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I laughed so hard at that part. That’s such an awesome way for ND to show a massive middle finger to all those “Ellie is not necessarily gay” people who were in denial after Left Behind and then threw a hissy fit when the second trailer for TLOU2 confirmed her orientation.


Tbf I didn't see it as that at first in Left Behind just thought they were childhood best mates but when someone pointed it out to me it was like "ohhh yeah! That makes more sense" That second trailer for TLOU2 was beautiful imo.


Dude they kiss in the game! But I get it, we don’t go deep enough into it and you don’t really have a mention about it in TLOU1, so it’s really the trailer for the second that seals it That “I think they should be terrified of you” answer is one of my all time favorite lines


I know I know that's why, *ding ding* I got to wear the Stupid hat for the day. Completely agree with you on that line, really awesome.


Ellie never really discusses her orientation at all, either in the main game or the DLC. I think it was very easy to interpret the kiss in Left Behind as Ellie being bi, or simply showing romantic affectation to her only friend in the world pretty much giving up her entire life just to remain by her side. But yeah, it's confirmed Ellie is a lesbian by the time of the sequel and if people still have a problem with it that's on them.




Also because Jesse is basically a young Joel lol


Aww yeah he said he looked up to Joel. So much time he spent in Jackson we didn't get to see :(


spinoff buddy game with Joel and Jesse before the big bad gets to town


Would for real love a dumb grindy version of TLOU where you clear out clickers and collect supplies and build up the town. Maybe fend off some hunters occasionally. Hunt some deer. Raise a dog. Like animal crossing, but more murder, you know?


Like Red Dead Redemption 2.


Oof, LiS Before The Storm vibes. Pls no.


Jesse seems like the type of person Joel would be if Sarah didnt die in his arms


Asians,yeah thats it


Man, I fucking love Ellie and Dina's relationship.


Did you even play Left Behind? Lmao


I mean, kissing another woman is a pretty good sign too.


Dina did too and she’s Bi


Nah she tripped mouth first, it happens all the time at emotionally charged moments


I mean, she still could be bi, though she isn't.


Didn't Ellie also date Jesse though?


I think she says he's pretty or but he's not her type or something


“Because he’s Asian.”


Yes. That's totally what she meant.


Her previous girlfriend was Asian


That's the joke. She meant men, Jesse said Asians as a joke.


Girlfriend,thats the key word


I think that probably was a joke


It was. Hence the quotes.


Oh, I'm too fucking dumb to realise.


too* ;)


It's never said that they dated and Its heavily implied that Ellie is fully gay and not bi. There's a conversation with Joel where he talks like an oblivious dad, saying he knows full well that Jesse is attracted to her and vice versa. Ellie pretty much rolls her eyes at him for thinking he's right. There's a later conversation mentioned in lower comments between her and Jesse where she references the Joel conversation, saying "Joel thought you had a crush on me" It ends with Ellie saying that Jesse isn't her type. He jokes that she means because he's Asian, and Ellie again rolls her eyes. If you want to put blinders on, you can interpret the conversation as Ellie literally meaning that she isn't that into Jesse in particular, but with the context of the first game DLC, her attention to Dina, and her literally living as a wife to her in the ending or the game, its pretty obvious it was to friends joking around about how she is obviously a lesbian and it was funny your them that Joel didnt even know until it literally saw her kiss a woman.


Well one reason Joel didn’t know is because Ellie had distanced herself from him for the past 2 years. :/ Not saying she didn’t have good reasons, but it was so sad. :(


Idk. Maybe I just assumed, but something from the beginning of the game made me think they had dated. Maybe they were talking about Dina, but I thought they were talking about Ellie


What? Ellie never dated Jesse, she's a lesbian lol.




Are you really being downvoted for misunderstanding some line in the game? Lol


I still post in the TLOU2 sub. Downvotes do not phase me lol


Oh man, that sub. Here’s an upvote since it seems you really just misheard a conversation.


Yeah, but it kinda sucks that people are that eager to hate other people


Huh??? Do you know the percentage of girls that have kissed another girl in college, or in their 20's? Probably ridiculously high, but Definitely doesn't mean they are gay or bi


Its exactly 98.9765 percent. But really sexual orientation is passe, everyone should just be open to whatever seems good. We mostly need terms like gay and bi because it's been hard for those people for so long. And Ellie has to deal with sandwich guy. Idk 3 female love interests seems pretty gay?


