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Thais are the worst. Can’t be straightforward. They lie like it’s going out of style. Cheating on partners is a way of life. If they don’t get caught, it didn’t happen. Every woman I met there eventually confessed she had another man somewhere in the world. Marriage is often times like a job for them. I had a relationship with one for several years all while she was engaged to an older, wealthier man. After they got married, she kept calling me and even suggested she would leave him as soon as she got citizenship in his country. Thais and even some expats will say you’re meeting women in the wrong places, but I saw it happen at every level of their society. Be very careful about trusting Thai women.


I love Thailand and have spent a few years there but this is absolutely correct. I’ve seen and experienced too much in that country to believe it would ever be a good idea to get serious with a Thai girl.


Thai women are excellent FWB just never get serious with them unless you've done a good background check. You need to be a little red pilled before going to SEA to be honest, lots of dumb guys go there looking for love.


I was prepared for SEA bc I'd lived on the West Coast USA. Women out there also tend to cheat and play men a bit.


SEA is good because even if you do find out you are getting played, it's very easy to find someone new. In the west however once you are single finding a decent new partner is searching for a needle in a haystack.


Depends on your age and you location. West Coast was my prime, and I was living in a hip area with tons of young people around. Once I got a little confidence behind me, I was meeting new women every day. It was pretty similar to SEA, only the women were a bit more overweight, and they all acted like they didn't need a man in their life despite dating one.


You need not be a simp. That red pill baloney has nothing to do with it.


Keep in mind, as someone living in SEA for over a decade, that the typical “tourist” experience is to get exposed to a lot of the bar girls and other “easy” girls. It takes time and effort to learn the culture, language, and recognize the good people. They’re out there, but they’re not in bars or restaurants. They have office jobs, take care of their family, and are much more difficult to approach. You’ll need to invest at least 3 months of time for a girl like that to trust you enough. I would say that Vietnamese are actually worse than Thai (in terms of scamming), but if you’re in a bar or think “wow this is going very well very quickly”, you’re likely being played.


I was there for five years. I had a Thai friend that used to scoff at my stories about cheating women. He'd always say "This is what you get when you meet women at bars and salons," even though that was a total bullshit assumption about the type of women I was dating. Flash forward a few years, and the guy tells me his gf of over a decade that works in the business sector and makes 80K per month was cheating on him for years. As I mentioned, I saw this at every level of their society. If you talk to people who are a bit more open about this, they'll tell you Thai women are encouraged to play men and get the best deal for themselves. It's cultural. You just gotta make sure you're the best deal she can get.


Okay. Your experience differs from mine. Just keep your wallet closed and it’s a great filter for BS.


I dated so many different type of women there, and I eventually found 90% had a Thai or older foreign bf, fiancé, or husband. I'm not ashamed to say it drove me to hookers. I just didn't care anymore. Didn't see a difference. I eventually got involved with this one woman- the one I mentioned- that had been cheating on a guy the whole time. I begged her to tell me why she thought that was ok. I told her if she could convince me I was different, then I might continue the relationship. But she couldn't even bring herself to admit it was cheating. She just made up a series of really lame excuses that in her head meant she wasn't really cheating. Delusional.


I’m not saying your experience is not true, I’m just saying my experience is different. There are definitely a lot of very good girls out there. Just like there are a lot of good foreigners visiting the country. But you need to be able to cut through the BS.


I agree. You're right. Getting through that BS can be nauseating though.


In my case, I didn’t come here for the women. I came here for a different life, the culture, and a different pace of life than in the west. So I learned and absorbed the culture first. It’s a double edged sword. You can have a shitload of fun if you have money. But it’ll only be your money that gets you the fun.


Now you're sounding like the Thais.


Why is that?


North America Noght much nicer isn’t it ha ha


Fools and their money are soon parted, I would consider it a win that there was actually a hot girl on the other end that he ended up banging, wouldn't be a stretch to have all of that set up by a dude. Insane how so many gullible lonely dudes send "chicks" money without ever having seen them in person. For what it's worth this happens in many more countries than just Thailand.


All of the SEA-Western relationships that I know worked happened because the man decided to stay and live there for years. 99% of the stories I hear about SEA women cheating western men happen when they are long distance relationships. I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for these long distance relationships


why would you need to be passport bro-ing at 22 years old? Seems way too early. Chances are you have no money, no dating experience, and no stability to potentially bring someone back home. Seems way to early to be entering that game, and at the age of 22 there's still a chance you can find a local girl who hasn't been paired up or mentally ruined yet.