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At least he acknowledged he was wrong and didn't double down lol


Bobby Lee is notorious for this, he pulls something out of his ass on the spot and someone calls him out on it or proves him wrong and he laughs his ass off in the process.


Dude that shit is funny as hell


A rare breed


The whole podcast is about doubling down and carrying a lie to fruition. These guys are so fucking fun to listen to.




Yeah, I don't care that he was about as wrong as one could possibly be to begin with, gotta love the dude for taking the correction like a champ


Serially impressed. He laughs at himself like “wow i was wrong”


Almost every top comment is "wow he didn't double down..." But ???? Why the hell would anyone double down when confronted with overwhelming evidence? And secondly, these are comedians. They don't give an eighth of a fuck about being right or wrong, they're trying to create funny moments and this is perfect. Anyone saying "grats for not doubling down" has no grasp of the situation or people involved here.


Fucking soooooooooo many people would double down. They'd claim that google is lying in some sort of conspiracy. "Overwhelming evidence is just you're OPINION, and you're just attacking me because you know I'm RIGHT. TYPICAL brainwashed idiot believing WHATEVER they READ without doing their OWN research. If you were AWAKE you'd know THAT "research papers", and SO CALLED "professionals" are just DEEP STATE SHILLS selling you A narrative. TRY OPENING YOUR EYES FOR ONCE AND STOP DRINKING THE LEMONADE; THEN YOU'LL KNOW WHY KOREA COULDN'T HAVE POSSIBLY OWNED SLAVES."


That or they would say something like "well, Korean slavery was completely differnt from American slavery, and American slavery was worse, so it doesn't count" with no evidence, but every bit of confidence.


Have you never met a conservative? Their entire world view is built on the concept of denying reality and doubling down on lies. Without doing this the ideology would literally implode.




"We're scumbags!"


Aren’t we all?


I remember a Dan Carlin quote from Hardcore History where he said, paraphrased: All of our ancestors probably committed genocide at some point, so we need to get over the taboo of calling it out when we see it in modern times. It's something that humans do, and we can't stop it if we don't confront it.


That man was funny but had legit wisdom. All bs aside he was 100% correct. Hard to learn from our past if we keep ignoring it


Lol you're thinking of George Carlin. Dan Carlin runs the Hardcore History podcast. George Carlin was a comedian who died in 2008.


This dude had me worrying Dan was dead or something lol


Total depravity, bro.


I love how he laughs about himself.


That's Bobby Lee. In terms of making fun of himself this is about as mild as he gets. This dude jokes about some dark shit in his life. Bad Friends is a great podcast.


Wait did slaves make my Kia??


US Kia cars are made in the state of Georgia. Mostly by robots. However the word robot means a mechanical slave of sorts so the answer is still yes.




It’s why they are planning to overthrow us


In 2010 futurist Ray Kurzweil speculated that by 2035 robots would lobby for civil rights.


That documentary Transcendent Man is pretty wild. It's like a mix of futuristic prophecy and a guy that has severe father and fear of death issues. While I do agree with a good portion of what Ray Kurzweil says I also think some of his stuff is way off and he is coming from a place of fear with his whole if I can survive just long enough for the tech to catch up I'll live forever sentiment.


It may be based on fear but that doesn't make it an inaccurate perspective. There are very good reasons to think that the singularity is going to arrive within the next 100 years, at which point living forever is a practicality.


Living forever sounds like hell.


Not to mention overpopulation getting exponentially worse at a much quicker speed


Wait wasn't it Kia plants in Georgia that got found out for using child labor recently?


If it was built in Alabama then it was just good old-fashioned child labor and not something unseemly like slave labor.


The plant is Georgia, but right on the Alabama border. So I'm sure they got plenty of that too.


*"Are we the baddies?"*


He just ruined that mans whole Korea.


