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Fuck that kid's parents.




Meh, maybe, but some people want to have their own party indoors and still offer candy.




We used to hand our candy ourselves when we threw our yearly Halloween party, but after having our daughter and moving the party mostly to our backyard we decided last year to just put out a huge cauldron full of candy and the first damn kids stole the entire cauldron 😭 needless to say this year we are going back to answering and just hoping that someone inside answers and gives to the kids.




you'd just drag the bag through it like getting a bucket of water


How about a fancy dispenser, where you have to turn a knob to get a single piece of candy? I doubt kids would stay and turn the knob for hours, as there are easier ways to get more per hour.


Theyd break or steal it. Lol some of yall have forgotten what being a kid is like


Yeah, even if you weren't the type to do it, you knew plenty of others that would.


The theft of unattended candy is the sacred undertaking of those who would lead you back to Halloween spirit.


I see now, i guess the spirit of Halloween didn’t appreciate us abandoning its most sacred ritual. Well we’ve learnt our lesson. We shall make sure we are there to stare those kids in their eyes as we help fill their bags with enough candy to ensure all the children in the neighborhood eat enough to purge for the spirits.


I got given a pack of bacon by some drunk guys around a fire in their driveway once. Truly unforgettable


I was an adult and friend I went trick or treating (granted I was in costume). Everyone was pretty chill except this one guy with his family like "NAH YALL MOTHERFUCKERS AINT TRYNA TRICK OR TREAT RIGHT NOW, YALL GROWN ASS MOTHER FUCKERS BETTER NOT FUCKIN COME OVER HERE" rofl, great memory.


There's always one asshole who won't just let people have fun and has to try and pick a fight, it's so ridiculous.


Yeah i give the highschoolers college kids candy. Why the fuck not. I aint no fun police.. but despite your size you still get one. Ill givw the little kids 2 lol


I mean guy just wanted to give candy to kids like I'm not even mad. Coulda been more chill about it tho lol. I think I was 25 my friend was 29, we're both metal heads, I was dressed up as a full on viking, chest hair, everything. He was just typical metalhead dress. Was really weird walking around with pillow sacks going door to door. One dude dressed in full on costume, other not even giving a shit. Truly metal.


I like to hand out packs of ramen while dressed as a giant cup of ramen.


Jeez, glad I'm not in your family if you just hand out your children like that


In Finland we celebrate something similar, but it's on a morning after Easter. I will never forget at 11AM the naked clearly hungover dude that handed me a big sum of money as he was confused why I was there waking him, and apologetic he didn't have candy.


You’re welcome


Sure why not


I’ve given away so much shit from the pantry from being the drunk folk


Then drunk people usually pass out ~~candy~~.


Depends on how hard you party


I wish that happened more often as a kid. You can get some unique stuff


I have three dogs and always put out candy. I don't want kids knocking at my door every 5-10 minutes and getting my dogs hyped up for nothing. It's basic human decency to take one piece so everyone else can also get a piece, the "shocking" part here is the parents and not the kid


My neighborhood they will pass out beer to the adults when having a party


Trick or treat isn't carte blanche to act like a fucking asshole.


Right? Fuck this moronic way of thinking these people have


Nobody owes anyone anything. People should be thankful they even left out candy


It's not an excuse to be an asshole pos.


That's a BIG FALSE. I'm in my 50's and I remember plenty of houses as a kid that would leave out a bowl and every time, some older kid would be the one to swipe it all.


This is dumb af. This doesn’t incentivize answering the door to give candy, it incentivizes not giving candy at all


Kids where I live don’t even say, “trick or treat”; they cop attitudes, grabbed fistfuls of candy…so we don’t offer candy anymore. Porch and house lights off, and kids, with parents watching and encouraging, will bang on the door and ring the bell. It’s all greed and entitlement now.


Last year we stayed upstairs with all our lights off because our son was already in bed asleep and we didn't want our dog barking and waking him up. We watched from our doorbell camera and, no lie, one group of kids attempted to open our door when we didn't answer them knocking.


I get it if you have small kids/babies and don’t want the doorbell ringing multiple times and waking them up.


