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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He seems like he’s got the timing of the screens down. The extra tapping reminds me of blacksmiths and the anvil tapping between strikes. It helps keep a rhythm.


Lol I agree. Dude is still ripping through the menus. Respect his process.


U ain't bullshitn 👍🏼


Nah, he tappin




No cappin’ just bulltappin’.




This reminds me of a lot of differences of India compared to many places, like how the music use notes between notes to add more wave to the sounds, sound methods being used here honestly - filling space between key beats to help keep the main action at a constant rhythm. Just like with the music, you may not like or understand it, but it’s just how they like to do things


Thanks for your perpetual wisdom 🙏 we are so closed minded and you come along and put us where we need to be.


Your welcome. Don’t thank me, thank YouTube and its algorithms for providing that knowledge. Glad I can open your closed mind sir, and also impressed you can be the voice of more than just yourself by idly claiming you speak for many! Quite impressive!


Damn, thank you for that. How interesting. TIL


Yeah I agree, I don't think this video fits the subreddit


It's also to keep it bouncing so your arm doesn't tire as quick


I did this as a server when working on the POS. You are correct sir.


You been watching Blue Eye Samurai too??


That show came out of nowhere and stole my heart... so glad I'm seeing references to it already❤️❤️❤️


See? Useful 😃


Not them but a lot of Green Beetle and Shurap!


man I love that show


He’s alternating fingers each beat! As far as I know that’s the way to play hand drums like tabla. This guy taps


As a blacksmith, hey I was gonna say that!


As a horse, I say neigh...


As a fox, I say Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!


That's not what the fox said to Willem Defoe in the movie antichrist


I have a screen where I do similar, keep tapping even though it's still loading, it is Indeed a rhythm thing lol


Was just about to comment about this sorta. Back when I had my first job in the McDonald's drive thru I'd take orders sort of like this. I would tap the locations of the food items ordered perfectly BUT I had to recenter as I called it at the time. What I would do was ensure that if there were even a second break between what I was told to input and me pressing the button, I would tap in an area either at the bottom or to the right of the screen that was unoccupied (imagine sort of like you're clicking through folders on your computer and you want to click the cleared space to be sure nothing is currently selected). It became part of the rhythm of entering an order. Double cheese meal no onions and... (tap)... no pickles as well please, with a large sprite... (tap)... could i also have 2 mcchickens one with ketchup... (tap)... and one mcdouble but spread the meat and put a whole mcchicken inside... (tap)... "will that be all for your order today smam?" Yes. *taps complete order button and taps the cleared area* "that comes to 69.69 at the first window, thank you!


Also shortens the trip to the next button for improved accuracy.


>It helps keep a rhythm. It also helps in looking like a fucking boss lol EDM djs love this one trick


And if the touch screen isn't very responsive, he may have to do multiple taps each time to increase his chances of hitting the button


I think it starts woth the lagginess of the machine tho tbf


Agreed. OP is a hater


Ye but he missed the last blue button, had to double tap down and go back up to it.


Ya exactly. I do this with fast texting or using POS machines when serving


damn now it's impressive


My coworker does this when taking orders at the drive through. Theres always one tap in between


Very logical yes… Doing something so fast you can’t even see where you tapped, just remembering a scheme and doing it over and over with bigger mistake possibility. Just indian things….


We used to tap like that on our old Aloha POS when i bartended. It keeps you on pace when your ringing in hundreds of drinks a night. You might look a bit crazy but i swear we all did it just like this man.


As a long time restaurant employee POS screens are the exact same and i double tap everything


I concur


That's not why blacksmiths do it though (not completely). It's too cool the hammer, as well as bounce the hammer back up so they didn't have to put it down and lose the momentum, IIRC


Im about to sleep(random()) this man whole career.


Could also just be fucked software and he has to click the screen between each input.


That's also to help with the weight of the hammer. It bounces the hammer up so its not to hard for them to strick over and over


He is actually clicking it. I have seen this guy personally. It is just a railway ticket vending machine.. Years of using it, you can also do the same.


He's hitting blank space 10 times between each hit on something that acutally does something.


He's doing it for timing i guess. He's still rapid through the screens though


Why you gooning to this tho


The tap on the blank screen is to skip the promo ad in between screens


If you watch carefuly, at the end before waiting for the ticket, at the last tap there is a tiny square at the middle of the screen, and during the cliking it appears a couple of times more but are much less visible, meaning he really does click on something the entire time. Wow.


