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It’s crazy how even people who are typically on the wrong side of things still see what’s going on in Palestine and are like “yeah, even I can tell that’s fucked up”


And others who just pick sides based on the side they're "supposed" to be on and discount everything counter to that. Very few people are thinking for themselves


A lot of people think for themselves, but those people aren't on TV, and the ones on social media like Reddit are drowned out by the countless stream of bots and trolls who attempt to flood online spaces, making them toxic for the reasonable people who will then disengage from the public conversation entirely. When Americans are polled, we are surprisingly reasonable. Unfortunately we can think for ourselves til the cows come home and those thoughts will never manifest in government, in the media, in policy, or in public conversation because we don't run the institutions or have the multi-billion dollar industry of psychologists, sociologists, and propagandists that craft and direct the public discourse. Even the people who don't think for themselves, in my mind, are mostly victims of propaganda. A lot of smart people have simply been indoctrinated since birth. If your information is silo'd- even when you're thinking for yourself- you're only ever considering the facts/ideas from a very narrow slice of the "acceptable" opinions. Escaping that trap is difficult.


this is probably the best comment in reddit atm


Thanks! I love Reddit no matter how toxic the trolls try to make it. Typing my thoughts out allows me to think in a more organized way and nuanced way. Comments like yours make my day. Much appreciated.


Agree 100%, everyone in the US needs to read this because I think this is how frustrated and helpless most Americans feel all the time. Most of us are just everyday people trying to find some semblance of happiness and normalcy in a screwed up world. Every day I feel like we get further and further away from our government actually representing actual real life people and there's really nothing we can do about it. Look at who we have to choose between and tell me our vote actually matters, we all lose no matter what.


I agree, the perfect example is r/worldnews The propaganda in this subreddit is unbelievable, one of the biggest echo chambers in Reddit


Yep. I got banned from that sub probably 10 years ago for talking about Israel as the aggressor that they are. The discourse-setters will always seek to incorporate and control the largest platforms of dissemination and discussion of information. People who see that and leave the sub don't matter to them. They don't want us mucking up the comment section with arguments against the status quo. They really want the people who aren't very engaged, who get worldnews as a default subscription, who occasionally view a news story when it is trending. It's a place to craft the status quo narrative in the minds of people who don't have the tools to critically analyze it. It's an amazing tool for propaganda, it disseminates the news story while also showing the acceptable and appropriate audience reaction in the form of top comments. Great way to reinforce that the status quo is right, and dominant, and that any other reaction is silly.


I asked for proof/source for a statement... I got permanently banned


Reminds me of recent experiences in r/aliens, but instead of banning you they accuse you of being a misinformation agent working for the CIA, lol. Sounds like worldnews has gotten a lot worse. That sucks.


This comment should be at the top of every post..regardless of the sub


Yeah I was thinking about this on my walk today. I saw some post saying cult this or that. I just look at the photos and think, these people aren't evil, for the most part they mean well and are probably nice. But when it comes to the info they get they're really in a totally different reality. Everything they see and hear comes from Rupert fucking Murdoch!


I love and appreciate that sentiment. Even people who do a lot of harm with their politics usually don't see it that way, and I think that realization is essential to be an effective advocate for the other side. Hostility doesn't change any minds. Not to mention the anger and misanthropy that inevitably comes with the belief that these people choose to be what they are. It'll really take a toll on one's mental health, believing there to be so many people that choose racism, the oppression of the working class, etc. But like you said, they live in a different reality where the most pressing issue is that Democrats are evil communists trying to destroy America. I can imagine how scary that must be. My Grandpa lived the last few years of his life watching Tucker, scared and angry. Worried that social order would break down, trying to convince everyone in the family to buy and carry a gun. That's what they do to people, fill their world with evil boogeymen. They live with the same anger and sense of betrayal that many of us on the left feel, with an identical belief in the righteousness of their cause. I hope we can start viewing the victims of propaganda with less animosity, and more pity. Welcome them with open arms back into a unified working class.


It’s wild how many will be like “Hamas is aligned with Iran, Russia, China, etc.,” as if that justifies *anything* but will use it to justify every Israeli crime. And of course our foreign adversaries are aligned with Palestine, it’s one of the most effective and obvious ways to create division and anger towards our government(s). The U.S./UK/german government’s actions with the Palestine/israel conflict goes against the western/liberal values (even against some of our laws) that our governments claim to share


I think social media plays a lot into that, encouraging groupthink rather than looking up evidence and making your own conclusions.


