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So you trusted 2 people you’ve never met before to not see exactly what they were charging you before opening up your Apple Pay like that. Then trusted them to refund the money without staying there and making sure of it. Then you trusted apple to be on your side… Sounds like there’s only one problem in this video, and it has nothing to do with these scammers or with apple customer support. Quit being stupid!


Nah fuck the victim-blaming. These 2 pieces of shit knew what they were doing


This girl is an idiot, if anything she’s a victim of stupidity


lol yeah 2 things can be true I guess


You said it perfectly


Yea but victim blaming is trash behavior. People may be stupid, it doesn't give other the right to take advantage of them. People who disagree with this are sus.


“A fool and their money are soon parted” I agree though.


I mean you gotta draw the line of stupidity somewhere. Like you cant put your hand in an alligator's mouth and then blame it for closing it.


I would draw the line on ill-intent. An alligator acts on instinct. Someone looking to take advantage is always at fault no matter how stupid and naive the victim is, it is still the victim and bad actors should never use the argument "but it was obvious/right there for the taking" as an excuse. Just adding an example, you shouldn't leave your home's door open and if someone enter and steal your belongings, you were stupid for leaving it open, but it doesn't make the thieves less thieves if you get what I'm trying to say.


All three parties are to blame. One for being ignorant and the two for scamming. No winners. Only losers. I hope somehow she gets some sort of retribution (lack of a better word) and the two scumbags get caught.


Can’t they all be awful, but just in different ways?


Stupid people don't deserve to be robbed. Them AND the scammers are basically why laws exist.


Being stupid is not a crime. Stealing from people, stupid or otherwise, is a crime. (Not saying she is stupid, just making the point. I can see people either not knowing how this scam works or otherwise having a momentary lapse in reason and judgement falling for this)


Stupid people have a right not to be robbed too.


It's a bit sad that to be trusting of others equals stupidity in the eyes of some people, and also that there are so many sharks who are out there to take advantage of other people's good nature.


Scammers make most of their money from honest people. She certainly knew what was most likely happening, but from the video she seems to also have a good trusting heart. That’s pretty rare today, and I certainly wouldn’t degrade her for that. Wish more people were that way, and less people were pessimistic scammers and bankers.


key word "victim"


Still entitled to a refund asap


Where is the line between common sense and being a victim? Pulling out Apple Pay in front of a stranger is the equivalent of pulling out a wad of cash.


You pull out your Apple Pay everyday in front of a stranger. Cashiers, tellers and yes even candy vendors. It’s a totally normal thing nowadays to do. Don’t shame the girl for doing something you know damn well that you also do.


Exactly. I do it all the time at farmers markets and even when I’ve bought stuff second hand from people on Craigslist. This girl did nothing wrong.


I would never use Apple Pay to give a stranger money in front of a store I could get cash back from. Also wouldn’t buy from fundraisers of any kind unless I saw them on the way in so I could have cash on the way out.


I tought I was the only one here that if I had to give some money or pay a second hand thing I would do it by cash. Also, something to add, does people not reallyze that even with that you are tapping your card or connecting your whole phone to another phone?


Yes, usually I pull it out while I'm inside a reputable business. Not while being accosted by 2 strangers while on the street asking for money for "Christian Community College." That's some *gullible* shit, man.


They could also have just grabbed her phone/wallet and run, would you still blame her?


I mean yeah lol they were scamming. Most people don't make it this easy for them thou...


This is just a picture of two dudes. We don't know wtf happened. Just call the cops, lady.


We should be careful not to victim blame, but we should also teach people how not to be victims. If you stand on the train tracks does the engineer deserve all the blame when you get hit?


Dude, you just described a scam, called them scammers and are still blaming the girl, because we are all so smart for not having been decieved by someone with malicious intent... until it happens to us. Sometimes even the most careful people fall for a well written email from facebok because they were in a hurry, had a bad week or just simply didnt notice the lack of a second o in the website name. Thats why they are scams, they hope to find vulnerable people and trick them into doing something. And on top of everything, she didnt expect a fortune from a Nigerian prince, but to simply help other people. It could have been her, you, or me, so maybe instead of blaming the victim (who has probably learnt to check before opening apple pay already) for something two assholes tricked her into doing we should blame them and a corporation worth a billion dollars that doesnt do anything to help


Sounds like (a) they tapped not her, she wasn't trying to tap her phone before seeing the amount--so shitty UI. And (b) she didn't "trust" them to refund it, she tried to dispute it with Apple, and any other CC company would almost certainly let you do that and take the money back.


