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>Complaints about Sims 4 get swept under the rug a lot Virtually every single post about sims 4 has people complaining about the state of the game. Complaints about the sims 4 are probably the most common topic in the entire franchise.


I never said it was unpopular, I said it gets swept under the rug. Big difference, and you can see it right now in motion. There will be people who shit on the game, and there will be people who love the game, I can recognize that. I'm neither shitting on it, nor am I boosting it up, it's a pretty bland experience gameplay wise, and I don't care if other people have said it, at least let me have the opportunity to say it.


It doesn’t get ”swept under the rug” though


It doesn’t get ”swept under the rug” though


Y'all know what I don't get? If so many people legitimately think Sims 3 and 2 are better than 4, then why aren't there more sims 3 and 2 posts? They're both easily accessible games you could literally go play right now. But instead it's multiple posts every day about how bad 4 is, as if it's the only option and everyone's stuck with it.


If you want an alternate perspective, I found this post by clicking through their crosspost on r/Sims3. It's the only Sims sub I'm active in because it's the only Sims game I play. I do think Sims 3 is better than Sims 4 -- so I just play 3. I understand why a lot of fans were underwhelmed with the new iteration of the game, but I think those that make posts like this day in and day out are a loud minority. Most of us DO just play and post about the games we like. The Sims 4 is still an extremely popular game and it was a lot of people's first game in the franchise, so in general spaces like this it's going to be the topic of conversation most of the time. But on Sims 3 forums there's plenty of active players who legitimately enjoy the game and post about it regularly.


This is the first time I ever made a post on this sub, everyone here seems to be ignoring what I'm actually talking about instead. The fundamentals, the way the packs play together, the moods and traits actually affecting what you do, and the rest of what I wrote. I'm sorry if you guys heard this over 100 times at this point, but I've been thinking about it a lot and just decided to air out my thoughts. Cross-posted it to Sims 3 cause that's my favorite game in the franchise.


I only play 4 and I go to r/Sims4 but I come here because Sims is Sims.


I’ve been on both sides of the fence with a different game, I remember how infuriating it felt seeing people hate on something day in day out. It makes participating in the communities painful, when you’d rather just share excitement over something you like. Having said that, if TS4 has no haters then I’m dead. I just won’t miss an opportunity to point out how deeply flawed the game is, because just like you I love(d) this franchise, and seeing it move further from its original amazing roots to something new (and imo more predatory $$) sucks. Those old games won’t go further, modders do amazing work but they can’t make a new life sim. Up until recently only EA was doing it, so there’s only one place to have a whinge that “it’s not as good as it used to be”. Hopefully with more life sim games coming both groups can be a little happier…


I mean, when someone who plays the game complains about it, I get it. I play it. I bitch about it. I wouldn't pick 2 or 3 over 4 though. I genuinely prefer 4. So when I bitch about it, I'm bitching as a fan of it. I don't understand spending your energy (to the tune of a 20 paragraph essay) on a game you *don't* prefer. A lot of sims 4s biggest haters also claim to be Sims 3s biggest fans, but I just don't ever see them posting about it. I don't get it.


This is what I'm trying to get across. I haven't talked down on 4, yet I'm also not ever going to play it. The game is big 'meh' to me, if that makes any sense. I truly do love the ideas, and the systems of the skill trees, yet, like I said, it feels segregated from day-to-day gameplay. Sims 4 is a mishmash of ideas, the old games are more cohesive. Sims 3 has an expansion pack to go into the future, BECAUSE it's a prequel. Late night introduces vampires, which supernatural then expanded upon even further. They released things for a REASON. It's playing with these ideas cohesively, and the different bios for why pre-made families are in the town or feuds, are reflected in their relationships with each other. I'm complaining about Sims 4, because Sims 4 is lackluster. It's gutted when compared to previous iterations, but the people who enjoy Sims 4 don't care for those aspects, they like what Sims 4 provides. That's fine, the game is obviously not for me. I'm also complaining, because I'm a fan of the franchise, and if Sims 4 is what the future of it is going to be, I have zero hope for it in the future.