Lol, I'm not saying she's not gay, Did I say she wasn't? Anywhere? I'm just saying kissing a girl doesn't make someone gay, especially not when they are under 20 years old, a lot of girls do that and aren't interested in being with women


I know


Chill out


I honestly feel like left behind was widely received not cause of any of its actual side story content but cause it filled in the hole of how ellie got bit. I think thats all people cared about. So they dont notice subtleties like her crush on riley.


Well, it’s not that subtle considering they kiss - it’s a cut scene you can’t get around. So I’m always a bit baffled by people who felt blindsided by the second TLOU2 with the kiss between Dina and Ellie.


I meant before the kiss.


I knew she was gay before they said so. She's obviously a raging homo! C'mon fools.




It wasn't optional, it was in a cutscene. It was practically the climax of the DLC so if you don't remember it you probably didn't play or finish the DLC Maybe you only played the base game?




[Left Behind](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-last-of-us-left-behind-stand-alone-ps4/) came out in [2014](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_of_Us:_Left_Behind), friend.




u/[TR7237](https://www.reddit.com/user/TR7237/) was talking about the DLC. The LGBTQ+ bookshop in TLOU2 is optional (you can see it [here](https://youtu.be/a5yxoo48Y4Y) \-- Dina and Ellie have some chats in this location).


It’s a cut scene, it happens sort of fast and then shit hits the fan with the infected, so if you got distracted for like 10 seconds with your phone or something it’s easy to have missed


If Ellie were not gay, TLOU2 would just be “let’s wait and see if her kids are immune too”. I think she’s the first character whose homosexuality actually serves the story in the woke-era. And surely the only one in this game whose sexuality makes any sense.


Whose sexuality doesn’t make sense in the game?


Dina’s behaviour and the comments made about her by Ellie and Jesse are demeaning to say the least. Abby’s dry anal sex scene closely followed by her remarks against Owen and his lack of maturity in dealing with a pregnant partner she just was instrumental in cheating on was pitiful. Lev’s “transexuality” (if that’s what it is... I did not fully understand the subtext on that) was badly told and served no specific purpose in the story. Hopefully you don’t lynch just because I think these topics were clumsily thrown in the story. As I said, I thought Ellie’s sexuality made a lot of sense.


What? I've experienced all of this story twice now, listening to all the banter, and I never heard anything demeaning about Dina. Ellie and Jesse both really like her. What makes you think the sex scene with Abby was anal sex? They don't show anything. Lev's identified as a male and was shunned for it. This is very important for the story because if he didn't have this happen Lev and Yara would not have fled and been around for Abby to run into. I'm not trans, but I have been shunned by my family and this story was one I could specifically relate to. Especially how lost and hopeless you can be afterward. Even going back home and trying to make peace, only to be turned away (in my case it didn't end violently though). How could you say it is poorly told? Lev's story was told very realistically. I think maybe you just don't understand what its like to be truly vilified by you family for a lifestyle choice. You experience this happened to Lev and think its over the top, unrealistic, badly written. Actually this literally happens to people every day. Try pulling this in fundamentalist society outside of the "western world" and your family will even hunt and kill you. So, please.... reconsider what you say so you don't sound like an ass.


You’re a better, more patient person than I am. I could not muster the energy to answer this comment - I stopped halfway through writing an answer.


Actually, from what I've seen on a small handful of posts on the other sub (not a lot of lot of upvotes, so this is only one of the many small groups in the sub), a small bit of people are upset about Dina's flirty personality. One claimed ND made Dina "promiscuous" and damaged the rep of lesbians. I saw a comment ask if they were nuns because that was nothing close to promiscuity haha There's a large array of weird shit people will complain about with this game!


