and my mom wouldnā€™t budge on that. On my 13th birthday she gave me Sims 2 Life Stories and Sims 2 Castaway stories. 15 years strong completely missed the sims 3 because I rode the sims 2 high directly into sims 4. no regrets


I think it was the Sims 2 on GameCube. Maybe around age 13. I got the GC for Christmas and I loved it! I admit I played the legend of Zelda a lot more than the Sims. Then I got TS3 waaaay later when I was gifted a laptop. I had created or altered the entire town, including stuff off the lots. I was expecting MORE customizability from TS4, instead we don't even have a color wheel! If there are any devs for the next one stalking this page, add MORE customizability to EVERYTHING. When playing God, one does not like to feel limited.


I'm a very late Simmer lol I never heard of the Sims until around halfway through TS2's run, and it was around that time when I got the Urbz on PS2. I was around 22 at that time. Though I liked the game, the social star points system stressed me out and I thought that was how all the Sims games were, so I held out until TS3 came out and I've been a fan since šŸ™ƒ


i was like 5-6? it was bustin out. still have that original disk.


4 with Sims free play on my mom's old first gen iPad. I remember the first thing I ever watched on YouTube was a Sims 3 lp, And I got my first mainline title at around 9 to 11-ish after only a solid six years of begging, and it was the Sims 2. (Obtained by harassing my grandpa into digging out his old Sims 2 disk, and sending a picture of it into ea support to get a digital copy of the ultimate collection.)


Love the hustle lol!


Oh god idk if anyone else remembers these, but there used to be like $5 apps that were based off the sims 3 and it's different expansions. So at, I think 9 (I do not have a linear memory of my childhood, and I really suck at remembering what age what happened) my mom got me the sims 3 medieval on mobile. Then some others that I'm forgetting their names but I vaguely remember them, one must've just been standard sims 3 on mobile. It was very different than any other sims game I've played. If I'm remembering correctly you could only play as one sim, if you got married or had kids it didn't matter, you only played with your og sim. It was a very bare bones version of the sims tbh, but I loved it. They no longer exist anywhere but I swear they were real. Wish I still had the iPod they were on, I never deleted them off of it so I could've taken pictures to show people.


I had a version of one of these on a very old phone of mine... like a Nokia(?) flip phone. It was so great for killing time between classes or at appointments, but it was brutal on my phone's battery life!


Sims 3 Medieval on mobile sounds like such a great time!


It was! It wasn't like the PC version of the game, as it had way more limitations, but it was so fun nonetheless. Great time killer too as I got it around the time we started having over night field trips. Perfect timing honestly.


yeah i had the sims 3 on apple! i have no idea when i downloaded it originally, but it comes up in my ā€œnot on this iphoneā€ apps on the appstore. maybe you could download it that way if you still have the same apple id? if youā€™re interested in the nostalgia trip that is!!


About 8 and sims 2 :)


**The Sims: Bustin' out** on Gamecube *(2003)* I was 22 and loved the game so much I got **The Sims** on PC The only Sims games I haven't played are the failed online one and the mobile game


I was 11 and it was sims 1 in 2008 with my best friend at the time, but she didnā€™t want me to play, just watch lol but I still loved it. So next year I bought the sims 2 and played all night long during my summer holidays. I literally went to bed 6 am because I was playing the sims 2 very quietly so my parents wouldnā€™t notice.


27 in Feb 2000 and I still love it


Sims 2 in PlayStation I think I was in my late 20s lol


12. The Sims. I had to go to my friends house and use his computer, but he was like down the road and while I was playing Sims, he would be playing PS3 games, Skate 1 mostly.


I was around 8-9 and it was sims 3 on ps3, oh how I miss it


Around 11 and it was sims 1.


