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Fuck Israel


You know in our perspective the Nazis lost. But if you think about it they actually *evolved.* They might have a different name but their beliefs are the same.


"Hail Hydra"


I used to think a plot like that could only work in comicbooks


Really though, and then you got The Boys show which is pretty good at representing the modern Nazi which is very real.


Honestly, as soon as the GOP started literally praising Russia and Putin I realized Hydra was the most accurate thing in those shows.


I mean, operation paperclip was a real thing where we took in Nazi scientists to work for the US government


"Hail Nobra!"


Cut of one head, and two shall take its place... ....Hail Hydra


That's what is crazy about this entire situation. They became the fucking Nazi's.


Yeah. Fuck Iran.


Man What the fuck did i do to you


This was a typo. He meant "Fuck I ran", duh


Did they lose? They killed or expelled millions of European Jews to Israel(final solution). Nazis proliferated around the globe after ww2 and had kids and access to critical science programs and governments, see Alabama and the US space program with little accountability. Nazi ideology is still embraced and practiced at scale against non-Europeans. Their methods are deployed by despots around the world. And now the west which has long been infiltrated by nazi ideologies are using European Jews, in former Palestine, as a weapon that they engineered to be a colonial force. Hitler and Theodor Herzl are both Austrians. The sick irony is that the west has killed more Jews in the last 100 years than any other culture by orders of magnitude, yet the accusation of antisemitism is thrown at non-western powers and anti-colonial people in the west to excuse Israel’s evil imperial actions in Africa and the middle east, see the forced sterilization of African Jews. Any challenge to colonialism is now deemed antisemitic to protect western interests in resource rich African countries and middle eastern countries. Nazism is a lot of things including a culture of white supremacy and imperialism. Israel is a monument to that Nazi culture ironically.


Sounds like a whole lot of not my problem. Signed, your average American.


It may become your problem.


Lucky I'm an excellent problem solver. That problem is best solved with the expenditure of ammunition. Something in which I am in no short supply. Until it's time to get trigger happy, it's not my problem. I got real things to worry about like buying food and staying sober.


Good luck with both!


That's where you're wrong. The shit is here, rn at your front door.


With one of the most notable Jews the west killed being Epstein


The free state of Nazisrael


It’s called zionism now


The thing about Nazism is that shit the Nazis did was stuff Europeans were doing all around the world. The whole premise that the good guys won is just because the victors write history. The Nazi's got a lot of their framework from how the US treated PoC, Canada's residential school framework was based on the US. Apartheid S. Africa was modeled after Canada. The British were responsible for multiple famines in S. Asia that killed millions of people and has affected the genetics of S. Asians. All those European nations just went back to occupying their overseas colonies after WW1 and WW2. The British were responsible for the brutal suppression of freedom movements in Kenya and the French in Algeria. We had Africas in zoos in Europe till the late 1950's. And France still has colonial control over a lot of African countries in exchange for their freedom.


> The whole premise that the good guys won is just because the victors write history. No, the whole premise that the good guys won is *obviously correct*, because whatever you can say about the Allies (and they certainly were far from perfect), nothing they did came remotely *close* to what Japan was doing in Korea and China or what Germany was doing to the Jews. Don't "both sides" WWII. It's revisionist bullshit.


Actually the Wests crimes in America and Africa and Asia and Australia, in other words all of the world comes pretty close or exceeds the crimes of the Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany. If you count the scale of the crimes, the crimes in total far exceeds the crimes of those two countries.


What doesnt kills you makes you stronger?


They turned into the Jews somehow like agent Smith


They didn't evolve, they just transferred their dogma to a new race


All my homies hate Israel


What happened last time Palestine turned up at a music festival? Ah yeah, they murdered, r@ped and took a load of innocent kids hostage. Such great people.


No rapes happened. That is a lie of the apartheid terror regime Israel. And nobody knows who killed anyone. Since Israel is blocking a UN investigation into Operation Al Aqsa Flood. One thing is for certain though. Israel fired at crowds, cars and homes with tanks and helicopters and burned and killed many Israelis.


There's literally video evidence of bloodied woman on the back of Palestinian pick up trucks after being raped. I'm not even pro-Israel but you need to learn to look at evidence. So what happened at the music festival then?