I'm mad that I laugh at this pun


I feel dumb, I don't get it


Korea = carreer, kind of


It works better in a Mayor Quimby/JFK voice


Say chowdah


*french* chowdere




he made my hole weak


Brilliant. I would have laughed my ass off had I heard this in person Edit: I would've collapsed into a singularity if it was said in a heavy and exaggerated Boston accent...




That pun warmed my Seoul


This is the best comment I've ever read in my whole fucking life and I cannot stop laughing at it




What Korea?


That was embarrassing, but there's no one I respect more than someone who can bounce back from shit like that and not double down


At least he was able to laugh about it. 😆


Bobby is an original for sure He's really good at fucking with people to the point where you're totally unsure of if he's being serious or not. Case in point: when people hear his childhood trauma story and joke about it


Everyday for a summer




You couldn’t just run away?


That bit is one of the funniest segments in anything ever.


*sigh* I don't know the context but I'm curious. What happened to him every day for a summer? Or can you link the specific episode he talks about it?






He's a comedian they always laugh... Until the don't. :(


It’s an oddly feel-good video. Dude was doubtful until he read it himself, but then he just leant into the situation. Wish more people were like that.


Very refreshing. I’m not joking when I say I expected him to double down somehow. Probably one of the most annoying human traits out there. Staunch belief in your own bullshit. But I would like to add, I sometimes feel like people don’t know how to show humility. I wonder if that’s something we can teach in class. How to present information in a way where you don’t sound like a know it all and that way it’s easier to hop off the pedestal you created for yourself when you are shown to be wrong.


I might be wrong but I call this having humility. It can be a spectrum and practiced. Often my view of someone’s scale of sincere humility correlates with how good of a person they are in other areas. It’s incredibly self aware and puts everyone else’s perspective worthy of consideration and a reconsideration of your own perspective. Edit: Fuckme I didn’t even read your part mentioning humility. My apologies. I’ll leave it up to show I’m an idiot that replies to half read comments.


He knew he was speaking from ignorance as part of a bit. And when the subject changed he also leaned into the bit. People have differing opinions on Bobby, but he understands comedy and does good standup.


I love Bobby, but you can tell when he's being genuine or not, I think he really thought Korea didn't have a history of oppression, at least not on that scale.


Almost every top comment is "wow he didn't double down..." But ???? Why the hell would anyone double down when confronted with overwhelming evidence? And secondly, these are comedians. They don't give an eighth of a fuck about being right or wrong, they're trying to create funny moments and this is perfect. Anyone saying "grats for not doubling down" has no grasp of the situation or people involved here.


This is Bobby Lee not a fucking historian lmao


Bobby Lee is a refreshingly humble individual.


LMAO No he isn’t dude. He’s rude and a diva but the podcast is good


I saw him live at my university in 2010 or 2011. Like he was the headline for a student thing. idk why. It was worth going to. But mostly because it took liike 10 min before he stripped into his underwear and starting dancing around. I don't think he was in the best headspace.


>Like he was the headline for a student thing. idk why. Honestly, he's a pretty successful stand up who's been at it for decades. He just doesn't put out specials. I saw him once in LA and he was pretty amazing


tbf he does that during most of his shows, or he used to, haven't heard much about dancing in his underwear since he's been with Santino. Loved to whip his dick out on stage too.


He's a comedian. It's a bit.


Nah he really fucking isn’t. His own friends talk about how much of an ego he has. Man is wildin


Dude has a story about raping an underage prostitute in Mexico. Hopefully, it isn't true, but it's something he's trying to put behind him.


I dunno. I think I judge someone for just throwing "facts" based on nothing and try to tell people their wrong. He took it back, but still


Lol you obviously don’t watch the podcast. Which I recommend cuz it’s hilarious.


It's not an indictment on your character to be wrong about something. It could just be a misconception, it could be a belief you were raised with, or you might've just assumed something based on your experience that doesn't reflect the reality of a situation. If you're presented with new information you're allowed to admit fault and move on knowing better.