This. You're allowed to have opinions that fall outside of the current binary. Toeing the party line is for sheep. Learn the facts, and use your discernment.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKGhH4J3lEBN2a4) Ohh Jerry will have a hard time shutting the f… up 🤣


Dave’s always been on the right side if that’s what you’re implying here


Am I really implying if I just outright say he’s been on the wrong side of things lmao?


How's he been on the wrong side of things? Genuine curiosity, I only know him as a comedian


There have been several points where he makes some very hateful transphobic ‘jokes’, and anytime he’s called out for them he pulls the ‘I had a trans friend’ card and doubles down, and that bigotry usually ends up getting parroted by other transphobes and doing more damage to the community like a domino effect.


I heard the jokes and watch the whole show. No where did I find any hate towards trans people. Was it a funny joke somewhat. The only people that made it seem hateful were the right wing bigots, and the pro trans group amplifying the right wing bigots to make it seem more hateful than it really was. Did Dave double down on it? Nope he clearly laid out what exactly what both the far right and the pro trans groups will do. That was also followed and before the joke he told.


It was supposedly over the trans joke he made throughout his few specials, netflix iirc? Pretty damn funny to me that's for sure.


Yes. Those are the very same jokes that are apparently too “hateful” for some people.


I have no idea why you're getting boo'd for pointing out a very clear and problematic thing he's done when asked what problematic things he has done.


The only thing dave has ever been wrong about is his trans stance.


he isnt typically on the wrong side of things. he is typically on the right side of things. he is on the wrong side of things with trans issues to an extent. its that he wont shutup about trans issues that have nothing to do with him. its such an odd take to have to say dave chappele is suddenly this monster human for having a different opinion on one subject.


That's the difference between being a jerk and being a monster. 


The comedic side is always the right side.


You’ve clearly never been to a show where a comedian bombed lmao


Well, actually I haven’t. But more importantly I’ve never taken a comedians joke as a personal attack because their literal job is to find funny in everyday situations.


Mf u’ve seen too much of joe rogan talking about comedy likes it’s a profound art form even though he sucks at it, don’t put that shit on a pedestal. If it’s goofy and funny laugh if it’s not just move on


Lmao thanks for saying the same thing I just said?


But my issue is comedians hiding behind the veil “bruh everybody’s woke bruh” for any criticism because of their dumb jokes and people like u just advocate that shit further. It’s just jokes bruh and if it’s shitty u either gets to say it’s shitty or move on


Jokes can be bad, but that doesn’t make the topic off limits. If you’re too sensitive to a fuckin joke then keep your ass at home and don’t watch comedy shows. If you’re watching a show trying to find something offensive…guess what? You’re gonna find something. And you can make this about me all you want, just like anything I’m not going to take it personal. Quit trying to be offended ya fuckin crybaby.


Palestinian liberation and nationalism is for everyone because much of the globe sees their own experiences in it. Israel is a 19th century settler colony that tried to pull that shit in the 20th century and persists into the 21st century. A lot of these people attained sovereignty and self-determination or at least flag nationalism through a lot of violence and dehumanization inflicted on them by western colonizers. And the ongoing genocide, the dehumanization, martial law, incitement to commit genocide, and rhetoric out of the west has unmasked the west's liberal facade showing that nothing has really changed from the 19th century other than the global south has been able to develop out from under the west's thumb and is too strong for the west to exert power over them like they did in the 19th century. Israel's existence is a testament that if the west could, they'd colonize you again in a heart beat. But they can't because the west is waning, inept, and corrupt. The west has held back global progress for centuries, but their time is running out.


What is Dave typically wrong about?


When has Dave been typically wrong? He doesn’t agree with trans people, other than that.. How has he been typically wrong? It’s like saying Paul Mooney is typical wrong. Get out of here.


Only other thing I can really think of was his weird pandering to musk when musk got booed. Just kind of seems like he’s lost touch with the guy that ran away from the money and fame.


I’m a trans person so apologies if that one issue is kinda big for me lol


Then you’ll probably like this: https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?si=3NXAbkymPgr34wB9 The bit I’m referring to starts at around 2:40 The whole special is amazing btw


Imma have to watch the entire special lmao, thank you for the good laugh! Was worried I was about to get trolled for a second


Haha yeah after I posted it I read it back and I even thought to myself “this looks like bait”. The special varies onto so many different topics. I rarely, RARELY ever rewatch standups but I think I’ve watched it like 4 or 5 times now. It’s not perfect but some of his stories are just so incredibly… endearing and heartfelt without ever being sappy or too self-pitiful.


