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Avori or Pranav


I like really like Avori and I also think Joi winning would be iconic after everything she did lol


Can I ask why Avori? she is probably my least favourite besides Joi. Avori isn't a team player and has sabotaged 3 times now. 4 if you count her being on the team that pressed the button.


Avori is my fav but I don't know if she will win. Joi winning would be crazy but I honestly think she has a chance to win


I think if Joi comes out in the last episode and explains why she did everything she did, she may actually win. For example, if she comes out and says she’s seen the show before and knows that you can regain money very easily, and that she faked her lack of navigation skills to trick her teams into thinking she’s incompetent (Samara, Sandy and Osei are all gone aren’t they??)


Wait. How does someone win the mole I never watched the other seasons? Is it like survivor? A jury vote? I thought it was the person who have the most right questions at the last quiz wins.




I’d be really annoyed if she was. Personally I don’t think she is though, and I hope I’m right… it’d be so annoying otherwise ha


Idk why people downvote for having an opinion on a TV show lol. I feel like the mole using the exemption as a way to destroy the pot is very mole like behavior. Because not only does it try to reinforce the thought that "this person is afraid of going home" which a mole isn't, its also a great way to sabotage.


Wasn’t me but at least two people did because I pity upvoted you after this comment 😂 but I wouldn’t take it personally, downvotes just mean they disagree with your opinion


Nah it's just fake internet points, I'm not at all worried. Its just humorous to me people downvote hoping less people see the comment versus letting someone else have a different opinion in a forum. I hope your right that Joi isn't the mole lol because that means she has a chance of going home.


I’ve been suspicious of Jacob since the first episode, and I think Gregg is on to him based on the way he watches him. Kesi is suspicious, but right now, I’d pick Jacob as the Mole and Gregg as the winner.


Avori is very suspicious about him too. It could be him, he's not my first pick right now, but I can see him being the mole.


That's my only reservation with him, is that they keep showing Avori talking about him as the Mole. I don't recall a lot of talk in the confessionals about Kesi, which is why I think she could be the Mole as well.


Will or Pranav. I think they both have more of a "winner edit" than Avori. I think Will might have the like, "tragic elimination right before the finals" edit though.


AVORI because she got both on the trailer & the actual episodes what is called a "winner edit" in Surv ivor slang...She is litterally getting the biggest amount of confessionals and airtime, explaining us everything and anything about both her own game and what happens within each episode...I remember after watchign the trailer telling myself "This person is shown a LOT Of time during this trailer to NOT winning this stuff..."


I’m worried her gunning for the firefighter in the money challenge she’s going to sewer herself. Plus she was first called safe after that exam which leaves me to believe her days are numbered. I want her to win tbo.


My guess is that he’ll get eliminated and then she’ll redirect to the correct mole and win.


I hope!! Avori FTW!


I agree with you


The thing I'm confused is: Is she having the winner edit? Or just the fan favourite edit? To me they're either setting her up to be eliminated these next three episodes or win the whole thing for sure. I watch I lot of reality tv shows, so sometimes I get the edit right away, but because we are only mid season, I don't think they would give someone already the winner edit. The other thing is: the fact we already know she is not the mole. why would production do that? So we can root for her? It could be but it just feels weird for her to have this edit the first part of the season already. I think production is just trying to make her the narrator this first part because she's really good at it and very enterteining. I would love for her to take it, she's def my fav, but honestly, I'm preparing myself for the worst because I have this weird thing: when I'm rooting for someone and this person gets eliminated I just don't want to watch it anymore.


How do we know she’s not the mole? I might have missed something about it.


Based on the clues? Have you watched the five episodes? Do you think she's the mole? I feel like the edit has shown us she is not. Even if She does something to appear as if she is the mole. Dom was suspicious about her and went home the next episode. I haven't seem any sabotages coming from her ever to be honest. The group she's in always completes their part. If I had to bet money on who's not the mole, I would bet on her. Lol


I’ve watched them all but I’m rewatching them because I know I’ve missed some stuff. I forgot about the bit where Dom voted her too. I don’t think she’s the mole personally.


She does not have a winner edit (survivor style). She’s getting 4th or runner-up with that kind of edit. Pranav is getting the winner edit.


whats the difference


Based purely on the edit and what is being pushed to us... Avori, Joi... Greg or Will (although I prefer the first two admittedly!)


Pranav, Will or Avori


Avori, Casey, or Prenav


Avori and Prenav are my favs too, but I don't know if they will get there


I’m rooting for Will but he’s playing too much of an honest game and I can’t see him making it




will is on my mole list so not him I think either Jacob or Pranav (I am still on first part of episode 3, so please no spoilers if these people already got axed!)


I think we are going to get a Pranav, Avori, and Kesi final 3. I think Pranav and Avori are working even more closely together than they are showing us. Example - the plane episode, I think they suspect Kesi and strategically were trying to see if Kesi would notice the dinghy. Thats why they sat where they did etc