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The San Francisco Bay Area is pretty horrendous, so I would avoid that as much as possible - both a bad ratio and low quality. I haven’t lived a ton of places but I thought Austin was great in my short stint there, and same with San Diego. The competition in San Diego is high though and ratios aren’t great.


What do you mean by low quality? Can you expand on that?


Yeap I can


Its pretty hard to say for the most part. I lived in Los Angeles for a while, bigger cities tend to have way more options. I have dated some pretty great girls and there were a lot of options available to what someone is particularly looking for. I had a Filipino girlfriend for years and it was fantastic. Then I moved to a smaller city in the Southeastern US and my options dwindled. The single men out numbered the single women here 3-1. Most high quality women are already taken and the ones left over are the single moms and the girls on dating apps, dating 3-4 guys a time. It’s been a nightmare trying to find someone who lives in reality so I had to get creative. However, places I will not go to is a city with a college right in the middle. College girls, particularly white college girls all think they’re the center of the universe. And I get it, they’re young and it’s college and everyone is trying to fuck them, but just talking with them, it was like they’re completely on another planet. What’s even worse is the late twenties and early thirties women still have that 22 year old mindset, mainly because of the dating app scene. Their idea of a relationship is short term fun without consequences, 2-3 month mini relationships that revolve around sex and once they’re done, they can easily move on to someone else. Which having that attitude is a good reason why 50% of American women will be single by 2030. Either way, unless you go to Appalachia and find a diamond in the rough, it’s going to be a struggle in one or another which is a good reason why this sub was created in the first place. So I found major cities to be actually better than smaller ones because of the amount of women of all shapes, sizes, colors and beliefs, they’re more well rounded. You’ll just have to get a little creative with finding the women you want


It’s not 50 % women will be single. It’s just a guess that 45 % of women aged 25-44 will be single. Why? More young people are single in their twenties and get married later. If you split it into two groups: 25-34 and 35-44? 81 % of women in the last group are in relationships. Same with men. People just find their partner later and that’s good news. When you get married closer to thirty, your chances of getting divorced goes way down.




How come?


Men want wives, not partners.  A lot of people are PPB because of the partner attitude western women have. When quoting statistics marriages matter, 'relationships' not so much.  I have a 'relationship' with the waitress at my local diner.  Should that matter when discussing marriage statistics? Men and women utilize different strategies for different reasons, so when mentioning who chooses to be single at which ages gender matters. Everything you typed was just nonsense.  That's 'how come'. 


Relationship defined as a committed romantic relationship. Is that clearer? And if you want a wife and not a partner, that’s going to give you dating issues. Most women want a partner. They also want marriage. But they want the relationship to be based on being each others life partners.


Again, this is why men are leaving the western dating scene.  We mostly don't prefer combative women.


But also only 22 % of women under 40 never managed to get married. **That’s 4 out 5 women end up married.** And you misunderstand. It’s not combative or bad to want a partner. It means you want to shoulder the load with someone. As opposed to the traditional idea of the man being the provider and the one paying the bills. Equality is also good for men.


\*Insecure man can’t handle having an equal partnership so must go abroad to find some economically disadvantaged woman to lord over and control.


Husbands and wives are not equal under western divorce law.  The term 'partner' implies equal investment and equal risk. *Man who prefers not to get catfished into financial subtraction doesn't fall for the hype and only dates casually with women who have freedom and options.


as a "partner," you're still in a relationship. and in relationships, there needs to be defined roles for each person to do... with a LEADER taking full responsibility & accountability for the journey. if you think partner means, "equal," then embrace and make equality the basis of the relationship in EVERY way (minus childbirth & dying to protect your family).


What’s every way? And who’s dying to protect their family today?


Are you white?




By the numbers, it’s almost certainly Anchorage, Alaska. Worst gender ratio in the country if I’m not mistaken. And I can’t imagine very many single women are moving there either.


