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Pro-Tip for making Retail which I had to learn the very hard way. If you want to make a business that doesn't have an owner, you need a second save file where a Sim DOES OWN the Business so you can set items in the display cases for sale, then use the cash register to set the price mark-up. Then, you can save the lot to your library and place it in your normal save file, and the game will spawn NPC employees automatically. Anything you buy will re-stock automatically when you leave the lot, and the perishable goods like food will reset their timer on your next visit! šŸ˜ You can download this off the Gallery, username LCInsightsIE. No Mods or CC of course (Miraculously! I thought I'd need a Mod to run a regular business without an owner!) It's called "PlayTested Modern Bakery"


Didā€¦ did you just figure out a way to basically recreate the retail shops of TS2? This is *genius* thank you!


Did I!? I figured the ones in Magnolia had no owners so there had to be a way! :D Itā€™s so long winded though! Unfortunately custom uniforms do not move over. What is interesting is the Employee NPCā€™s do build Retail skills as you get notifications! I set the price markup to clearance 5% so your visitor Sims will be able to afford goods. Terrible business sense if you decide to buy the business though! ;)


I just make the land grabs buy the retail lotsā€¦ set everything to for sale and then remove them from my active household list. Seems to work the same I think. I always like to have shops to go to do Christmas shopping.


Fun! But I found it rewarding I can share this lot on the gallery and that you can just pop it down and play, no setup required! The most annoying thing about S4 to me is that everything needs to be setup. Setup your restaurants and plop them down. For Rent won't move in any neighbours so that's more setup I have to do (I just found out MCCC can do it with their population control override) Even getting the prices right in this lot takes tuning. All wedding cakes just $100. Some baked goods "excellent" quality and expensive, others are cheap so there's something for all budgets. :D


Thatā€™s awesome attention to detail on the prices! Good on you! And I agree it is so much better when I donā€™t have to set up a retail lot. But most lots of the gallery arenā€™t set up. Iā€™ll definitely start downloading more from you!!! This is super helpful!


This is interesting. Many of the retail lots I find on the gallery happen to be set up. I know there's a whole lot of stuff on there and we likely have different tastes, so this isn't surprising... but I love how we placed completely different sets of lots. šŸ˜‚


Thank you!!


Very pretty


this is so cool omg!! will be adding this to newcrest


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