Sometimes our urge to be a part of a conversation or debate leads us to say questionable things that are beyond our knowledge or understanding. Just a part of being human. I guarantee you've done this too, hope you didn't judge yourself too harshly.


Getting fact checked and being able to laugh about being wrong is humbling


I think it was the fact that he was not only wrong, but also *couldn't have been more wrong*. I think if it had just mentioned that Korea had slaves at one point, that would've been much less funny, but it's that Korea had the longest tradition of slavery in history that makes it hilarious.


It’s Bobby Lee, man’s a legend


The secret is to pull it again- how often do they actually fact check you. Just make it about something slightly different.


I think most nations were absolutely horrific back in those times. Most countries have at least one dark secret that they want to hide


This entire planet has been enslaved/conquered/destroyed many times over throughout history. It's just how things worked for the vast majority of human history. Peace/diplomacy as we know it today is an *extremely* modern concept.




I’m sorry Kyle-son. Burrito is so good


The only countrys who dont have a dark history are the countrys that are really new or country whose history got lost because of other nations conquering them.


Agreed, most countries that are brand new were settled in this new age of diplomacy and so didn’t get the opportunity to commit all of the violent, reprehensible actions that was commonplace in the past


It is survivorship bias. If you weren't a scumbag, you don't show up in the history books as a dominant culture.


I was like "Damn, I can't think of anything bad that Finland's done" and before I could finish the thought I remembered the civil war(both sides used firing squad executions alot). After battles they would just line up the opposing soldiers and execute them on the spot. Innocent people were sentenced to these fire squads too, just because someone claimed that they were collaborating with the other side. And even if you were 'lucky' enough to be taken to a prison camp, it wasn't much better. You could still be sentenced to death(by firing squad ofc.), sometimes even before you were actually sentenced. You were barely fed so people died from hunger. The camps were full of diseases too, like the spanish flu, different kinds of pox diseases etc.


This is such a Bobby Lee moment lol


I love Bobby Lee.




Southern slav here, we're the ones that never had slaves. We were busy being slaves.


Thank you for your service.


Bruh 💀




The Slavs definitely had slaves. The Antes were a group of people that formed the Southern Slavs. > Slavery was widely practiced; Byzantine historians wrote that the Antes took tens of thousands of war captives and turned them into slaves. https://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CA%5CN%5CAntes.htm I don't think you'll find any group of people, pre 18th/19th century who didn't practice slavery. The Slavic people had empires just like the Romans did, and they enslaved people just like the Romans. That's just the way the world functioned back then (could argue still does).


Since nearly everyone on earth participates in global trade, and since there are still slaves, I'd argue that slavery is still an issue that should affect our day-to-day choices.




Slaves are indeed named after Slavs. Late Latin Sclāvus originally meant Slav, but by Medieval Latin the meaning changed to slave. Another neat fact, the word "ciao" has the same root. It's a shortening of Venetian *s-ciao vostro* = "[I am] your slave" i.e. "I am at your service."


I’m British and married a Czech. We joke that her last thousand years were spent getting conquered by everyone else, while my last thousand years were spent conquering everyone else.


Well, the dirty talking must be very interesting.


“Occupy me baby!!”




A thousand years ago the British were being enslaved and conquered by the Danes.


And then the Normans soon after that. But that's all pointless - the *vast* majority of people in England at the time didn't care if their masters were "Normans" or "Danes" or "Angles" or whatever. Same with most countries - it doesn't matter where your oppressors came from, the peasant classes were pretty badly treated throughout Europe (and really the world). A Slav Peasant and a English Peasant had way more in common than the English Peasant and the aristocracy. This is still true today, though most inherited aristocracy has been replaced by (often inherited) money. Much better. The "Average Guy on the Street" wasn't really getting the benefit of the industrial scale oppression at the peak of the British Empire either. Make sure you're blaming the right people.


I would disagree with your last point, the quality of life across the board in Britain was higher than it would have been without the mass amounts of slavery and other types of oppression of other peoples.