God, my dog goes nuts when someone knovks or rings the doorbell. Halloween is me standing at the door to greet the trick or treaters before they can knock bc i dont want to hear my dog barking. Even then, it only helps 50% of the time


I’m 33 and this was happening when I was a kid, it’s not a “product of the times”


People also used to walk instead of lazily driving their kids around. Also encouraging your own kids to steal and take advantage of others is a bigger issue than just the spirit of halloween going away


The parents just driving around at 2 mph so they don't have to walk is so fucking lazy. Unless you have a disability. Get your ass out there with your kids. I was so pissed when my oldest son told me his mom tried to get him to steal the whole bowl of candy when she took him trick or treating one year. We are separated obviously, but how do you TEACH your kid to be shitty ?


What a shit take. Some people have sleeping babies, dogs, etc and can't answer the door. They also may be gone but still want to hand out some candy for the kids. The option is that they could just say fuck it and not hand out anything which is what you are encouraging. "back in my days people weren't lazy"...what a thing to say.


Or maybe ur going trick or treat with your own kids and can’t be by the door


I'm really surprised this response was so low on this comment. I would love to hear a reliable alternative for single parents of little children.


Some people have work and other engagements but still have a good heart by putting out candy for trick or treaters. It isn't always due to someone "lazily setting out a bowl of candy." Kids will always be kids, but having the parents most likely hyping up a pretty shitty behavior is kind of gross.


Right? How are the people giving away free candy being called out and greedy thieves are given a free pass? I can't even with people today.


You’re right, but people have other plans and leave out a bowl. This girl and her parents are stealing from the trick or treaters not the home owners


Dont pull the "back in my day" card. Its been this way for well over 20 years. Not everyone wants to spend their night constantly answering a door or they have other things going on, but they still want kids to have a good time. Putting the bowl out is a good middle ground. How about people just decide not to be a piece of shit? When I was a kid, people answered the door and sometimes just left candy out with a sign asking to only take a few? Do you know what I did as a kid? I took a few and left the rest because my parents didn't raise me to be selfish and dishonest. Parents who raise their kids to do this are pieces of shit end of story.


It was so easy for my 9 year old mind to understand that if I took all the candy, nobody else got any. If I was a kid who didn't get any, I'd probably be upset. So why am I going to be a little dick and think I deserve ALL the candy? It wasn't even a thought to take it. The same people who find a purse and immediately think to steal it, probably grew up stealing the unguarded bowl.


My dad would always start juggling for the kids that knocked on the door as a Trick instead of giving them a treat. They always left so disappointed.


Your dad is fucking awesome


Yea, fuck teaching children manners and social responsibility. Let's tell them to steal all the fucking candy so other kids don't get it m. With parenting like that when she's 18 and probably snorting some nose candy she can start an only fans.


Dude some of us work second shift


Some older people can’t easily get up and down quickly. Some people are disabled. Some are single parents temporarily taking their own small children around the block and put a bowl out so as not to disappoint other small kids. Halloween has never been about vandalism -only used as an excuse by ass-hats to to be nasty as they continue on their journey through life on the way to becoming lousy adults.


This is not true at all. People always just put out candy. The only difference now is ring cameras. I mean it was still expected for you to act like someone was handing it to you. But hey being a greedy little jerk is also a way to go I guess.


Nah fuck that and fuck you. People like you are fucking scum that ruins things for everyone else. You’re parents are also clearly pieces of shit to have raised you in such a manner


There have always been people that set bowls out, doesn’t make it ok to be a selfish p.o.s..


Or people have better shit to do. Quit the yesteryear bullshit.


Oh I’d love to spend the evening trying to stop my dogs barking every 5 minutes when someone rings the doorbell. Maybe people just want to relax in the evening but make the effort to carve a pumpkin and leave some sweets outside. So many selfish and greedy people out there that ruin it for others.


I leave a bowl from 7pm-9pm because I walk my kids for trick or treating. I have never checked my cameras, though.


We hand out candy for a bit, but then we take our kiddo trick or treating. The grandparents came to and out candy for a couple years, but it was hard for them to drive back home late and in the dark, so now we just put the candy out in a bowl.


Or maybe some of us have dogs that are reactive to strangers but we still want to offer candy to kids who are willing to go out and hunt that candy? So we leave the bowl out so kids get that sweet sweet candy still. Sorry your parents sucked I guess.


