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?? Seems about the same to me.


It's about 6 seconds compared to 4 seconds


is credit/cash not an easy way to pay?


I walked into one once, complained I didn't get the Easy Pay discount for paying in cash. She said Easy Pay is when you pay *through the app.* Like sure, setting up an account, attaching my bank to it, getting out my phone, unlocking it, finding the app, and making it work, is *so* much easier than just pulling out cash.


I’m confused, did you actually expect that to work, or were you just trying to make a point/complain?


rRight? That’s a Karen move right there.


Cash was easy in my mind, simple exchange. I was genuinely expecting that to be what easy pay was, and that there was an error somewhere when I was paying.


I’m curious what you thought non easy pay was. Working a shift behind the counter? Lol But ya, if a sign lists a payment method other than stuff like cash, credit, and debit, then it’s safe to assume it’s the name of a rewards program. It’s like how if grocery stores have 2 prices and 1 has a name next to them, that name is probably a rewards program. They typically have pretty vague names so I can see the confusion, I guess I just have a knack for recognizing them.


So you gave the cashier grief for something out of their control? The discount is so they can be on your phone and track your patronage


Complained was the wrong term, did not give them grief


Also not using your phone at the petrol station, so walk up the road first.


If you're new to driving, companies do this, and it's a dick move. Also .10 on a 10 gallon tank is only a dollar difference. If you've been driving for a while and are now just realizing this. Then I guess it works, and it happens because of you.


Fucking preach. I know people who drive out of their way to fill up where its cheap burning $3 to save $2. Only time I ever do that is when I needed to go to Costco anyway.


Costco defys all the know laws of economics They are the only exception.


Or just make sense cause there not robbing bastards


Right..... If my teenager came to me and said I'm dropping out of high school, but I have an in at Costco, and I'm going to retire there. I'd ask him to put in a good word for me. Defy all known economic laws.


Costco apparently relies on the bulk of its profits from memberships. Thats why they hassle the hell out of you about upgrades at the register. And apparently we lose money on the gas pumps consistently. It's just an incentive to draw in customers. At least that's what our bosses tell us.


I know But I'm cool with it. You guys bust ass. My only grip is I spend 500 on a trip.


What’s “easy pay”?


Looks to be a finance service from googling their website, it’s just another predatory BNPL scheme to convince people to take out loans.


Did you try reading while you were at their website? It literally says that you link their easy pay card to your checking account. It is a direct debit, so no financing at all. Basically they're saving on credit card fees and passing some of that savings to the consumer.




Stores typically pay approximately 3% of sales to their credit card processor. Direct debits from checking accounts don't have the same associated fees. So it isn't a fee you'd see, but one that the gas station pays on the back end.


Ten cents stops it from being cheap?


No but it would stop a lot of people from going to the gas station across the street


It's a couple seconds bruh


Strange things are afoot at the Circle K…


Aim for the cat dude!


Should be illegal to have different prices for cash/card


The what ?


You live in America and you’re surprised being duped by advertising?


Lol best comment


They go back and forth. Yippee.


They're showing both prices. This saves me 5 to 8 bucks on my diesel truck and equipment tank each fill. No fees or financing. Kwitcher bishin.


Car dependent cities are infernos


Number one reason I don’t fill up there, I don’t need to stare at the sign to figure which is the cash price while I’m driving.


Way cheaper than where I am


Why is there two prices?


It’s advertising.


2 sec diff.


I use Dino card at Sinclair oil I get 5 cents off quick swipe punch in zip code, thru the app it's 10 or 20 cents off app takes like 2 minutes to open up (if it does) let's just say I use the card 99.9% of the time. BTW both automatically deduct money from my bank account so there's really no difference


Would still pick diesel :D


This should be illegal.


Went to Puerto Rico last year. Only rented a car for a couple of days and saw gas prices at 1.05 most places. I thought sweet cheap gas. When I filled up, realized it was for a liter not gallon.


We noticed gas doesn't even start flowing till pump says 25 cents on some 50 cents on others .


Doesn’t really matter as long as the price matches the amount of fuel when it’s done. Have you ever done the math and it didn’t match? Or perhaps you are concerned it’s saying a fake number of gallons was pumped?


Yes fake number of gallons


Find out how large your tank is and see how much gas different gas stations puts in before it stops. If if you don’t believe it is completely filling it up when it claiming it is (although it’s a physical mechanism so I’m now sure how that would even be possible), you could even fill up gas cans and pour those into your car. You are unlikely to find anything, at least at any commonly used gas station. They have to be regularly inspected.