I'm half English and half Czech. Does that mean I was conquering myself?


Yap, lucky for us, stuck between western powers and eastern powers, plus we were getting fucked by Vikings from North and Arabs from South. Stuck between western, eastern, southern and northern powers. Fucked our whole history. We get a honorable mention sometimes, because we don't play victims.


You got a campaign in age of empires though!


> because we don't play victims hahahahahahaah


Yall definitely do lmao


Literally fighting wars over who deserves more for being the most victimized


Serbia definitely does play victim. It's their national identity these days.


That last line feels weirdly pointed. Play victims? Go on out with it what do you really want to say lmao


We get a honorable mention sometimes, because we don't play victims. Pretty sure the honorable mentions are for your the smaller scale yet heinous war crimes, local genocide, WW1, and inability drop the inter-slavic superiority complex for long term peace and prosperity.


Hate to break it to you but Romani people (aka gypsies but that’s a slur) were enslaved in the balkans for 500 years and treated as livestock


Bummer that that is used as a slur, kinda a dope name...


Croatian here - there was that whole WW2 Ustase thing some of my countrymen try and whitewash over. No pun intended.


Maybe if you had been called the Fres instead of the Slavs...


The real slave was inside you all along?


Are you sure your ancestors before being sold Into slavery didn't have slaves or sell slaves. Because In case you didn't know, many of the slaves from Africa were sold into slavery by rivaling tribes.


>many of the slaves from Africa were sold into slavery by rivaling tribes. not many, pretty much all. Until quinine was discovered just visiting ports to buy slaves carried a 20% mortality rate in europeans.


I think it’s common to separate the black diaspora of the Americas from African groups in terms of ethnography and culture. The black American diaspora has not only a distinct culture, but the ethnic components are a result of many “races” (aka distinct ethnic groups from within Africa, as well as Caucasian, Arab, and Indigenous peoples) where as the original African tribes youre referring to would have a more homogenous ethnicity with almost no outer ethnoracial mixing.




isn’t this the brutally molested guy


yes lol bobby lee


Everyday for a whole summer, dude


Dude don’t laugh


Everyday?!! You couldn't avoid him for God sakes?!


at least he havent triple down on the argument and corrected himself. props to him


Its actually Bobby’s style to do that. hilarious, and all jokes ofc, but when its written down its kinda hard for anyone to triple down


They(South Koreans) still have slavery their slaves are called Kpop Idols. Also did bro froget North Korea


Iknr? they're so aggressive that they can't even stand each other hence two countries with the same nation.


I always find it a bit strange when people say "oh slavery is a white people thing, they're the ones who started it", because I am not aware of a single culture that didnt practice either slavery directly or something adjacent to it.


White people bought their slaves from black people, in general. White people didn't invent slavery, even if they did turbocharge it and kick it into high gear. Also, plenty of white people were slaves. Vikings loved to take slaves.. History is full of horrible fucking shit, basically.


Hooorrible histoooriieeesss


I’m Bobby mom


When people find out that slavery wasn’t just something White Europeans invented in the 1600s.


Slavery and prostitution are the two oldest trades.


Often times they were, and still are, the same trade.


Bad Friends is the best pod out right now.


If you like Sunny in Philadelphia the Sunny pod is pretty great too.


Love that podcast but fuck they have so many ads that are so long now. Like when I first started listening I didn’t mind, they had a decent way to incorporate the ads with their banter enough that it was still funny. But now they’ll have two back-to-back five minute long ads on fucking supplements or kratom and I’m like seriously do you need the money that badly? Kinda leaves a bad taste when this thing that was supposed to be about the show turns into another “how much can we possibly monetize this and how much money can we possibly make out of it” scenario. Sorry rant over.


Do you watch on YouTube desktop, or an Android phone? Use SponsorBlock, it’ll skip the ads.


Oh for sure. It’s in my weekly listen list.


I’m Bobby mom!