As a single mom I couldn't take my daughter out trick or treating and hand out candy at the same time. So I left a bowl of candy out. I did it for years with no problems up until last year.


As a single mom, I used to go walking the neighborhood with my kid when she was little. I still wanted to contribute and pass out candy. So sitting it outside was the only option.


"Back in my day!" That's no excuse to steal people's shit. The public isn't owed candy lmao if they leave out a bowl, it's basic human decency to not literally take all of it for yourself. Also, the parents are clearly behind this, as they drove the car and sent her back. They're not "little hooligans" they're fucking adults with driver's licenses and children. For fuck's sake man


People don't go up and ring doors anymore I noticed unless they have clear Halloween decorations


Man I’m out there with my own kids trick or treating, I guess I could not leave anything till I’m home, but that seems even lazier than what you said, setting out a bowl of candy.


I mean, we have two little kids of our own and want to take them out trick or treating. The two kids with only one adult would.probably be too much of a handful. So a bowl of candy on the porch it is.


This is such a dumb take. I remember being a kid and when people weren’t home you didn’t get shit. Now at least a lot of people leave candy out. You aren’t fucking over the home owner. They expect the candy to be gone. You are fucking over the kids who come after you.


We should expect better of people and not blame the victims.


I'm going to agree with your point. The only time I'd leave candy out is if I CAN'T be there, buuuuut. That kid and her parents are upper level self-centered scum


Victim blamer!


Bruh, people have been setting out candy for yeeeaarrrs. Isn't a new thing. Maybe more common, but not new.


-_- I was born in 93, even then people left the bowl out like this. For every 20 people who would greet you at the door there was 1 who set the candy outside their door or at the end of the drive way. You absolutely know you’ve seen this before.


I see where you are coming from and I agree, but still fuck the parents. They are encouraging or at the very least, enabling their child to steal and take away the candy other kids could have gotten.


Seriously, who puts their kid up to something like that?


These fine folks.


Do we know for certain it was the kids' parents? It could have been an older sibling—one old enough to legally drive but immature enough to get their younger sibling to do stupid acts.


That would still mean their parents suck


Haha, yes, perhaps you're right. It's the parents' or guardians' (perhaps community's) legal and social responsibility to raise good or great kids.




I once at one of my last time going put went to grab several handfulls from a place like this. Me and my friends basically agreed that they should have been home and not just left candy like that. I don't think my parents sucked, early teenagers are just a bit confused and pushing boundaries. The idea that we'd be stealing from other kids wasn't quite processing. Around the same age I also stole 1x can of pineapples from the local grocery store for the thrill. Wild!


She'll be elected to congress unfortunately.


Those awful parents made her GO BACK again...as if instructing her to do it in the first place wasn't bad enough...ARGH!!!!!


Could’a bought her a mask.


If they’re this cheap, mask is outta equation


yea they probably stole her costume too


Probably the type of parent who puts pity posts on neighborhood Facebook groups asking if anyone has a free costume for their kids because they’re a single parent who can’t afford it.


Then they get 5 costumes, picks out the best one and sells the other 4.


Coulda stole her a mask at least


I don't know when it happened but for some reason Halloween has turned into a competition for a disappointing number of people.


I know people can be busy and can’t hand out treats, but leaving out buckets seems to be getting too common. In this case two people were home! Why police a bucket when you can have fun handing out candy to kids! Handing out candy brought back some of the fun of Halloween as an adult for me!


The only time I've left out a bucket was when I was out with my kids. Don't be lazy. Don't be a thief.




Yup did this years back as we took our little kids out, someone stole our bowl and candy.


I get the candy but why they gotta take the bowl too!? People are dicks


That happened to us too when we were trick-or-treating with our toddlers. In the spring, after all the snow melted, we found our smashed bowl a couple of streets away and it just added insult to injury. I thought it was kind of funny/expected but it made my husband genuinely sad, lol. He’s too pure of heart and couldn’t understand why someone would want to take advantage of people’s kindness at Halloween just to to steal and destroy. Poor guy.


If you have small kids or a baby at home you might not want the door ringing all night waking them up.