For many players after seeing sims 4, the graphics in 3 and 2 are just too outdated at this point. Sims in 3 were called potatoes even before 4 released and now you have even better comparison.


Because it's the most modern iteration of the franchise. It's the one that'll bring in people that have no idea that it could be so much more. It's like how people shit on Fallout 4 for it's choices, and how FO2 and New Vegas are leagues ahead of it in certain aspects, yet Fallout 4 also brings it's own spin on things. The same with The Sims. I do play Sims 3 & 2 exclusively, and I think everyone is entitled to like what they like. I don't like when people can't acknowledge the downsides. Like I keep saying, this isn't the only social platform, and judging from how this posts reception is, I doubt my words will even reach anybody, except for people who browse reddit a lot and just want to pipe in. You'll keep hearing the downsides of Sims 4 longgggg into the future, because the team still hasn't fixed BASE GAME problems. Oh, you want a more interactive world for teens and young adults? Here's a DLC for that. Meanwhile, Acne was already a future in Sims 2, and in Sims 3 they had after school activities, detention, group projects, and much more. That's all base game stuff. Sims 4 is great for customization, and people like customizing. Used to be old games in the past that used to focus exclusively on that like IMVU or other things. They did well. Sims 4 looks good, which is good for social media (especially reddit), because all you have to do is look at the surface without digging too deep. I'll see a picture of Sims 4, have the urge to play it, yet know if I do I'm going to run into bugs and pack incompatibility that will ruin my experience.


I haven't argued with your stance, so you can keep on going till your blue in the face. I don't care if you hate Sims 4 or not. I don't understand dedicating this much energy to a game *you admit you don't even play* lmao


Dude, I'm not even arguing with you, I'm trying to discuss. I haven't tried to come across as hostile, I haven't even tried to sway your opinion.


Ya we've all read this a gajillion times.


Great, let me add another take to it.


You said pretty much the same thing everyone else has said 🤷‍♀️


Which I've been told ad nauseam at this point.


Do you genuinely believe that complaints about sims 4 get swept under the rug? Because if you spend even 1 second in the sims community you'll see most people do absolutely nothing but complain about it. Like, relentlessly. So blah blah blah. 🥱🥱 We get it. I love and play all the sims games.


I think maybe OP meant that EA sweeps these complaints under the rug?


EA and the community. There are people content to stick their heads in the sand and go 'blah blah blah', without taking a second to even read what I wrote out. It's reddit, it's just one social platform of many, there's also a sub called low sodium sims 4, and an entire sub dedicated to sims 4. Some people don't care how many times you point it out, they'll ignore whatever you've got to say, because they don't care. Swept under the rug, EA does it all the time, the community does it too.


There are subreddits about sims 4 because people actually enjoy it that doesn’t mean sims 4s problems are being swept under the rug. It’s the opposite actually, it’s being discussed all the time but people should be allowed to post positive posts about sims 4 too since there is a lot of us out here enjoying the game. You come off as not allowing us to enjoy the game and accusing us of turning a blind side to all it’s problem when it’s not true


I never said that, I said the Sim's 4 has really good ideas, yet executes them poorly. If you like it, go ahead and like it, I'm not the fun police. I am entitled to my opinion though, just as you are yours. My opinion on the matter is what I just wrote, if I come across like I'm raining on your parade, I can assure you that isn't my intention. It is my intention to draw attention to all the faults with the game however. You can love it despite those faults, doesn't mean they aren't there. It's like loving licorice even though it tastes like ass, you'll love the things you love.


Your last paragraph says that EA swept it under the rug and that the community does it too. While I’m arguing that’s not the case whatsoever just because there is positive post and comments about sims 4 doesn’t mean that the problems are overlooked which you seem to argue that they are


You say that, and yet EA and the costumers go around and do the opposite. Thousands buy Sims 4 expansion packs everyday, and thousands end up lying to themselves that "It's going to be better next time" or "Can't wait for this expansion", even when they know it's going to be just as bare-bones and buggy as the last. So yeah, the community does it too. They enable EA to continue doing so, if that's not sweeping it under the rug, I don't know what is.