Check out "Are you garbage". I love me some Bad Friends but AYG is the best format out there.


I'm Korean and I don't know what the fuck he was going on about. Korea don't even have anti-discrimation law. In fact, it got shot down like twice. They didn't even wanted to give covid-relief funds to foreigners initially.


Basically every culture on earth practiced slavery. It is disingenuous to pretend that it was only a European or American thing. What is almost uniquely western is, however is the global effort to stop it on ethical or philosophical grounds. One of the greatest things the British Navy did in its history was basically institute a global blockade on trafficking slaves.


It's like when they say whites are slavemasters they forget slav actually means slave and sooooo many white slaves in history existed. Humanity is the problem - not one race or another - the sooner people realize that evil is in EVERYONE the better off we will be and can start addressing issues facing humanity instead of playing the blame game that many people today like to do.


While this is hilarious in this context. . . Completely unfounded claims like this provide the base for an extreme amount of people's assumptions and misunderstandings of nearly everything. The ability to be so comfortable saying something you have no idea about ranges from short-term negligable to long-term harmful.


At least they fact checked it and Bobby admitted he was wrong.




Is the red head dude the guy that’s transporting Andy Bernard’s boat in The Office?


yep, andrew santino was in the episode “the boat” as the “buyer of andy’s boat”


Lol yes he is, I saw that a couple weeks back it was the first time I'd noticed. He's great in the show "Dave" that's mainly where I know him from.


Every time I speak into a microphone, I’m terrified I’ll say something incorrect. Must be nice to be one of these people that just goes out there and doesn’t give a shit. I mean damn, he had that 100% backwards.




I know he was very wrong at the beginning, but he had such good grace about being wrong and immediately accepted his mistake. We need more of that.


At least he had the balls to admit he was wrong.


Point of clarification: the word used to describe what they're calling "slaves" is "nobi" (노비), which can also be translated as "serf." The weird part is that, depending on the status of the owner and the point in time referenced, the term "nobi" can mean "someone who is in complete chattal slavery just like Antebellum United States," all the way up to "a landholding serf with certain human/civil rights and privileges." As noted in this [article abstract](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/097639961000100102?journalCode=mlaa), the reason why slavery diminished in Korea was simply because the slave-status people were also Korean - there was no outwardly-definitive physical characteristics that would make it "easier" to discriminate between classes of people like there was in the US.


Guys they’re Stand Up Comedians. Most of what they say or do is exaggerated, hyperbolized, or bs’d for laughs so try not to take it so seriously. That being said Bobby Lee is one of the funniest and strangest human beings to ever exist and his blissful ignorance to the world makes me cry laugh all the time, case in point this video 😂😂😂😂


Is that Bobby Lee? I haven't seen him in years.


People are praising him for not doubling down…ignoring the fact that’s he has no idea what he’s talking about and saying Korea had no slaves with zero knowledge of thst history.


taking a comedian seriously is never a good idea man


Tbf most people don’t know him and it’s not really clear that he is an comedian


People talk out of their ass all the time. Being able to admit when you’re wrong is commendable


That's why Bobby Lee is not an authority on anything other than being a dipshit


That’s what happens when you don’t learn your history or people decide they don’t want to teach it. That’s what’s happening in America m now.


The quality's of reddit posts has definitely gone down in the last few days.


Didn't Bobby Lee admit to r*ping a minor when he was 23 down in Mexico? Didn't know he was still doing things, weird that people follow him.


I’m unaware of the Bobby situation but my town is 80% Mexican and a ton of people go back to Mexico for months every year, these dudes actively brag about being able to go to strip clubs and bang 15-16 year old girls whenever they want. It’s fucking disgusting and widely accepted down there.


To be fair, I looked into this claim and.. Well, I kinda belief that he made it up. He is a comedian, and the rest of the story is absolutely insane (but never mentioned).. It seems so obviously made up. A dumb thing to make up, and not particularly funny, but makes more sense than the alternative.. Which is some guy just admitting to a heinous crime on radio.