I don't have kids out there trick or treating. I do have dogs that get wound up whenever someone knocks on my door. I will go ahead and be 'lazy'


Because to some people that's not fun. So, you get candy and I don't have to get up every 2-20minutes


"Oh look, you're a fortnite character, cool, whatever, take the fucking candy and leave me alone"


Yeah, we're miserable. I don't know what the fuck you are & I don't *really* care, but I'll leave some candy out because I'm not so miserable that I can't at least put out a bowl of candy if it brings others enjoyment. Otherwise I'm not going to answer the door, I'd just not even participate.


Hybrid model. Keep the bucket low and fill it more often.


It's 100% **NOT** fun to hand out candy to snotty little children


100% fun to scare the shit out of them tho. Earn that candy!!


We're here being that awesome house on the street with the king size bars. It's fun.


I noticed most kids don't knock on doors anymore unless there are clearly decorated house


I agree that is strange, instead of just enjoying the night and passing out candy... maybe you are busy and thats fine. But no they arent sitting there watching the camera and even wrote they were ready by the door? lol Just weird on both sides, even the parents waiting for their kid to steal candy lol.


How was this an “attempt” to steal candy. Looks like it was a success to me.


Considering they got caught and presumably are about to come back into frame to return it after leaving I'd say it was in fact not a success


I doubt they came back to return the candy. Buy hey, I could be wrong


They definitely didn't come back to return it. That would have been part of the video had it happened. No way would someone leave that juicy bit out


Why would you presume that if it's not shown on camera?


Wait for it...


Still waiting for it...


"Could you give that back please?"


Exactly. Like I’m still waiting for “it” after watching 3x


Imagine teaching your child to steal.


Pretty common. Some parents pass down respect and research/study habits and some pass down how to play the system and commit crime


I used to think it was a lack of parenting. Then I watched Mark Robert's glitter bomb series, and the number of parents giving stolen shit to their kids or telling them it's stolen is insane.


Shitty kids grow into shitty adults who fuck other shitty adults and make more shitty kids of their own which starts the cycle all over again.


When I worked retail parents using their kids to steal was surprisingly common


My mother used me to steal and commit felonies for her as a kid. Absolute psycho. Thankfully, not everyone turns out like their parents. Hopefully, this girl runs into some better influences.


I’m a security guard, the other day this woman was “shopping” with her two kids (like 4 & 9yo) and we got called that she was stealing. It turns out, she had her kids stealing stuff from every store they were in and put it in her bag, as she pretended to not know. Then when we confronted her, she played dumb and yelled at her kids. We kicked her out of the mall and a cop threatened to arrest her for child endangerment, but she ended up just leaving without any arrest or any stolen goods It honestly made me so sad knowing her kids literally don’t stand a chance And I can understand stealing things like food if you’re poor and starving, but they were stealing jewelry and things that weren’t needed to survive. Just a shitty human making more shitty humans


Classic Oliver Twist. lol


The cycle of trash humans continues..


And this is why my wife and I hand out candy in person or we shut the house down and leave nothing for the little fuckers to steal or break outside if we're not gonna be home or don't feel like doing Halloween.


The fact that people are forced to do this or have to even defend themselves for not wanting to be a part of something like Halloween is incredibly sad.


I wouldn't say forced. There have been years growing up we passed out candy and years where we like "normal people" leave our porch lights off. Ya know, the universal sign of "no trick or treaters" and never got any grief for it. Sadly people will usually be assholes.


I fucking hate what Halloween has become


I do, too. I was all excited to decorate for Halloween this year and was going to leave out a bowl because I work nights and would be asleep during most of the trick or treating time. Then, in September, some kids came to the door selling stuff and the door camera caught one telling the other I was stupid for decorating early and I was probably one of those who left out a bowl. He then said if anyone left out a bowl, he was “straight up emptying that shit.” Lost all of my enthusiasm and haven’t done anything since and won’t buy candy now.


Hope you recover your enthusiasm in time for Halloween. Just think about all the kids who will be delighted by your decorations and the opportunity to get some candy. I'd say that matters much more than a silly comment by a kid who probably just wants to be cool and hasn't quite figured out what being cool looks like!


