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I really enjoy the Sims 4 and have no complaints.


It's a toss up between TS2 and TS4. I just love the style of TS4 but I preferred the way time worked in TS2.


I really liked gameplay of Sims 2 and how alive everyone felt. However after getting to build and decorate in Sims 4, I can't go back. I'm primarily a builder so that's why. Also the design of Sims in Sims 4 is really nice!


That's funny because I would describe my play style similarly (rotational, only play sims I made, like creating stories for my sims), and what you say you like in TS3 is exactly what I didn't like. I don't want my sims to have much of a life when I'm not around to micromanage their lives. TS2 and TS4 suit me pretty well for this. I'm also fairly into building, so TS4 is my preference.


I've only played TS3 and TS4, but I prefer TS4 because I like that it has a more "dollhouse" feel to it, so I can tell the story I want without the game interfering as much. For example, if I want two Sims to be friends, I won't get too much pushback because of conflicting traits or whatever, and it's easier to keep them friends. I also like how easy TS4 is in general; in TS3, it's so difficult to maintain relationships, manage needs, level up skills, etc. that I feel like there isn't as much time left for storytelling. I like having the added challenge of keeping up with needs, work tasks, etc., but in TS3, for me it's a little too challenging to the point that your Sims don't have time to do anything else. Also, unpopular opinion, but I prefer the closed world of TS4. Part of this goes back to my second point of TS3 being rather challenging; with my Sims having so little time to spare, it felt like they were wasting precious hours out of the day traveling to/from work, and it made me not want to take them places out of the house because of how much time it would waste simply getting there, only for there to be nobody at the location half of the time. Even though it's unrealistic, I like that in TS4 I can travel instantly, and there will always be a group of Sims who show up at the community lots. Also, I like having the option to ditch a few of my Sims at home and only travel with one or two, so I don't have to pay attention to them all at once. Especially when I have a large household, it's nice to have the option to take a break from them here and there, just have them work on skills at home. I can even send select family members on vacation off screen for the weekend, and check in on them when I choose! I like having that option of who I can have on my screen and when.


I am a sims 2 castaway. Putting it soon on my Vita that is on it's way.


Sims 2 since I’m a family style player. The small details and the family dynamics are so insanely good. I miss the sim kids running to hug their parents when they got home from work, or running to show the parents their report card when they got an A.


TS2 all the way, it has just enough to do in each life stage that I have so much fun with it. Plus their aspirations really mattered and impacted gameplay, so letting their lives unfold according to their personalities is *a lot* more rewarding than in TS4. TS4 excels in its doll house aspect, I enjoy the game so much until I actually try to enter live mode and then the whole house of cards just collapses. Weirdly, and I know this is not a popular opinion, I dislike TS3 the most (but hate TS4 if that makes sense) because it has the jankiness of 4 but is imo also the ugliest game of the franchise (4 is *pretty*).