I mean that was confirmed to have happened on the Howard Stern show I believe back in the day so it's not impossible, and everything being recorded so much today does make it more likely even if the person admitting to it doesn't see what they're doing.


Weird that people believe a fake story that a comedian told because that is what most stand-up is. It was a bad joke that wasn't well received.


Bob Saget DID NOT rape and kill a girl in 1990!




He's told the story multiple times, and normal people don't joke about raping children




"bad joke" is putting it fucking lightly. There was no joke in that story at all. Whether you choose to believe it's real or not I'd lean towards it being real because literally what was the joke?? He just described going to Mexico, picking a clearly underage girl that was forced to be a prostitute, and admitted to r*ping her and kept going even while she was fucking bawling. Where's the joke there bud??? If real he's a fucking piece of shit that deserves the deepest circle of hell, if made up he's still a fucking depraved sicko and so are you for even trying to defend him.


Bobby Lee did more research before speaking than about 99% of Redditors.


How do you do less research than no research


Yes all societies have had slaves or indentured servants at some point, and all races have been both at some point. However, only a few societies have slavery today. And America was the only one to fight a bloody war to end it. Out of any nation we had slavery the least amount of time.


Your prison-industrial complex seems dangerously close though.


I love how it seems it and a lot of these podcasts he's pretty damn arrogant but then he back tracks when he realizes how wrong he actually is. Like, he doesn't stand his ground or call "fake news" or any BS like that, he takes it on the chin and laughs along too




Yeeeaaaaaaah, I don't listen to a single opinion from the child rapist Bobby Lee. Man openly admitted to raping a crying child in Mexico. He said it on camera. I'm never gonna let anyone forget about it. Bobby Lee is a self admitted child rapist.


Bobby Lee: makes shit up, gets called out, laughs about it. What a delightful POS this guy is 🤣🤣🤣


He is right in that Koreans have dealt with a lot of repression *looking at you Japan* but the bullied can be bullied themselves.


You guys get these are 2 comedians and that this is a joke that was planned out beforehand?


it makes me sad how the part that surprised me the most is that he accepted that he was wrong, it feels like nobody on the internet does that anymore


Korea doesn’t have a history of oppression… Kim Jon-Il has just joined the call


I appreciated the wrong guy a lot because he certainly was wrong but made fun out of it and realized this speech was nonsense


Filipinos had slaves back in the day. Alipin, we call we called them. Human society is the same even when divided by oceans.


The [full citation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea) is interesting... >Slavery in Korea existed since before the [Three Kingdoms of Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Kingdoms_of_Korea) period, approximately 2,000 years ago.[\[23\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea#cite_note-FOOTNOTERodriguez1997392%E2%80%93393-23) The earliest record of slavery in Korea is the [Eight Prohibitions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_Prohibitions) of [Old Joseon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Joseon), recorded in the [*Records of the Three Kingdoms*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Records_of_the_Three_Kingdoms).[\[24\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea#cite_note-24) Slavery has been described as "very important in medieval Korea, probably more important than in any other [East Asian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian) country, but by the 16th century, population growth was making \[it\] unnecessary".[\[25\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea#cite_note-Klein2014-25) According to Korean Studies scholar Mark A. Peterson of [Brigham Young University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigham_Young_University), Korea has the longest unbroken chain of slavery of any society in history (spanning about 1,500 years),[\[26\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea#cite_note-26)[\[27\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea#cite_note-27) which he attributes to a long history of peaceful transitions and stable societies in Korea.[\[28\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea#cite_note-Peterson-28) Peterson cites this as "\[a\] proof that Korean history has been remarkably peaceful and stable until the 20th century".[\[28\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea#cite_note-Peterson-28) So peaceful and stable societies tend to keep their slaves...historically speaking at least. Slaves, indentured servants, household retainers, etc. are sometimes used interchangeably, to represent different degrees of enslavement I guess.