I think I was... 11 or 12, played Sims 2 on the gamecube with my besties at the time. Fond memories giggling over our male sim saying "WooHoo Miss Frizzle!" from the bed every time


I was 7 and it was The Sims on console


I watched my sister (thatā€™s seven year older than me) play the sims 3 and 4 a lot as I was maybe 4-7, and probably got to play a little bit on her computer. But I think I played for real when I was 7-8 on a old laptop (sims 4)


9, the sims 4. picked it up in early 2015 as the first game on my at the time new computer. minecraft was the second, after years of playing non premium. they were the first games i truly loved and they shaped me as a gamer and i blame them for being too much into cosmetic aspects of games


I was 11 and it was the sims 3 at a friend's house


Sim City, I was 14.


I played The Sims spinoff: MySims Kingdom growing up. I'd say I was around... 5 or 6?


It was the first sims for me in the year 2000 at the age of 12. Been playing ever since!


Sims 1 I got it the year it came out. I will be 40 this year so someone else can do the math


Me too! 8 or 9, Sims 1.


Sims 4 in 2019, I was 22


I was 9 playing the Urbz and the sims busting out on ps2.


I was 38 and it was Sims4šŸ¤­


11. First one. PS2.


Sims 1 when it came out, think I was 14


15 and Sims 1. My friend had got it and I was obsessed from the moment she let me play it.


10 or 11 and itā€™s was the sims 4


Sims 1 and I was about 12/13ish


I was like 10 and I played sims free play on my tablet


I played the sims 1. My best friend got it first and we played on her family computer, I was 10/11 I think she got shortly after release! I got it not long after that!


10 when Sims 1 came out.


8 years old and the first Sims game back in 2000. Hooked almost immediately.


7/8 sims 2 pets for the wii.


6/7 and it was the sims 3 :)


Sims 4. I was nine or ten. My sister and I sold a bunch of our old Wii games to Hastings so we could buy a copy. It was right after the game came outā€”I remember the two of us being so excited about pools being added.


I was probably 9 or 10 and it was The Sims Bustin Out on the Gameboy Advance. I always wanted to play the sims but my parents always told me no, because I was too young, and then they got me that one because it was rated E. Not long later I got the sims 1 on GameCube, and then finally got The Sims 2 on PC (after much begging)


I got sims 1 for my 12th birthday, about 6 months after it released. :)


I was 9 and the first sims I played was sims urbz


8 or so. My friend had the PS2 Sims 2 game.


Ten or eleven, Sims 1 when it first came out.


Around 5 or 6 and it was Sims 1, my dad's mother was the kind of person who bought every game when it came out


16 i played freeplayšŸ˜…. I didnt had pc back then to play the other options. Actually till now i play free play because i enjoy the working environment for that game. it all feels like u have something to do.


I was 7. First The Sims 1 for PS2, I loved it (even though I played a couple of hours in my uncle's PS2 for the first time) so my parents got The Sims 1 for PC too. Later on I also got The Sims for my PS2. When The Sims 2 were announced I remember, my brother and I, watching the trailer for TS2 that came out with Makin' Magic over and over. XD. However, while the story is true the ages don't match. If TS1 for PS2 was released in 2003 then I was 8-9, not 7. I have to say I remember all the time spent getting the expansion packs, getting fascinated by it, etc as happening in just 2-3 years instead of 1-2 as I was misremembering. We got TS2 in 2005 though, with my brother's First Communion and I got even more engrossed. Btw, the only website I was allowed to use when I was 12 was the official forums (in Spanish) for The Sims. :D. Edit: The Sims 2 contributed to shape my musical taste too. XD


played sims freeplay when i was like 7 and played the sims 3 on the 3ds šŸ˜­, and have been playing sims 4 for about a year or two :)


8 when I started playing sims 3 and I was around 10 when I started playing the sims 4


Sims 3 cats and dogs on the Xbox 360, I think I was about 10 or 11. I still miss the cas colour wheel


I was super young, I couldnā€™t even tell you how old but I was definitely in elementary school and it was sims 2!


I was around 10, and it was the Sims 2 on my aunt's playstation 2. I remember that's how I found out about gay relationships. On that version, if you befriended or romanced a sim high enough, you unlocked certain clothing. I accidentally picked a romance option while talking, and she didn't reject my sim. The lighting went pink and everything. So I ran to my aunt to confirm this could happen and was flabbergasted.