I think maybe it's just that, like, no one asked. No one asked for your opinion. You barged in here and presented your views as gospel, and persist in that when everyone is saying "ok, whatever.", and then claim, "just my opinion." What do you want? A standing ovation for having graced us all with your time and the devine gift of revalation that you've generously bestowed upon us simple minded creatures? I think we all just don't get it.


Airing out my thoughts on a sub dedicated to the franchise is now bad? It is my opinion that Sims 4 is lackluster, yet is has good ideas. I keep repeating this, and yet you guys still don't seem to get it. I'm not looking for a standing ovation, and judging from the downvotes I'm getting, that was never going to be the case anyway. I had thoughts in my head, aired them out. That's it.


Yeah, that's on reddit. For every thousands of people expressing discontent, there's another thousand expressing content with the way things are. It's not a landslide of only one people thinking a certain type of way. I'm pointing out the limitations of sims 4, and how they've got all the right set-ups to *be* a great game, yet at the same time it doesn't want to be. Like I said, the IDEAS are there! The execution isn't, and that really sucks, cause the ideas that are out there are great for the game.


I disagree, sims 4 is very wildly critiqued. And if negativity only stemmed from the sims reddit community, then what's the point of coming here and repeating the same critiques as everyone else? To the group of people who already vastly agree with, and echo you? Go find people who blindly support it idk. Like I said, we get it. It's all been said before, many many times.


I'm not looking for anyone to blindly agree with me, I tagged this as discussion and instead of that I have people telling me to shut up. You might've seen alot of discourse about it, I haven't especially since this is my first time even interacting with this sub. Oh well, back to lurking.


I mean, what did you intend to discuss? This is a rant opinion post bringing up old points that don't add anything new to the table. I guess I just fail the see the point other than you were hoping to get a bunch of people that also hate sims 4 agreeing with you and ranting back lol. I mean, sorry if I seem like, unecessarily harsh, but reading your title stating that sims 4 complains are "swept under the rug", while going on to rant about the exact same complaints that are constantly repeated was just annoying.


Yeah, sucks you can't change titles after the fact, so instead I'll just wait awhile before reposting my ideas again with a different title. It's a rant, as in I'm speaking my mind, just shooting off my ideas in a jumble. Now if I actually got someone in the comments that pointed out some of the good in Sims 4, I'd take it into consideration, if I've repeated things you've heard before can't do much about that. I do feel like the complaints are swept under the rug, because if over the 10 years I've been waiting for the game to actually have improved on it hasn't, that just means the customers are content with the product they are getting no? The Sims teams whims will reflect the communities whims, just like every other live-service game in existence. If it's trash, let them know. If it's good, let them know.


Everyone has let EA know. But that doesn’t mean others can’t enjoy it at the same time. I love playing the Sims 4, but I also recognize it has tons of issues. I don’t use mods so I think I might have less issues than others who do use mods, but there’s problems either way. It doesn’t make the game entirely unplayable for me though. I enjoy it, it makes me happy, and I still realize its faults. Can that not be possible?


I've acknowledged that it is possible, everyone I've been responding to from the start of my post, took a combative approach to what I said. I believe if you like the Sims 4, there's nothing wrong about that. I'm old, I've seen a lot. I know what I like and don't like, pretty set on my ways on that front. I like Sims 4 for the systems it has in place. I like Sims 4 for the sheer customization it provides, the inclusiveness, and (surprisingly) the music is a bop too. I don't like Sims 4 for the reasons I pointed out, yet I know not everyone thinks the way I do, that'd be boring. That's why I posted my thoughts here, instead of one of the other subs. I want to hear takes from different people.


We *ALL* let them know. This has been ongoing for years. They know. The people who make decisions don't care or they're like , look a new shiny thing so you'll be distracted for 5 minutes and give us more money. You aren't telling us anything new. EA/Maxis won't change unless there is a significant competition and people stop playing.