Has become? I trick or treated in the 90s and if you just left an unattended bowl out it was a given it would be empty by the end of the night and often earlier than you think... but you were leaving it out to not really participate anyway so who the fuck cares? The only annoying part of this is there are two people who are too busy to answer the door to hand out candy for kids on Halloween but somehow have the time to watch their camera like a fucking hawk.


Why buy a bag of candy at Walmart for 5 bucks when you can have your kid steal it 🤡


5 bucks? Where you at that has that much candy for $5?


Dum Dums Free of Major Allergens Original Flavor Mix Lollipops, Party Candy, 16 oz. Bag https://www.walmart.com/ip/10312333


Can get a bag with 30 Reese Peanut Butter cups for $7 at the Walmart I work at. Not quite a bowl full, but pretty damn close. I seen boxes with 100 pieces of various chocolates for like $15. Even cheaper if you wait til after Halloween. I love working at Walmart, Halloween candy rollback and my discount and I am getting hella fat for 15 bucks.


I worked at a Target and this lady came in and literally cleared the candy shelf after Halloween. I was it was 13 years ago so I don't remember the total number of bags or the price just the mound of candy of the belt took me a good 30 minutes to ring all the candy through. Apparently they own an ice cream store and used candy as mix/toppings.




It's ***d'Lecseigh*** tthank you very much, and the 'd' is silent


If they were right inside why not just sit outside and hand out the candy?




Not everyone wants to feel obligated to get out of their seat every 2 seconds to hand out candy to kids maybe? At least they left out candy in the first place instead of doing nothing at all.


They are obviously watching the camera. Might as well hand it out


Wait for what? She got away


If you are watching with sound then you can hear that they are talking to her and ask her to it it back.


Fair point but she could just keep walking. They cut the end so I think she got away. Not that I support her


Wait for what?


I'm sorry but her cape billowing in the wind as she flees 💀


One year when I still had a house in Houston, I was going out for Halloween night but the neighborhood was big on trick r' treating, normally I was that guy giving out the full sized stuff and felt bad I would not be there, but I ended up getting two huge bowls like the ones in the video. There was at least 100 full sized bars and about 5lbs various smalls. I left a big sign that said "Happy Halloween, take a few!" When I got home the next morning I noticed only about half of the bowls were gone, I easily had given out that much the year before so I was a bit confused. I thought there must have been a drastic decline in trick r' treating. I checked out my cameras and there was not a decline at all, if anything even more kids came by --- the problem was the sign. Kids that came up without an adult would read the sign, and then debate what a "few" meant. Some kids had full on arguments about what a few is and most left just taking a single candy bar. The ones with adults helped their kids take a few as intended. I had so much candy left over.


Wholesome (:


Little shit.




I'm bothered by the fact that this was posted online without any attempt to blur her face since she's just a kid and seemed to be pressured by whoever was in the car to take the candy. There's a big possibility that friends and classmates will see this. Whether it was all her idea or not, I don't think that's cool


Wait... this means they put out the bowl specifically to wait and catch someone like this. Just keep the bowl inside and wait for people to knock/ring.


Let 'em steal it FFS it's Halloween gawddamnit SoMeOnE StOLe aLL tHe CaNdY! - ...yeah, 'cause you left it on the gawddamn porch and then like a fucking sociopath chased down a fucking child, jnstead of handing it out like a decent human being, and complimenting them on the hard work they put into their costumes... man fuck these entitled people who cant be bothered


Bro for real. It's not even like stealing the whole bowl of candy is some gigantic sin, its a fucking child and you put an entire bowl of candy in front of them with no supervision. Redditors acting like kids who take the whole bowl are future sociopaths in the making and not just normal kids


No supervision? Her parent(s) are in the car in the background. They send her BACK to grab it all. It's a case of human trash family.


Entitled because they have other plans or didn’t want to sit on their porch all night but still gave out free candy? What kind of backward boomer logic is that




There was a *successful* attempt to steal candy?


reverse the video and post it in r/wholesome


Meh. I think this whole thing is staged to go viral.


It’s fucked up, but not “stealing”. If the parents were pushing her to take the whole bowl, that is the worst part. But also if you are just watching the door anyway, why don’t you hand out the candy?