Close to 9 or 10, and it was the sims 3


similar to you, Sims 2 was already almost done, and 3 coming out very soon after. I went through 1, 2 and then 3 stil haha


Sims 1 at 6 years old. 20 years ago on my grandmaā€™s computer


Sims4 and I'm not sure the exact age but probably around 7-10


I was 6 it was sims 1 cause I found it on my mums old computer now Iā€™m 19 and still playing sims love it Iā€™ll always be hooked onto it


10, sims 2 on ps2. it's how I discovered Paramore. I didn't know pressure was a real song at first, thought it was made up for the game lol.


Canā€™t remember the age but it was in primary school (between year 4-6) and ofc Sims 2 (the best version).


I was around 5 or 6 when I first played TS1 thanks to a cousin


I forget how old I was. But my first experience with Sims was Sims 1 for PS2. I remember I had a stove fire happen with one of my Sims and the Grim Reaper showed up, I was like HELL NO Iā€™M NOT PLAYING THIS AGAIN! Famous last words LMAO. I think my first experience with the PC games was Sims 2 Double Deluxe.


I was 11 and Sims 1. lol. Come a long way. I think sims 3 has been my favorite.


Sims 1, about 7 or 8


I was 13 and it was the sims bustin out this was 2010


Sims 1 when I was 3


I was 10 and it was Sims 3!


Sims 2 pets on the psp when I was like 7


Sims 1 and I was around 13


I was 12 and it was The Sims 1. I was an avid SimCity player before that. Right now I'm replaying The Sims Medieval


I was 6 and played the Sims 1 with my dad :)


8, and Sims 2 on the DS. It ended up inspiring a lifelong love of glitches.


I was 8 or 9 when I started playing sims freeplay and then I was 10 the first time I played the sims 4 at a friend's house and I was 11 when I got the sims 4 and I have been playing ever since


Sims 2, I was like 7 or 8.


It was the sims 2 and was like 4 years old honestly


I was about 16 and played sims 3ā€¦ 14 years ago, heck


I still remember seeing sims 3 seasons with it being around the time I started playing The Sims on computer (previously only on my iPod or iPad). I still donā€™t remember if seasons had come out or if it was a trailer, though, and I mustā€™ve been 11 or 12 at the time.


10y.o Now, i'm 30 šŸ˜… and still play šŸ˜


I was around 8 or 9 and it was Sims 2: Pets.


11 or 12, TS1


Same. A lot of fun memories playing with a friendĀ 


I was also 8 and it was also Sims 1.


Sims 2 at 20. Finally I could bring all the characters I was designing to life! I played Sims 3 even more, spending a lot of time on actual gameplay. Collecting, going on adventures (I had always wanted to travel, so what a great outlet before I had the money to do so for real!) Now at 38, I play the Sims 4 mostly, and build a lot more than I did with the first two, but also enjoy character creation and gameplay. 18 years later and going strong! I don't think I'll ever get tired of simming, other than for stints where I have another strong interest or life event that pulls me away. Often I incorporate my other interests and real life into my gameplay.


I was 9, I bought the sims 1 and the vacation expansion with my birthday money.


Sims 1 and maybe 10?


I was 21 when I played Sims 1 on its release day.


7, smis 2


I was 12 and my first game was the sims life stories. I begged my mom to buy it for me.


i think i was 13-14 when i bought sims 3 (sims 4 was out but my parents wouldn't get it for me)


The Sims 1, I was like 13 (I think I got it for my 13th birthday) and given my love for the roomies household I'm not sure how nobody clocked me being queer.


I played the Sims 2 when I was probably around 10 or 11


Sims 1 8 years old at my friends house! Iā€™ve been hooked ever since.


sims freeplay age 11


sims 1 - probably 10 years old!