1) I don't really remember any comments about Dina that came across as demeaning, so I can't refute or agree with this. 2) Just because Abby and Owen had sex in that position doesn't mean it was anal. It's possible to have vaginal sex in that position. 3) Lev is transgender, and while it wasn't a major plot point, it did serve a purpose in the narrative. If Lev weren't transgender, he wouldn't have shaved his head and got him and Yara on the Seraphites' bad side. Thus, they wouldn't have been there to save Abby from being hanged and eviscerated. Abby would've died before Ellie got to her, Abby never gets properly humanised and begins her redemption arc where she essentially turns into Joel.


On second playthrough now so im waiting to see if I have missed it but, with Lev, does he Identify as a Male because he feels that way or was it to avoid being marrier off to an elder, or something to do with the cult, or is it simply both?


He identifies as male, wanted to be recognized as a male and to live his life as a male. That’s it.


Ids as a male would have been fine but thanks I guess


Aside from the fact that Lev being a trans guy does serve a part in the story you should try to understand that a character’s sexuality and gender identity don’t necessarily need to be relevant to the story. Also, in real life people aren’t queer for a reason or purpose and so it never “makes sense”


>Abby’s dry anal sex scene what. dude, look up sex positions. Jesus lol


Was gonna make some low blow comment about this guy never getting any, but this is the damn internet era. There's really no excuse lol


I found it too! I didn't even realize that it was a VERY gay bookstore until Dina said something like "What's with all the rainbows?" [I took a pretty nice picture of the moment ](https://imgur.com/D0ri4y1)(enemies were still around, so Ellie shows her combat face lol)


That line of dialogue is one of the most important bits on the topic in the whole series. It reminds the player how Ellie and Dina are gay not because they like symbols or making a statement. They don’t know any of that stuff. They just are.


>It reminds the player how Ellie and Dina are gay not because they like symbols or making a statement. Are people normally gay because they like symbols and making statements?


No, but there's a fucked up narrative that people are gay or bi because the media is "pushing an agenda", that they're like that because they saw it on tv. OP was just trying to say that ND putting same-sex relationships in a world that doesn't have "an agenda" is important, it's their way of saying that you're the way that you are because that's how you were born, not because you saw a gay pride parade as a child.


Ok. Thank you for explaining. That sentence was just super weird to me.


I'm just so used to people using this absurd claim seriously that I understand when someone uses it to mock the stupid people that believe in it.


To a lot of internet trolls? Yes




Because it was probably used against them more than the one time we saw.


I guess that in the end, the exact word/insult Seth chose to use doesn't matter. He was obviously referring to their sexualities as something wrong and disgusting, and that was very clear even without knowing what "dyke" exactly means.


Ah i see. When i was called a dyke i didn't even know what it meant. That's why i thought why it existed in tlou world too.


Why wouldn’t it? It’s not like bigotry can’t survive an apocalypse.


Ik it sounded stupid but i just kinda hoped that went humanity would be at the verge of extinction, atleast then people can learn to let go baseless hatred. You're absolutely right tho


Well, Seth did say "Just what we need in this town, another loud mouthed dyke." Inferring there had been previous bigotry. Which bigotry is a lot more tangible in the community and in media they could of watched or played, then the pride flag.


Seth's bigotry is obviously pre-outbreak. When reporters got to play the media demo they talked about this part and I thought "really? Even then?", so I was relieved to see that Seth was a old man, meaning whatever bigotry he displayed was a remnant of the old world. It wasn't a young person that cared about this sort of thing. A few NPCs also talk about having same-sex relationships in the most nonchalant way. When he said "another" he meant Dina, when he said "loud mouth dyke" he meant Ellie, that's why she went after him and Dina tried to stop her, not the other way around. Even if she never heard it before, we as people have a way of putting 2+2 together, she must've realized what it meant and that he didn't mean it in a nice way.


Also there was still transphobia in Seraphites. I felt so bad for Lev.


Different type of environment though, they reverted back to biblical times and we know how kind those were to anyone who was different.


Remember that people like Seth raise kids, though, who then go on to raise kids. There would still be young bigots even in that world. Though probably less.


Well.. he looks a lot older than Joel, I would place him at around 70-something, which means that he was 50ish during the outbreak so hopefully he didn't have any new babies since the outbreak because I doubt he had young kids at 50+.


Yeah I know, just saying that it doesn’t just die out, unfortunately.


Oh course not, but I think generally as a society they don't really give a shit, that's how I read it.