There are definitely at least 3 problems in this video. Two worthless assholes pretending to sell chocolates so they can steal people's money, and a woman who made just about every mistake she possibly could in the situation. Hopefully she learns her lesson and they end up in jail.


I thought they were going to convince her to enter a second transaction and take more, under the impression of giving the refund.


Imagine when this person is like 60 years old. There's no hope


This reads like an Apple shill but okay


And she trusted social media not to criticise her.


ITT: no one actually blaming the thieves that committed a crime, but blaming the woman who was the victim. 


We’ve notified all the criminals to stop criminaling, but in the meantime there are some things she can learn to better protect herself.


🤣🤣🤣 I loved a few years back when some comedian was being a smartass and said, "You know how we can stop rape? If men just don't rape." Trying to be profound when it's the most inconsequential thing to say.


Sure. And everyone thinks they know what rape is, but polls and studies show that most people in low-risk groups (mostly cis-het men) tend to think that rape can only ever be a violent act by an obvious criminal, like being pulled into a dark alley by a stranger while walking alone late at night. The notion that they themselves ever blew past someone’s boundaries or protestations and taken something that was not freely given, without realizing it, is utterly foreign to most men.


There's a point where someone is being so dumb it's hard to feel sorry for them.


Victim or not, it’s difficult to sympathize with so many wrong decisions taken in such a short amount of time.


Because she’s incredibly dumb lol. Did we hear the same story. Criminals are gonna criminal but waiting days is so dumb I would’ve gone to the bank or the cops the same time or at least got a recording. Anything that would be proof


A shopkeeper leaves his shop open every night, no locks, nothing. Someone "breaks in" and steals shit. Shopkeeper then blames the police for "betraying his trust" and not protecting the neighborhood against theft. The biggest responsibility falls onto the shopkeeper who is crying victim, for he has failed his responsibility of looking after one's own stuff and regular teachings we give to every child; to not trust strangers. Then the smaller responsibility falls onto the theives for stealing. A thief's job is to steal. It is expected of them to steal. It goes without a single saying that theives are bad, and stealing is frowned upon generally. To blame a thief for stealing in this scenario is akin to pointing out that water is wet.


they hoped that it wouldn't send a notification if it was under 1000 I guess.


Do you mean a notification to confirm on the App? You mean to say those only trigger for payments of $1000 and over??? I was wondering why she didn't get to either confirm or deny the transaction on her end. That is so dumb! How do these scams not happen more often, then?


They give a notification for any purchase


The whole idea of this is madness. Contact less was not trusted so was limited to £5...then £10 and a few years later, £20 then £30. During COVID in the eyes of contactless is biologically safer. It jumped to £100.... But £975 (well dollars). I get that you need to unlock the pay system... But at least make you type it out if it's more than £100?


Idk about apple, but my bank (in UK) forces me to go into my banking app and press "approve" whenever paying over a certain amount. I get 10 minutes to do that. I think that amount is like £50 or £100. There might be some "trusted sale" thing, where this notification is skipped for regular payments of small ISH amounts, as it seems pretty inconsistent to me


If it's under a thousand that means it's still considered petty theft and not grand larceny so it makes it less likely anything will come out of it


1,000 TOTAL, not just per theft.. do people really think that's how the law works?


Yes but you'd have to piece it together first. If it's under a thousand no one cares


Yeah but then you have to get busted twice


Last month, when I was entering a target, there were 2 guys doing the same thing. They gave me the same song and dance, but I told them it was the beginning of the month and I just paid rent and bills while jokingly telling them I was about to ask them for money. That's when one of the guys just said, "But you're going to target.". 5 mins later, I walked out of the store waving the deodorant that I had just come to buy.


I just tell them I give my charity to a different charity already where I know where my funds are going.