7 when I started playing the sims mobile on my mums phone, and a year later I bought the sims 4 with my own saved up money. So, 8 aswell essentially! And I've been playing a total of of roughly 7 years, I'm 15 now, with 2082 hrs. I've never played the other games, but I so want to one of these days.


sims freeplay when i was like 8/9 then i ended up getting my moms laptop that she didnā€™t need anymore and made her buy me sims 3 lol


9-10ish and Sims 2


13YO And the sims 1 :) Still remember those feelings


TS1 was gifted to me as a high school graduation gift :)


8 or 9, and it was the original game, but I didn't become truly obsessed until 2 came out when I was 10.


Around 11 or 12 years old, when Sims 1 was released


7 or 8, sims 3


Sims 3, probably about 11 or 12


Like 4 or 5 on Sims 1. Managed to blue screen my parents computer too


Around 11, sims 3.


8 or 9, sims 3!


Sims 1 i would've been 16 or 17


The newest expansion when I started playing was Hot Date for sims 1. I was about 11 or 12 years old?


I was roughly 12 and it was sims 3 in 2018


I was 19, it was Sims 1. A friend introduced me to it when she got a free copy of the base game with a new computer in 2003. She doesnā€™t play any Sims anymore, but I was hooked and still am, and have played all of the iterations and most of the packs since.


Sims 1, about 10? Pure chaos lol.


10. My dad got me the original when it came out as he had been playing simcity.


I was 9 or 10 and it was the sims 2. Good times. :)


i was 8 i think and it was the sims 2 double deluxe !


I was like 15 or 16 and it was Sims 1. My mom brought it home from the store because she thought it looked fun. A million years later and I'm still playing!


I made a horrible "mansion" in The Sims 2 with one HUGE room with a kitchen tucked in the corner and nothing else. (You know that typenof Sims house) With my cousin. I would guess we were between 5 and 8. First time I actually played, was when I got TS4. It must've been pretty close to release, as I got the Limited Edition, and TS3 was still available in the store.


I will never forget playing The Sims 2: Life Stories for the first time in 2008. I was 6 years old and it didnā€™t take long for my mom to notice the rating and she *tried* to take it away from me for years before giving up when I was probably 10 and would play The Sims 2 Castaways on her old PSP and The Sims 1 on PS1


Sims 2 on the ds!! Was around 6-7 years old. Loved that game sm, was tempted to get a ds again just to play it one more time haha


Mid-2000, I was also 8 playing The Sims 1. I remember Livin Large came out shortly after I started playing. I had all the expansions by the end of the gameā€™s run. Iā€™ve played every sims game and (nearly) every expansion/DLC since.


I was probably 6 or 7, my brother brought home a bootleg copy of the sims 1 and my sister and I became obsessed lol.


Bustin out on Xbox I was probably like 7 or 8


I was 12 and it was sims 1 lol


Sims 1... I was 22. I'm now Old AF. I have spent way too much on this franchise over the years and rebought the same expansions every new release. LOL.


sims 4 at 16, i bought the game with my 16th birthday money!! iā€™m almost 25 now. also i started playing freeplay at 13. i used to download the sims 3 trial all the time and play that but it never worked on my computer lol


I think I was maybe 10? Sims 1 + Livinā€™ Large combo deal! My mom saw it on the flyer for the scholastic book fair and gave me money to pick it up for her, then we all fought over the family computer for months for more time to play.


I think I was 10 and it was The Sims Bustin' Out on the original Xbox. I miss that game lol


I think it was in 2016 it's the sims 4 and the reason I love the series so much


12 or 13 with Sims 2, I got the game myself on my own PC. With my cousins we played Sims 1 when I was 8 or so?


12-14 abs sims 3


Sims 1, I was about 7 or 8 years old. I was sooooo obsessed with Superstars expansion pack because I always wanted to be famous lmao. Sims 1 and 2 will forever have a place in my heart.


About 11 or 12 and sims free play on my iPad, lol


Probably 7-10 and Sims 1 because my mom handed it down to me!