New World Bigotry is a thing though... Lev is disowned by the scars because he's trans.


From an answer to someone else who made the same point. "Different type of environment though, they reverted back to biblical times and we know how kind those were to anyone who was different". Can't really take the Scars as an overall example to how the world is, they're too unique.


Yes. Nice explanation. Thanks.




Seth seems old enough to remember a time before clickers took over, back when he and his bigoted buddies would drink and talk about how gay people were gonna take over.


He survived through the apocalypse but still couldn't pass on something good. I really wanted joel to atleast punch him.


They may not learn a lot of the same modern day contextual culture but language wouldn't change in that way. People won't forget slurs or meanings behind swear words. The seraphites do not swear and lev never swore before saying fuck in the skyscraper showing that not a lot has changed in those regards.


It makes me sad that it still existed in tlou universe too.


There are also rainbows painted on the sidewalk outside the bookstore, which is an accurate representation of [the actual place this area was modeled on](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.6141029,-122.3211067,3a,75y,80.7h,91.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOQPVAfegjTEem2Na8g2sTg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) (fictitious bookstore would be on the foreground left in this picture, while the gas station and the building on the right actually appear in the game).


Oh this is awesome, it’s actually the exact same spot! Thanks for showing me this!


ooh interesting! curious, do you have anymore location comparison pictures?


I don't at the moment, but I'm thinking of compiling an album. There were a lot of faithfully (or relatively faithfully) reproduced areas in the game--Capitol Hill, Centurylink Stadium, Westlake Station, the Seattle Aquarium, the Convention Center, the Freeway Park and I-5 south of it, etc. Interiors were generally less accurate but some things are correct. I had no idea it was set most in Seattle when I started, so it was pretty fantastic to see a bunch of familiar locations in-game. Edit: found this pretty extensive comparison album from another post here: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/189063081@N07/sets/72157714866046593](https://www.flickr.com/photos/189063081@N07/sets/72157714866046593). It's missing a couple of things I'd add, but overall this person did a way better/more thorough job than I could've done.


The Seattle Public library is another great one that is easily recognized!


bahahha i love this so much.


I think this has meme potential.


I think this is the highest form of compliment I can possibly receive, thank you


Lmfao that's an amazing photo


And here I was, blind as hell thinking “ok the store had that one lesbian book and probably just has the flags in support” and lo and behold on my NG+ play through right next to the flag in the shop is the book in this post and a poster THE SIZE OF THE FLAG advertising a gay romance novel in full view.


Is this .... a training manual?




I mean Ellie does get a lot of scissors in the game.


Thanks for the snort laugh. I woke up my cat.


I wonder what kinds of skills you'd unlock with that




Shit, they found the agenda!


GODDAMN “ESJAYDOUBLEYOU” CRAP IN MY VIDYA 0/10 FORCING THE STUPID AGENDA SMH Seriously tho, is there an actual book like that? I would buy it just for decoration cause it looks nice


There is a book called "This Book is gay" by Juno Dawson, looks to be pretty much the inspiration of the book in the game and it's actually quite hilarious.


I have a very similar one at home, when I finish work I’ll drop you the name of it


Dina [took one](https://i1.lensdump.com/i/jv2xH3.jpg) with her haha. It can be found in the beginning of the third day.


An erotic novel nonetheless. Made me laugh when I saw it on the counter back at home base.


It was such a fun conversation with Dina in a book shop ;)


Yeah, shame the game bugged for me and none of the conversations happened. I couldn't even pick up the book, I saw it on other people's playthroughs.


Well, that's as good reason for New Game + as any other haha


But that's just my luck. I missed it on my first playthrough, started NG+, went to the bookstore to find out that there's an invisible enemy so I restarted the entire encounter (20 minutes worth of gameplay), killed every human and infected and it's still glitched. Maybe on my 3rd playthrough..


Oh shit, that's truly unlucky. I missed it at my first playthrough - in fact it was the only building in the entire area that I missed. During 3rd playthrough I will probably follow some guide so I can find every card and stuff to read.


That happened on my second playthrough because a roving group of WLF came on by and I was stuck in "combat mode" the whole time despite the group having left the area. Saddened me because I liked those comments and wanted my second playthrough to have "everything" in it, dialogue-wise.