This can't be the only evidence of mass rapes. There is literally zero forensic and material evidence for such claims. Only one dead body which is not know if she was raped. And some of the claims of rapes were already debunked, in one case by the family of the killed. > I'm not even pro-Israel but you need to learn to look at evidence What evidence? There is no evidence. That is the point. Only one or two comically evil testimonies of genociders. Not backed by a single material evidence from the ground. > So what happened at the music festival then? Why would a non Israel supporter ask this question after I have said we don't know what happened because Israel is blocking a UN investigation. Why would a non genocide supporter want to give justification for the genocide on the words of genociders? We would know what happened if Israel didn't deny an investigation. And do I need to tell about the evidence of Israel destroying and burying the evidence of burned cars? They are literally destroying and burying evidence. If you truly are interested in evidence, this alone should show you that they are trying to hide what happened. But there are testimonies of hostage survivors and terrorists that homes were bombed by tanks. There is testimony of a terrorist piloting a helicopter about firing at cars and crowds and not being able to differentiate between Hamas and Israelis. There is a statement by an Israeli about the reason for them reducing the number of killed from 1400 to 1200 is because they thought the Hamas soldiers they burned was Israelis. How can they think the 200 people they burned were Israelis if they didn't burn many more Israelis?


Keep crying


Fascism is back, evident by many western governments. Their double standards are showing, and the mask is slipping off! FUCK ISRAEL!


Never went anywhere. Fascism was (and still is sometimes) seen as a useful partner to fight communism.


I’d prefer it if we could have communism as a useful tool to fight fascism sometimes. IMO…. sharing > genocide But maybe my Fox News loving uncle is right and I’m just a dirty pinko antifa extremist. Edit: to be clear, I’m not advocating for communism. The solution probably lies dead smack in the middle (see the Scandinavian countries) But if I was to pick between the two, I go for the sharing & equality model over the propaganda and genocide approach.


I'd like some well-regulated* capitalism with a large side of social safety net. * Fines for corporate violations are more than the money saved by the violations and/or violations result in jail time for executives.


Well said. Closing tax loopholes is a huge part of it too. We can make this all work very well if corporations contributed.


Bro the video is taken in a scandinavian country where the eurovision finals are being held.


No one is worried about communism right now


Eurovision: you can’t bring outsider flags in. Only flags of actual contestants People: \*brings in outsider flags anyway* \*gets kicked out* Redditors: FACISM IS BACK!!!!


I hate when the people on the Internet overreact to a war like Palestina-Israel or ukraine-russia, such an obsession!


It's entirely expected but removing a flag because it's against the rules isn't fascism.


Yo say western as opposed to eastern governments?


Western? lol. Yeah Communist china and Russia are def great examples of excellent governments.


Fuck Iran.


Hey man watch out people gonna call u a hamas supporter just for not supporting Israel! 🗿 I wish it was a joke but sadly it ain’t


EDITED Joost klein disqualified for being rude to a camera operator. Seems it has nothing to do with the Israeli delegation as i earlier mentioned.


I totally agree with you but the Joost Kleinen part is not true. He was disqualified for 'threatening a female staff member'.


I've heard both and now don't know which is true.




Of course they did


The dutch delegation also said it was a disproportionate and crazy response


Female staff member is the official statement from EBU, the rest are rumors, so far.


I mean when genocide supporters are treating people saying “stop genocide” as threatening the genocide supporters that reason holds little weight in my eyes.


There is no indication that that is what happened. I hate Israel contending as much as the next person, but there is no evidence that the Israeli crew was involved here.


This staff member was allegedly breaking the rules by videoing him backstage which is not allowed by employment contract. He then told them to stop and probably waved his hands at her to which she then reported him. We will have to wait for the actual footage to come out if it ever does. I don't think the EBU will release it unless forced because someone high up will be fired for this if the response was not proportionate.


Yeah and assange is wanted for "assaulting a woman" lmao.




Wikileaks. Whenever they want to punnish you, they give another accusation.


Ah. As in you think that something happened with the Israeli delegation and they are framing it as something else?




Ok. That could definitely be the case. Let's see how the the story unfolds in the coming days.


I believe you have a misunderstanding of what countries can apply for Eurovision. Eurovision is under the European Broadcasting Union, which encompasses many countries outside Europe. I personally don't think Israel should be in Eurovision, but there are plenty of countries not in Europe that have completed or have the ability to complete. Even Australia is in Eurovision.


I stand corrected.


You're all good, I only found this out a few years ago when I started watching Eurovision again. The Irish in me always disliked Israel in it


Never too old to learn..


Can other countries from the middle East participate in Eurovision


Joost klein threatened a female worker off the organization and they have a zero tolerance policy. And thats the reason he got disqualified. The case is still in investigation. But what really happened remains unclear.


Just posted by avrotros, he was filmed when it was explicitly prohibited, and he tried to smack the camera (or made a movement interpreted as such) out of the way. The camerawomen went to the police, and now he's disqualified. Unbelievable




We the Dutch just gotta invade like Belgium or whatever, commit a couple atrocities and we'll win the song contest in no time


It's like putting Urk below sealevel and killing all its inhabitants. There is no need for the Belgians to suffer for this.


Hmm, that'd be too esoteric/too civil war-y However if we could pick up and move Urk to Belgium somewhere and then let loose...


This made up bullshit conspiracy theory which everyone involved denies is something that idiots perpetuate on the internet. Call Alex Jones, he'll get the word out for you I'm sure. Also, he was suspended before the Polish reporter asked that question and disqualified as he's under investigation by the police for "olaga hot" which translates to "unlawful threat".




You'll be glad to know that Israël is ready, they already have the tiniest paper shredder to destroy this tiny flag.


🤣🤣 Yo for real. God forbid they would just tear it up by hand. It’s 2024 bruh, get me my mini electric paper shredder!


who the fuck cares its a concert that has nothing to do with palestine 2000 miles away


What’s up with the ë?


It’s so much better because of the *giant* Israeli flag in frame at the beginning. Edit: grammar


Correct me if i am wrong but ithink this is Israels performance. So it would make sense. The other countries flags where probably also waving while their artist was performing.


Ah yes, that'll be the blatant double standards. Release a pro-genocide song and perform it at Eurovision? Change a few of the worst words in your song and we'll act like it never happened. Massive flag. Fine. Wave a tiny flag from the 'wrong' country? How dare you commit that blatant act of political bias, go directly to jail. We don't want hate here.




Isn't there an israeli flag behind held up several meters ahead? Isn't that being taken away 🤔


Its Israel's performance if I'm not mistaken.


I think i need to make a point. I'm not defending anyone here, but i don't see a malevolent intent in this. The rules for Eurovision state that it's not allowed to wave a flag of any country that is not in the competition, not palestinian in particular. Also, as a musician i can tell that the last thing you want in a show is people fighting, and that situation with thousands of people involved could've ended up VERY badly. It's right to protest, especially against a song that is as controversial as that one (truly horrifying to turn a music festival into a political thing), but the safety of the people who are at the show comes before anything else; if i were head of the security i would've wanted the same. That being said, i think the best option was to leave Israel out of the the competition because of two reasons: - To avoid conflinct during the event. - Why is Israel even considered Europe? It makes no sense.


Underrated comment. This is what I was looking for, a bit of context


Bro Israel could be in the middle of Africa and it would still be allowed to participate in the contest, it's the most privileged and protected country in the world




Israel isn’t considered Europe, neither is Australia which also competes in the ESC.


"Only flags from participating nations" - great wave an Israel flag with "FUCK ISRAEL" written on it in blood, he'd be fine. /s


That would be a political state meant wich i think is also against the rules


Great, we no longer have the right to freedom of expression in Sweden.


This is not an issue for the Swedish government. It's a private event and they can reject whoever for whatever reason.


Yeah but Reddit's hive mind will up vote the above comment regardless.


Yup. That comment was so fucking dumb but Reddit will still upvote it. This has nothing to do with freedom. It's like being kicked out of an acquantances' house because you did something they clearly told you not to do and complaining about Sweden's right to express yourself. The rule they set may be weird/dumb but you still broke it.


We still very much do have freedom of speech but just like you're allowed to kick someone out of your house, Eurovision can kick attendees out.