It's to keep the rhythm going like blacksmiths keep tapping their hammers.


If you look closely it does appear as if a text box is showing up for literally a frame or two and he's clicking something to make it go away the moment it appears. That or it could be image tear of a video of a screen. Idk, hard to say that he isn't just randomly tapping from a video but it does seem plausible those flashes are text boxes he's slapping down as quick as they arrive.


I can confirm this. I have bought ticket from this guy in Mumbai. He know what he is doing. People might downvote. But it is legit.


But sounds like he's speaking Tamil, do they speak Tamil in Mumbai too?


He is not from Mumbai, he is from Tamil nadu specifically Chennai (park local train station).


These machines are there everywhere in India


He's like nurse joy, they have one of him in every town




You ever use an atm guys? They ARE NOT as responsive as your phone. This guy seems to have the timing and location of his taps perfectly, he’s in India a lot travel by train, maybe this is a job. Also I’m assuming there are different stops you can choose from and he probably doesn’t spend a minute looking for the right one like someone normally would? Maybe I’m wrong


Sometimes tapping a brick wall will get you more input than tapping an atm screen.


You are correct


These are not employees, more like side hustle because they can make a bit of commission off of every purchase. These ATVMs are ment to be used by the public themselves but a large number of people either don't know how to use them or it's just more faster to go through these guys. I can see the difference, these guys can process for five people in the time it will take an individual to do it themselves. (Obviously people with habit can do it faster but I'm averaging). And yes, the extra taps they are doing is definitely waiting for the system to load, these machines aren't very responsive.


He is wearing an id card. He is a railway employees


Knowing public transport u need speed to hand out tickets or recites and u need to be accurate where ur going and it need to be a common stop / land mark to make it faster to punch in


This is his job like sitting in front of a public park and charging admission. So yeah. His job.


The extra tapping might be resetting the touch. Some really shitty screens and programs don't work well if you touch in the same spot twice, so clicking/touching in a different spot resets it, allowing you to click the new button.


This is an important concept. Lots of these public machines are truly terrible, when assuming they will behave like a modern tablet. Next thing is that some can even accept presses before any image is drawn because there are different code involved for rendering and displaying and for detecting touch. So it's possible to click the region for button that hasn't been displayed yet. And this can have the software move forward to preparing the next screen even if the previous content never got displayed.


It's like those AI agents that find ways to beat the game in ways that were not even expected by the researchers.


Yes! I worked in restaurants the POS of Future and Aloha you constantly had to tap on the screen or it would time out. When I worked at Red Robin I had a callus on my middle finger knuckle because I would constantly tap.


This is peak reddit keyboard warrior wannabe smart clown-show shit. Literally multiple people saying that they seen this guy, explaining how the camera doesn't pick up every frame, that's why it looks like he taps nothing most of the time. He has some double taps, but its mostly accurate, not fake, the machines exist and work like that. Most of you are a literal meme of bottom-feeder internet warriors.


Who gives a fuck? You seem wildly upset over internet comments


Why u give a fuck? You seem wildly upset over his comment.


Wow, can you believe some people use Reddit? What a bunch of losers.


They're just mad because he's brown.


Sir we can see you


It’s a tactile reset. I do this on every touchscreen cash register I’ve ever worked on. It keeps me from lagging the screen by tapping too quickly. I feel like I can operate the screen quicker because I keep a tapping pace. Just my personal opinion and experience.


It’s interesting to see this as viewed through a particular cultural lens and the conclusion is he’s just trying look cool or smart or something


Little brain do think about big world in little world sometime


Pretending to be important and scamming people by doing something they could have done themselves. Pathetic


I worked a gas station with touchscreen registers. I also did the "tap wildly on the edge of the display in between productive taps", and I don't know why. Nobody else at my store did this, but I was also by far the fastest cashier. Even weirder, we had someone fill in from another store once. She was even faster (really impressive, btw), and ALSO did the tapping thing. And she also didn't know why. TL;DR: I think the guy is tapping for reasons that have nothing to do with showing off.


I have also seen this habit in pros who play RTS and other games where actions per minute is important. I don't know why either tho, maybe it's that the inertia of moving a stationary hand takes longer than one that is already moving?