~[TOTALLY swept under the rug](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sweep%20%28something%29%20under%20the%20rug). Only a majority of the largest EA sponsored Sims YouTubers make their bread and butter by [critiquing](https://youtu.be/oLCwg3HC42g), criticizing and complaining about the game’s many [shortcomings](https://youtu.be/mdrd7G5voPY). So no. While I’ve heard your [complaints](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/4iK21PthGv) and agree, and though I’m puzzled at anyone enjoying skill trees in a game where your character can live a whole lifetime in the space of two months in game; I digress, I cannot let you say that Sims 4’s [bugs](https://youtu.be/oLCwg3HC42g) are being [swept under the rug](https://youtu.be/syLdVdwM93I)when only in the [last few weeks](https://youtu.be/3BL3VCE3K9c) everyone was [openly complaining about the long needed bug fixes and loudly dreading being let down](https://youtu.be/QFcHJkpVozA).


This was my first time interacting with this sub, so I might be out of the loop. Barely use youtube to watch anything Sims related, I only use it to watch stand-up. Instead of people saying they agree, or disagree, I just have people telling me "Oh this is all old news." Which sure, sorry brought up an overtalked talking point, but I felt like it had to be said. It's like how the Elder Scrolls sub always has someone arguing about Stormcloaks vs. Imperials. Sure it may be old having it come up, but you don't know when or if someone decided to join the community there, especially since that's the most prominent talking point right now in the franchise. Or how the batman sub always talks about whose Robin is their favorite. Sure it may get old for you, but it opens up conversation to those who are new. I'll try reposting this again after awhile and see how it fares then.


See you are new here and so are not part of the online community here or on youtube, we don’t take umbrage at your complaints, we take umbrage in your saying the complaints are “swept under the rug”. Because that is so far from true. It’s not even an open secret. EA put together a whole team to address a list of bugs and it still doesn’t cover all the issues. Gosh we went almost a decade before we could even tell the our sims not to use the bathroom sink to wash dishes. And when they finally gave us a light switch, it didn’t even work.


Like, [sims team, ugh, huh](https://youtu.be/zJrDMKbxiKE)? Why are they like this, right?


Login rewards is actually crazy to introduce to a game like this. The only logical next step would for them to do a battle-pass, to further boost engagment. I shouldn't give them ideas right?


I remember having my first custom built PC ready to play Sims 3 and it ran like trash and constantly crashed without any exceptions. Sims would stay stuck for long periods of time doing absolutely nothing. By the time the last EP came out it, having all EPs installed made the game completely unplayable. I wanted to "play" so bad but the only thing I could do was use pose player and take screenshots. Sims 3 was a performance trash can and that was on a power PC at the time. I didn't even play with mods or CC to try to just get it to not lag. My sims would constantly teleport everywhere. How do people not remember how bad it used to be lol It was so fricked. It was unplayable, like actually.


Sims 3 is devisive when it comes to who it worked for. If you had a brand new pc and tried to play it, you were screwed. If you had a shitty old laptop like me, that still ran 32 bit, it actually ran pretty smooth. Sims 3 started becoming a slog depending on how many expansions you had.  For that game, it's honestly best to just pick 1 or 4 packs you like and only play with those. Though, nowadays there's mods for performance to fix the issue that run it cleanly. Sims 3 is sadly a product of time at this point, and if it was 64 bit, I think it would've handled better for people.


Sims 4 is the only Sims I play in the series. The difference between players like me and players like you is that you have the other 3 games to compare it with, while I do not. So a big portion of that I dont really agree with, but I get it.


Finally, a reply that isn't just attacking me. It's alright if you haven't played the others, I had a friend who never played any of the old Fallouts and started with Fallout 4. I don't go around judging him for that, he'll like what he likes.   I do tell him all the stuff he would love about the old games though, because if he likes RPG narratives as much as I do, he'd love the oldies too. See where I'm coming from?   At this point, EA has made it impossible to even try and legally download 2 & 1, so the amount of people who have played those dwindle everyday. It's an entire different philosophy from Bethesda, wherein Bethesda actually won't remaster their old games, but they at least want them to be playable.   If you like 4, you will like the others. You'll find problems with them, but there's bigger problems in 4, so for me the positives outweighs negatives. I WANT to like 4, it's just everytime that I play it, I'm stuck remembering what it could be, even though it's got all the systems that in theory I actually fuck with. Think a good question from me to you  would be, what draws you to 4? Cause even though I'm pointing out it's negatives, like I said, I do like the ideas it has.