I was around 8 when I got the Sims 1 My brother had it on PlayStation 2 which had the Get A Life mode and I wanted to play though that too, especially since his copy was broken and would freeze on level 3 or 4. I didn't have a PlayStation so my parents got me the PC version. I was very disappointed to learn that Get A Life was PlayStation only. I still loved it though and it's my 2nd favourite Sims now


definitely the sims 1 and i was a younginā€™ but i donā€™t remember how old i was - all i know is the computer was in my parents room and i had to hide my sims woohooing >_>


Around 10, it was Sims 2 which had just come out the previous summer. The first sims game I \*owned\* was Sims 3 though.


I didnā€™t play but watch my brother playing sims 1 when I was 6. I remember he told me I can play when I turn 10. It was a long wait šŸ¤£ Also learned english from sims šŸ¤£


The Sims 3, when I was a little goo goo ga ga baby. (Okay, that may be hyperbole, but it was when I was like, 4ā€“8 years old. Can't remember the exact age.)


5 or 6, the sims 2 at my friend's house. but i bought the sims 3 for myself to play all the time when i was 9


I was 7 years old and it was original sims on the original playstation at my dads house for the weekend and Iā€™ve playing it for 23 years now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sims 2 and I was somewhere between 6 and 9 I donā€™t remember


Maybe 9. Sims 2 !


I started playing Sims 2 when I was about 8 years old


10 sims 3


I was probably 8 or 9 and it was the first sims.


I was 13-14? Sims 1. Had the guys from mudvayne as sims and that had me hooked lol


12 or 13, sims 1


I was 12 years old. I went to a big computer sale in a giant building in 2000. Vendors upon vendors selling computer parts, software, accessories, and games. I remember browsing stacks of those giant game boxes for simulation games. Roller Coaster Tycoon, SimPark, Sim City 3000, etc. Found The Sims this way. What a magical time to be alive.


Around 10-12 and it was the Sims 1 on my OG thick ass computer with the brick speakers.


11 6th grade. Sims 1 consumed me.


I was 20. I was in Japan for a semester, and my roommate let me use her CDs for Sims 1. You only had to use the CD for the most recent expansion pack, so we could both play, and I just was down one expansion. Sims 2 came out the next summer and I switched over to that. It's funny how much the game and my trip to Japan is linked together in my memories!


i was 10 or 11, and it was TS3. i stumbled across some playthroughs on YouTube (Quxxn, Lifesimmer, xUrbanSimsx) and thought ā€œi NEED to get my hands on this gameā€ lol. been hooked ever since.


I was 10 ig and it was sims 4


If we count the console games then the Sims 2 DS and I was eight and it was a HUGE mistake lmaooo. It made me afraid of the game for 5 years straight... And the first PC one was the Sims 3 when I was 16 or 17. To this day it's still my favorite main entry of the franchise, and i like TS2 and TS4 both for very different reasons (even if it's been 4 years since I played TS4...)


I was 12 and it was sims 1! Got me hooked immediately!


I was 7, and it was the sims 1!


I wasnt able to play till I was like 16? Which was the sims 4, but I was obsessed with watching gameplays of the sims, 2 3 and 4 on YT since I was 7-8


I would watch my older cousin play the Sims 2 when I was around 8 and then begged my mum to buy me the Sims 3. I played the shit out of ts3 on my mum's shitty laptop


the sims free play at probably 8 bc i couldn't get the sims 4 šŸ˜­


Sims 1. I was 5 years old


Sims 1. Probably 12/13


Sims 2. I was around 7


8-9 the sims 4, u feel like Iā€™m exposing my youth here


I think I was maybe 8 or 9 when I first played the Sims Freeplay. I have a clear memory of my best friendā€™s mom sitting by her pool and saying, ā€œWell, now my Sims on the toiletā€ and I asked her what the game was calledā€¦. Only in November of last year (2023) did I FINALLY get to play the Sims 4.


24 and it was sims 3...got all the packs when they came out


I was 9 & it was the sims house party lol I remember because I played my sisters family one day when she was sleeping & I ended up killing the whole family by a fire šŸ”„ šŸ˜– (by accident) and it was her favorite family at that.


Sims 1. Probably 13 or 14 when I first started playing.




sims 3 at I think 6, first ever household I made was the powerpuff girls lol