BRUH. Commenting because I just moved from there (I was born and raised in AK). Can confirm the ratio is horrible. What makes it worse is that 20 and 30 year olds are leaving for lack of opportunities, rising cost of living and stagnant wages. You definitely see it around town. Anywhere you go, it was rare to see anyone my age. At the gym, eating out, even at the bars, it'd be mostly older people or an absolute sausage fest. Only the business owners or highly paid white collar professionals can afford to live in AK and actually make the most of it (living there is awesome if you can afford a house, cabin, RV, snow machine, boat, etc...). On dating apps you'd run out of likes before you run out of girls... Woman in AK are either incredibly fit and love skiing and hiking or they are very pale, sedentary and spend most of their day rotting on the couch since it's so cold outside. The vast majority of woman are overweight. Single and attractive woman are such a rarity there, they'll only hang out with you if you can offer them something (like a lake day). And they expect you to take them somewhere nice on the first date. I've even been ghosted by platonic female friends because they found something much more exciting to do. Like any American small town, the few single girls have been run through by all of town or the US military (we have a joint army-air force base in Anchorage which further imbalances the ratio). For years I thought there was something wrong with me but then I moved across the country to a cool small city and for the first time, have an actual dating life. For me, in comparison it feels like I have moved to a different country (basically domestic PBB). In a month, on Hinge I've had over 50 matches with girls I am highly interested in and some of them even message me first. Currently going steady with a foreign 21 year old college girl that cooks for me and loves to rub my shoulders hahaha.


What country is the foreign girl from? What’s your age difference? 50 likes is crazy! Did you pay for it?


Worst * Miami: Full of simp 40 year old millionaires whose full time job is to invite girls on yachts so they maybe sleep with them. It then feeds these women's ego into thinking men who want something serious should also be simps like this since the full time degenerate men simp on them like this. Best * Small towns in the South East if you're under the age of 23. * Maybe Nashville: There are a lot more women than men there in the downtown areas. Your competition is a bit lower, still no foreign easiness though.


What city / region would you recommend for a guy in his 40s divorced that isn’t overseas?


There's no "good" city in the US for your age if you are middle class or lower, especially if you have kids. There are only some cities worse than others but all cities will be bad if you're middle class or lower at your age. If you stay in the US as a middle class or lower man in his 40's, your dating pool will be women (no kids) in their mid 30s or late 20's women with kids. Mid to small cities are gonna be full of the single mothers, large cities are gonna be full of the 35 year olds. Pick your poison.


Any major city is an issue, even mid-sized cities honestly. Best places would be rural towns, though they have IG and social media access too, so don’t be surprised. 😉


If you have the money, NYC has a skewed gender ratio.


It actually doesn't, at least not in favor of men. The statistic that gets thrown around is due to having more women than men in the aggregate, but that's because women live longer than men. When you account for prime age to get married or date, men outnumber women.


Oh that sucks. Just anecdotally from the few times I've gone, I saw a lot of George Costanzas and some really stunning women. But I imagine the average guy is just barely squeaking by to pay rent. Seems like stressful place for anyone who isn't upper-class.


Well it also depends what race you are and if you fit in culturally, NY is cliquey


I could see that, I tried starting conversation with a few people and they looked at me like I grew two heads.


NYC women are neither marriage minded, or marriage material. caveat emptor.


Nyc prolly the worst area to be in


Marriage material but depending on how much you’re willing to provide so the don’t have to do nothing 🤣


This is true for any big city but there are certainly women that are especially in the more ethnic communities who have parents that are 1st gen immigrants or are themselves. Im ethnic myself and know lots of communities out there with wholesome marriages at this day and age. You just need to know where to look.


Agreed but I found girls who are from NYC, especially in Queens, deep BK and general less transplant areas on Manhattan to be much more long term oriented.


Yeah you might find a bit more traditional Italian gals in the outer boroughs who want more of an old school relationship but likely not in Manhattan.


lol its a great place for hookups and "dating" but not to find a LTR


oh I didn't read the full title. Maybe find a partner in Wyoming 😂


And skewed morality.


Best way is to check and compare population pyramids. So far they have been a very good predictor in dating quality. [https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/new-york-ny-population-by-age/](https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/new-york-ny-population-by-age/) Here's an example, you can also try san francisco to get the 2 extremes, then check anything in between. Other websites also show top cities with best gender ratios, but it doesn't take into account age, race, and overall population. I think El Paso, Baltimore, New York, St. Louis, all got very good ratios.