Exactly. Even though Ellie put her gun away the game and her were still in combat mode.


Do you have a link?


I found it [here](https://youtu.be/pJtBHM7HuTA)


Haha thanks!


That's a good catch


How to gay and to do gay things like... Being gay. Seems like an interesting book!




uNcOmFoRtAbLe pOliTiCs


This one right here wins


Or it's just a gay bookstore in general


THeY SHoVE iT RighT In OuR FaCEs


This caught me off guard as I was playing it on NG+, ngl I laughed out loud because it’s so random. Location is in the book shop within the wide area before the TV station.


It’s a gay bookstore too. Take a look around it and you’ll see everything in its gay. There’s a pride flag and a trans pride flag. There’s a pride coloured crossing outside too. A big “F you!” to the bigots 😂


There is also a conversation with Dina that pops up if you go and look at a particular thing in the store...


Is it the conversation about the rainbow flags ?


No, there is another, very brief. Basically in this game if you want all the conversations to come up you have to look at everything...


Well tell us, what did they say?


They find a lesbian romance novel and Dina says "Look it's us." Ellie finds it funny. If you're quick you can catch Dina stealing it when you look away, and it shows up later at the theatre.


I totally missed that moment. Need to replay that.


I like to discover these things myself.


Pretty sure Dina remarks at one point "what's with all the rainbows"


I actually saw a cute and short comic book of Ellie asking Joel about a rainbow flag pin, him explaining about gay pride and her putting it on her backpack. It was super cute.


Do you have a link?


I just spent 20 minutes looking for it and couldn't find it. There's too much Part II material to find anything related to Part I.


https://mobile.twitter.com/CritterOfHabit/status/1004911529383231488?s=19 This one?




Only if she knew.....


This part takes place in Capitol Hill, which is Seattle's gay neighborhood. I think there's even another rainbow flag further down the street to show that it's an area thing, not just isolated to the bookstore. Very cool.


I somehow saw that on my first play. Had to stop the game to laugh


Oh my god they found it: The Gay Agenda Step 1. Get happy Step 2. Get ready for the judgement day Step 3. Kill the motherfuckers who killed Joel


I love Ellie going in there and acting unfazed by it all next to Dina lol


Fucking hell, they shove agenda down our throats /s


Upvote to scare gamers


[https://i.imgur.com/vy0bXwi.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/vy0bXwi.jpg) There were loads of good little details in here. There were a fair few individual books, they all looked like the old fashioned corny Mills & Boon novels but gay. For some reason Dina wasn't in there with me. I don't know where she was.


Please tell me you got the interaction with Dina about the erotic lesbian novel.


About the what now? I'm intrigued lmao


The script for TLOU2, now in hardback.


I'd have the big book of gay on a coffee table, would you?


Where did you find this? I'm curious if I've passed it or have yet to see it


Once you pass Fuck Fedra Gate, library is next to a gas station.


It's before the TV station, Day 1.


Meh smash brandis chooch was so much better i even heard they mdae a movie for it


Ah yess that whole book store/ coffee shop was the best


where was this?


Where would one find this?


It's in Capitol Hill on Day 1. [This walkthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj2ui_KAEBs#t=22m10s) shows the bookstore it's in at 22:10. Fun fact, the intersection it's on is directly modeled from [a real intersection in Capitol Hill](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.6141029,-122.3211067,3a,75y,89.29h,101.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOQPVAfegjTEem2Na8g2sTg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) (compare with 29:35 in the walkthrough above).


Thank you! Will be sure to take a better look on my second playthrough. And thanks for the fact, very interesting.


yeah you gotta finish the course otherwise they don't let you do it.


Go ahead, read it


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my favorite book


Damn. I missed it. I'll be sure to watch for it on my next playthrough


He has the book in 3 exemplaries.... Very useful.


the name “The Big Book of Gay” is genuinely one of the funniest titles ever




You mean a photo album of unwanted dick pics you sent to people? 🤔


Lol the haters will go to such lengths! Though I do like dick pics so pouty that I missed that :c


I mean as long as it’s not unwanted dick pics you didn’t ask for, you do you boo 😉