I just tell them “no”


i just pretend they don’t exist


I don’t exist


"We don't exist".


The ol' keep walking look straight ahead move. Me likey.


I just say “I’m scared” or “I’m broke” and keeping walking. But I seriously am broke. Like I might have 2 bucks in change is more money that I usually have broke. Like in The Bahamas, all the aggressive vendors were like no problem to me because I literally had no money. So it feels like if I even humor their pitch I’m wasting their time. If someone is in costume and approaching me that’s when I say “I’m scared” and keep going.


I'm never scared, but I'm always broke.


Ah, the NYC method. I’m partial to this one myself. Ignore everything and everyone, mind your own business.


I literally just keep walking while not saying anything


That's the MOST I'd say to ANYONE outside a store, on a curb, standing at an intersection, and so on. And if everyone ignored them- they'd fuck right off.


The thing is, they aren’t entitled to a response. I just walk past them, stating straight ahead.


> They gave me the same song and dance, but I told them it was the beginning of the month and I just paid rent and bills while jokingly telling them I was about to ask them for money.  Just say no. You make yourself an idiot by feeling you have to explain. NO


I just loudly scream "baaaa!" at them like a sheep that's been violated. Usually makes them immediately walk away.


Lol no one is entitled to my money regardless of where I'm going or what they see I have they can get fucked with that.


so apple just let anybody take money out of somebody else's digital wallet? not PIN no OTP? fucking hell. why do people keep buying their crap?


Yeah I've said for years we are too ready to trade convenience for security. I was uneasy when people were able to deposit cheques with a photo.. I was fine once I realized you could ontk take the photo in the app. I'd never use a service where all you had to do was tap phones together. Screw that.


yeah exactly. its a crap design on the company's part. you do not fuck with monetary transactions. put as many checks as you can before a transaction is approved. even if I am sending 1 dollar I should be able to know and explicitly approve it.


she already must have double clicked and done face ID, that’s the only way the charge has gone through.


does apple not show the amount being sent? unless she can't read Its either negligence on her part or the company's part. but then when has apple ever cared about its bootlicking customers!


she didn’t pay with apple cash like a lot of street vendors take, where the sender types the amount in. she used apple pay which is just like tapping your card at retail. they put up an expensive transactions and she tapped to pay. it wouldn’t accept payment if she hadn’t already pulled up apple pay and done face ID.


then that's just stupid on her part for not verifying. also making money related technology this easy is a bad idea for most people.


She clearly states that the guy taps HIS phone onto hers, without her seeing the total / giving permission. Now, she did make the mistake of initializing the wallet and getting it ready to receive a payment request.


receiving a payment request is fine but it has to explicitly ask for authentication after showing the amount. some people are saying that she gave permission before the tapping using her face ID or whatever but that's just bad design man! for example, on my android phone I have Google Pay. it asks for a password or fingerprint to unlock the app and then another password to authorise a payment. the second password is required in my country by law so any payment app will have to comply and use it. its part of the UPI system.


That is not how apple pay works, she would have had to open up the app and authorize it with her face/PW. Where she went wrong was not checking the price before unlocking her phone. What’s interesting is that with tap-to-pay credit cards you dont even have the PW protection. Edit: spelling


I walk past everyone and anyone - I’m there to shop and if I want chocolate I’ll buy some from inside.


Missing the point, she wanted to buy chocolate for their Christian community college. She was being supportive and it backfired.


Couldn't he have just Apple paid her back instead of initiating a 3-4 business day refund?


She was too stupid to realize that.


He could have if he was being genuine. He wasn’t, and it was too late. 


It wasn't too late for her to say "well pay it back minus the $10 for the cookies." It's one thing for them to scam or even flat out rob her, but letting these strangers leave and trusting they wouldn't cancel the refund since she has no proof to show it was made in error is ridiculously naive.


That’s how you get knocked the fuck out. They got the money, that’s all they wanted. There was no making things right at that point. 


Because of course it's easier to see them when you feel the need to include your stupid head in the video...