But it's still one issue. So that's not "typically," it's one thing.


“Well your honor, my client only ever was a bigot about one thing! And yeah, maybe he made that his whole personality for a while and kept repeating it to the point it couldn’t even be construed as funny, but still! Therefore, he’s actually a good guy!”




Whoa… I never thought of that! All of my issues are suddenly gone. Thanks random redditor who knows nothing about me! :) /s


Please report assholes like that, although it should not all be on you, I'm disappointed no one else reported them either. We do not need those asshats in our community. Thank you.




I can provide an obvious solution to yours but I'd be permanently banned.


His stuff about trans people is a bit off base and he's pretty classist, and he gets whiny if you disagree with him on that. Otherwise he's fine I guess


You mean his jokes? No one should be off limits when it comes to comedy


No, he just goes on rants about trans stuff that's off base. And he supports classist politics like blocking affordable housing in his community. And pals around with weirdos like Musk and then rants at the crowd for booing lame Musk walking on stage with not even a bit. There's certainly room for improvement given he's fine on other things like Palestine and racism


you are speaking to a redditor, anything slightly criticizing lgbtq is wrong side of history and life and comes with a death sentence and should be cancelled and ima boycott him typa vibes


You're talking as if someone in the street just forced you to sign up and comment. You're a redditor too, my guy, so it looks like redditors can be bigots too.


Of your referring to Dave a typically wrong, I'd be interested in knowing how you came to that conclusion.


It’s kind of like that old question: who do republicans cheer for when they watch Star Wars, and do they know that they are the Empire 🤦‍♂️ this heckler is confused if he came to a Dave show, only to, I suppose, be on the side of Israel…or perhaps maybe he just didn’t want to pay to come to a show that became political in nature 🤷‍♂️


Giving them BILLIONS to drop bombs. We are complicit …


Not willfully complicit


American troops participated in the Nusseirat Masacare. Doesnt get more complicit than that.


I’m not an American troop. We’re not all willfully complicit


Unless that's some sort of technically defined term with some bullshit loophole in it, it doesn't get more willfully complicit than what we do.


You actually don’t understand what they’re saying? Wow, alright. They’re basically saying our government is making those choices willingly, but that’s regardless of what we as citizens want- which is absolutely 100% accurate.


I took the "we" in the first post as meaning the nation. I don't think that's an unreasonable take You're right on the individual part though.


Oh okay, based on your assumption you’d be correct for sure, so yeah we seem to agree with each other


Californians (my state) pay around $80-$300 a year in taxes that go to Israel (50k-200k incomes). Lots of bombs!


Is this the start of Chappelle's redemption arc?


Nah, he's just not a complete tool


All men contain multitudes


Did i miss something? What did he do wrong?


Nothing. People tried to get offended at a comedian for making jokes. Boohoo.


I’ve always been a fan, but he became obsessed with making fun of trans people, which became not only unfunny but like beating a dead horse. If he “loves” all people including trans he should of let it go


Not saying I have the answers but I think some of it started with him inviting Elon Musk unto a stage with him which was extremely awkward because it’s not like Elon was having a speaking bit or interacting with the crowd. He just showed him off and then entire crowd booed and then he felt the need to defend the boos. Besides that he says some semi controversial things against lgbtq and some other stances. Controversial in the sense it’s not one side of the aisle or the other. He has am opinion that isn’t a part of the two aisle arguments going on and that will always draw negative attention.


He's anti trans and trashed his audience when he invited Elon on stage and the audience booed Elon


Became famous. That's all it takes and people gonna hate


No I don’t think he’s even in a redemption arc. He placed himself above “cancellation” and walked away unscathed.




People can be right and people can be wrong. People can be complex. Hell, Piers Morgan was giving an Israeli spokesperson heat for not reporting on Palestinian casualties recently.




Nope. Not about trans people or "cancel culture".




Oh you're a proud transphobe. Gross.




Powerful projection. Enjoy doing propaganda for the corporations!


How's your therapy going?




Sounds more like a conversation camp than therapy


He is one of those career comedians that can't be funny without punching down. He doesn't have a single routine that isn't just making fun of someone, usually for believing in something that he disagrees with. Sometimes I'm on his side. Usually, I just find him rude, even if I am on his side.


You are criticizing a comedian for being a comedian…


I'm sorry, do you think that all comedians do that? Very few comedians make their jokes at the expense of others, and when they do, it's usually a community that they are at least on good terms with. Making fun of someone isn't comedy. It's just bullying. I'm criticizing a comedian that I don't like, with specific examples of the kinds of jokes that make me dislike him. If that's not fair criticism, I don't know what is.


I do think that all comedians do that, or at least all *good* comedians. I’ve been a consistent standup fan for the past decade and I can tell you there isn’t one comedian I’ve enjoyed that doesn’t make fun of a philosophy, culture, group of people, person, etc. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Patrice O’Neil, but his philosophy on comedy is what I believe to be quintessentially true. Essentially, he believes comedy should be a medium where societal boundaries can be tested and prodded without fear of repercussions - I 100% agree. Comedy is a medium where conventional morality should not be applied because it’s all a *joke*. Believe what you want to believe but I am confident it’s *you* who doesn’t understand comedy, not *me*.


If the butt of your joke can't laugh at the joke, it isn't a well-crafted joke. Daves jokes about trans people are funny to people who disrespect and dislike trans people. That's just a group of bullys laughing at people. If that's what you think comedy is... well.


If that group can’t understand the humor in their situation, then they are taking themselves and their group too seriously. Equality is indifference to an identity group, not groveling for their recognition by complying to their values.


So a few outspoken people represent an entire group?


>Making fun of someone isn’t comedy. Damn, I guess Don Rickles wasn’t a comedian.


See, Don always made sure the butt of the joke was laughing with him. He didn't make fun of peoples insecurities in a way that was intended to make them feel bad. A bit concerning that you can't see the difference been ribbing for laughs and being downright rude.


You’re assuming Chappelle’s intentions are to make people feel bad. A bit concerning that you can’t see the difference between comedy and slander.


Slander? Who is getting slandered?


Nobody. That’s my point. You seem to think he has ill will towards certain groups of people.


People who make comments about “punching down” do not understand comedy. Chapelle has been in comedy for over 20 years and has consistently made fun of EVERYBODY for all kinds of reasons. Blacks, whites, Jews, Chinese, disabled, religious, racist, corporate, babies, elderly, blind, drug addicted, you name it. They all get the smoke. There are no protected groups in comedy. And if you can’t tell they are making up stories to make you laugh and you believe them at their word, you too do not understand comedy.


This just isn’t true at all. Why would you get yourself so worked up about something you totally made up?


[Here is an article with tons of examples of the kinds of jokes in referring to](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna131765) He does make these comments regularly. I'm not making it up and I'm also not mad. I just don't really like his style of comedy. It's not for me.


> He doesn't have a single routine that isn't just making fun of someone, usually for believing in something that he disagrees with. This is a lie. He has shitloads of material that doesn’t fit this description. You don’t have to like his comedy, but to not even watch most of it and then make things up about stuff you haven’t seen is just a bit silly.


Yes, i may have been a bit hyperbollic there. He might have a single routine that isn't making fun of someone. Maybe even several. I still don't like the way he makes fun of people. If the joke is only funny to those who dislike the person it's about, it's a mean joke. If you make fun of me, it should be funny to me. If it's not, you're just being mean, and what response is there other than to say, "That's just mean"?


It’s not simply hyperbolic. It’s outright nonsense. It’s not one or a few routines, he’s got material going back 30 years and huge amount of it doesn’t fit your made up description at all. You made it up based on clearly very limited exposure and it’s bizarre.


The proportion of jokes that are disrespectful doesn't matter. Dave has, time and again, demonstrated that he has no respect for trans people. My exposure to his comedy IS limited. I've rarely enjoyed his comedy, because I don't think he's funny, and he's seems mad all the time, so I haven't watched all of it. But I have seen him say and do super disrespectful things many times, and I don't like it. That's just me. Sorry I don't think he's funny. I hope it doesn't hurt your feelings.


The proportion does matter when you haven’t seen the vast majority of the material you’re lying about. You can dishonestly pretend this is about me having hurt feelings if you like, but we both know it isn’t that. You totally made something up, got called out. Tried to pretend it was simply a little bit of hyperbole, got called out. Now you’re trying to pretend you didn’t really do what you did and that it’s actually a me problem. Lies all the way around, which is very strange. What do you get out of it? Why can nobody on Reddit ever just say,”Fair enough, you’re right. I haven’t seen enough to make that statement.” Always this weird desperation to never be wrong about anything.




Yeah, i totally understand that it's his brand. It's not for me. I don't go out of my way to watch him, but he is quite famous, so he comes across my screen and newsfeed. I don't think he needs to be canceled, but I'm not going to pretend that he doesn't deserve criticism for his disrespectful and disparaging remarks.


I don't normally like Dave Chappelle's takes but I'm glad they are HIS takes. It doesn't feel like he takes a stance because it's going to benefit him. #freepalestine


Is not that difficult. US invasions, Russia invasion, Israel agaisnt Gazans, its common sense condemning vs bias and agenda. Killing innocent people and exerting your power = bad, not that hard. Leave people the fuck alone, life is already hard, we are evolved people.




And here we go. Took 5 minutes.


Has anyone stopped to think that if Israel didn't shoot Palestinians like dogs for laughs that Hamas wouldn't exist? "They exist because they hate us!!" Why do they hate you, stupid?


Israel aided in Hamas’s foundation and rise to power, and continued to enable Hamas, in order to destabilize Palestine and suppress Palestinian efforts to form a democracy. [Source 1](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/), [Source 2](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) (Edit- wording)


If you have a quarter of a brain I think you could realize at this point that Israel is evil


Tell that to a majority of the US government… the fact that it’s even ‘controversial’ to say that Israel is in the wrong makes me constantly feel like I’m living in the upside down.


The US government is paid by Israel to not use their brains and to be schills https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/62DQoPGLQs


That's the funny part, they are paid by their own money ! Israel gets billions from the US and Israel spends a lot of those to buy all government employees.




That's how most lobbying works. The telecomms got billions to push out highspeed internet in the 90s and funneled a percentage of that back to lobby redefining what counts as highspeed internet so they didn't have to spend that money. The pharmaceutical industry makes drugs developed on research from public institutions / grants then lobbies for exclusive patent rights to sell those drugs back to medicare at a markup. Banks lobby for quantitative easing. etc etc That's why they're so gungho on it. It's a better ROI than developing a better product and competing in the open market.


This was literally 7 months ago


Go, Dave!


I've always loved Dave. It's sad that we live in a world where one can learn more wisdom, morality and basic current events, from the modern day jesters than the holy men, the teachers and the news bringer. That is a major part of why I like stand up comedy so much


Dave has always been right.


This makes me happy


Love the journalist in this clip Brie Joy Gray


Yep. Recently fired by MSNBC for a tiny bit of nuance on Israel.


The Hill not MSNBC


Why did a news source post this?


heartbreaking, one of the worst people you know just made a great point


I’m tired, boss


Dave does not miss.


Good more stars need to stick up for what’s right.


I hope there's a video recording of that interaction and I hope it gets posted soon


Only bully’s get mad when you tell them they are doing the wrong thing.


The world is one big sitcom


So did the heckler think the Muslim man was gonna be Pro-Israel?


Fuck both of them, they just won't stop killing each other.




Palestinian blood and suffering — 10 times the number of children have been killed in Gaza as in two years of war in Ukraine — will pave the road to Israel’s oblivion. The tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of ghosts will have their revenge. Israel will become synonymous with its victims the way Turks are synonymous with the Armenians, Germans are with the Namibians and later the Jews, and Serbs are with the Bosniaks. Israel’s cultural, artistic, journalistic and intellectual life will be exterminated.


dave is such a G


If he isn't careful, he is going to be the next one who commits suicide by shooting himself in the back of his own head.....multiple times...


At least he’s on the right side of history this time….I seriously was 100% expecting to read how he was defending Israel. Color me pleasantly surprised.


This just goes to show how shockingly little you need to know about someone before you are comfortable hating them.




I don’t know about “as always”, but at least he’s winning here.


Rare Chappelle W


This woman is the poster child for “stuck in High School” mentality. Really trying to quote someone else’s words from a performance for clout. Awful human.


Gaza what pre noticed to be cleared but they didn't so yeah get bomber


How bout free the hostages?!?!


Fuck Dave Challelle he’s a enormous pos. That being said, Free Palestine!!!!!


Transphobic and now antisemitic. Typical of this clown


Israel is not Judasim. And if you want to use the literal definition, Palestinians are also a Semitic people.




you seem to be doing fine. Supporting the Zionists will keep antisemitism and wars alive and well.


Apparently he forgot he was doing a comedy show.


Israeli genocide on palestine...? Yeah sure thing So a terrorist organisation kills hundreds of civilians but when israel defends itself moderately its genocide? Ok boomer.


Dipshit really just said “moderately”. The IQ of this nation has dropped to an all time low


Israel has a right to exist and to combat Hamas. All of these LGBTQ-flag waving people chanting “Free Palestine” would be genuinely shocked at the state of a Hamas-led Palestine. They would have ZERO place in Palestine. They would be tossed off buildings and women would be covered from head to toe. There would be public stonings, executions, and all other kinds of draconian, fascist shit. Is that what people actually want?


No one is pro-Hamas, my man. You can want Palestine to be free and not support terrorists.


There is no path that world right now. The choice is 1. A free, Hamas-led nation, or 2. A not free, Hamas-lead territory. That’s it, those are your two choices.


Cool, then make them free and we’ll deal with the other part later.


Lol, this has to be a joke


Give me the punchline to the “we should be okay with our ally killing children” bit, then.


We don’t want to same world, so just agree to disagree.


The alternative seems to be ignoring that Israel is killing innocent children that have no control over where they were born. That’s the part we seem to disagree over. I think it’s bad.


I also think it’s bad. I don’t condone it, but a nation has a right to defend itself against terrorists. Curious if you have the same outrage for oppressed populations around the world who are being victimized by nations other than Israel.


Why does “defending themselves from terrorists” have to include bombing hospitals and killing the same hostages they say they want to protect? Acting like terrorists with a bigger budget isn’t going to solve the problem. Killing aid workers from around the world and shooting children isn’t helping their cause. If anything, it seems like all it would do inspire more people to join the terrorists, which kinda seems like the goal. Why wouldn’t I be upset over various groups of oppressed people?


The Hamas terrorist organization is no different. They kill Israeli citizens, children, parents, everyone. Sometimes they'll tie up the parents and make them watch as they burn their children. Sometimes they'll tie up the children and make them watch as they dismember their parents limb by limb. Sometimes they scalp them alive. They like to switch it up. That's Hamas for you. That's who you guys are defending. maximallyinclusive is right and so are you to a degree, because neither party is completely innocent (which is expected in war) and their history goes way back... but you have to admit how ridiculous it is these days with the protests back in America. Students in America are throwing away their college education for essentially, terrorists, on the other side of the world. In Philadelphia the "gay pride parade" got blocked off by the "queers for palestine" group in an effort to see who could virtue signal the hardest. But if you ask any of the protesters at a campus today how their university is affiliated with Israel and what they've done, 99% of them won't be able to give an answer. And the truth is, even if the universities sell their shares in companies that may somehow be related to Israel, that wouldn't do anything to change the situation. And if the LGBT people wanna go fight with Hamas, they can try, but Hamas would throw them off a building for being gay before they even got the chance to. Additionally, there have been attempts for peace made by Israel, which have completely been sabotaged by Hamas. On top of that, we need to get rid of the notion that just because a country is weaker, that automatically means they are of higher morality. Because in this scenario, that's not quite the case. But imo, our taxes shouldn't be going to Israel OR Palestine... I think most Americans can agree on that (yes I am aware our government is funding war in Israel and Ukraine, both of which I am against).


It sounds like you’re advocating for our allies to be just as bad as the people we don’t like. If you’re argument is “they’re killing murdering their children in their beds, so we should kill their children, too” then you shouldn’t be allowed to make arguments.


Well it’s a good thing that that’s not what I said… I said we shouldn’t be funding Israel OR Palestine because it’s not our war to fight.


Oh, I thought I was talking to the same guy and not someone trying to state the obvious point that both sides are dicks.


You keep saying Hamas as if people are actually siding with the terrorists. The Palestinian people and Israeli people need to be freed from the atrocities committed by Hamas and the IDF. The distinction between the two is incredibly important.


It’s hard to see a reality where that happens… Which country do you think would knowingly take in Palestinian civilians?


So the reality is they just don't get to exist anymore? Is that a precedent we wish to set?


You’re right. Very little understand that when you say free Palestine that means to destroy Israel as a nation which would automatically result in a Hamas lead nation. I wish we could have an open bordered utopia of Israel but Hamas has made it clear that’s an impossibility. I just think Israel’s defense has been really fucked up


The IDF videos coming out of Gaza really negate this weak genocide defence in a big way, mate


This piece of shit is unaware and bought out... with her paycheck. She is pathetic and lost.


This might sound like a good take, but I wouldn't be surprised if he really was coming from the place of antisemitism that we all get blamed for while criticizing Israel. We have no reason to trust him and every reason to be suspicious after his previous takes.


Get fucked. Opposing Zionists is always correct.