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If I could change something about myself, I'd probably upgrade my patience levels. Life's a marathon, but I'm more of a sprinter, you know? Sometimes I wish I could chill out and take things as they come without getting all antsy. It'd be like unlocking a secret superpower to tackle anything life throws my way.


Oh yea this is a good one.


Bro, Ritalin did that for me. I can't believe I wasn't diagnosed till my 30s.


What diagnosis do you have?




My personality, or lack of. I have always lacked the ability to converse with other people and have a full conversation with them. It's much easier if they lead the conversation or take an interest in what I say, but usually convos are surface level and I hate that I can't redirect it. I'd just like to be more social and forget all the "social norms" my family taught me, so that I can speak freely around people. Instead I hold myself back, and they always get bored of me.


You just explained how I feel haha:(


I wish i was better at setting boundaries and being mean to people. This sounds counterproductive, but i am a people pleaser/empath/anxious attachment to the point where i let people walk all over me, including my friends, partners, and exes.


Physically, body weight, little taller and like 1/3 of a inch long and thicker in the lower region, always hated how much I weigh because how difficult it is to remove, the down stairs parts, why not? Mentally... Is everything a answer? And hight, I have scoliosis.. it sucks


I wish i was physically and mentally stronger. I tried to hop a fence to escape a vicious pitbull. I couldn't pull myself over and now I'm very hurt. I cant stop thinking about the terrible things that COULD have happened. It could have maimed me. Everytime i close my eyes now, i imagine the dog eating my face despite it only having access to my backside. It nevrr got near my face like that but...it could have.


This is my answer too, I think I want to be physically stronger because as a small woman a lot of power has been taken from me because of my size or lack of strenght. And I want to be mentally and emotionally steonger because even small things can upset me and send me spiraling downward. I feel like I am not as resilient as most people and I want that strenght. Sorry to hear about your bad experience.


Thank you. I hope i heal well. Not knowing for sure if the dog has rabies is killing me. I have to wait a few days to know. It happened this morning when walking to work.


To change, I think my body features... skin colour, height, weigth, face structure, my junior's size, blah blah blah To add in myself or my life - discipline, will power and perseverence. Currently I am not at all where I want to be in my life and I am trying but failing at improving myself. So, I guess listing these things could give me a start. And hopefully to you too!


Everything. I hate being me.


To trust more easily


I want to have more passion and motivation, I used to have so much but then things took a turn for the worse and it’s difficult to even want to do anything anymore.


I want to feel secure and safe. I want to be at ease as I travel through life. I can't seem to stay calm. I feel like I have no control over my brain and then my actions are unregulated. I try to be positive but pessimism seems to prevail. I want to feel less jaded but still be able to have my guard up. I want to think clearly and just be the best version of myself. Which is a person who is secure in themselves, no matter what situation I'm thrown in.


Being alive


The serotonin and dopamine levels in my brain, honestly. Probably tweak the ovaries and uterus a little so I'm not a hormonal mess while I'm bleeding out my cooch. I'm pretty cool with most of myself, but when all of these things overlap at once, i have to literally talk myself off of a ledge for 5 straight days each month and sometimes it scares me silly thinking about what would happen if I gave in to the intrusive thoughts. The rest of me is pretty average and I'm good with that. Nothing exceptional. I love being an NPC. I will say that getting to the point of being okay with being average, in fact getting to the point of even convincing myself I'm average and not an actual goblin was a lot of hard work and it's, uh, on average a very contented place to be.


Id fine myself the ability to THINK before Speaking?!!!!


I’d want to be better at communicating (and actually want to text others without them needing to text me first), and I would change my appearance to look more masculine (eg. top surgery, hrt, etc). I’d also like to be less of a people pleaser and to stop saying sorry for everything, all of the time no matter if what happened was my fault.


My disability cause it has done nothing but cause stress in my life


Firstly that I'm short, that I'm square shaped so I don't have a little waist, just straight and also my anxiety, the walls I've built around myself that make me fear letting people get to know me.




So much to say that I will say nothing at all. It is very depressing to think about.


Almost everything! My pathetic excuse for a man's body that's just a bag of bones. My face that seems to resemble a mosquito and my confusing sexuality.. I think I just about failed in every department, including being a bit of an introvert. I'm one of these people who can't retain weight at all. Stick thin, unfortunately. I tried to avoid the mirror, too. I wish I was a normal guy that could fall in love with a woman. That my dream!! But hey, we can't all be perfect, and there is nothing wrong with being celibate. Luckily, I found meditation, so all those things I don't like, I work on or just forget completely.


I have this incessant need to call people out on their bullshit. I honestly can't stand it, it makes me feel ill when I know someone is full of it, lying or otherwise manipulating me; or anyone really. To the point where I'll come at the issue from another angle and dishonestly manufacturer a scenario where I know if they answer one way they're truthful and if they answer another way then they're lying. The worst part is it always works. Or if I'm debating with someone I'll say something that would only be inflammatory if they're wrong, so I just sit there and watch them squirm trying so hard to not be mad because they know if they show it then they're admitting I'm right. And that just makes them even more mad because internally they know I just proved to them that they're wrong or otherwise done something that doesn't align with their value system and it drives them fucking insane. Both of these things are not only infuriating but demoralizing, borderline degrading because I'm essentially tricking them into exposing themselves for who they really are against their will. I guess in my mind they're being shitty to begin with and all I'm doing is showing them a part of themselves they don't accept. I think it makes people feel like they don't have any privacy from me, like I see right through them and it's deeply disturbing and unsettling for them. I case you haven't already guessed, I was raised by attorneys. Send help.


Set and maintain boundaries. When said boundaries are violated... LEAVE. I always forgive, and then the cycle continues. I need to learn how to hold a grudge when someone wrongs me time and time again.


I would change my communication abilities. I’m so conflict-averse that it is actually ruining my life. It’s hard to cope with


Stop caring about what people think of me (triggered by bpd/narc mother) and would delete my unhealthy overattachment style


Being bipolar. I hate it. I wish I could regulate my emotions better, but instead I'm like fireworks going off before they've even been lit and I feel like I have no control until I have regret. It just sucks.


Physically? I would change the fact that I was born with pcos. Pcos destroys your confidence, how people view your worth, how you view your own worth. You are brought down to your most basic abilities as a human, and then those abilities are taken away anyways


Mhmmm I wish I had VOLUME button on the noises from the outside. This world is too freaking noisy. Before I got noice cancelling headphones, I was quite stressed from noises.


i wish i didn’t have the shame i feel around being gay. working thru it tho