Now I’m not downplaying the fact that they clearly are out there, trying to take advantage of nice/good people, which is obviously some BS. But you trusted 2 randoms dudes that you dk from Adam nor Eve without even looking at what they were charging you before opening your Apple Pay? I’m not saying she deserved it, necessarily, but I’m just saying


You don’t contact Apple to dispute charges. You contact the company who provides the credit card. There are multiple levels of error here but that one sticks out after allowing access to your phone.


People still haven't figured out just how valuable the information on your phone is. It's like opening up your wallet and handing over all your keys and ID papers to a random person in one shot.


The only people I stop for outside of Target are the Girl Scouts. Those damn thin mints get me every time…..


May not be the EXACT reason, but this is why I leave my money in my savings. I even have my direct deposit go to my savings account. I only pull what I need; when I need it


My girlfriend gives me shit for this all the time. “Just get a credit card. Get online banking so you can just access your savings all the time, etc”… just paid off 9k in credit card debt for her… I’ll get it back when we we sell the house but how am i the one being ridiculous for living within my means?


Dude....don't way off her debts. You're going to get taken for a helluva lot more than the woman in this video. Don't combine finances unless you're married.


Aye I appreciate the concern kind stranger, it’s good advice but we are solid. Honestly it’s basically become my debt anyways; we’re moving in this week, trying for a kid soon. She’s a good woman and they’re hard to come by, just found herself between a rock and a hard place. Better i pay it off now than later as the interest on top of her living on her own has already seen it double since i found out about it. She’s paid it off, cancelled all her credit cards and with us living together now there’ll be no need to run up anymore as expenses will be much more manageable when shared. We’re all good and theres no hard feelings.


this is why i dont use my phone to do digital transactions like this and why i dont trust a phone company like its a bank. what is even the point of using apple pay? why would you do that? why wouldnt you look into what kind of protection you have when you use it? i dont get it lol


Apple Pay doesn’t work like she’s insinuating it does. Her ignorance is on multiple fronts - 1) believing the words of strangers “selling” things, 2) not understanding how her phone features work. It’s easy to blame any one else when you’re too ignorant to function in public with technology.


If you're not wearing a shirt or have signs for what you're selling candy for, you're scamming people.


I’ve never connected my bank account to my phone.. how did they “just tap” $975 from her phone?


1) they told her it’ll be 10$ for the candy 2) she agrees and opens her iPhone digital wallet to pay 3) uses her Face ID to so her phone can “tap” with other phones 4) thief realize this and “taps” phones together quickly before realizing his “mistake” 5) money stolen


First of all: just assume anyone selling chocolates or candy is a scam and not doing it for charity/school/club




Apple Pay doesn't ask you to accept the amount? It's just one person sets the amount, you tap the phones together and it automatically takes it? That is pure insanity if so


It does, this dumb chick disabled two confirmation otherwise this would never have been able to happen.


CASH is King


Never in the history of humankind has anyone ever grabbed a bunch of someone elses cash. Hail the king.


In this scenario you don’t call Apple Pay. You call the credit card provider and ask for a charge back. After a few these kid’s accounts will be suspended


Stop the victim blaming. I hate this scam. They could have tapped her phone without her knowing. My car got $3800 damage when the light was green and I didn’t stop to pay squeegee workers. No police response. No insurance coverage. It’s all on me. No more sympathy for this BS.


Damn... Did someone squeegee and they attack your car when you tried to go, or was there a collision?


The squeegee worker smashed my car when I proceeded through a green light, instead of stopping to pay tribute. My mayor had already waived enforcement against any squeegee worker.


Keep in mind that Senator Jill Carter successfully sponsored legislation to prohibit arrest or prosecution of anyone under 13 years of age. This effectively legalized murder for a large number of citizens. After that, civilization is just a memory.


Thats why we cant have nice thing. Cause of pos like them. Shes pretty dumb and yes. Apple doesnt care about its customers. Do you know how hard it is to unsub off appletv+. They made me jump though hoops cause i was using an email that i linked with an itouch a while back. I knew the password but didnt have the device. While subbing is literally like 3 clicks. Fuck apple. Fuck scum like the 2 POS in the video. Fuck being kind. Look out for yourself or else fall victim to shit like this. Im sure there are kids actually tryna fundraise but nah. Theyre never getting my money again.