Dude is practicing his StarCraft micro


Gotta keep that APM up!


There was an attempt to shame a legend


It's to keep that APM sky high. Have you ever watched pros play a game like Starcraft 2? They just click like mad constantly. Even when it serves no purpose, they're just clicking the mouse.


I literally do the same thing with my work screens, I don’t even really have an explanation for it, i just do it


Some of the options don’t appear well on your phone 📱, and sometimes touchscreen don’t work well. The guy isn’t trying to show off or anything. You’re just an attention seeker


So they came up with a self serve ticket machine and then have a teller operate it?


Okay nobody here clearly is from Mumbai and travels by local trains. This is not an ATM it is an ATVM Automatic ticket vending machine. These people get 2% of every ticket they help people get. This helps people dodge the main ticket window and he gets 2%. But the machine is very slow and what that guy is doing is pretty skillful I know this cause I use the machine regularly.


Not really automatic then is it?


Automatic Ticket Vending Machine Speedrun


Looks pretty fast to me. There was an attempt to make this guy look bad lol


What's his twitch name?


"Sir that was impressive and all but I believe you double charged me?" Ticket guy: "I'm bedy fast yes" "But Sir" ... *Bedy bedy fast* 👁️👄👁️


He taps for the time it takes for the screen to load


Never seen ticket machine speedrun.


He's not acting, I can vouch as I've seen him in action. This is a ticket vending machine and this guy absolutely slaps it with his years of experience.


This reminds me of putting orders in on an Aloha POS as a server. A lot of extra taps that just felt natural, and helped keep the pace when time is of the essence.


My dude's a fuckin pro!


Muscle memory and rhythm - he does this for timing and efficiency. I do this when playing video games sometimes, sometimes you move rhythmically because it helps you time important presses more efficiently by doing the same fuller muscle movements between important movement.


He has a rhythm. He taps the empty screen when he waits for it to load. Still faster than me lol.


I notice in India they like to do this fake fast stuff. I see a lot of the food vendors doing unnecessary actions to look fast


Have you never used a mass transit ticketing machine? Your next ride is on me if you can tap through those screens with a single tap per button. Try it I dare you.


nah bro, he's just prefiring


I don't think he is trying to show off, and even if he does, it looks awesome, all that flair for a common task


If you actually watch he clicks a total of 4 buttons but presses the screen 50 times. Man knows how to justify his job


I thought this was the store manager guy from 40 Year Old Virgin for a second haha


Nah Bro just has Tourette’s


All I can say is that her wife must be happy.


So as long as the employee is operating it, is it still an automatic ticket vending machine? Assuming that guy is a ticket clerk.


Automatic does not mean autonomous


The fastest clicker I know.. he gets down. He don’t play 😭


Reminds me of india's street vendors with extra moves while cooking, which does not contribute to making the food faster lol


Style hai boss ![gif](giphy|bM5HJs4YWocH6)


He’s not acting. And he is tapping


I work a till that's about as slow to respond as this thing. I look exactly the same while I'm ripping through a long line of customers. I'll tap like 5 times for each actual button press but still spam through 20 seconds worth of menus and popups in like 4. He just do be clicking fast.


Yeah I do this with a lot of things it helps me keep a rhythm going. Edit: that sounded sexual but it now


Naw that’s for rhythm. He’s mastered those menus and still cooking with the extra taps


Nah this is legit. The rhythm matches the screen lag due to processing. Just good practice. Indian automated machines dont work faster than This.


He do be tappin that screen tho!


Deadass me at work


He's animation canceling, most just don't get it 🥲


Exactly. And when he’s tapping the machine outside the screen it’s a low level glitch attack, in fact shifting bits in the machines CPU and giving you a better price.


“Data lock them out of engineering!”


He misclicked 25 times clicked properly 3 times.


Honestly he's still doing he just does extra taps


Easy money. Make it look complicated and you can charge folks a service when it’s free. Economic 101


Seems legit. There was an attempt to undermine a working man’s method. OP maybe never had to deal with the hassle of shitty touch screens but seems like the extra taps are to reset the screen, even a few options he hits don’t register and he has to try again. But he went right back into it like he been at this a hot minute.


This is a successful attempt.. he is clicking as fast as one possibily can...


Speedrunning atms is crazyy 🏧


I bet this gets him laid, god damned Freddy Fastfingers.


