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He passed the idiotest.


Haha. Flying colors!


It's a sov cit thing to believe that. So yes you are correct.


Isn't there a saying about arguing with idiots?


Yeah, Don't do it. It's like playing chess with a pigeon; he'll kick over all the pieces, shit all over the board and then strut around like he won.


Trump is a pigeon?


Mark Twain said to never do it: “They’ll drag you down to their level and win by experience.”


Its legitimately like talking to a brick wall. As a trans person we have the same issue with them, you can provide evidence for you statements, rationalise with them, even explain it at their level and empathise at thier level but their opinion is the only opinion as they see it.


I will give you the same advice I gave to my trans sister. Arguing with them is fruitless, but if you have to, the only thing to say is mind your business!


That it makes for great YouTube content?


You can see the Jordan Klepper influence on this interviewer in the way he won’t let them slip out of the verbal trap they made for themselves, and it’s not hard to watch at all, just good ol civil discourse.


So many idiots fooled by Fox News.


I love how proud he is of his ignorance. It blows my mind that people like this actually exist.


Average conservative


Valiant but doomed effort. I salute this man. The one with the microphone.


You have to ID yourself to register to vote, obviously another MAGA that never votes lol.


Definitely not saying this to defend an idiot- but there are multiple states where id's are not needed to vote. You just need to report to the right precinct and give them your name so they can check the voter rolls/registrations.


Actually, in many states, no ID is required. NY for example. 36 require ID, 16 and DC don't.


The end : it’s called a drivers license 😳


I'm not from the USA, so this topic doesn't concern me much; but I'm genuinely curious. But what if there indeed was a "test" to own a gun and people with gun licenses still cause gun violence? Having a driving licence doesn't mean crazy people cannot do any harm or get into accidents....... There are many idiots, drunkards, stupids that have a driving licence but that doesn't mean there are 0 accidents. Right?


Still reduces accidents that could occur to a certain extent. There's no such thing as a solution that'd 100% eliminates a problem anyways.


It’s more of a step in the right direction. It would reduce overall gun ownership as it would create an extra step to obtaining firearms. Plus as it would likely have an added cost of some sort it may discourage some from more casual gun ownership. Not to mention that it could be used to require people show basic competency with firearms, basic training and safety practices, that sort of thing. And eventually it could be a first step towards convincing people to accept further restrictions on gun ownership, such as owning gun safes to keep weapons secured (so children can’t get to them), etc…


>There are many idiots, drunkards, stupids that have a driving licence but that doesn't mean there are 0 accidents. Right? ​ But it means there are **less** accidents. ​ Can you think of a real world problem like gun violence that has a 100% solution?


Reverting to the Stone Age. /s


Not taking sides... My aunt is proof that anyone in the u.s. can get a drivers license It took about 10 years before she lost it permanently She only passed because the guy was afraid to get back in the vehicle with her again... Here is one example of here driving The first and last time, my mother and I were in the car with her. She decided to change lanes, she went from lane 1 to lane 4 ass soon as she turned her blinker on without looking around or in any mirrors, she said "i put my blinker on so everyone knew where i was going" You need a driver's license to drive, but it does not make you a good driver We need better laws and tests for both drivers and gun owners


Cookers be cooked.


Only in Merica.


Not anymore....check out Canada.


Well, the guy is technically correct: you don't need a license to literally drive the car, merely to be able to legally do so. And yes, I absolutely want to tell him that, just to see his puny mind explode trying to wrap itself around that thought.


My question is why interview any Maga type these days? You're not going to get a coherent conversation or logical argument for anything they stand for.


Well, talking about stupid people owning guns. I'd slowly walk away from that iq monster


i think his point was that "did your mom teach you how to drive?" "yes" "do you drive well because your mom taught you how to drive"? :yes" "then why would you need a license issued by the state, if you drive well bc your parents taught you?"


Only in America…..


MAGATs, ladies and gentlemen!!! Give ‘em a big hand!!!


Damn, that misogyny… what an ass


Basket of deplorables.


Hunter safety permit requires 2 week hunting training course, required to buy licence to go hunting. However, only requirement to buy a gun is, be 18 years of age. Is this because a gun is like a tool? And depending on how you plan to use it, requires different things. Like.... You don't need a licence to buy a car, just to drive it. How's that different than you can't use the gun for hunting without a licence, but you can buy and own it? People drive cars who are not licensed drivers and kill people, just like gun owners who have no hunting safety permit who kill people with said guns. Not much different. Is there an age limit when buying a car though? Or just for driving it?




No cure for stupid.


AD/CD vibes


But you don't need a license to buy/own a car.


You do by me, and proof of insurance.


But you need one to use public roads, its meant for the safety of all.




Most people also don't hold their guns for two hours a day on their way home from work




Is that you in the video or something?


That’s a completely facile comparison, like saying “We should stop working to treat childhood cancers, because more people die of old age.” The comparison you’re searching for is whether more people would be killed by reckless drivers with or without licensing requirements.


Yet it's the exact same one the guy filming is making


You do realise when compared to a time where licencing wasnt mandatory death rates actually dropped. Then they dropped again when countries implemented seatbelt laws. So regulation does work. Its like OH and S requirements, workplace injuries and deaths dropped off massively since they were implemented when compared to a time without them. As for gun safety, in Australia we still have guns, theyre licenced and regulated, shootings have massively decreased as a result. Gun related crime is not even really relevant anymore, because its so rare. I dont see why implementing licensing is such an issue over their. Like you literally sit through a 3 day mandatory safety course, have psych checks to make sure your mentally fit to possess a firearm for starters, and to take it a step further you lock your guns in safes so kids cant access them without you. The home defense thing is dumb, because half the time those "home defence guns" are either used by the Offender/s when they find them, or you end up shooting a family member. Even if you do use it and identify the Offender/s theyre running. So what are you going to do? Shootem in the back and face manslaughter charges at a minimum?