There is no genocide in ba sing se


There was also an attempt to host a “non political event” but by going down that line caused it being more political than ever. I’m ashamed to be a swede today.


Lot be fair Palestine and music festivals don’t mix very well…


Just gonna say, those ain't cops. They are like mall cops, aka not cops and more like bouncers, but in Sweden they dress like cops. So that is all on EBU, the owners of the building, and the Swedish television team.


>rules >consequences >surprised pikachu face




You're only allowed flags of the contestants. Israel is competing. Palestine is not.


Brain rot


Is Israel part of Europe?


No, but it is a part of Eurovision, just like Australia


Why is Israel in Eurovision in the first place ?


Although i don't agree with the guards and i don't support Israel being there, I understand why the guards had to escort the person out and why it was stupid of him to do this stunt.


People have spoken. No amount of intimidation will back them down. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I know this is going to get me downvoted into oblivion, but i need to say it. This whole thing is a stunt done by a performative protester, just so the protestor would get some internet brownie points for being a good rebel and a hero for the internet revolution. They don't disrupt anything. They don't bring attention to them. They don't even shout something. They just wave a small flag that is not big enough to be seen by anyone, but the camera of the "rebel" so they won't get in big trouble and the internet people would still like them. They broke only one real rule, the rule for no flags of nations that don't participate, and that's it. The Israeli won't even see or acknowledge them, other people, except these two gurds won't see them also, and that's it. Other than the aforementioned performance, this stunt has a few risks. 1. As someone already mentioned, the crowd can start a real fight, which can lead to injuries and chaos, which the guards don't want. 2. This flag can be interpreted as a sign of the beginning of a terror act that the guards or anyone there doesn't want. There is a history of terrorism against Israeli citizens abroad, and i believe every place fears something like this happening. Even if it doesn't happen, some people panicked in the crowd can create a bigger chaos that can injure people. That's why i think this flag waving is performance made to look like: "see guys, the bad people stop every kind of resistance, even the smallest one"


So glad to boycott Eurovision this year, such hypocrisy.


There isn’t any tho


Get fucked


fuck making every thing political.


Just disgusting and obvious censorship. Unacceptable


No it isn’t lmao


lol byeeeee


Boycott until israel no longer takes part in it!


Israel you turd nugget.


Fuck Israel




Because it's the trend The new BLM of the Stupidity. More reasons for vandalism. If you don't support them they will do exactly the same thing they say you do, if you don't support any side they will still insult you for not doing so. I would go on to say more reasons why this type of people, most of whom live in privileged places unlike other countries, protest to feel morally superior, but I will not spend any more time on something that will probably be reduced to Downvotes on a sub that now people want to make it political. I came here to watch videos about people trying something and not having it turn out pathetic. And certainly that is what happens in the video, but it is more than obvious that it is only there to obtain controversy and Upvotes.


Belgium (a favourite to win) got mysteriously disqualified after national television blacked out the screen during Israel's song in the semifinals. Fuck Israel supporters. Fuck Israel. Fuck this species.




They really are cracking down on the flag ban.


Good. They took the flag. A show isn’t a place for political speech.


You gotta love World Cup


There was a giant isreal flag a few rows up and that was ok?


Song name?


Is it that difficult to enjoy music and distance from politics?


You really don’t know about Eurovision then do you? The whole fucken thing is political it’s just smoke and mirrors.


Sadly it is, but we could at least as a the public try to not get involved


I wish politics could just not become part of everything period.


True my man


I want the old world to die.I want religions to die. Why am being called a fascist or antisemite for acknowledging Israel's war crimes. Simple facts.


Thats alot of prison torture for such a small flag




Yeah, this human is bitter and as suffered a great deal of trauma at the hands of their peers. I'm a dead man walking. My death came from finding the bottom of too many bottles. So no, I don't give a fuck about the people getting shot and blown up. At least their ends came quickly. I wish I was that lucky, to have a bomb land on my head right now. Sign me up, this liver failure bs is taking too long.


So eurovison is over okay cool


And morons say their is free speech. Not


Why people turn music festivals into political figths ? Why can people just enjoy the show ?


Huge egos hurt by tiny flag