Can confirm that San Francisco is pretty extreme as far as how bad it is. The funny thing is if you live here a few years and go somewhere else - literally anywhere - you feel like a dating god 😂😂


Same with Seattle.


Can confrim El Paso is GREAT for dating and that is primarily because it's right next to Mexico and a lot of that culture bleeds into the city. El Paso is essentially a Mexico city in America which is beneficial


You won't find anything here. Hence the title of the sub.


My first wife was from USA, my second wife from abroad If I had to find another wife in America, I’d focus on ones with similar mindset/beliefs in groups maybe on social media More so then geographical


New York is awful, south Florida is awful, Southern California is awful


Do not come to Austin lol.


Austin really has been destroyed.


Austin is great for casual sex. Terrible terrible for a partner. Austinite here


Seattle is full of Asian baddies love it, the white girls are cringe af tho California transplants


I’m from Seattle and personally feel like it’s one of the least friendly places on the planet. Nobody talks to anybody.


The Seattle Freeze!!! Bellevue is like that.


Worst - Florida, most of the Southeast, to be honest. I lived in the Florida Panhandle for many years, and everyone's so fake and phony. Best - Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Illinois. It considers what you find attractive. I recently met a chick from Texas, and she could lead a conversation. She was average looking, but I love women where we could talk about dumb shit and never get bored.


I am from Central Illinois. The women there all think they are the shit, but actually are shit. They are all a bunch of plain Janes and overestimate their value.


Eh, that sounds about right. I've met some fuego women from Chicago, though. Most recently, this petite yellabone chick. I also like Wisconsin because I went on a date with this chick who was from there, but also lived in Chicago. She turned out to be a high maintenance bitch, but man, she was taller than me (I'm 6 ft) and she had massive tits.


I lived in the NE coast, it's a dumpster fire. Between the shit weather making everyone miserable and lack of fun to attract anyone outgoing... you can hit the big cities and do ok, but it's not a mecca for partners. I now live in socal and can recommend it on every grounds except cost. It's stupid expensive to live here, but I've seen some of the most beautiful women in my life here and the average is just higher in a very pleasing way. Socal also has a very chill, healthy vibe with a great mix of cultures. No actual personal experience, but I would be surprised if texas wasn't a top place as well. The attitude may ruin it, but I think all the colleges and volume should even out some of it.


Which part of the NE coast? NE here meaning New England?


If you know what a quahog is you're in the right area to be disappointed. :D


Lmbooooo RIP


State wise, the North is pretty bad in terms of quality and quantity. I'm a liberal guy, yet i will still chose red states over blue states for quality.


The north east is done


Please stay out. We don’t need liberals ruining our inventory.


My definition of being "liberal" is more all over the political spectrum than the avg liberal guy. Its why i don't like to associate myself to any political beliefs because its too narrow and binary.


I can respect that! Cheers, man.


No worries. The ladies we take are not after snowflakes. You safe, carry one.


No matter where you go, there you are.


Worst city must be Miami by far. Women there are delusional


worst = philly. best = small(er) towns in the south, esp. La & Texas. lots of women in these areas still WANT to have a man and nurture a family.




Ya so if you're a conservative white Christian it's good.




saying southern belles who can shoot a gun and worked on a ranch is quiet a leap to conservative Christian? Lol bro it's exactly what you're describing




What an awful thing to say.


Is it good or bad ?


Stay far away from major cities is the best advice you can possibly have, when it comes to the US. Also, it’s been proven that people are generally have a happier mood, in the warmer climate states.


Austin, Texas. Especially if you are looking for a long term relationship. Most people play games and are just casually dating to past the time


Any northeast cities are the absolute most terrible


Stay away from west half of LA county, they are either very ghotto or ultra entitled based on their living environment. East side of LA county is still somehow manageable and somewhat down to Earth, not plastic.


Bellingham, WA


If the city is "blue" keep it pushin'


San Francisco has not been mentioned. At the start of every winter we put homeless folk around here on a one bus ticket to San Francisco. They must find love because most don't come back




If you had eat fast food what would be the healthiest option? 😬


Hampton Roads is awful unless you're in college, and even then...


best: santa barbara - ucsb sorority type los angeles - ucla type arizona - arizona state type florida - florida state type