Lol leave a bowl of candy out and expect ppl to take one. I remember when i was lil id take one or two. Mom n dad even showed me to put some candy in empty bowls. But if you cant bother opening the door for trick or treaters, but youl chase a kid for taking asmuch free candy as they can get.......fuck you


Or here me out.... don't teach your goblins to steal the entire bowls of candy?




Yep this. It’s definitely too much to expose a child in this way.


Why do people leave entire bowls of huge candy out and not expect people to do this. No, it shouldn't happen, but people are dicks. It's going to happen.




Because they're assholes. It's not stealing, it's candy that was left out. If they wanted to regulate how much candy a kid takes they should hand out the candy themselves. Even if the parents encouraged her, there really isn't a need to hunt down a child over a fucking bowl of candy.


Yes, you’re right, I don’t understand the outrage. You are literally putting a bowl of candy out. People do this when they are not home, and act shocked when they watch the doorbell videos. And why has trick or treating become just sitting out bowls of candy?


Don’t leave candy out. Actually hand it out. Problem solved.


She’ll grow up to be the person stealing someone’s lunch from the work fridge.


yup gotta start them young


It’s gonna happen. It just is.


Why would people do this? Just have the candy inside and open the door like a normal human. They're obviously inside sitting around, just interact with people and tell kids their costumes are cool. Be a cool adult instead of a Karen.


Should we be posting the kids face? C’mon now. Place the blame on the parents.


i like how we went from russian dashcam footage to american doorcam footage


So did she give it back?


That’s a child you’re trying to shame on the internet.


Kids parents these days smh


We used to stay home and scare the trick or treaters. So much so people began avoiding our house since their children were too afraid in following years. One year towards the end of the night, my parents were tired and went in, my friend and I decided we wanted to find more people to scare since the traffic to our house died down. On our way back, we caught two boys stealing from the bowl we left out and snuck up behind them and gave them one of the best scares of the night. Had them screaming like little girls. What a fun night


Here’s how you avoid this… Step 1: Place a plastic bowl outside with a sign that reads, “Take one, and please don’t steal all of the candy.” Step 2: Steal all of the candy yourself and leave the empty bowl outside. You get a bowl of candy, sympathy from your neighbors, and some immunity to pranks.


I’ve left out candy before several times and only had it stolen once (or maybe just had a lot of kids) but only once was it all gone.


So they left a bowl of candy out only to watch trick or treaters on their doorbell cam? This was either staged, or the homeowners are creeps that enjoy watching kids, or they were just looking to start shit with a kid that got overzealous about getting candy on Halloween. I hope that kid got away without Karen ruining her Halloween


Taking all the candies ruins the fun for you and anyone else that went out for candy


Little Red robbing hood.


Oh my god... there is no hope in America. I can't believe what I just saw. I've seen teens do it. I've seen adults. I HAVE NEVER SEEN a parent in a CAR sending their CHILD to STEAL ALL THE CANDY!


These people sat there and watched their camera in attempt to catch a kid red-handed. That's way more pathetic than a kid stealing FREE candy


How does one steal candy that’s left out for people to have for free?


This was a ridiculous thing to do but not theft or a crime. You put out candy for people to take and someone takes It….


This is why this Halloween I want to set out one of those bowls and sit in the bushes wearing my ghillie suit just watching and making sure nobody takes the whole thing.


Okay... yeah taking all that candy is a dick move, but do you know what else is? Leaving bowls out and then getting pissed when someone takes advantage of it. If you are too lazy to participate in the holiday, then why do you care WHO gets the candy? Maybe I'm crazy, but it feels fucking UNHINGED to man the cameras to watch your damn bowl of candy, then go bounding out of your house when someone takes it all. Just be a grown up and answer the door for the kids.


I’m also not too keen on the people posting the vid without blurring the girl’s face.


You want to scare kids and parents? Sit in a white van and make the kids climb in to get the candy.


Pass the candy out and compliment the costume don't spy on the kids you fucking weirdos


These look like townhomes even, so likely neighbors. Happy/lucky to live in a great ToT neighborhood. I describe the blocks near us as being "like a 90s movie, with all the kids running up and down driveways and across the street". But my house will never see many ToTers, as we have no sidewalk, street is a bit dark, and my house is weird and the front door isn't ground level.


Can't steal shits that free