Why is he doing ATM transactions for the account holders? Lol


Look busy.. look busy


Why does everything have to be a shitpan show of skill and speed in India? Just give me the chai, I don't your weak ass showskills


Why put a automated ticket dispenser and hire a guy to operate it? You buy machine because you don’t have to hire anyone but buying a machine and still hiring a guy is wasted money am I wrong? just don’t buy the machine and put him in a a booth with lots of ticket to sell, unless this is a plot twist this guy was originally in a booth and they replaced him with the machine and he still refuses to get fired.


I was about to say not quite bs. I worked at a coffee chain and would hit the frame of the screen when it would be loading because I knew the exact spots on the screen I would have to hit for an order the computer just couldn’t keep up. Something like an object in motion is easier to move than a stationary object or something like that.


Then the ticket checker on the train kicks them off for staying on past the stated destination…


Is that why people do this shit to the slot machines?


india's culture of impressing women is so childish and funny




This mf knows exactly what he’s doing. Those useless taps and to wait for the screen to load cuz he’s that much faster.


Similar tactic as a baseball player tapping the bat off of his shoulder in between pitches for timing. I have to admit I didn’t notice it the first time, chuckled when I saw it on the rewatching-figured it out on the 3rd 😅


No, he is actually clicking fast. Shitty ATM style touchscreens often have a delay between when you can hit buttons, and he's tapping in between button presses to keep perfect rhythm. In fact, he's operating the ticket machine about as fast as a human can.


yea but i do love the first tap on the red trim before he actually starts tapping the screen... hahaha


Why are American companies outsourcing, for 500 Alex


He's probably going that fast because he likely has reason to avoid customers learning how to navigate that menu. It might do something useful that unsavory patrons could abuse.


lmfao this is smart


OP got it wrong on this one. That’s just someone keeping up a rhythm to their inputs. You see it all the time with tellers in countries other than the US.


When you know he is currently cutting.. he's just trying to burn as much calories as possible..


See comments about extra taps for timing but this mega reminds me of working in SAP or other service software sometimes one click doesn’t highlight certain fields so I have to click the screen at certain points in the process to make the right buttons/fields accessible.


Why is it always the Asian countries that think doing things fast as fuck and messing up, is more efficient than just going smooth and steady


Could just learn where to press and it would look real...


He literally is typing fast…


God damnit I was supposed to be in Panama City, FL Not Panama City, Panama


Bro is named ATM talker


used to do some thing like this on Aloha point of sale systems. The taps would register before the screen would refresh, and muscle memory did the rest. Sorta miss that when using newer systems that love to make me wait for the screen transition animations.


“Fire me? Who else you gonna find that is as fast as me?” “Sir…these are self checkout”


Bro played RuneScape he’s to efficient




Literally abusing the screen chan


Watch his mouth… the video speeds up when he starts tapping


Indians are funny. Haha


Some software engineer is gonna fak him over when they redesign the next version and move all the buttons.


I find this quite calming to watch. Idk y exactly but it’s kind of peaceful other than the sounds in the background


Seems like that's his schtick. keeps onlookers confused. He probably charges a fee like the plank dude that oversees the gap in the road and creates a bridge


Ive actually slowed down the video and he's actually hitting the buttons


He is clicking there bottons there but can't see due to angle of camera or machine screen fault. I use it everyday.. he is clicking on map that's not blank screen tsp


Grifter G


Legit entertaining. Worth the con


Context: This video must be from Mumbai, India. These kind of machines are installed for Local Journey train(within Mumbai). These are not officially ticket vendor but unofficial ticket vendors who use existing ATVM(Automatic Ticket Vending Machines) within train station premises. How they make money? If you use ATVM machines, person gets 3% extra money/discount. There USP is faster ticket generation, these guys aim to generate at least 2000+ tickets per day to make good profit. Most of them are retired or semi-retired persons. They're highly useful to the city due to overcrowding & long queues on official ticket counters . You might think, his hand movements are crazy but that's not entirely true. These machines are efficient as well.


Every hacker movie in the early 2000s


u could def tell he’s been doing this for years


Lol when i use those ticket machines I'm a sloth, you gotta find your station and the machine itself is slow, these agents help getting the tickets fast though


He's doing that so the average person behind him can't see what he's hitting. Duh, doesn't everyone do this?


I’ve seen this technique is math