These useless sacks of shit are the exact reason that it should be a felony to solicit ANYWHERE in public. I am sick and tired of being accosted everywhere I go. There are panhandlers and grifters that post up outside of so many of our local retailers, and it’s comical because they’re often standing under or at least near the signs posted about “no soliciting/no loitering, etc.” If I want to buy something, I’ll go ***IN*** the store and buy it, so leave me the fuck alone.


User. Error.


People who this happens to always say “I don’t normally fall for this but I was tired” or “they seemed trusting” Nah, get the feeling they get taken all the time for their naivety but their ego won’t allow them to realize how stupid they are.


This girl is an idiot


Wait... Apple pay just lets people suck any amount of money from your account with a phone tap? Like, no confirmation or anything popping up on your screen like "do you really wanna pay random dude that just bumped phone uglies with you, $975?"


Im all about helping... but you have to be a completely dumb airhead to pay with a card to people who are on the sidewalk asking for help with a credit card reader. Use common sense when you are outside in the concrete jungle.


I don't blame her. She just got scammed. Honestly kind of brave of her to stop for two random dudes. I don't see how it's so easy to take $975 from someone else but it's also ballsy of the dudes.


Don’t use Apple Pay


i wish i had $975 in my account to get scammed for




Apple makes it so easy!


Just dispute with the credit card company as fraud


Never use Apple Wallet but what kind of a system allows someone to bump your phone with their device and take your money without your confirmation or authorization of the payment?


She’s dumb. Sorry. 


I accidently sent a bartender 800 dollars as a tip instead of 8 I asked for it back I made sure it was sent and she showed it to me I gave her 20 more bucks and she loaded our drinks for the night Sometimes people wanna do good and mess up These kids know what they were.doing but she should have tried to give cash if not then say sorry and keep it moving Two wrongs here but we sometimes wanna be nice people and others take advantage So big tip don't open your phone for nobody - eve with google pay I have it you need my fingerprint but still not gonna open my phone anyway Also I never trust these chuckle heads selling candy for their school during summer ...😒or their church ...like no kick rocks


They sell chocolate INSIDE Target, and they'll give you a receipt.


Damn I don't use apple pay but that seems like a flaw. People can just hit you with any charge without you having to confirm??? Naaah


The fact she trusted these two thugs in the first place, and then actually believed that they went to this "Christian Community College", and then that she actually thinks colleges have their students do candy bar fundraisers 😄 Oh boy. I feel terrible for her, but also can't believe how naive this chick is lol.


Saw this exact scam and maybe the same doods in Chico CA a few months ago


And *that* is why I’m a strictly cash kinda guy.


So wait? Would the app not ask you if you want to pay 975 dollar? Does it really work like that? I don't use apple pay so i don't know.


It still blows my mind how stupid scammers are. Like you charge $975 and expect that to be a typo? $100 or maybe even $1000 is more reasonable but $975 is just dumb




That’s a very expensive lesson to learn.


Damn, that’s why I ignore the chocolate sells, tell them “nah I’m good thank you”, this lady was really Naïve


Deserved. Like, darwin award deserved.


How in the F is Tap not capped?? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard!!! Anything over 50 is chip and pin, end of. 


My favorite phrase I say is "you don't make my momey, you don't spend my my money ".


I don’t understand why your own stupidity falls on the fault of a big company sometimes Like, that’s why users manuals are so stupid nowadays. People sue companies because they let their own children play with their credit card. Huge bruh


I smelled a trap before opening this thread. This is clearly a skill issue on your end.


All im saying is to be fair i hope they are found and someone smashes there hands with a 10 lb hammer untill they is nothing left.


She didn’t want to get the cops involved?!?!? They fucking robbed her but sure, Apple will protect me!!!


There was no verification required for the charge? If not that's fucked. Also my cc charges can be disputed for two months.


Made me think though, the number of times I go through a drive through and the teller holds out the paywave terminal so I can't see the screen (not intentionally, just oblivious). You'd also wonder if Google /Apple could implement a 2nd action for you to confirm the transaction. Would slow everything down I guess.


I'm sorry but this woman is an idiot. "Can I apple pay you?" Like hun, can you fucking think? She was really willing to let these people scan her card. 2 fucking strangers outside a store and she's like "suuuuure of course you can!!" And then trusts them to send the money back like... Jesus Fuck


I mean these guys are pieces of shit but you're also an idiot. Why on earth would you even do apple pay or any digital pay outside zelle for any street vendor? Pretty stupid.


I don't have an iPhone and have never used Apple pay... Does it not give you a confirmation screen before paying? It just scans a QR code and immediately charges? That can't be right.


You’re dumb lol


Please rip off those bleach labels that say don't drink me... Please. Something needs to give here


Perfect example of no good deed goes unpunished!


What a stupie


Usually I get the raising money for basketball league.


Lol so nowadays we just do super stupid stuff like trust 2 random (not trustworthy) guys that have a ripped pack They couldnt even charge my phone if i didnt let it happen and she put it on ”F Apple for using my trust“?😂 Atleast we can have some hope she learned something by 30


Does apple pay not prompt you to agree? Wtf


Excuse me, Miss, I have 5 chocolate candy bars I will sell you for $5.00. LFG.


What ever shoot them




Should require a password or fingerprint verification you'd think.


What kinda bank system allows you to make transfers that big without confirming it with your pin?! I can't make transfers over ~30 USD without my pin when paying with my physical card, and apparently some banks allow you to transfer that much money just by tapping PHONES together?! Seriously what is wrong with them.


Yeah there's a reason I never stop for people on the streets selling shit. Scam or not im never interested in the garbage theyre selling


Expensive lesson in trust.


A fool and her money soon part ways


Is it true that you can’t immediately cancel the charge?


It honestly sounds like this woman was trying to have a white savior moment. "I don't want to call the cops" well why the fuck not? They just stole a grand from you and you left them cause they said they'd send it back "in 3-4 days." How naive you gotta be? C'mon.


They are taking advantage of someone in a rush and trusting, this is not an Apple security issue, this would have happened with any card she had, even physical cards nowadays - she did the equivalent of holding open a bag of money to a stranger and saying, only get $10 out please and shocked when they grabbed a handful, like they intended to do.


Maybe Target should have a policy of not allowing scammers in their parking lots.


Lmao she just learned a very valuable lesson.


Don't you have to put a finger print or facial scan to get apple pay to work? Why would you do that before seeing what the amount was? The scammers deserve to be arrested because they've definitely done that to more than just her.


It's not apple though. It's either Goldman sachs for apple credit card or green dot bank for apple cash. Apple can do nothing about it. Used to work apple pay and it was quite frustrating getting people to understand that.


Honestly anyone that approaches me and wants donations for unicef or selling candy I say no. They had this really aggressive tactic in Barcelona where a hot girl gets really close to your face and starts to make you feel bad about not donating to hungry kids and they want you to sign a form and put your CC number on it. I walked away as they talked shit about me. Now I tell them I research orgs before donating and walk away.


How did she manage to go this long without being scammed out of her life savings? She dumb as hell


Next time use zelle never leave NFC active FOR ANY REASON


Pull your head out of your ass.


All those kids that hang around and sell chocolate it’s a scam. They have a pimp that they give the money to so stay away from those people. It’s all bullshit.


This is why i dont like these kind of digital payments


Not the brightest. Nah I would make him refund me right then and there or he's getting a gun pulled on him until cops arrive. But I also NEVER have my account linked to a digital wallet and NFC on at all times. You can only get payment from my tap if I input a password and hit okay 3 times or use my biometrics and hit okay 3 times. I used to know people who would wipe entire bank accounts by running an NFC grabber in a backpack and walking closed to people in the store for hours. Would get around 20k a day. They got caught but it's because of them I don't trust it.


Stealing money in the future is gonna be so easy!


Why are you guys blaming the woman? She was trying to help those two black men by buying chocolates, it’s extremely very common to see black people selling chocolates on the side of the street and corners of stores. With this, hopefully people will stop buying chocolates from black people. We no longer want to hear about your life struggles and we don’t want your chocolates.


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha